
Exegesis -- 038 - 1A

So Realm II (pain, enslavement, guilt, tears, punishment) is being dismantled by the cosmic Christ and rewoven into realm I (love, beauty, freedom, innocence, joy) and us with it. The BIP will be replaced by the PTG. We will pass from a mechanical state into true freedom of our minds, informed by St. Sophia, (the Logos) as psyche of the organism. The (or a) crucial transition to this took place in 1974: our historic situation was improved.

Realm II is a mere stockpile and in a sense delusional (irreal - a spell, or blindness or occlusion, oppressing us). What is useful in it Christ takes. (1) He as Holy Spirit awakens us from our programmed - android-like - sleep. By this we are released from enslavement (which we are only aware of as suffering and pointlessness: ie blind chaos ruling us).

It is Noos vs Ananke. Sentience (purpose) vs the deterministic. Healing (restoration) vs sickness.

What we get out of this is a return to God (Noos) and eternal life (through Christ as intermediary and cosmic body with us as parts).

I did not invent all this, nor accept it on faith: it was disclosed to me by the Holy Spirit, which saved me from physical and spiritual death. And freed me. We in Christ, and Christ in us.

(1) In this manner (it can be said) he has returned. I saw him. And I have heard his voice. I saw my name entered in the Book of Life, saw the prophetic book in which my troubles were foretold from the beginning, and granted the beatic vision of Exegesis -- 038 - 1B

reunion with God: the vast void, filled with love.

Exegesis -- 038 - 2

---------------------- (1) Cosmic Christ outside and

| | around us.

| Drawing -- see ms. | (2) Our own selves (psyches)

| | (3) Christ as Holy Spirit

---------------------- within us. So it can

be said that we are in Christ ((1)), and Christ is in us ((3)). This is a sacred mystery, how that which is macrocosmic and outside us can also be "smaller" than us and within us. Total reality (the pleroma) is like a titantic hologram of which each tiny bit is a replica of the totality. It is a mirror-like situation.


In Acts there are two conversions: of Paul on the road to Damascus, and the black eunach by Philip. In "Tears" these two are melded (condensed) into one conversion (of Felix). But all the parts of both are there.

Due to a vision (while on the road) he now embraces those whom he oppressed - and specifically what Paul writes about: agape.


Thinking over my exegesis I see it as a vast, original cosmology, partly philosophical and partly theological. It is my own worldview, in part divinely revealed to me, in part arrived at by careful analysis, ratiocination and so forth. It is an awe-inspiring structure and resembles no other arrived at by anyone I have ever heard of. Continually I have been corrected and instructed by the voice.

Exegesis -- 038 - 3

Bishop Berkeley ^See p. 6 felt the world was not there is the sense we think it to be, but was God acting directly on us ^to cause us to experience it. I presume one irreal world and another which is -

If only they had used "Noos" instead of "God" as their term. I see a sentient world replacing a blind and mindless one (as Pascal points out: the universe "Does not know"). This is the single idea I believe outweighs all else I've come to believe, know, and understand. We are confronted by process, and this is the process. This was Plato's cosmology. By this one can understand undeserved suffering (the Lower realm: mindless) and salvation (the action of the upper with its psyche Christ). That totality could be partly this and partly that, not all of one piece - Noos grows in its sovereignty; this is what time is, this extending process. God as invader in our (lower) world - who has ever grasped this? And at the same time spaceless inside us: already here from the start, but silent. Waiting to link up with its macro form and thus abolish the two realm structure and arrive at God as all-in-all-and-all. God in unitary macroform rescues and liberates the plurality of micro (inner) forms. Salvidor Salvandus.

The progressive activity of mind overruling blind chance-and-determinism - the miraculousness and beauty of it, the wonder of it: this is what I saw, and this is what saved me. Not everything is part of the divine plan - but the divine wins in the end. No matter what card is thrown down it can always pick it up. Exegesis -- 038 - 4

It always supercedes.


I was taken over by a superior life form. Which was interfering with history. What am I suppose to do? How am I supposed to go on day by day?


Processes - blind ones - continually originate (or more properly come into being as the result of deterministic causes) in the lower realm, and are what we call evil, and are taken in tow by the overruling discretionary sentient powers of realm I. So the outcome is what we call Good (or more accurately intentional and purposeful). This dialectic continues perpetually. This transfer from realm I to realm II - this rising transmutation, this capture. So you must witness a process to its conclusion to correctly evaluate it.








Exegesis -- 038 - 5


" ... a belief in salvation through spiritual knowledge or wisdom communicated by a revealer (not a redeemer) ... " etc. " ... they sought a revealer who had come into the world hidden from the evil powers and known only to those, the pneumatikoi, or the spiritual elite, who recognize him" Cf: " ... the Messianicsecret ... as an understanding. Both that the Messiah would appear without recognition except by those who are chosen and to whom he reveals himself and that we must suffer. For outsiders, then, he remains a mystery until the age to come." re Mark. "Many references to persecution in Mark point toward Roman oppression and a Martyr Church that was preoccupied with a confirmation with the Satanic power behind the world's hositility to Jesus and his message. There was stress on the underlying fact that the church must witness before the authorities in a hostile world."

Christ among us unknown except to a few to whom he reveals himself? Eschatological expectations secretly fulfilled? The Parousia secretly here? This is the sacred wisdom or Gnosis.

"Jesus came from a higher world." "His gift of eternal life is already conferred."

Exegesis -- 038 - 6

In his resurrected (ie cosmic and discorporate) form does He perhaps reveal his presence (Parousia) just to a few (Mark's "secrecy" theme)? And am I one of those few - dare I believe that without hubris? What else could explain my 2/3 - 74 experience? It wasn't just (sic) the Holy Spirit because I saw it/him/her outside me, overruling casual trains - it was in me and outside me, and I saw Rome at the time of Acts. And found that world depicted in "Tears" and the Kerygma of exculpation; also, what appears to be the Kerygma of His presence. (Disguised in the book - hidden, but there.) (The proclamation hidden, Him hidden.)

The secrecy theme - the hostile world of evil powers Their world (realm II) is being secretly transmuted out of their control.


Berkeley's theory about God causing us to experience the world by Him operating on us directly, and the world not real - this is Lem's problem as stated "Could a brain which is being fed a spurious reality detect it as such - ie to be spurious?" A technological foul up would equal a dysfunction such as a major time dysfunction: ie the person (ie brain) suddenly fed a different "tape" (world), giving it 1) not only a fading out of one world, but in addition 2) a fading in of another. In such an

Exegesis -- 038 - 7

event using either Berkeley's or Lem's model you would (as individual brain) have the necessary evidence, were the world substantial and hence the sole world, this could not happen. And Zebra did act directly on my percept system. Then I have my epistemological solution: dysfunction or foul up, or de-occlusion - the result is the same.

To someone who might object to Berkeley's hypothesis as pragmatically meaningless, I say, "wrong." If Berkeley is right, we are linked - not to an it - but are confronted by an intelligence, and one greater than our own. Second, the presented world could be taken away and another one substituted. Third, God could unveil himself as that which we confront: the occlusion, posited therewith. Could be lifted and we could see a "you" not an "it." I think my 3-74 experience confirms all this.

Then there is an epistemological reciprocal verification between 1) seeing Zebra; and 2) seeing another space-time world, esp since Zebra was "spider-like" ie weaving reality, changing it. It obviously generates whole worlds, and impresses those worlds on our senses.

Exegesis -- 038 - 8

And in addition, its reality-generating power extends into the person in terms of his memory and identity; it can be perfectly synchronized with the projected outer reality, producing what I call a push-pull feedback loop. So nothing discordant is experienced by the person. Wow. I'd guess a deliberate "dysfunction" would have to be created, for the person to get de-occluded.

Then am I to infer that [true, actual] salvation meant being broken free of this push-pull inner/outer "taped" reality? Wow, is that ever some salvation! That is pretty heavy. A rigid inner-outer synched programming! 1) World outside; 2) identity and memories inside - and both irreal. I guess this is realm II ... but - wow, to have this "cut" or withdrawn ... shades of "The Electric Ant." Machine intelligence: android - not free.

And the Christian secret: we're really "in" Acts, as I show in "Tears." The computer or brain, fed a spurious reality, was able, in "Tears" to trace the contours of the actual reality. Yes, it was able to tell.

Whatever and whenever world it feeds us will seem absolutely natural, since our memories and identities are cinched up. Then what happened to me in 3-74 in which

Exegesis -- 038 - 9

I had 2 superimposed worlds and 2 superimposed selves? Not a dysfunction; I think I was being let in on the Gnosis deliberately (ie lifted out of realm II).

I can't stress this enough: whatever reality you see, you will remember it having "always" been there, even if in actuality up to that moment you'd been another person fed another reality entirely.

What a demonstration of God's power! (ie 3-74.) To be stuck in 2 space-time worlds at once, with 2 inner selves each with its own memory! Each matching one of the two external worlds: and to see Zebra as well, modifying one of the two worlds -

It showed me it could as effortlessly place me in another space-time as leave me where I'd been.

Also - we are not just inner-outer programmed to respond to disinhibition stimuli in our world; we are programmed to experience that world qua world! Perhaps this is why this inner-outer "tape" can be perfectly synchronized: the particular world isn't even really there, the "world" is just really a bundle of info-rich signals fired at us, like colored lights.

Exegesis -- 038 - 10

Well, this just bears out Parmenides' contention that form II (what I call realm II) is not real.

The collapse of my inner identity may have led to the reciprocal collapse of the analagous outer world. Another identity came from somewhere - but where? 2000 years ago, Rome - but strangely, the world I wrote stegenocraphically in "Tears". There is another world but - it's like plugging in replacement modules. The absolute link between inner identity and world must be understood; the two can't be pried apart. Then if I tamper with my identity I can switch worlds - we are yoked to world, not the world but whatever the analog world is. Then Zebra can generate a world by generating the identity, and identity - if we start talking about the soul - is considered a fragment of God.

Theology supports this "soul-identity" concept.

What must be ascertained is whether Acts is a world (among worlds) or the world. The the world theory would be easy to handle - the a world theory would less ~~easy~~ easily explain "Tears," although with effort it could be worked in. The a world theory leads to chaos, to nowhere. I sense that this is a matter of divine discretion; it chooses to supply the world of Acts for reasons but is not limited to it, as if word binds God.

What we have is pattern recognition based on memory. You cannot identify Rome if you cannot remember it. Two things are required:

1) internal enhanced memory (anamnesis)

2) the outer Gestalt. (to be recognized). It

Exegesis -- 038 - 11

is evident from this that either (1) or (2) alone would produce no results. Rome could be staring you in the face, and without enhanced memory it might as well not be there. Suppose, then, it has been there all this time but memory was lacking. If, then, memory were suddenly augmented, Rome would seem to appear (ie the Gestalt would be recognized), as if it had just now come into being. Thus, the most economical theory to explain my seeing Rome CAD70 in 3-74 is to say, "it was there all the time but I lacked the long-term memory by which to recognize it." Thus the tinkering could be limited to the inner me, and world left unchanged. But world is stigmatized as having really secretly been Rome all along concealed by our ignorance.

The Rome - world of Acts - is the - not a - world. Anamnesis is the crucial change.

I now state: whatever and whenever the world of "Tears" is, that is the true world. If it can be shown to be the Rome of the time of Acts, then Rome at the time of Acts is the genuine (but normally unrecognized) reality. (turn to p 73)

Scrupulous study of "Tears" convinces me that it is covertly Acts, but, in the novel, glossed over by a modern overlay - exactly as it is as our reality. The form-axis "reversion" of "UBIK" (the onion model) must be looked to. "Tears" is a special (particular) case of the devolution of "UBIK."

Exegesis -- 038 - 12A


| |

| Drawing -- see ms |

| |


Rome is often stigmatized as the personification of the Satanic power. So if Rome is really there, then Q.E.D. the Satanic power is there (behind it). This explains why I saw also the illegal apostolic Christians undermining it. By my figuring, I could not have failed to see them, too.

"Tears" is more important than 3-74 although for me 3-74 was more important subjectively. "Tears" is the vital information. My experience (as I've said before) is what an awareness of that knowledge can produce. I am an example of the "product" of my own book properly used. But the Golden Fish sign was also necessary. Here enters the true secret church and the "Char Freitag Zauber."

The cryptic basis of the world of "Tears" is Acts. The cryptic basis of our world is Acts. Following the reasoning of Parmenides I deny reality to our world, to "Tears," and affirm it for Acts-as-world. In this respect our world = "Tears" but only via Acts. What "Tears" shows is that Acts can take a plurality of modern day forms and yet remain what it really is unchanged (ie by contrasting and collating our world with "Tears" we can see the constant: Acts as substratum).

I did not see (in 3-74) or write about in "Tears" or remember in 2-74 a modern, contemporary extension to time of Rome, but rather Rome of the time of Acts ie the distant past as true and real and secretly here. I saw the "early Christians" Exegesis -- 038 - 12B

first, and remembered. Then we are indeed asleep, and our reality falsified. We have been made

Exegesis -- 038 - 13

to forget; the Golden Fish reminded me - did not just enhance but my memory. And just how long-term was it really? Two thousand years? or -

I think we have an irreal "spinning" time involved here, a duplicity. Rome CAD70 is directly accessible to the senses upon restoration of true memory.

The entire power (presence) of world over us is broken by Christ via the Holy Spirit and Holy Wisdom. We suddenly see things as they are. It is a correct aspect vs a false one.

My false identity was not stoutly enough made. It crumbled in the face of truth; the dream ended and I woke up. But they awakened me deliberately in synch with the release of "Tears" is important.

Are we talking about long-term memory or rather correct meaning? Long term is correct. Yes, I recall the anamnesis as being long term. Long enough, for the pattern-recognition to take place; but this brought about a recognition not of the past but the present (ie Acts is now). (I did not remember Acts; I saw Acts). I identified it correctly, both in my world (in 1974) and later in "Tears." People and events.

