Name: You may use the calculator on the computer to answer the questions below Words: Characters5 GWAM=WordsMinutes4352925255905Words = Words = Words and GWAM WorksheetYou typed 150 characters. How many words did you type?4629150264795Words = GWAM = Words = GWAM = Gumball typed 180 characters in 3 minutes. What was his GWAM?Margaret typed the passage below in 2 minutes. What was her GWAM?Whoosh, I got him back. Oops! But that one's missed! Now they're coming thick and fast, Snowy balls as big as fists! It must be time to call a truce, before I'm soaked right through! My brother's just too good at this, and my hands are turning blue! But snowball fights are such good fun, Even though it's cold and wet! So just one more and here it goes, Splat! I got him on his neck!Characters = Words = GWAM = Finn typed the passage below in 4 minutes. What was his GWAM?Look at the stars, way up there, so very far away. High in the sky, they shine so white, and never seem to stray. Like little dots, or specks of paint, just floating up above. I wonder, what they do up there, and what they are made of?Characters = Words = GWAM = Rigby typed the passage below in 4 minutes. What was his GWAM? Super Spaceman Pigsworth, the galactic Chester White, flies his spaceship to the rescue, Of all aliens in plight. This heroic hog defender, dashing astronautic knight, you can see him vanquish baddies, if you watch the sty at night!Characters = Words = GWAM = How many characters makes on word? What does GWAM stand for?How would you calculate GWAM?Subtract the number of word from the number of minutesDivide the number of minutes timed by the number of words?Multiply the number of word by the number of minutes timedDivide the number of words by the number of minutes timed ................

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