
Thirteen Original

Colonies Web-Quest


Your expertise is needed immediately! We need historians to report on the 13 original colonies. The information you provide will be used to teach others about colonial times. Below is a chart of the thirteen original colonies to investigate.

|New England Colonies |Middle Colonies |Southern Colonies |

|Rhode Island |New Jersey |South Carolina |

|Connecticut |Pennsylvania |North Carolina |

|New Hampshire |Delaware |  |Virginia |

|Massachusetts |New York |Maryland |

|  |  |Georgia |

Useful links:

|American Colonies -(Reasons Founded) |Founder's Chart |Social Studies for Kids-13|

| | |Colonies |

|Colonies- Geography & Industry |Farming in the 13 Colonies | |

|Middle Colonies- Geography & Industry |Life in the Colonies | |

The Task

The task is to identify and make discoveries of EACH of the 13 original colonies. You will uncover this information through research. Your final report will include:

• Identification of the original colony

• The founders of the colony and the year it was founded

• Descriptions of why the colony was founded

• Economical & Geographical characteristics of the colony

• Other important facts discovered about the colony

• After analyzing your findings, you will create a multimedia presentation to illustrate your colony's history.

The Process

 Once the information has been completed for EACH colony, students will create a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint. Your presentation must include 14 slides.

Slide 1 - Title Slide - Name of Student, Period, Date, and Title of Project (13 Colony Project)

Slide 2 - 14 - ONE slide for each colony which includes the following information:

• Identification of the original colony

• The founders of the colony and the year it was founded

• Descriptions of why the colony was founded

• Economical & Geographical characteristics of the colony

• Other important facts discovered about the colony

• A picture of the colony


 Your teacher will discuss evaluation of your project with you.


You will have a better understanding of how the 13 original colonies were founded after completing this Web-Quest.



As an expert on your assigned colony, you will create a poster that addresses the following questions:

1. Who was the founder of the colony?

2. What were the economic characteristics of the colony?

3. What was the predominant religion?

4. What Government was established in the colony?

5. Why did the founders leave Europe to find the colony?

Your poster should reflect the colony in the following ways:

• Posterboard is at least 2 ft. x 2 ft. and is shaped like the colony.

• All of the key ideas are written on the poster board.

• The information must be accurate and all words should be spelled correctly.

• At least five visuals should accompany the written aspects; these may be from the computer or drawn by hand.

• It should be neat, colorful, and visually appealing.


When you deliver your two-minute presentation on your poster, you will summarize the key ideas from your research, then answer one of the following questions. Your response should be different than what is already on your poster and should include your original thoughts as well as your thoughts on the following questions:

• What are three unique qualities about this colony that would draw families from Europe to live here?

• What are the key aspirations people have in this particular colony?

• If you had to choose one of your teachers to live in this colony, explain, in detail, who it would be and why.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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