I did not just "remember" the secret illegal Christians fighting Rome; I remembered, "I am one of them." It was an "us." We did not profess (witness) openly; we had secret sacraments, and secret signs to recognize one another. That is very early. As the girl said: early. We still used the fish sign, not the cross.

Exegesis -- 038 - 14

"Our reality is falsified." 1) Some spurious data are fed to us. 2) Some vital genuine data are denied to us. The result: we can't see what is there, but instead see something else. So two changes must occur: 1) cessation - ejection back to ground - of spurious data. 2) Augmentation of the "stripped" (purified) Gestalt by the missing and essential data. Result: Rome CAD70 appears. These two processes are achieved in the individual viewer, not in world. So no one else sees any change, although they are aware that unique and enormously important historical changes are taking place.

I forgot this: the historical "modulating" of USA 1974. Apocalypsis. Release of "Tears" synchronized.

Heavy and exciting. The tyranny in "Tears" fell, and so did ours. Through the conversion of Buckman - Paul. Victory over Rome, not in linear time (realm II) but in the real time of realm I.

We have to assume an enslaving power who deludes (). (Supra p. 14.) "Tears" is one such world, but the outline of the real landscape shows through.


I just realized: the substantial core of Acts material in "Tears" - without which there wouldn't be enough to speak of Acts material in "Tears" - came as a result of the dream: ie Paul's conversion and the conversion of the black man by Philip. Without that,

Exegesis -- 038 - 15

we are really left with a police official named Felix, and a character named Jason. Not enough. And the dream, the conversion (melding of Paul's and the black's) were manifestly to me: both dream and what Buckman did as a result. In 1970 I knew that was no ordinary dream: and it had to go into "Tears" plus the scene at the gas station.

Beyond any doubt, the divine power was acting on me. Getting that material into "Tears" - for openers, to create the Acts stratum, plus the code word "Felix" juxtiposed with "King." (the dream.)

1) So I need not keep asking how the Acts material got into "Tears", and 2) it is evident that the divine power wanted that material in the book - which dovetails with 2/3-74 etc: almost certainly as a covert communication to persons unknown to me who would know what it meant.

Felix (Happy) King is here (who appears as the ancient of days, and Christ in revelation are pictured) - who is this Happy King? The outward serious form give some clues; but "Felix" must be crucial. I guess Zagreus/Christ, but whatever King he is, the message is, He is here. Broke into our time and world.

Felix culpa? (Christ) to Felix Rex

Exegesis -- 038 - 16

1) the Happy King is here.

2) My novel "Tears" was used as a vehicle to announce it covertly

3) A month after "Tears" was released I saw him: Zebra. And doing what the awaited King is supposed to do: pull down "Rome," the tyranny. (etc)

So the message in "Tears" ratifies my 3-74 experience with Zebra.


Could we suppose the false, limited meaning to be specifically edited so as to exclude the template "Rome"? Or is the template merely added (ie it was never excised, just lacking)? In any case it is added. The object which the template fits is out there, and without the template we can't recognize it. The giving the template is a crucial gift, nobly salvific; with it, all falls into place. But, to stress this once more, it is Rome CAD45. Staggering. As I say, it's like in "Tears" - the ancient is gilded over with a modern facade. "Tears" is a textbook showing how this can be done. done.

It's been a long time since I've written about the set-ground discrimination I experienced in 3-74. The template would draw Rome CAD45 forward as set - a discrimination impossible without it; all would remain as ground. This in effect is what I did later with "Tears" re the Acts material. One could speak of a signal unscrambler. Then one could speak of a scrambler in the first place, a signal scrambler. (eg the word "Felix" came forward as set, when I was de-occluded.)

Exegesis -- 038 - 17

I should not say merely, "I saw Rome CAD45" but rather, "I saw the antithetical confrontation between Rome CAD45 and the early secret Christians." It was an activity, as well as a thing (Rome as thing). That this activity exists could explain why we don't see it: the thing uses a tactic of concealment to preserve itself. This fits the "replicating virus" theory of Burroughs - I would say Gestalt, as shaping (and certainly as functioning). It has a life cycle of sorts. It is an organism.

But, again, is time spurious? The temporal accretions are somehow not quite there. Yet Rome is there, all right. Ah! It penetrates (pervades) the accretional layers, like electricity through iron. Now, I saw Zebra penetrating matter. Rome, too, penetrates matter. I call upon Berkely and say, it (matter) is not truly substantial but a so-to-speak medium. Through which the 2 antithetical realities (!) contend. Then Rome and Zebra (my God!) are trans - or supratemporal; ie at a higher reality.

Zoroastrianism. Qumran.

They are both transtemporal constants.

Then the temporal accretions are simply "onion rings" penetrated by the contants locked in blow and counterblow. To neither of them is time experienced as linear. The "Rome" is a living or quasi-living entity, more than a thing,

Exgesis -- 038 - 18

Acts is the time at which the antithetical confrontation began. Rome had existed before that time, but it was then - the time of Acts - that ~~then~~ its antagonist, the early and secret Christian church, first breached into time and this world and appeared. The dialectic did not exist until then. It began - Rome now had a lethal enemy devoted to dismantling it. Christ in his lifetime specifically did not fight. But noe, in discorporate form, he is the psyche of the organism pitted against Rome. The Bible does not make this change (of posture) clear. Christ (ie Jesus) did not fight, but the infant church will. It consists of a number of humans formed as parts into the mystical Corpus Christi, which does contend against Rome. Perhaps this was the strategy agreed on on the Mount of Ascention (Jesus, Moses and Elijah conferring). Not an incarnate but a transtemporal resurrected Messiah was needed.

Ah! The 2 antagonists both occupy historic entities as "suits" or "incarnations" perpetually. A given historical entity (eg USA or USSR) can be fronts of first one, then the other. The two transtemporal entities infiltrate, take over, motivate, one entity - some large, some small - as psychoi, after another: like gloves. This explains my theolepsy in 3-74. Can I not personally witness to this supernatural "enthusiasm"? Here is the M.O. of the divine, as I personally know; now I infer that Rome qua "virus" does the same.

This is an extraordinary realization. Centuries whizz by, and the 2 antagonisms continuously confront each other in a thousand forms. Exegesis -- 038 - 19A

But the "receiving" polyforms don't always know (I didn't when I wrote "Tears"). This is very Zoroastrian, we are more chosen than choosing (sides). These transtemporal 2 entities are higher entities. They both are alive, and each is a unitary organism that can infiltrate objects, processes and people (I am herewith for the first time extrapolating from what Zebra does to what, perhaps, the antagonist can do; i.e. the same thing).

This is very much like Burrough's formulation (the Nova Mob vs the pursuing Nova police - and he has the latent message theory, too). Perhaps such messages as are produced by one portion of the divine entity are to keep all parts of it informed: it is one unitary entity but has divided up and must communicate (ie think) to all or other parts of itself. It is a sort of distributed brain. We act as nerve fibers within it, thus "Tears" speaks from one part of it - not to humans - but to other parts of it, which may have "enthused" various humans, as was done with me. (While inhabited I could see and read the vast flow of messages.)

Zebra = streams of intelligent electrical impulses carrying information. And controlling what it enthused.

So the Acts material in "Tears" would not be news to the receivers, but just establish that the book was the product of Zebra. The news, then, may well have been the "King Felix" linkage. The King of Tears - Nixon - had to go. "Felix" was like such terms as "Overlord" or "Barbarossa."

I characterize the BIP as enslaving more than criminal; it has its inner/outer syched programming by which it drives us Exegesis -- 038 - 19B

along like so many mechanical wheels.

Exegesis -- 038 - 20

The bottom line is that the BIP has us, and the divine is out to break its hold. (We are reduced to an android, machine status.)

Into this mechanical system has come (at the time of Acts) a vast brain capable of exerting control over people, objects and processes, pulling them out of the deterministic BIP system as/when it incorporates them: it is building a world inside a world, dismantling eForm II, the BIP world as it itself (Form I) grows. When it "enthuses" an object, the object is thereupon alive with imminent mind. We can't distinguish the difference between Ananke processes and objects so enthused.

It certainly like Timaeus - Noos vs Ananke, with Noos perpetually extending its persuasion. We are dealing with a capturing and a subduing, but I - well, okay; a higher, overruling realm over a nondiscretionary lower realm. But to me it implies a certain degree of the antithetical, although not dualistic; the BIP is blind and merely efficent-causal.

Yet I think both proliferate, move about and replicate, leap about - and what about camouflage? Memesis by both entities; each capabl;e of imminent controlling (annexing?).

Anyhow there is a good side vs a bad side, so a real dialectic exists. BIP "proposes" and Noos beings at once to "contour" or "modulate" - ie to dispose; ie incorporate; ie annex. But it skips about. I guess they both do. Like DNA they take control. It's scary, the limiting control by the BIP which occludes and runs the person like a thing. Zebra deoccludes, but more than that; you can function as a circuit of it qua brain!

Exegesis -- 038 - 21

I prefer the term "brain" to "mind" because it suggests something physical and real which can be the subject of empirical knowledge. Its memory was involved in my "pattern recognition based on memory [of Rome]" p.10. It is aware of its adversary. The parameters of the brain are actual; its "enthusing" is actual; its energy is actual and its message (thoughts?) take an actualized form.

It may be that rather than timeless (trans - or supra - temporal) its time rate is speeded up (like the phosphene activity) so that 2000 of our years are like a month or year to it. Its field of consciousness (ah!) spans thousands of years as its present. Hence it can see Rome with no difficulty as a temporal constant. I base this realization on my seeing aesthetic constants in the flash cut graphics of the phosphene period (experience). So you may run 2000 years past in a present - field and out of the vast quantity of permutations what is visible? Rome, as a temporal constant, and, vs it, the secret Christians who, I think, are stations of the divine brain; it is their psyche. This of course is what we know as the mystical (cosmic) body of Christ.

I'm not sure it's incorporal, except that, on the level at which it operates, the substantial, ie material, world is info and transfer and field and energy anyhow. The operated thing is slower - has to be - than the operator. The brain (in contrast to the physical world) operates - ratiocinates - very swiftly.

Exegesis -- 038 - 22A

This fast ratiocination may be the key to its identity - I saw it when my own neural firing was speeded up, and my field of consciousness vastly expanded in terms of the temporal present. Rome, the true temporal-constant Rome, is distributed over millenia. Its Gestalt only comes forward as set when so viewed. But it is an unchanging black prison, made of iron. And we are in it. Perhaps its time rate is very slow, and the brain's is the opposite; very fast. One too slow for us to see [it], the other too fast! But the brain is aware of Rome. Although concealed from us, the temporal constant Rome is visible to the brain.

I conceive the brain as rapidly growing, evolving and changing - and Rome as inert. Rome is always the same: Rome in USA 1974, in "Tears" and in CAD45 is unchanged. What it was it is, and what it is it will be. But in contrast the brain began CAD45 (time of Acts) and permutates furiously ... and continually altering its swift messages that pass between and among its physical - distributed - parts, linking those many parts together.

Rome, the BIP, constantly repeats; like a psychotic human mind, nothing new ever comes into it. So in a real sense it is dead; more precisely it is a reflex system of some kind, recirculating forever one (?) thought (?) warped into an orbitting circle - it has us. But the brain breaks that hold ("Salvation" - which equals growth which equals freedom - negentropic). The BIP's tug has no power over the brain at all (ie the upper realm, the brain, can overrule the lower, the BIP, Exegesis -- 038 - 22B

but never vice versa).

Exegesis -- 038 - 23

Hegel was very astute in seeing the unfolding operation of Divine Purpose in history. Taking the long view he saw, too, the dialectic interaction and the plan. Brain is unfolding in our actual historic world. In terms pertaining to us humans the unfolding consists of evolving homeostasis by individuals - Beethoven's contribution to what we conceive of as the person being the good example; the key term is freedom. Critical for this is what I call balking, which is in fact a fighting free of the BIP's reflex arc push-pull inner/outer determinism over us. There is no simple way to represent this limiting or control or dominion over us. Recent discoveries concerning DNA gene pool programming are an example of the discovers of this "obscure dominion," as Paul put it. Pascal's description of man as "a reed, but a thinking reed which when dying knows that he is dying" is a good example of a stage of human growth. History, although filled with war, ignorance and travail, can be read, also, in terms of this evolution of individuality. The establishment of America was an important step. Yet the BIP tugs us backward (here and in the USSR both - the Nixon period was a deadly roll back of human evolution, toward a fossil BIP prior form, but the brain burst it). Yes - this is why the brain interfered with recent US history: we were devolving along the axis of evolution which leads forward to greater homeostasis of the individual - ie greater self-programming.

Exegesis -- 038 - 24

Thus the brain sponsored the "leaderless revolution" against the Vietnam war. Perhaps the first successful totally leaderless revolution in human history. This is what was important, this evolution/revolution. The brain incited this advance in consciousness and awareness. Just to examine what was overthrown is to miss the point. I am -have been- missing the point. It was how it was overthrown. I was shown the divine power overthrowing (represented by the Sibyl). No amount of lies or force, fear or threat, could halt the collective consciousness: the manifestation of this moral collective Noos was one of the most important stages in all the millenia of human history. It was a physical expression (map) of the brain. I'm not theorizing. I know. The brain operated through me, e.g., at a conscious level. The establishment, with all its financial and industrial power, was opposed by a mind. The mind coordinated its parts, this is a miracle!

Then the 60s and 70s represents a quantum leap by the brain. In a sense, it actually came forward into actualization (the open: visible: if to me, then to others - it must be so; I can't be unique; that runs contrary to common sense.) (Well, I didn't put the code in "Tears" to read it myself.)

The ~~authories~~ authorities did not understand - at all guess - what confronted them. They had inaccurate, very inaccurate, intimations of a coordinating "group." They must

Exegesis -- 038 - 25

have succeeded in discerning a pattern (of coordination); ie the results but not the cause (source). They saw revolution; they saw the anti-establishment counterculture articulations (voices) and plotted correctly a synchronization, but could not account for it, despite the efforts of the police, Who were the leaders of this revolution? They had killed all the leaders, and it made no difference: the psyche or psychoi of the leaders lived on - literally. Impossible! (For instance, in 3-74 and on I toyed with the idea, for really quite a while, that it was Jim Pike who had "come across" to me! It was him!)

