
JUNG TYPOLOGY TESTCarl Jung (1875-1961) was a psychiatrist who founded the analytical school of psychology, following the works of Sigmund Freud. He developed a set of personality types, dealing with how a person responds in a social environment.Take the quiz, found at , PRINT your results, put your name on it and then determine your personality type:energizes (Extroversion v. Introversion), perceives information (Sensing v. Intuition), makes decisions (Thinking v. Feeling) and lives his life (Judging v. Perceiving). Note: Extroversion?is?defined?as the quality of being outgoing and directing attention to things other than yourself. When a person likes going out all the time and being the center of attention, this is an example of extroversion. Introversion is the act of directing one's interest inward or to things within the self. the state of being concerned primarily with one's own thoughts and feelings rather than with the external environment.Four preferences — one from each pair — make up someone's personality type. This is indicated by the four letters that refer to each preference (note the letters in bold type above). There are 16 different personality types in all: ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, and ENTJ AFTER YOUR RESULTS ARE GIVEN-When you go back to the main page, search for your personality type- Step Application _____/8 marksWrite a REFLECTION on what personality type you have based on the full description given. Write a short paragraph for each question please (approx. 5-6 sentences or more). Does this personality assessment seem accurate compared to what you feel your personality truly is? Explain why or why not responding to FOUR different things mentioned about your personality that you read in your personality type description.In relation to your Jung personality assessment and/or your own assessment of your personality, what aspects/traits of your personality would you say you are happiest/proud of? Describe at least FIVE. Explain why in relation to your life in terms of any of the following: your personal life, professional life, family life, educational, etc. TIP - -- Here is a list of MANY personality traits/characteristics that people have to help you think of other aspects of your own personality for question b and c. NEXT PAGE…In relation to your Jung personality assessment and your own assessment of your personality, what aspects/traits of your personality would you say you are the LEAST happiest/proud of? In other words, which traits do you wish you did not have? Describe at least FIVE. Explain why in relation to your life in terms of any of the following: your personal life, professional life, family life, educational, etc. Do you recall/remember what we have discussed previously in class about what personality traits are the most important to have to be successful in the workplace? What do you believe are additional traits that are important for this? Write down a list of 6 in total of your own (e.g. critical thinker, confident, etc.). Then ask fellow classmates what they think and write down another 4 in total based on their responses. ................

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