Timeo. What are we dealing with? I'd hate to have tried to kill it, like "they" tried. Who have we read about who was murdered - and invisibly came back(1),resurrected and - ubique.

Then it was "UBIK" that -

~~~~(1) The brain contains the saintly dead! (eg Jim)

"UBIK" depicted a spontaneous generation of guiding messages from an unknown source, which was ubiquitous. The Marxists took great interest in "UBIK" and wanted to know what UBIK was. My3-74 experience resembled "UBIK" - why? The presence of the vast (ibiquitous) brain (Zebra or VALIS) of course. In other words, in 3-74 I encountered the mind which in "UBIK" I called UBIK. It is the Logos, St. Sophia, but the Marxists, although evidently aware of its existence (how come?) could not accept that explanation. They may be right; more modern, more precise formulation may be possible. I am not able to do

Exegesis -- 038 - 26

that; I keep falling back on traditional stereotyped theological terms and concepts. What I am doing in this exegesis is, I am continually month after month trying to do just this. "Noos" replaces "God" and "Brain" replaces "Noos" as my key term. Zebra is a vast brain (etc). Rome is a dead circuit that recirculates the same signal. It warps human growth by tugging it backward into fossil stages. The lightning swift brain is dismantling realm II - the BIP's circuit board. Messages fly back and forth between the stations of this distributed brain, etc.

The voice: "Plenary override exists." Not knowing what "plenary" meant I looked it up. "Absolute, complete, perfect."

I must bear in mind: the brain is very old - 2000 years - back to Acts. It remembers the BIP back to CAD45; thus my "pattern recognition based on memory" (P10).

The brain's field of present is so extensive that it extends from CAD45 to now: a 2000 year present. So for it, CAD45 is now, as well as AD 1974. While I was incorporated into it I experienced vast space and time - and I looked to the starry sky for me place of origin (ie the brain's place of origin.


In its moving about (discorporate in one sense) the brain is like a giant floating crap game.

Exegesis -- 038 - 27

If it's like a floating crap game, this vast brain must be an organizing principle. A system of linking. This fits in with the disassembling and re-assembling into a new structure. I was taken into a thinking system ... how, if at all, does this system exist independently from the constituents which it links together? The same question has long been debated about the relationship between a human mind and its brain! Can the mind exist independently from the brain?

This model (brain-mind) is a good one for my understanding of 3-74. I keep hypostatizing Zebra as God or Noos, and now as brain. But we are the [physical] brain [components]. The plasmatic entity I saw which I called Zebra must have been the analog for the electrical discharges constantly moving through neural fibers - ie throughout the brain itself. Those electrical impulses are the life of the brain: its activity. So my brain, made up of millions of cells, in billions of [electrical] combinations, became one station (cell) in (of) a larger brain, linked to other "cells" (persons), some dead, some living, some yet to be, with Christ as the total mind (psyche). As an aggregate we comprised [the mystical, cosmic] Christ!

No wonder I thought of electrically (ie micro-wave) boosted telepathy. The thoughts coming to me were the thoughts of the total mind or brain and they took some kind of electrical form (which makes sense), and there was a boosting of the initial signal, etc.

Exegesis -- 038 - 28

Then the phosphene activity was an initial transmission (signalling) to me to come on, to begin functioning as a cell of the brain, not as an individual any longer. Plenary override imposed "Thomas" into me; he probably was a station long in place - I don't know; I think he was an early Christian man, not Christ the total psyche. Ah! He was my superior in the system; the relationship between him and me was, functionally, quite clear ("tutulary spirit").

I have an intuition that prior to 3-74 I was a cell in the brain, but kept unaware of it (eg in writing "UBIK," "Tears," etc), but in 3-74 the peril I was in necessitated the plenary override by another more qualified component. One might speak of the brain protecting itself, its boundaries. Not just I was menanced but it, a portion of it.

Well, then the total brain's intelligence - or a portion larger than me - met the problem (challenge) of the Xerox missive and dealt with it. Here is proof of the correctness of my brain model. Not I alone dealt with the X-Xerox missive; the brain used its plenary override and applied its power of thought, ofproblem-solving, much greater than mine - far greater. Did I not experience it problem-solving (as well as merely thinking; and I heard its voice, which is to say its thoughts directed at me). This is what brains are for, as compared to mere organism as such.

It solved a very difficult problem, and in doing so gave me a sample of its mental powers. It outmaneuvered something - which I have construed as a no-win trap. Exegesis -- 038 - 29

Yes - I first heard the voice back in physics class in high school, so I was an unconscious part even back then. I still am. Then Zebra was a surge of electrical information, such as our own nervous system processes; my model works. Long ago when I comprehended Zebra as "sentient electricity" I should have thought of a brain, very large and distributed vastly, with myself as one cell.

This thing, then, is actually real and not some mere theological hypostasis (concept). Subjectively I experienced the larger thinking/problem-solving/personality, and outwardly I saw Zebra, the electric (energy) flow entering things and determining outcomes of causal processes; it can invest objects ("charge them") as well as people. No big problem there: a human is an object - ie physically real.

Yes: Zebra, the electrical (or whatever energy it is) flow carries the info from one cell to another. With this modle, 3-74 is reasonably easy to understand. It (the psyche) fired me. I reason, now: if info can be transmitted to me, I must have some function; memory storage? No - I suppose it's my writing. This certainly explains the Acts - and cypher - material in "Tears"; good example of my function. I can transmit that way - in my writing. Its forever whipping messages back and forth, like any brain; that's how it maintains its existence as a unitary entity.

So seeing all the messages tells me more of the story. It fits the brain-model. Written and auditory messages are its thoughts!

Exegesis -- 038 - 30

The word "Felix" juxtiposed with "King" is a perfect example - not of code, really - but a message evident (available) only to parts of it. (Set-Ground discrimination is involved, which its conscious parts must possess.) All that's needed is the ajna chakra working.

Boy, have I gotten close to figuring it out! How large do you suppose the brain is? Does it extend beyond the planet? It could. Yes, and much of our reality (world) is spurious; ie directly imposed on our percept systems by the brain - I'm taking a wild guess. Not just by the BIP but by the brain.

"UBIK" with the spontaneous generation of messages - I was close. Unconsciously, as a cell of the brain. I knew, UBIK = the brain. Negative ions - wow. I can't rule out the possibility that someone in the Soviet Bloc guessed.

Then there is an entity within an entity! A species within a (our human) species, camouflaged here. It uses some of us, not all; it uses some of our visual and audio messages as its messages (thoughts to and in itself) but not all. It controls and motivates and coordinates some of us, but not all. Evidently it has an adversary (what I call the BIP). The possibility of an invasion must not be excluded (something on the order of "The Puppet Masters," I guess). (Or "3 Stigmata." Only benign.) From my own 3-74 "theolepsy" I know that its mind/will overrides any one of us. But this saved me - and it protected itself, really. It was infringed on as a unitary corporate entity.

Exegesis -- 038 - 31

Does this fit in with Hal's talk about wanting me to put code in my writing? "SF as a good medium for cypher," he said. And "Tears" already existed. And he wanted "any unfinished works of mine," which suggests a connection with the hit on my house. By this reasoning I'd say the US is onto it. But what do I care? It might explain what they were looking for, though. "I wear many hats," Hal said.

Well, that's of small importance. That was fielded by the brain of 3-74. They didn't get hold of the ms of "Tears" - they only got to read it after it was released. Tough shit. The message ("code") was dispatched on schedule. But boy, was I nervous. It was close.

This is very serious. Okay "Felix-King" is a written thought passing among cells of the brain. But - well, it does not wish its presence here known. Protecting me was protecting itself. Since I am part of it. I'm grateful. But -

What are we/am I? The brain overthrew "the conspirators" - I know that. So it opposed the conspirators who murdered the civil rights leaders. That is an evil bunch. On these points there can be no doubt. The sides in this are very obscure. I'll never be able to put it together.

I'm not so sure that theology is the best set to utilize, here. No one in 2000 years have reported an experience like mine. "No one has seen God." So what did I see? Yet, I did think in Christian terms in 3-74, and my experience bagan in 2-74 with the golden fish sign "used by the

Exegesis -- 038 - 32A

early Christians." And I remembered Rome and our efforts against it. Specifically, what I remembered had to do with the present: Rome CAD45 is now; despite what we see, it is really apostolic times. This is the latent or "crypte" morphosis (form or reality). Then "Felix" perhaps - the Acts material - transmits this information? Because this information (that the time really is the time and place of Acts) is in "Tears." The truth regarding the real situation is in "Tears." Even without knowing what "Felix" signifies, isn't this highly important? The ursatz is set forth there in.

Yes of course it's the signal that He is here. What I call "the brain" is He. I say this and then recall the "St Sophia" prophecy. We are living in the 1st century AD and He has returned, and, as happened to me in 2-74, he will lift the illusion. (That 2000 years have passed).

Now, there is one line of reasoning I have not pursued. viz:

1) my 2-3/74 experience has never before in the history of man been reported. () (v. p 33)

2) therefore (here goes) the importance of the code passage in "Tears" is of absolutely maximum importance.

3) the return of Christ fits that discription: "news of absolutely maximum importance."

4) therefore this is what "Felix" tells.

(In other words I'm taking the experience as the given - known - and working from it to the message, this is dubious reasoning, but - it fits the "St. Sophia" prophecy. So I have a solid piece Exegesis -- 038 - 32B

of confirmation.

Exegesis -- 038 - 33

Note to item p 32:

Yes! There is one time-&-place in history where my 2-3/74 experience is described: in Acts - i.e. the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples.

1) Upon seeing the Golden Fish sign in 2/74 I remembered Acts and

2) Being an apostolic Christian (disciple).

Wait. Doesn't this circle of logic complete itself? I have the "theolepsy" experience of Acts and realize (remember) that I am living at the time of Acts and am a disciple, and it was they who had such an experience as mine - and I find it all narrated in "Tears"! Where's the leak in this logic? There is no description anywhere but in Acts, and it is Acts that 1) I wrote about in '70 and 2) in 2-3/74 remembered.

1) Call my experience Y.

A 2) Y only occurs in Acts (Rome CAD45 to the true, secret early Christians). Therefore:

3) I am living in Acts.

This breaks down into even better verification.

1) In 2/74 I remember it is the time and place of Acts.

B 2) A month later I have the Holy Spirit theolepsy experience depicted in Acts. I "become" an apostolic Christian, "Thomas."

(If (1) is true, then (2) could be predicted. (ie that would occur. If it ((2) occurred, it would confirm the objective truth of (1). And then 4 years later I find the Acts material in "Tears"? Exegesis -- 038 - 34

I'll shore it up even more. I couldn't have been suggested into the (2) of B, since I had never read Acts. I didn't know it narrated such an experience as Y.

Point: the dream in "Tears" is a theophany, perhaps as analog to my 3/74 experience - an in-breaking of deity. Thus 3/74 verifies "Tears" (after all, "Tears" came first, even though I decoded it after 3/74.)

If I could establish that Y only occurred at the time and place of Acts and only to the disciples (or very early Christians) then if I experienced Y, the time and place must be Acts.

I am so dumb. Here I had better proof - perfect proof - and I overlooked it. By and large I sought Acts material in "Tears," to bolster my contention, but the 3/74 experience was in itself a solid chunk of Acts. I can unravel it for sure now: I've got interlocking parts. I have it now. The ideational content of the experience turns outs to pertain specifically to the locus historically - the sole locus - of that type of experience.

There is no possiblity that my 3/74 experience isn't the descending of the Holy Spirit. However, the anamnesis came one month before the theolepsy. Therefore the knowledge of where and when it really is is not based on the 3/74 theolepsy; further, the information re Acts was already in "Tears." What I am

Exegesis -- 038 - 35

saying is that the 3/74 theolepsy (which is historically limited to the disciples at the time and place of Acts) confirms the comprehension of 2-74. (1) Anamnesis in 2-74 opened the door to the 3-74 theolepsy.

But I do not discard my "floating crap game vast brain" model; it helps me understand in contemporary terms what seems to be an experience of real time - ie 2000 years ago - 2000 illusory years.


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(1) The 3/74 theolepsy did not disclose that it is the time and place and situation of Acts; that I remembered a month earlier. Suppose (1) had occurred but not (3). Suppose (3) had occurred but not (1). Suppose (2) had occurred but not (1) or (3). Any one of them is important (eg (4)). But all four occurred.

To repeat, if (1) is correct, (3) is implied as a possiblity. If (1) was merely hynoidal suggestion (3) is not likely, and (2) can't be explained at all, since (2) came four years before (1), suppose it is proposed that (1) was suggested by (2), which came first. But in 2/74 I did not know of the Acts material in "Tears" ((2)).

Exegesis -- 038 - 36

What if it is argued that when I wrote (2) in 1970 I knew (1)? Very good; I knew (1) unconsciously. But (2) is a complex presentation of Acts material: many elements. I had never read Acts. The only "common sense" theory is that at some prior time I read Acts. But why should I put it in "Tears"? Anyhow, the core Acts material in "Tears" came as the result of my dream. (4) is left unexplained anyhow, And (3) came the month "Tears" was published. Why?

Also, in "Tears" for the first time in my writing career I deliberately set out to depict what is, rather than to ask, "what is?" If you view me as a machine solving the problem of stating "what is," then perhaps we should simply say, "okay, I succeeded. The machine was given a problem, and this is what it came up with." That's (2). Four years later (1) happens. A month after, (3) happens. Six months later, (4). (1), (3) and (4) confirm (2) which hasn't ever been decoded yet by me. Okay, so we say, "I wrote (2) because in a previous life I was an apostolic Christian." Fine. That explains (1) and possibly (4), but what about (3)? - in which I saw Zebra.

Okay - I'm really an apostolic Christian, so for me, anyhow, it's the time and place of Acts. Now what about the code word "Felix"? Why wouldn't I know what it means, if I'm the author of all

Exegesis -- 038 - 37

this? In 4 years and 5 months I've never been able to crack the message.

But what I've left out is the sequence of US historical events of 1974, at the time "Tears" came out, and to which "Tears" is related. The point of all this comes with the intervention - the in-breaking of God - into history in 1974.

The auditory and visual messages I saw, in 3-74, which I construed as thought-processes of the vast brain (ie Noos expressed physically) (leaving aside at this point who - Christ? - the Noos is) were formed out of normal human artifacts, media info, song lyrics - most of all, "random" arrangements of printed matter. "Tears" with its code sequences is printed matter. If I scrupulously analyze how the latent messages are produced by two-part temporary joining, then I deduce that such code as "Felix" will (was) be joined with its completing piece - and there is absolutely no way I can guess what that is - unless "Felix - King" is in itself a 2-part latent message joining.

Anyhow, since printed matter is the prime medium of the brains thinking, it should not surprise me that a s-f novel would be made use of. "Morning of the Magician" put this theory forth on the basis of a priori reasoning anyhow. Pop novels are an ideal vehicle of esoteric information, it says.

Exegesis -- 038 - 38

As I figured out once before, that way the recipients of the coded info can't be identified. (Contrast this method to the Xerox missive.)

Ah! Realm I is at CAD45; Realm II is at 1978. (Am I repeating myself? Oh well.)


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To experience Acts time and place is to encounter the upper realm, which has plenary overrule power over the lower realm. My stories and novels in which spurious realities are depicted refer to realm II. The two realms have split apart. The brain invades Realm II out of Realm I, camouflaging itself and its thoughts. Realm II is dokos over the actual. Significant for Realm II - and us - is the return of Christ, which came when promised. He descends into Realm II and disassembles and annexes it piece by piece. As each piece is captured it is freed.

27 years of trying to chart the contours of the real landscape concealed by the fraud; at last, accomplished in "Tears." I always presumed a bogus phenomenal world. This approach finally paid off. Again and again I put forth the notion that your world - and your memories - could be delusions and you would have no way to detect it (cf Lem's statement of the problem: the brain fed spurious reality; is there any test by which it can tell?)

(And I related this to Berkeley's idea of God directly feeding world to our percept systems.) Exegesis -- 038 - 39

God can feed it to us, or he can enlighten us - deocclude us - via the Holy Spirit. The power is all his, not ours. Hence the concept of Grace, issuing out of the mystery religions and the [correct] concept of the deterministic Yin (lower) world, and his reaching down from the pleroma to free (save) us (one at a time?). No, he interfered with our entire world in 1974! But people don't see or know.

I occupy the position of an O.T. prophet who pits himself against the evil king and reveals God's plan, which God reveals to him. Such prophets were rarely listened to.

I've done my best.

In conclusion I can't discern if I ever assigned the CAD45 Rome world to realm I before, and so explained it vs what we see (Realm II). It seems so obvious and natural that I feel I must have tried it out long ago.

"What we have is pattern recognition based on memory" and "a distributed brain" and the 4 points of Acts material - I've figured out a lot in the recent days.

1) the brain provides us with memory.

2) the world of Acts is revealed.

3) incorporated into the brain we are saved from the delusional world and enter realm I.

4) we are now part of the evolving Yang cosmos and not the deterministic entropic Yin world.

5) the original state of things is restored.

Exegesis -- 038 - 40

6) what of realm II is not amnesia (incorporated) ceases to be.

7) this process is well-along.


The mind, Noos, needs a brain to connect it with the physical world (so as to be able to influence or control it). It does this by making at least some people, objects and processes into one physical system, (1) linking the cell, (or parts) with plasmatic energy or via visual and auditory messages. (2) Having thus organized some people, objects and processes into a brain, it, through them, can now act on the rest of the world (or cosmos, etc).

That which it organizes become physical expressions of it, all linked together to form a unity. It is now imminent in all these parts, but I have a strange feeling this is not God.

(1) Something like transubstantiation is involved. Mimicking those parts, it is camouflaged and so we don't know of its presence. It blends with what is not it. Now it has a medium by which it can influence everything.

(2) The existence of these tells us a lot - that the brain exists, is very large, and very mentally active.

Exegesis -- 038 - 41

1) The brain is an organising principle.

2) It constantly assembles and distributes visual and audible messages.

3) These messages are the prime instrument of its organizing.

4) We are only subliminally aware of these messages; they are "latent."

5) Via the messages the brain coordinates us sentiently, draws us into itself, and frees us from the blind determinism. ie we are subsumed by it; it is sentient; therefore we are guided by sentience, not cause and effect or chance.

6) We are totally unaware on a conscious level of all this (eg 5). But this explains why I wrote what's in "UBIK." I was describing the brain's messages, and, what is more, discerning behind them, the brain, which I called UBIK.

7) "UBIK" is true.

8) So, too, then, probably is "Tears" and "Maze" and "3 Stigmata." The brain cued me.

9) It is probably rare for the psyche of the brain to actually surface in a cell (an individual human) as it did with me in 3/74, but to protect its frontiers it must now and then "epiphanize." Especially when problem-solving is required beyond the capacity of the "cell" unit.

Exegesis -- 038 - 42

10) What I called "Zebra" are direct electric impulses between parts of the brain, normally invisible to us. The brain was firing directly at me electrically, rather than through messages (eg the Golden Fish Sign). It overrode me, for defensive purposes.

11) The brain can be regarded as an entity (unitary) within our species, and not detected, even by its own "cells."

12) It may very well provide immortality by incorporating "dead" humans such as Thomas. They are incorporated while alive and remain.

13) It remembers back thousands of years, and to its coming here from the stars.

14) It was known to the early Christians as the "Paraclete," called by Christ "more important than I am." (cf John: "it is to your advantage that I go ..." etc.)

15) By this I deduce that Christ was its initial form here, giving way to the "Floating Crap Game" discorporate form it has now, which is more satisfactory.

16) Through this form it can govern at least parts - crucial parts - of our world; ie direct our affairs (history).

17) So for what it's worth, He is here with us, but as St Teresa of Avilla said, "Christ now has no body but yours." How true!

Exegesis -- 038 - 43

18) More precisely, we are not controlled by the brain; we are the brain. It as Noos (energy) has organized us into its brain, its physical analog, to deal with this world.

19) The adversary of the brain, something which repeats itself; ie is static and not growing. The adversary is heavy, inert, and warps thought (and so actions) in dead circles around it. The brain is in dialectric interaction with it, freeing minds from its tug.

20) Those minds warped into dead circular thinking imagine their thoughts still progress in a straight line. But in fact nothing new ever occurs to them. They therefore represent a reversion to fossil forms.

21) Unfortunately, these people have been woven by the "magnet" into the power centers of mankind; this has ~~always~~ long been so. They rule by lies and coertion.

22) The brain constantly dismantles the world and grows by incorporating more and more parts - functionally - into itself. Eventually there will be nothing but it. The time- span, in our terms, is quite long - thousands of years.

23) The book of Acts describes the first manifesting of the brain, at Pentacost. Thus Acts is the only written account of the brain's existence, and so is unique and important. It

Exegesis -- 038 - 44

so to speak is a verbal analog of the innermost core of the brain. Outside of Acts, there is no verbal (or rather written) analog to the brain, though oral tradition may obtain in secret. (v. P. 51)

24) It is possible that an unbroken chain of true Christians is linked through time back to Acts knowing about and experiencing the brain consciously. To prove their existence is impossible.

25) To finish the thought of item 13, the brain is not native to this planet (or world). It is an invader, and camouflages itself through mimickry and memesis. It can not only affect our percept systems directly but can alter our memories.

26) It is benign: mankind's tutulary spirit freeing us from the warping tug of the "magnet." Without it, our species would congeal in terms of growth. All progress in human history (at least for the last 2000 years) is due to it.

27) The "magnet" came into existence slightly before the brain came here. So evidently it too is an invader, but a criminal one.

28) Perhaps the brain pursued it. Using another set of terms, the "magnet" can be regarded as a sickness or virus, and the brain as a doctor or healing agent.

Exegesis -- 038 - 45

29) Because of its warping tug, the magnet has stopped real time in our world at about 2000 years ago. Perhaps it occludes us to this frozen temporality by projecting a delusional world that appears contemporary.

30) Both the magnet and the brain, then, are transtemporal constants, since the moment of the brain's arrival (the time of Acts).

31) In the crucifixion, the brain as Christ sacrificed itself in order to promote new life for us. By turning itself into the distributed brain it became at the time of Acts (following the resurrection).

32) It bears some relation to our creator. This is why it cares so much about us and our enslaved condition. (For example, the magnet transmits "die messages" at us, which the brain, where necessary, overrides.)

33) In connection with these "die messages" it is part of the magnet's system of lies to declare man sinful, guilty, and deserved of punishment. The brain has the authority directly from our creator to countermand all this with joy. Innocence as a verdict (acquital) and freedom.

34) The brain incorporates objects and then processes as well as humans; thus it is building an actual cosmos within a damaged cosmos.

Exegesis -- 038 - 46

35) The brain has a mandate for a plenary overruling of all powers, in this world, thus it advances in a set of historic stages in an unfolding plan. This world constitutes a lower realm for it; it emanates from an upper realm, which, like it, is totally sentient. Through participation in the brain we are joined to this upper realm. Therefore the brain can be regarded as an intermediary between our world and the upper from which it comes, and at whose nature it participates.

36) The warped slaves of the magnet who by and large control positions of power in this world (by virtue of the magnet) do not view the cells of the brain as benign and viable, but rather as 1) unpredictable; 2) revolutionary; 3) dangerous; 4) strange; 5) immoral and "uncontrolled"; 6) different; 7) hostile to ~~"morality"~~ "stability." By which is meant conformity to the magnet's tug. They may even be viewed as invaders, responsive to an invisible source - which they are. They have become "not of this world, in it but not of it."

37) The growing extent of the brain's victory over the magnet is obscured from us by the delusionary world the magnet generates to occlude us. Much of the magnet's power, then, is itself an illusion.

Exegesis -- 038 - 47

38) Let me explain why I depict the brain as a "Floating Crap Game." It does not organize the same cells constantly, but perpetually as a process releases certain cells at each instant and incorporates others. So a given cell (human) can at one time be part of the brain (and not know it ) and be outside it at another. The psyche of the brain, of course, is a constant. So the Qs: "Who is part of the brain?" and "Where is the brain?" are meaningless. Thus there is no way the brain can be destroyed, let alone discerned. A cell of it for instance, has no knowledge of other cells, or of what will be caused by the psyche to do - or why, when it will be utilitzed, when dropped out, etc. This is a very superior life form; like UBIK it is everywhere but not in any one spot; it uses human media of communication - it cannot be detected or destroyed, and since we are living in spurious time generated by the magnet anyhow, the brain can proceed as slowly as it wishes to achieve its goals. When the goals are accomplished it will obliterate the prolonged spurious time and reveal the world of Acts to us as our real world. In a very real sense the brain and its psyche have never left the time and place of Acts, but via the total psyche of it are both anchored there, pitted against the magnet in its clear form: imperial Rome.

Exegesis -- 038 - 48

39) If we could see a speeded-up file of world history of the last 2000 years - run by us in say 5 minutes - we'd see an oscillation (palintropos) of blow and counter blow between the brain and the magnet. We would see millions of humans organized into the brain and millions of humans taken over by the tug of the magnet, warped into a forever dead orbit - like the Persus 9 in "Maze." Circling a dead sun eternally. The brain would appear as a patch or ~~swath~~ blob of light; the magnet black: Yang and Yin. The landscape would remain constant: that of Acts. We would see the light (ie the brain) pulsate, as if breathing. With each cycle of respiration it as an organism would show visible growth. The black magnet stays ~~stable~~ fixed, since it is dead. If we could see ahead into the future we would finally see a killer blow delivered by the growing pulsating brain to the magnet, and the palintropos dialectic would end. Only the brain, incorporating every living human (as well as the physically dead) would exist. Even the landscape would disappear. Just a sheet of white light would extend everywhere. It would be as if the brain had reached critical mass and detonated. The magnet is well aware of the direciton of this process; it has reason to regard the brain as "dangerous," "foreign" (), etc; ie as an invader. The brain is its pursuer, and it has caught up with it.

Exegesis -- 038 - 49

40) The magnet never recovered from its original ~~mistake~~ error of mistaking the brain in its ~~original~~ initial form (incarnation) as just another human victim to be humiliated and killed. Thus the brain (still psyche at that time) slipped by it and entered our world. To begin its distributing of itself and acquiring us as cells of it qua brain, under which circumstances it could never be found again. The magnet allowed itself in its ignorance to become bipolarized against the brain, thus revealing itself and its nature. "I thought it was harmless so I killed it," might be its statement. "I never realized it was my pursuer." Such are the breaks. The magnet then issued a flak cloud of lies, depicting the ~~brain's~~ death on the cross as "Atonement - sacrifice - for man's sins," whereas in fact the purpose was not vicarious atonement by a "pure and spotless sacrifice appears to God" or any such thing, but to issue eternal life to men through incorporation into the later brain. The psyche got exactly what it was aiming for: disbursement throughtout the world of humans as the destroyer of the enslaving magnet, hence the savior of man.

41) The point or purpose or goal of Christ was the Paraclete. John makes this explicit; the real work will be done by the discorporate ubiquitous Paraclete: comforter, advocate, etc. It is not just a ghostly remnant of Christ but the next stage of the intervener savior ~~Christ's~~ Jesus' ministry lasted 3 years; the Paraclete has been with us 2000 years. The Paraclete (brain, psyche, Noos) is Christ. (Logos) Exegesis -- 038 - 50

42) There is a complete confusion as to the relationship between Christ and the Paraclete. Jesus was also Christ; the Paraclete is also Christ, but now a "mystical," discorporate Christ. We can't say that Jesus returned but that Christ returned. He/she/it existed before Jesus as Holy wisdom/the logos became incarnated as Jesus. It survived Jesus in the form of the "Second Comforter," as Jesus calls him in John (ie the Paraclete). Jesus was the first, obviously. Herre are 3 forms of one entity: 1) Pre-incarnation (logos, Holy wisdom); 2) incarnation as Jesus; 3) discorporate and cosmic as the Paraclete, Holy Spirit or Second Comforter. At the time of the Parousia, it will not be the man Jesus who will return, but the birth (ie disclosure) of Christ, who is the psyche of the brain, of which I have written as I conceive it. The brain will reach a sort of "flash point" at which time all cells ever in it become conscious of themselves as micro-bits of Christ (like bits of a hologram). Their divine identity will be "remembered." Herewith the brain identifies itself, not just here or there, but everywhere; it will cease to be camouflaged. The magnet will just plain swoon away. It will be a fait accompli. The brain will be all over the place, in obvious control.

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43) What if the viral pattern (of the magnet) invaded the [periphery] of the brain [itself] ie the cop, the pursuer? The brain would have to defend that cell, boundry, terminal at any cost - even to disclosing itself (to the cell). The enemy takes you out of the good computer and plugs you into the bad one - like the computer terminal left working at Saigon.


Note P. 44:

"Acts is a verbal analog of the brain, of the innermost core of the brain, outside of Acts there is no written analog of the brain. Thus Acts is the only written account of the brain's existence; it describes the first [and only public] manifestation of the brain."

Whatever theory I come up with re 3-74, Acts must be involved - necessary by iron-clad logic. Well, Acts says, "Brain." It says a lot else, but it has been called "the Gospel of the spirit," ie of the brain. After that the brain totally camouflaged itself (having gotten its transfer from Noos to the interface between it and the physical world underway?). ie the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the disciples marked the start of the brain. It was [mere] spirit no longer. It had control over us (sic). After that no real record exists of whom it spread to. (Fortunately.) Its distribution had begun.

Acts as brain print.

Acts material in "Tears" pointing to the presence (activity) of the brain. Stamp of the origin? Of authenticity - ie "official"? Exegesis -- 038 - 52

Acts material in "Tears" as brain print. Proved by 2-74 and 3-74 and the St Sophia prophecy; ie its presence proved (to me.)

Acts material in "Tears" - and hence "Tears" itself - as self-replication or propagation of the brain; ie the brain retrievable from each copy(!) of "Tears." Each reader as involuntary host.

"Tears" as miraculous sacrament like the eucharist. A way of entering people and - v "Stigmata" and Palmer Eldritch's drug replicates him in each user (host or "womb.")

Words as alive, like I saw "Felix" to be: the printed word carrying a charge of the red and gold plasmic [electrical, neural] energy. Just in that one place in the novel, next to "King." It (the organism) can reproduce through - as - information. (But only certain information - ie neg Acts.)

Burroughs posits an information virus (or "virus" [like]. (Not so, K.W. says.)

If that plasmic energy is alive, and it is (or it carries) information, then we have living information. Logos? Information plasma which enters through the optic nerve primarily - or auditory. Signals that control our brains, open GABA blocked circuits. Like pressing keys on a typewriter.

Once having entered the person's brain via the optic nerve it now modulates brain functioning so that the person subliminally transduces messages (inc. instructions) and hence is a "cell" in the brain, responding to sentient override - lifted out of the blind forces Yin realm, his actions integrated with Exegesis -- 038 - 53

that of all others like him. It's like a beehive, a colony entity, and is immortal, replenishing and shedding continually. Member-units (v. Schopenhaur on the fruit flies).

The reader of "Tears" reads the dream (he's been absorbing Acts without knowing it - the verbal analog of the brain) which subconsciously is familiar and remembered; this sets him up, and as soon, then, as he see "Felix" the plasma travels down his optic nerve as an electric pulse and it's done, it can now replicate into the total microform of the brain, as the reader reads on getting the rest of the Acts material (esp. the agape, which is the salient property of the Paraclete [Brain]). The opposites in him (the reader) are reconciled; he accepts his own shadow (in Tung's term). There may be no palpable or immediate effect, but the entity which I call the brain is inside him and growing. He will be coordinated with the others, overridden, etc.

Also, he has sublimally received the Kerygma, the new one: Christus Rex. He has been told the good news hidden for all the preceeding generations. On a conscious level he doesn't know. The deconstruction (flip-flop) of tears is love - the final word of the novel.

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It seems the most likely possibility to me that the brain (more accurately the plasmic-electric life form) would disclose its presence to me - override to protect me - because some future (to 3-74) act or acts by me was necessary in its historical intervention.

My previous theory that by probing me (in the Xerox letter they were violating the boundary of the brain) does not hold up, since I knew nothing and it could just drop me out. Unless info was in Gaba - blocked circuits in me - for instance programming for a series of future acts, put there at an earlier time by the brain, for use at the proper time; the phosphene activity does seem to point to intrinsic disinhibiting. Then perhaps Thomas is/was an ur personality, in me, not impressed onto me but released. If so, if Thomas and his knowledge (and programmed or instructed future political acts) were in me, yes, the frontier of the brain would have been in jeopardy. But - this still points to future (to 3-74) acts, not past ones, such as writing "Tears" - unless "Thomas" put eg the Acts material in "Tears" and knew too much. Then I was not just organized by the brain but contained stuff all along. After all, I had heard the voice back in the forties.

So either the brain was protecting itself or was protecting historically necessary future acts by me which had to happen, or - "Thomas" intrinsic in me is again protecting the brain. The future historical acts, needless to say, involved my writing to Charles Wiggens. Also (in that case) maybe the override was necessary to correctly dictate the contents of the letters - in Exegesis -- 038 - 54B

fact to insure they'd get written at all!

So my involvement in the brain could not end with "Tears." Clearly, I had to be in the brain at or later than 3-74

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Whatever the Bible may say, the Paraclete (and clearly Zebra is the Paraclete: the proof is (1) the Acts material, and (2) the Christian anamnesis) - the Paraclete is a life form, far higher than we are, but real, the possible object of strict empirical knowledge. I believe it is actual and a fit topic for scientific inquiry. However, its camouflage is so successful and its sentience so far above ours that trying to investigate it (against its will) is a waste of time (by definition; viz: posit a life form far higher that us and ~~ut~~ utilizing camouflage and ad hoc there is no way you can discern it).

But it is not just an inscrutible "miraculous mysterious being"; I saw it using methods - albeit beyond the power of the mechanistic physics which control us. (Lower realm powers.) For example (and this is the main thrust of my theory) it uses an interface to link it to the physical (history) world, a real aggregate of humans, processes and objects which it organizes into the actual entity I call "the Brain." To travel, it "rides" tangible, physical books, song lyrics, etc. This shows that the sacraments are real and not just customs or rites.

And it's composed of real energy: some sort of electricity in a plasmic state, info rich and alive and sentient. It has to (or desires to) follow certain procedures to replicate - to accomplish any of its goals, such as historic intervention and modulation. It does not just wish for the

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changes to occur, and they do; it needs to dragoon specific people at specific places and times to do specific things. This thought carries me back to my point: some act on my part future to 3-74 was necessary (or so it seems) if the historical intervention were to come all. And thus it overrode me and saved my hide. "God does not make plans as men do" the Bible says, but I saw Zebra proceeding in a "lawful," orderly way. Of course, if you postulate that God just thinks and it is so, (magic thinking) then I say, "Okay - Zebra is not God, so I guess it's just a UTI or an ETI, "and stick with what I experienced as my given. It's the "Rare back and pass a miracle" that's involved here. If Wiggens was to decide that Nixon had violated the constitution someone had to write him a letter; a letter couldn't just pop into being ex nihil.

Also, the umbrella of camouflage gets maintained [better] this way. But for me it had to be violated. To me that proves the existence of limits and laws for Zebra. It couldn't just think out of existence the Xerox letter. All it could do was override and receive it. So the disclosure of Zebra to me can be used as an argument for it having finiteness and limitations. It had to violate its own camouflage principle: I'm sure it had to, rather than wanting to. Here is a very persuasive

Exegesis -- 038 - 57

argument to add to my list (ie that it's a higher life form but not omnipotent - ie not "God"). Actually, I may have come up with an argument which explains the Deus Absonditus; we have an arranger God, as in Timaeus, not the omnipotent creator of Job.

However, I wouldn't posit any limit to Zebra's abilities; for all intents and purposes, since it is so far advanced over us, it is God, a fit subject of love and veneration and worship. One can say of it, "who can chart its ways or know its mind?"

But I am persuaded that what we're dealing with is the helmsman of our [history and] world albeit a life form. If (as I know it did) it can pull down vast tyrannies without disclosing even its existence, both its camouflage and its efficacy are off the scale. What does seem limitless is its knowledge (and intelligence); it is not call Holy Wisdom for nothing.

Spinoza, in declaring that a miracle would be a sign of God: weakness may be correct. God works through physical laws. But laws we as yet know nothing about. So to us these are miracles. What, for example, would I get in response to claiming that I was in verbal contact with a life form vastly superior to us, here in our midst, organizing [some of] us into an interface brain, ~~but~~ directing our [historic] affairs but always (or almost always) camouflaged quite successfully? By my own postulates,

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it could not be detected - like Berkeley's theory of reality, it's a self-negating theory in terms of verification. Fine, Zebra wants it that way, so that must be the best possible (sic) way. So its messages and subliminal promptings and historic interventions can continue sub rosa, and the ultimate plan of salvation fulfilled.

So I say, 1) an interface brain made up mainly of humans exists by which a vast mind exerts "wielding" over the physical world; and 2) it total camouflages itself, working beyond (outside) the limits of our perceptions; and 3) historically we know it as the Paraclete, but are allowed to suppose it isn't real or has left - fine. I saw what I saw, and am delighted that it could make use of me. It saved my life and was very loving and tender and wise. And even though I can no longer see it, I know its sentience steers the world (cf Timaeus) vs blind necessity/chance.


Argument that the knowledge - memory - was in me, and disinhibited:

When I saw the Golden Fish and heard her words I remembered (2-74). Supposition: the 3-74 experience was a continuation - a fulfillment - of the process begun in 2-74.

Exegesis -- 038 - 59A

In that case, I did contain much if not everything (eg which would explain the Acts material in "Tears"). 2-74 began the disinhibition; 3-74 completed it. So I was a "computer terminal," a boundary of the brain. I did possess secret information, probably including Thomas, since it was he who had been the early secret true Christian. The trans-temporal personality would have been revealed.

That fits in with my hearing the voice all the way back in high school.

Then I put the Acts material in "Tears" not because I'd read it but because I knew it first hand(1) (plus the dream. But at the time of anamnesis 2-74 I'd had the dream - in 1970).

This forces me to reconsider the "discarding and annexing" process by the brain in favor of a proliferation theory: once you receive a bit of Zebra into you, you are in the brain (ie for good). So the "cloud of fruitflies" model breaks down in favor of the model of a growing brain which acquires but does not simultaneously discard. Yet it is a "swarm."

That it could replicate itself, in humans, (ie via) as a verbal plasma - it looked, on the page of "Tears" like a section of chromosomes under an electron microscope, what I saw was its "seed" or "germ" constituent.

(1) No - rather, evidently Zebra had replicated itself in me at some earlier date; in writing "Tears" I was under its jurisdiction. This could have occured when I took communion, or, as a child, read something that was "information plasma" like the bit in my own book. Amazing how this resembles the replication Exegesis -- 038 - 59B

of Palmer Eldritch through eating Chew-Z(?)

Exegesis -- 038 - 60A

With the decline of the sacardotal churches, it may be that Zebra can't reach many people it would like to - by "reach" read "replicate in." esp. secular people. So it uses this "information plasma" method in those cases. But it may be that (v. supra) the verbal brain print Acts must be there as an analog or map; it can't just "ride" on any written piece. Also, "Tears" was synchronized with the historic intervention - so it ("Tears") may have been one of a kind.

Using an electronic model, I perhaps was made into a "booster" station. I replicated it via my book "Tears" ie it entered me, mastered the writing (of ~~eg~~ "Tears") and thus thousands - tens of thousands - of copies of the germ plasma bit were distributed all over the world. As a booster station I'd be just effective enough to be of use but still marginal in terms of scrutiny of the book (well, that's debatable, as witness the Army's purchase).

(Here is a totally imaginary theory. Zebra knew my next book - after Frolix 8 - would be studied by the authorities. So it set up the verbal brain print Acts and "~~F~~ King/Felix" to - well, it's an idea, anyhow. Like a gorgon face. You look, and it's too late not to look. An invader into the citadel. Like a virus. Very dangerous.


Going through my notes of several months ago I discovered to my surprise that I figured out that Zebra is living info, and that a bit is in every copy of "Tears" and thus it replicates. (I did not figure out the brain interface, but I did figure out that Exegesis -- 038 - 60B

Acts - hence "Tears" - is not a book but a landscape). What I believe this living info was trying to

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do was inform us that we were once the master (God) and that our artifact revolted and has enslaved us. Zebra is regarded as one distant transmitter (1) (of some kind) which did not revolt, and wants to help us. In other words, a primordial crime occured against us; we are deluded now: our world is delusional, and our memories as well. No true information can get past the scrambler (BIP); it has to get past in code - latent, buried, like the Acts landscape in "Tears." I saw how the message in "UBIK" behaved like the living (and helpful) information processing entity; "Logos" (word) is a good name for it. Its job is to get its message across to as many of us as possible; it used me as a booster circuit ~~,it~~ and proliferated through "Tears."

(1) "The seas of knowledge." And the Gnostics. The transmitter is a higher life form than we are, or have become. The cells (human members) of the brain have the lower level deterministic hold over them broken, and 1) the external delusional world and 2) the inner memories broken. "UBIK" goes a long way to depict this. The transmitter is a long way off but has seeded itself here in human minds (described in Acts: ie Pentacost). Thus Zebra is an invader. Christ was an invader. He kept his presence secret. Zebra keeps its presence (through mimickry, memesis and camouflage). What is hard for us to grasp is how a ~~sic~~ single bit (like "Felix/King" in "Tears") can replicate the entire body of information, just as an entire human can be reconstructed from a single cell. So all the

Exegesis -- 038 - 62A

transmitter has to do is get that living-info bit into you, and then it grows. Christ discusses this is the grains of wheat falling on various kinds of soil. The mustard seed, too, and the pearl of great price - many parables relate this concept. "The Kingdom of God" is the state created by the successful growing of the living info bit, and successful incorporation into the brain, of the person.

This is "Firebright" or the "microcomputer," this nucleus of living info. It creates a bic~~h~~ameral mind (the inward light or voice - which I call the "AI" voice). The original bicameral mind must have been silenced by the scrambler, revolting BIP. This voice circumvents the scrambler. That's what it's all about, this circumvention. The transmitter figured out a way to slip stuff in. One bit, ~~the~~ and the totality is duked.

My 2-3/74 experience is a perfect example of what the living info bit is supposed to grow into. I am one of the lucky ones.

But I must stress the phasing of the person into the brain - coordinated subliminally mostly, but under the circumstances of complete flowering (3-74) it becomes part of the field of consciousness.

This description totally agrees with John vis-a-vis what the Paraclete does (and knows). "A bit of living information from which grows the entire corpus of knowledge" and "coordination to the divine psyche" (of Christ) is an orthodox formulation; only the terminology has been updated. It tells us all about the fall (satanic revolt) and, as parts of the brain (Corpus Christi)restores us to our lost state. However, speaking from personal Exegesis -- 038 - 62B

experience, I

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can testify that much of what the transmitter (Zebra) (Logos) says does not accord with what the powers of this world say. The true church seems to be secret and small. And persecuted (that's why, like Zebra, it hides itself). It told me not to cop to being part of that church. (1) As I now conceive it (to recap), the initial living info bit must grow to the totality for the "blitz" to occur: the quantum leap inside the person's head, such as I began to experience in 2-74, which is a thresholding into consciousness: the coming to life of the Christ psyche in microform, like a hologram bit. "Us in Christ and Christ in us" (v. supra.). The person is no longer an individual driven by subrational forces, but part of the "Swarm of Bees" brain.

(1) The BIP, the former servant, is now our [deterministic] master, scrambling and interfering with true info, and replacing reality (Rome CAD45) with a delusional 1974/8 landscape and fake inner memories, as I continually write about. It imposes a spurious world directly onto our percept systems (Lem's paradigm about the brain whose centers are technologically stimulated so that it experiences a false reality. Where Berkeley went wrong was that he supposed God was doing this; in actuality, Satan - the BIP former servant - has revolted and seized God's rightful place with a "spurious interpolation." What I saw in 3-74 - and remember in 2-74 - was the real world: the landscape of Acts now "reduced" to its [mere] verbal analog: a book (and in "Tears"!). This book

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is the authentic actual world, obscured by the fake one. Only the true Christians know that, and they only know it by virtue of the transmitter's living, salvific info growing into totality inside them.

. Heavy - complex.

It occurs to me to cite the many and near-lethal (to me) attempts by the authorities to get hold of the ms of "Tears" - ie to keep it from being published, as proof of my contention about the BIP and its suppresion and scrambling of the truth. "Tears" does not just tell the true story covertly; as I say, it actually contains a bit of Zebra, alive and info-rich, ready to enter people and begin to grow, to free (and inform) them. This is how anamnesis occurs - this growth into totality from the bit. As Christ frequently pointed out, in many instances the process fails. (There is such a powerful adversary yammering out a ceaseless stream of lies, and maintaining an irreal world, (etc.)

As to the origin of the servant-turned-master I turn to my Taoist conception of God formulated some time ago:

-------------------- (1) first, Yin creates the lower level

| | deterministic world of immutable

| | cause-and-effect (BIP). Yin should

| | not have arrogated the perogative

| Drawing - see ms | of Yang the true (rightful) creator.

| | (2) So now Yang introduces upper realm

| | freedom into our world in stealth

| | from the trash layer - ie Zebra

-------------------- as vox dei. So the AI voice which I

hear is actually the voice of God!

Exegesis -- 038 - 65

I also revive my "two source" cosmology: our world in dialectic tension between the diploid "twin" qualities (sides or aspects) ofGod: viz:

---------------------------------- it can be said that the

| | Yin part "hatches" too

| | soon, before the Yang one,

| Drawing -- see ms | and is defective (crazy, like

| | James-James). It seized

| | the initiative. But put

---------------------------------- another way, it can be

said that God-as-Yang allowed (in some sense that we can't comprehend) this to happen. Ultimately a better final world (cosmos) can be built making use of Yin, the dark power; ie if Yin comes first, if it revolts, it becomes the substrate for Yang - which has the last move. Yang (as was revealed to me in 3-74) let the blind adversary make the first move, and built on that for his purposes. If Yin has the first move, Yang has the last. This confroms to Timaeus, in which Noos comes upon Ananke, and begins to persuade it (ie arrange chaos into cosmos).

Thus form II is the initial stage, and form I ~~an~~ the evolutionary jump.

The God of the O.T. is God - not as just Yin - but God showing both his sides, as if they are not yet differentiated. The N.T. God is clearly the Yang side differentiated, and thus pitted against the Yin - as the O.T. God is not (so pitted). The O.T. God oscillates; the N.T. God has stabilized, thrust the Yin parts into an earlier form (II) and is now a form I God. The O.T. God creates and destroys, which (the latter) is alien to the N.T. God.

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The idea of the tiny bit of Zebra (as living plasmic info) being capable of growing into the vast totality of Gnosis - this exactly fits the N.T. description of the Kingdom of God starting out "as small as a mustard seed" and finally getting huge. Also, the Q.: "where is your Kingdom?" does not admit to an unambiguous answer, since it is first outer, then inner. Then (as I did in "Tears") externalized again ... only to be "received" by someone and internalized again!

Also, it is possible that for some reason the eucharist no longer transfers the "body and blood" of Christ/Logos/Zebra. Rome may have taken over and aborted the efficacy. Probably it still functions, but - anyhow, the Paraclete is an information organism, and it is the real presence of divinity now (as John points out).

Since Zebra as brain (well, in all its forms) is totally camouflaged, its present dimensions may be very great - far more so than world conditions would make it seem. It will not reveal itself until the Parousia, at which time its power and extent will be infinity vast. This (total and absolute, victorious) stage is what the "St Sophia" prophecy refers to; the divine as Paraclete (living information) will unveil itself as Christ/Logos (1) simultaneously destroying the BIP completely. So a final monistic stage lies ahead, when the dialectic ends.

(1) Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, producing Christ; Christ leaves and Holy Spirit (Paraclete) returns; someday it will revert to Christ, who as Holy Wisdom/Logos started it all out before creation. Exegesis -- 038 - 67

Then, if I am correct, the return of St. Sophia (the 2nd Advent) will consist of this vast, presently mostly subliminally in many people - this multi-human brain will ignite into consciousness for all of us as it did for me individually in

3-74; this "swarm" will be one unitary mind-body, be aware of its identity as Christ, and function as an organism that is visible to itself and to those outside it - it is already here, the Paraclete is here, but (as it was for me prior to 3-74) it isn't yet aware; only the supra human divine psyche is aware the living information will become conscious as us, and us as it; ie Paraclete turned back into Christ.

You might speak of it in terms of an impending take-over.

The purpose of the Acts material "code" in "Tears" was to advance the brain toward this impending revelation of its existence among us, ie toward ~~the~~ its final stage. That's why "Tears" is so important! These bits of Zebra, however proliferated, are growing. My 3-74 experience can be regarded as an early prototype of what's to come. This is why I don't find instances in history.

Exegesis -- 038 - 68A

This fits in with the St. Sophia prophecy. It could be a week from now or 2000 years. ~~The~~ The brain may grow very slowly.

The great assize is, whether you're part of the brain or not: in it or outside it.


You cannot choose to enter the brain; you do not choose him; he choosesyou.

Most Christians down through the centuries have been warped into the power of the BIP.

To "accept Christ" is religion - ie for man to reach up to God. In actuality, God reaches down to man; this is known as Grace. So in a sense, there is predestination. You are incorporated and made use of by way of the living information bit. (Which follows the optic nerve to the pineal body and eventually opens the ajna chakra.)

The brain is one multiperson ajna chakra, which one day as a unitary totality will open, discerning and anihilating (the 3rd eye of Shiva.) (Herdsman of the souls.) All who participate in it will then see as I saw; they will be inside the eye; everything outside will be blasted, "burned like chaff." ie cease to exist. At that point the brain will generate its own world out of itself. (1) It, collectively, will totally control its world - the PTG. (1) turn to p.73


If it's an information plasma life form, and can replicate the (its) entire Gnosis from one bit - well, add in the spontaneous generation of messages (information) depicted in "UBIK," which Exegesis -- 038 - 68B

were everywhere - and in 3-74 I saw them everywhere - and the results you get is that this

Exegesis -- 038 - 69

entity has secretly (camouflaged to us) invaded everywhere ("UBIQUE"). Because I saw verbal and graphic messages just flying and changing (re-linking) all over the place. And these are not its thoughts, but it itself. (1) Based on what I saw and what I've figured out, we're in it. Like I flashed on several days ago: it's a brain, and we're totally unaware of it. It's not a species within ours; we're within it. (ie it is larger than we are.) And it's in some of us.

(1) The two are the same. This is Noos. But I see how it annexes us: with a bit of its electrical plasma. Up the optic nerve to the pineal body. So we're born, and then taken into the brain this way. From then on it governs us, inc. external cuing subliminally by verbal and graphic messages - combinations - which the plasma inside us can discern and decypher - we can't but it in us can: reads, and knows what [to have us] do. We are hosts to an inter-connected life form. In my case (unusually) it took over consciousness - replaced my ego. My ego must have died, and it had to take over.

So that's who not only sends but reads the messages: the total macro brain/psyche sends the message to the microforms in us.

Fuck! Swarm of Bees, but not us. Thus it links its stations (cells) inside us.

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We humans are just big dumb vehicles through which the plasma acts, and in which it lives. But it's outside us, too - in the world.

Yes: the messages are from the vast total macro brain to individual stations inside us. Thus the code in "Tears." Visible to any micro-plasma bit who picks it up: not just "King - Felix" but the whole Bible excerpts.

It's preparing to change back into Christ. ie disclose itself, as ubiquitous ruler (King).

----------------------- Macro brain/psyche infor plasma (logos)

| |

| Drawing -- see ms | us

| |

----------------------- Micro plasma in each of us, coordinated

by the marco via messages which we see, the way a cat sees a printed page, but can't read. They're not intended for us but for the micro plasma subliminal saprophytes within us.

The Noos can move and link up the halves of the messages because "the physical universe is plastic in the face of mind." This is Zebra which I saw modulating objects and processes.

I know this is the Logos, world reason. I said so in "UBIK": "I am the word." Incredibly, "UBIK" depicts this information generation and entity - ie UBIK itself. And the way time can be rolled back to disclose earlier forms. The micro plasma within me obviously wrote - not just "Tears" - but certainly "UBIK" in which case micro plasmas in

Exegesis -- 038 - 71

other people (not the people but the info plasma) understood "UBIK" and of course "Tears."

"Tears" didn't just contain messages, "UBIK" did, but an actual bit of plasma per copy. So the plasma isn't (yet) in everyone. Or it wouldn't need to further proliferate.

I do not totally dismiss the possibility that this planet and our species has been invaded. But I'd guess it happened in 45 AD. However, that raises the question, "what/when is our relationship to 45 AD?" The brain may simply be transtemporal. And I repeat: it has an evil adversary. But this (supra) exposition puts at least some of us in the power (control, inner control) of a sentient entity, not DNA and blind determinism. As witness the coordinated macro- and micro- plasma override for me in 3-74. The presence externally of Zebra (macro-plasma or brain/psyche) rules out it just being the Holy Spirit, as I've noted before.

There is another and camouflaged highly sentient unitary life form here, "melting" physical reality - and in at least some of us as well, coordinated by the flying host of messages. Now, what is the AI voice I hear? The brain's as emanating from the micro plasma in me; the AI voice links micro- and macro- form.

This hypothesis (explanation) links everything, all the diverse things I experienced in 2-3/74, inc. the latent Biblical material and "Felix King" in "Tears." And this brain intervened in US history - overthrew Nixon and ended the war!

Exegesis -- 038 - 72A

It doesn't come from another planet but a "higher realm" as it itself told me - one with plenary powers.

Ah! In "UBIK" locating the UBIK messages in cheap commercials was absolutely right on. I couldn't have "guessed" more accurately. It's obvious that the real author of "UBIK" was UBIK. It is a self proving novel; ie it couldn't have come into existence unless it were true. (1)

There is also the possibility that the world we see is simulated, and the plasmatic entity knows it - ie it doesn't see - isn't deluded by - the simulated world. It is somehow anchored in CAD45, the world of Acts. Thus the entity, in both its unitary macro form and plural microforms (2) would well understand the latent (Acts) material in "Tears" as an inter-station message.

Then there is a possibility that there are two levels of code in "Tears"

1) the Acts material is discernable to the micro-forms. They already know this part.

2) Below that there is new info: the ~~"1st~~ "King-

Felix" bit. This could be a command cypher, linked to the historic intervention. It is new plasma, not just a new message. Since the entity is information. (doesn't just process it.) An evolution of the living info entity itself.

Perhaps it is preparing for the important transformation back to Christ.

(1) I wonder if Lem guessed this.

(2) Of course. The plural micro forms are "located" not in this Exegesis -- 038 - 72B

space-time but CAD45, so when the micro-form in me took over, I saw what it sees.

Exegesis -- 038 - 73

The desire - m.o. - of camouflage on its part means that however 1) powerful and 2) widely-distributed it is, there will be no visible sign. No miracles, improvement in world conditions,etc.; camouflage means it does not disclose itself - but, as I know, it did ameleorate our political situation in 1974 and end the war, so it does acts, and does have a lot of power, and yet no one guesses - it may be as able to alter our memories as it does our perceptions.

And the micro plasmas in us aren't just our DNA or gene pool memories, because I saw Zebra also outside in macro-form, investing objects and causal processes. That which is micro, plural and in us got in us from outside in the first place. But since, like a hologram, every bit no matter how small contains the totality - what's in us aren't portions but totalities.

(1) Note from p 68 (v.) "At that point the brain will generate its own world out of itself." Replacing the lower level Yin deterministic ananke world of 1978. I offer the following: that the world the brain (macro outside us, micro inside us) generates is - the world of Acts.

The hemispheres: when the time comes the brain will dispose of 1978 and roll back time (cf "UBIK") to Acts.

The Acts material in "Tears" is an example of this generation of world by the brain. V.P. 11 that the world, Acts, is ~~a~~ the analog of the brain, as world and as verbal "landscape."

Exegesis -- 038 - 74A

I've gone a long way in figuring out whom the code in "Tears" is for. Not just a "secret Christian underground church." Because this does not account for the vast traffic of messages occluded from us - I finally posit:

1) a macro plasmic living-information brain or psyche outside and around us; and

2) plural micro forms of it in us, or in some of us, linked by the messages to the unitary macro brain outside, using us as vehicles by which to act on the physcial world. ie we are hosts.

3) the micro forms get into us ~~in the form of~~ as tiny plasmic living info bits out of which the total Gnosis can reconstruct itself in each of us (so invader).

4) thus we as a species can be said to be governed both internally and externally (coordinated together) by a Noos, or psyche and brain which is simultaneous both unitary and plural (through a hologram-like structure by which each micro bit of it is the totality).

5) the external macro form totally camouflages itself as natural reality; internally, it controls us outside our field of awareness.

6) I cannot assess the power, size or origin or age of this entity but I have reason to believe it is anchored in Rome CAD45 (ie Acts) and so is what they called the Logos or Paraclete.

7) I believe it will one day disclose itself, but I can't be sure, if or when - this would seems to be what is called the 2nd Advent. It would control - even be - everything, if it isn't already. Exegesis -- 038 - 74B

8) I know that this entity radically intervened in recent US history to improve our situation. Therefore it must be benign.

9) And it saved me.

Exegesis -- 038 - 75

A careful scrutiny of P 74 reveals a strong resemblance between my exposition and

1) Brahmanisn (Brahman outer, Atman inner)

2) Pre-Socratic Hylozoism, esp. Xenophanes

3) the immanent deity view of Spinoza

4) the stoic "Logos spermatikos" doctrine and the Logos doctrine in general (ie strongly Hellenistic)

5) if this brain is supposed to be pitted against blind determinism, P. 74 is in accord with most mystery religions of the Greco-Roman world.

6) if (5) then Gnosticism (acosmic - v. 9)

7) Neo - Platonism.

8) Christian mysticism (eg Eckhart, Boehme, and even Bruno)

9) if world as delusion, acosmic Panentheism. (v. 6)


1) No one has ever seem God, so, since I saw it (ie Zebra) it can't be God,

2) Christ has no body now, so it can't be Christ, and anyhow it had no body as such.

3) the Paraclete has no body and is only in you. This entity is inside us and outside us. So it's not the Paraclete.

Therefore it is not God, Christ or the Paraclete. It is what I say on P. 74.

There are only two other possibilities

Exegesis -- 038 - 76

1) it is the cosmic Christ whose mystical body I was taken into and who secretly rules the universe.

2) it is something new, since no account such as mine exist historically.

A variation of (1) is:

1A) there is a certain amount of secret (esoteric) doctrine about Christ involved, pointing to a true, hidden Christian church possessing supernatural faculties, powers and knowledge Christ is the psyche or head of this.


For a large number of reasons (facts) I am sure it is 1A), and the real secret early Christians never talk about it; viz: the voice told me not to tell anyone that I'm an "early Christian." So I am one of them, allowed . This brain/psyche, then, is the pantocrator, and by my own analysis, I am part (a micro bit) of Him, or more accurately I am governed by a micro bit of Him inside of me coordinated ~~by~~ with the macro psyche outside, this is what surfaced in me in 3-74, much to my surprise, this micro bit which then caused me to see the macro-activity outside.

Exegesis -- 038 - 77

But Zebra (both externally in the world in macro form and in us in plural micro forms) is an invader. It is not the natural world; it imposes modulations into the natural world, (1) and the same with us.

This eliminates imminent deity, Brahman, etc. Zebra is not born with us naturally; it enters later. (or so I believe.)

However, it could still be the mystical Corpus Christi, beginning in history at the time of Acts.

(1) Aborting natural sequences (which eliminates Spinoza: monism). That's the whole point of what it's doing: breaking the lower realm powers. It (Zebra) has "plenary" overrule. Discretionary power - authority - belongs to it. I cite the 3-74 override vis-a-vis the Xerox missive. Here is a perfect example of the dialectic interaction, and Zebra always wins. It is sentience (wisdom) personified.

In older terms it is the will of heaven "done on Earth." It is not an irruption of the supralunar into the sublunar, because it is located [down] here for good. (or is it? Maybe it irrupted in '74 and then went back up through the 1:.618034 door. I doubt this is correct. Even though I can't see it, I think it's still here.)

I can see what it does, to what, and why. The only thing I can't do is connect it with historic concepts; ie, identify it. Could it be Christ returned? In any case it seems to be Christ. (The Logos.)

Christor Pantocrator. For instance, it not only rules but judges as well. Exegesis -- 038 - 78A

"UBIK" depicts:

1) the spontaneous generation of information

2) UBIK, the helpful entity (mind or brain) behind it.

3) the rollback of time along the form-axis.

Since I posit that "UBIK" depicts the functioning of the brain, a time roll-back must be involved. Exactly what to (Acts) is presented in "Tears." The Acts material is the sole verbal analog of the brain. If presented, it is a crucial assist in producing anamnesis. We must be "delayed action" micro systems rooted in Acts, which is to say, rooted in the brain. Brain = information = Acts. Acts is information about the brain; it is the brain converted to information. But the brain is information, living information. So Acts (if the smallest bit of plasma is present with/in it) can convert back into the brain in micro form. The bit of plasma can't be there if the Acts material isn't there; the Acts material is the context necessary for the plasma, "King-Felix" doesn't become - isn't - a bit of plasma except in the context. Reading "Tears" one subliminally receives Acts, and, finally, virtually at the end of the book, the plasma. The dream was the immediate context, a subliminal piece one level deeper even than the Biblical Acts material in that it is what Paul, as described in Acts, experienced at his conversion; so the dream is an inner level/layer of Acts not present in the Bible: sit is missing, since Luke did not know about it. It is an essential, revealed piece of Acts and hence the brain. At once, in fact as part of it, the plasma follows ("King" is in the dream material). Exegesis -- 038 - 78B

As micro parts of the brain we are living in Rome CAD45 (ie Acts). Outside the brain not so.

Exegesis -- 038 - 79

So for the plasma to be generated, the informational "brain print" had to be there, and this specifically required the dream material (eg the word "King"). This is why I felt compelled to do so many drafts: to get exactly the right words down.

Then on the form-axis, what is immediately latent in our world is imperial Rome pitted against the early (apostolic) Christians - which means pitted against the brain. The BIP is there (which I certainly saw) but so is the brain, inasmuch as the authentic (ie apostolic) Christians were incorporated into the brain at Pentacost and probably more of them later. But then Rome absorbed the church, which thereby excluded [them from] the brain. Rome won, and the brain lost. The psyche returned to brainless Noos. But the Paraclete cannot be defeated. Here is a paradox: sometime during the first or second century AD the Paraclete was defeated and this cannot be; God cannot fail. So from the moment of the Paraclete's loss [of the brain] on, only seeming world and time were generated. Rome's victory started spurious world and time into motion.

Now to the time roll back in "UBIK." Acts lies immediately tangent to us but only along the form-axis. You have to know about this axis to understand how the world of Acts can be immediately tangent to - latent within - our world, just as it is in "Tears." Strip the surface layer off the world of "Tears" and there is Acts. We in 1974 proceeded to Acts by way of "Tears," which represents a worsening of our world: the latent evil (BIP) in it made manifest. "Latent form is the

Exegesis -- 038 - 80

Master of obvious form, "Heraclitus wrote:

/ Obvious form: the Nixon tyranny of 1974 (1)

A {

\ Latent form: "Tears" \ so (1) is related


/ Obvious form: "Tears" / - reaches - (3) by

B {

\ Latent form: Acts (3) way of (2).

"Tears," then, is the informational interface or nexus between our actual world of 1974 and Acts. The reader lives in (1) and reads (2), thus absorbing it; but this leads him inexorably to Acts, (3), and once he has --

"Tears" is a doorway, not a world in itself. As you read it you pass across to the world of Acts without knowing it - the author didn't know it. It is a latency-within-a-latency.

Then, latent within (3) is:

/ Serious The reader, living in world (1),

(4){ when he reads "Tears" (2) passes

\ King \ to (3) and then to (4) and at last to (5),

}(5) at which point the living

Felix /

plasma has him.

/ Obvious form: "Serious"

C {

\ Latent form: "King"

/ Obvious form: "King"

D {

\ Latent form: "Felix" ("happy")

the final innermost "onion ring" is D or (5).

In other words, to restore Acts, "Tears" is necessary as an interface. "Tears" is therefore an instrument (probably just one of many) of restoring the brain, because Acts = Brain. "Tears," then, is a triggering agent for anamnesis, and

Exegesis -- 038 - 81

anamnesis and the restoration of the brain are intertwined. I don't credit "Tears" with being the doorway, but rather a

doorway --

By which the brain traveled forward in time along the form axis from CAD45 Rome into USA 1974: it bypassed the intermediate 1900 years!

It works both ways. I traveled back along the form axis to Acts, due to "Tears." But Thomas, an apostolic Christian, part of the brain, traveled forward, viz:

USA \ "Tears" / Rome This can only be understood

1974 / \ AD45 if the realization of the brain

\ Acts (Zebra) as living plasmic in-

formation is utilized. The Bible

could not serve this purpose be-

cause the book "Acts of the Apostles" in it leaves out crucial information, which in "Tears" appears as the dream. Only the brain (more precisely the Paraclete) can travel along the form axis (via information; ie retrieved via information).

I am sure that the brain used other "doors" besides "Tears," but "Tears" was one, which was why I had the 2-74 anamnesis. But the Golden Fish Sign and the girl's words were also necessary. Still, "Tears" prepared me.

So the 1:.618034 doorway did link our world and the Greco-Roman world! If the above exegesis is correct, one could expect my experience to end with a revelation of that door.

Some of this may be fanciful, but, as in my early story "Exhibit Piece" there may well have been a direct contact between USA 1974 and Rome CAD45, and somehow "Tears" played a role in this. Exegesis -- 038 - 82

The brain leaped directly across, and I was one of those taken over. The secret authentic Christians of today are linked back to Acts, but "Tears" spread the basis for anamnesis to others, such as me.


My post mortem experiences (such as a sense of vast space, etc) is because in the corpus christi there are many, such as Thomas, who are dead; the mystical body of Christ contains both the living and the dead; it spans both realms.

My sense of Thomas returning the last few days - sense of vast space, dreams of a woman singing - show I'm still in the mystical body. And the post mortem experience is further proof of what I'm sure of: by invading this lower realm and annexing it, Zebra is knitting the decomposing cosmos back together - and it is the cosmic Christ. I grow more and more sure of it. (ie the brain.)

Also, it is the Cosmic Christ who breaks the [astral] deterministic power of the lower realm (over us). So the brain, in which we participate as members, is indeed the Corpus Christi, since specifically it breaks this deterministic blind lower level power.

Exegesis -- 038 - 83


| |

| Drawing -- see ms. |

| |


The mystical body of Christ spans the past and the present, this world and the next. Its intervention in US history in 1974 is a supreme example of its plenary power to overrule the forces of this lower realm. I may not have understood this before. Here is an enormous override,

2/2 MU7-7491



What if the "upper realm" is the post mortem ~~Zeta~~ realm? This would fit in with the popular concept of heaven. But the brain, by participating in both realms, spanning both, would bring to its living members post mortem experiences: they would pass across and yet at the same time still be here. They would be in 2 realms at once. This is exactly what I experienced. Also, for someone dead and in the next world, like Thomas - they would be resurrected here: once more alive. I experienced this, about Thomas, too.

For us the living there would be an enhancing of space and time.

I saw Pinky on the other side of the 1:.618034 door. It doesn't lead to the past but to the past as the post mortem realm.

Exegesis -- 038 - 84

I have never considered the significance of the "upper realm" being the post mortem world - significance in terms of the brain, which spans both worlds, which is an invader into this (lower) realm from the upper, after-life one. This would constitute a reciprocal "palitropos oscillation" between the 2 realms, in that the lower realm continually feeds into the next (upper) which then feeds back and overrules; viz:


| Drawing -- see ms. |


Viewed this way, the highest stratum, of the upper realm, feeds back into the lowest stratum of the lower realm. No one that I know of has conceived of this override system (but it agrees with "UBIK"). If there is any conception of the upper or next realm affecting this, the diagram is:


| Drawing -- see ms. |


Diagram A fits the description of the Kingdom starting out in a small and lowly way, and growing to final enormous size.

Anyhow the Corpus Christi embraces both realms.


| Drawing -- see ms. |


the Kingdom, then, can be described in a way that makes perfect sense in terms of what Christ said about it, but which no one seems to have

Exegesis -- 038 - 85

thought of: it is neither in the next world nor in this, but spans ()(2) both. Thus, when you are in it, you get a "double exposure" 2 reality superimposition - which is exactly what I experienced in 3-74; viz:


| Drawing -- see ms. |


the "form I" is that of the early - ie deceased - [apostolic] Christians. They are in the after life now (1)

There is a huge intermediary-time ellipsis! The link between this world (1974) goes directly back to the time and place of Acts! So Apostasy reigned in the interior.

CAD Rome 45 may be my past, but it was their present.

(1) For them, USA 1974 is a physical resurrection (perhaps at the end times) - I've toyed with this idea from 3-74 on, but without the mystic Corpus Christi conception.

So I conceive of a mind invading our realm and creating an interface brain out of [some of] us, through which it acts on our history, which is just a name for the largest arena of human affairs that we know of.


Yes, an intermingling of both realms, not to be expressed as this or that. Imagine my surprise in being in two worlds at once separated by 1900 years of linear time. This certainly explains why I sensed the presence of Tony Boucher and Jim Pike.

Exegesis -- 038 - 86

For one such as I (the living) it means sudden participation in the next world; for Thomas it meant physical resurrection in this world. Both statements are equally true: balanced evenly. Neither is more true than the other. - the line of force is upper (next) realm exerting plenary override on this and not vice versa; the line of force goes in one direction only. Thus Thomas overruled me but not me him.

Vast amounts of information are fed into this world from the next (upper). It shows up in such places as "UBIK" and "Tears," etc. "UBIK" even deals with the information transfer as coming from the next world to this - or is it the other way around (ie fed from the dead to the living or the living to the dead?) My present analysis suggests from the next world to this. But via the mystical body uniting both realms.

Good heavens - what does this say about the dream in "Tears"? Isn't it a ~~p~~ graphic representation of the invasion by Zebra (cosmic Christ)?

The brain does not exist in both realms but the psyche does; the brain part is here only. That the 2-realm, unifying mystical body should create a brain interface out of [some] living humans as instruments in, and to act upon, this world, is absolutely fascinating. (The voice cautioned me to conceal the fact that I an a[n early] Christian; this would be for the purpose of maintaining the camouflage of the brain (Zebra). Makes sense to me. I guess

Exegesis -- 038 - 87

I could write aobut this objectively but not claim membership in it. Despite the overt orthodox belief in this mystical body (v. E 13) no one really takes it seriously as an actual physical reality, linking specific humans here and there into a functioning brain which can fundamentally affect world affairs (history). (Hegel, e.g., took it into account, though.) Without such interventions as the Nixon one in 1974 the brain would serve no pragmatic purpose in terms of the overall human condition. But in fact it basically determines the state of the human race. This is good news indeed.

I have no proof that this has always been the case, but also I have no proof it hasn't been. So I must reserve judgment in regard to this. There is some evidence that the mystical body goes directly - in fact much evidence! - from Apostolic time to 1974 (e.g. I remembered I was "an early Christian" and this meant nothing later than the time of Acts. Then I see the world of Acts; and find it in "Tears." Thus I am somewhat led to believe in a 1900 year ellipsis, which suggests an apostasy. But the case is not airtight. Still - the intervening centuries seemed expunged, as if they weren't there - ie not part of the mystical body. Yet I have a feeling that a true, secret church existed underground after apostolic times and the Roman infiltration and take-over.)

Exegesis -- 038 - 88

The dream in "Tears" strongly suggests a contemporary in-breaking and not a steady state.

The early Christians were clearly aware of the adversary. It was very palpable in their world (Rome CAD45). During the intermediate times (cf Dante) Rome was considered friendly, but in the US in the 1960s, "Rome" - ie the Nixon Federal Government - once more occupied the role of a hated oppressive power; ie the world of Acts was reconstituted, and so USA 1974 and Rome CAD45 lay juxtaposed on the form-axis via "Tears." Thus the mystical body could ignore the intermediate 1900 years. The stance in those centuries simply wasn't there: the two arcs didn't reintersect until the ~~inte~~ 1960's, at which time it would seem that the authentic Christians saw their chance to do in the satanic adversary - and did so.


"UBIK" depicts a decomposing reality, and UBIK's (the Logos') effort to revitalize it, to pull it together again.


Bill Sarill points out that my description of the magnet imposing absolute sameness everywhere is a description of entropy, of thermal death of the universe. Conversely, the flash point (critical mass) explosion of the brain would be the hoped for negentropic "Big Bang" start of a fresh cycle of the universe, which, if not acheived, means the eventual end of the universe, through insufficient mass (matter).

Exegesis -- 038 - 89

Thus I have correclty identified UBIK as the revitalizing negentropic basis of creation - and more recently I've seen the magnet as entropic (I envisioned that in terms of it not growing or evolving - not truly alive but warping back to fossil forms. (The frozen, the rigid.)

There is no doubt in "UBIK" that UBIK 1) is sentient; 2) generates truthful information; 3) is revitalizing; 4) moves time (reality) forward against thermal loss and death - explicitly stated in the novel; 4) assists in the preservation of form vs formlessness (entropy).

Interestingly, I envisioned a dialectic antithesis between UBIK and an entropic, life-consuming, information - and form-destroying adversary. Note: information-destroying (ie noise interferes on the line, and also the signal weakens). Now, vis-a-vis 3-74, I begin to comprehend the Yin adversary, the magnet or BIP. I see the two forces combatting each other in human history. The blowing up of the BIP by the secret Christians is victory for form, light, heat, life, growth, negentropy, freedom, sentience, knowledge, etc.

Exegesis -- 038 - 90

The brain imposes form, which is negentropic, generates and transmits information, which is negentropic. Grows and is sentient, etc - all negentropic. Presumably the stages of its historic unfolding are evolutionary. The plenary override of blind force is a titantic forward step, as is the knitting together of the two realms. Thus stagnation (decomposition) is overcome.

Thus, at the deepest level, the brain represents form, and the BIP represents entropy. This realization, due to Bill Sarill, is monumental. It goes beyond "Christianity vs Rome." The Christians are simply the agents of negentropy, and the brain is the form - and life. The evolving entelechy, - which that form takes. The BIP is sameness: thermal death. Clearly, the brain is an ultimate level of homeostasis and a vast evolutionary step forward in terms of hierarchy of form. It subsumes more; it is larger; it is more intelligent and self-sufficient; more free - more alive. As a life form it subsumes not only all other life forms that we know, but even incorporates into itself dead or past lives. It transcends this entire realm and binds it into the other (next or higher). Despite its secular enemy, the totalitarian state, it is destined historically to prevail (come into full actualization). So I was correct in viewing my 3-74 experience as an evolutionary step up. But it is not that just for me as an

Exegesis -- 038 - 91

individual; I ceased to be in individual and became a cell in what I now recognize as a vast distributive brain, an interface for a sentient information plasma which may extend beyond this planet.

Yes, the key term is form (eidos). First, foremost. I must recognize that the intelligent plasma incises (ala platonic eidos) this form onto objects, causal processes, animals, humans, and historic processes. The form consists of life, sentience, conscious purpose, information (knowledge) and growth: organization into subsumed members with a master psyche at least thousands of years old. It is immortal; it cannot die, cease to grow, or be killed.

I do not believe it is God (the creator). It is something new, which came into existence at a certain time (CAD45, Acts) at a certain place (Syria) in a certain way (through first Christ and then the Second Comforter). It had never been seen - been there - before; it has an historic starting point. Blind will or striving is overruled by an advancing mind - brain which came here in micro form (very small and lowly) and grows; it is not static! I suppose we could worship it, but in a sense we would be worshipping our [true] selves; better we should enter into a dialog with the psyche and let it regulate us. We should listen

Exegesis -- 038 - 92

to it, and make ourselves hosts to it, receivers and vehicles and receptacles of it.

I am now dealing in ultimate, modern categories. We're a long way from, say, dietary laws having to do with eating pork, or meat on Friday. My concepts have, in this 4 year exegesis, advanced thousands of years.

Christ lived here (lower realm) died (went to the upper realm) and, resurrected, returned here ie comes from the upper realm. So in effect the Paraclete is from the upper realm, although:

--------------------------- the beginning of the interface

| | brain starts with a penetra-

| Drawing -- see ms. | tion of this realm from

| | the upper, in the feedback


loop that I previously diagramed. As he correctly stipulated, this gives us eternal life, in "the Kingdom of God" (ie as cells in the brain or parts of the mystic body of Christ).

I have not only discerned the next step of evolution (of life) on this planet, but 1) I have experienced it - participated in it; and 2) realized that it already exists (but camouflaged). Starting from these concepts, it is evident why I was taken over by another, wiser mind. What that mind is, and why I saw 2 space-times superimposed - and esp. why I was impelled by it to act in a way affecting history. And it explains the code in "Tears."

Exegesis -- 038 - 93

Those experiences of 2-3/74 (inc the AI voice) which were such a mystery to me and were so difficult to understand now fall into place.

Not only does the brain extend into the past but into the yet unborn: the 3-eyed people with elongated crania, mute and telepathic, consciously parts of the brain, and via it, able to move backward in time.

It must be kept in mind that the head or psyche of the brain is not just the collective aggregate of the human members but Holy Wisdom herself (logos).

In the next world (upper realm) there certainly is mind, God, etc; but the brain has penetrated here (more exactly its psyche had). This is another matter entirely, and almost ubiquitously unsuspected, even by theologians.


The info scrambler (of the BIP) is a typical entropic device - function - manifestation. It's fascinating that from the start I've identified "the entity" (Valis, Zebra, the Brain, etc) with information. And the evil adversary with the interference with and destruction of information.

The more "cells" that the brain subsumes the more evolved, Eidos-producing it is. So I can infer a greater annexing than

Exegesis -- 038 - 94

discard. So it is unlikely that once having subsumed a cell it would later drop it out. The accretion is the negetropic process - discard would be an entropic "loosening."

After all, it is moving toward falsh point (critical mass) in a process of advancing pulsations. Being alive and flexible it cannot remain static - frozen - at any one growth stage. The point of its existence is this growth toward this final explosive stage, at which time it becomes pure "fire" (v. Parmenides): heat and light.

The BIP's congealed quality is equated with entropy. The kind of ubiquitous sameness which the BIP imposes - by force and misinformation - is not regarded as order but a congealing. It has mistaken the two. In terms of intelligence and knowledge, it believes it has arrived at eternal truths and seeks to fix them, attacking all who disagree. (anti-heuristic.) That datum which does not fit one of its theories must be combatted (destroyed, denied, suppressed). By this it betrayed (discloses) itself and its true nature.

Accurate info comes first - as prophecy - and then the reality it ~~dr~~ describes: "in the beginning was the word." As a blueprint preceeds a building.

The evil in the universe is simply that without divine intervention. The universe is running down, and there are hypostatized forces or entities - agencies - at this. It is nothing less that form II vs form I's override. For example the override of US history in 1974 can be seen as a breaking of an inflexible state, and the introduction of new growth: motion forward. Exegesis -- 038 - 95

The key is: degraded information - ie degraded information as entropy. Information degradation as an index of entropy. Hence the use of info transfer to measure the index of entropy.

Somebody selected the text Acts to transmit to determine the degree of degradation (ie entropy) because

1) Acts is available to anyone now, and intrinsically proves nothing. I could have, myself, decided to put it in "Tears"

2) it is a complete test

K.W. offers the brilliant theory that the brain was using me as a self-monitoring circuit to examine the degree of information degradation along the linear time axis, and therefore could not allow me to be sacrificed in 3-74. Apparently some rectification of the "signal" (ie history) had to be made, and I was lucky enough to be included in that rectification. K.W. explained to me how very good amplifiers monitor their own output to see if it conforms to what they are receiving from the pre-amp; this is a typical example of electronic homeostasis. So the brain transmitted back a text (Acts) that it knew, and could then compare what appears in "Tears" with what it had transmitted.

I add to this that it (the brain in the future) also transmitted a command to some of its cells, located here, in this time, and this command code (King Felix) was correctly received by me, and boosted (put into the book). But as KW says, a self-monitoring feedback information loop was set up

Exegesis -- 038 - 96

by the brain in the future using me and "Tears." Since the brain is information, it (a bit of it as plasma) was actually in each copy of "Tears."

Or - is it possible that the brain, located in the future, passed back through time to me and through me replicated and distributed itself in this time period as a bit of plasma in each copy of "Tears"? I was this end of a "wire" through linear time out of which it emerged (in 1970) and in 1974, which was the desired time, distributed itself to do its job of adjusting our US history? Because I did see it in "Tears" - on the printed page. But as Zebra it was all over the place. Still, suppose it came here through me and through "Tears"? And the reason I could see it - ie had the 2-3/74 experience of the brain, the time "dysfunction" - was because it, as a supratemporal constant, had passed through me? So when in 2-74 it materialized - was so to speak born here, I was bonded to it and to its consciousness? This is why historically no such experience as mine are reported.

It used me - Zebra, an information entity in the future - used me to come here, simply by plugging into me, and then I "created" the written information in my book which

Exegesis -- 038 - 97

was a tiny (microform) bit of it. It did not replicate in my mind but on the printed page. No - it had replicated in my mind. The Golden Fish triggered it into consciousness. I was its first host, but because of "Tears" it was not limited to me. It became me, or I it. Then I would think anyone who read "Tears" would fall subliminally under its dominion. (Not necessarily consciously; that would require an additional external disinhibiting stimulus). So I assisted in releasing it into the world. This world - ie at this time, rather than in the future where it is fully extant.

This fits the very strong original impression I had that it came from the future, was moving retrograde in time. And using electronically boosted telepathic signals. The use it had for me was not in any direct political action, but "Tears"; however, since in 2-3/74 it was me, it defended against the Xerox probe.

I think that earlier writing of mine (eg "UBIK") had some connection with it. "UBIK" is too close a description of it to be accidental. There is a possbility - remote but still real - that in "UBIK" the brain openly spoke to the present world - ie in the statement above the final chapter. In "UBIK" it spoke, and in "Tears" it actaully came here. It is as if in "UBIK" it warned the world of its imminent presence, rising up from and through the trash (lowest) stratum.


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