CHAPTER READINGSChapter 5 "Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution"Pages: 84-93Pages: 94-103Topics:Populous and rural areas (colonial population)Mingling of races (Germans & Scott-Irish).Paxton Boys (Regulator Movement).Structure of the colonial society (lower classes: slaves).Agriculture (Triangular Trade & Molasses Act)Topics:Religion tolerations (Anglican & Congregational church).The Great Awakening.Jonathan Edwards.George Whitefield.Old and New lights.Ben Franklin.John Peter Zenger case.Upper house and lower house.Lord Cornbury.Royal governors.Chapter 6 (106-114 "Global War and Colonial Disunity") & (114 "Braddock’s Blundering and Its Aftermath - 121)Pages 106-114Pages 114-121King William's War.Queen Anne's War.King George's War.French and Indian War.Edict of Nantes (1598)Samuel de Champlain (Quebec).Jesuits.Antoine Cadillac & Robert de La Salle.New Orleans establishment.War of Jenkin's Ear1754 (George Washington)Albany Congress.Fort Duquesne.Invasion of Canada (1756)General BraddockWIlliam PittLouisbourg (1758)James WolfePlains of AbrahamTreaty of Paris (1763)Intercolonial disunityProclamation of 1763Ottawa Chief PontiacChapter 7 (122-131) & (132-139)Pages 122-131Pages 132-139RepublicanismRadical WhigsMercantilismNavigation law of 1950Prime minister George GrenvilleNavigation lawsSugar ActQuartering ActStamp Act/taxSTamp Act COngress of 1765Sons of liberty & Daughters of LibertyDeclaratory ActIntercolonial UnityTownshend ActsBoston MassacreLord NorthSamuel AdamsHouse of BurgessesBritish East India CompanyBoston Tea PartyIntolerable ActsBoston Port ActQuebec ActFirst Continental CongressDeclaration of RightsThe AssociationLexington and ConcordArticles of ConfederationValley ForgeChapter 8 (141-152) & (153-162)Pages 141-152Pages 153-162Second Continental CongressGeorge WashingtonBunker HillOlive Branch PetitionGerman hessiansThomas Paine (Common Sense)Richard Henry LeeDeclaration of IndependenceTories and the Whigs.Anglican church.The loyalists and patriots.PresbyterianismCongregationalismBenedict Arnold and Ethan AllenKing George IIIBattle of Long IslandGeneral William HoweDecember 26, 1776 (George Washington)Hudson River Valley (1777)General Horatio Gates.Colonel Barry St.LegerGeneral Burgoyne.General Howe's.Battle of Saratoga.Model treatyArmed neutralityTreaty of Fort StanwixPrivateeringTreaty of Paris of 1783British General CornwallisAdmiral de GrasseChapter 9 (164 -177 "The Horrid Specter of Anarchy") & ( 177-187)Paes 164-177Pages 177-1871776 (new constitution)Fundamental lawArticles of confederation1777 and 1781Land Ordinance of 1785Northwest Ordinance of 1787Lord Sheffield.Shay's RebellionCaptain Daniel ShaysInterstate commerceAlexander HamiltonConstitutional conventionLarge-state planSmall-state planGreat compromiseThree-fifths compromiseCommon lawAnti-federalistsFederalistsVirginia statute for religious freedomQuakersAbolition of the slave tradeCivic virtueRepublican motherhood.Chapter 10 (190-200) & (201-209)Pages 190-200Pages 201-209George Washington Presidency.Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and Henry KnoxJames Madison (Bill of Rights)Judiciary Act of 1789John JayNational debtexcise taxBank of the united statesWhiskey rebellionTwo-party systemJeffersonian democratic republicans and hamilton federalists.French revolutionNeutrality proclamation of 1793Miami confederacyJays treatyPinckeney's treaty of 1795Federalist partyJohn AdamsJohn MarshallXYZ affairNapoleon bonaparteConvention of 1800Alien lawsSedition actChapter 11 (211- 222 " The Louisiana Godsend") & (222-231)Pages 211-222Pages 222-231Whispering campaignsElection of 1800Revolution of 1800Jeffersonian restraintThe naturalization law of 1802Judiciary act of 1801Chief Justice John MarshallMarbury vs. Madison (1803)James MadisonNapoleon Bonaparte (Louisiana land 1800)Robert Livingston (treaty on April 30, 1803)Louisiana PurchaseWilliam ClarkAaron BurrBurr and Hamilton's duelGeneral James WilkinsonJefferson's reelection in 1804Orders in Council in 1806Seizure of all merchant ships (French)Chesapeake AffairEmbargo ActNon-Intercourse ActJames Madison presidencyMacon's Bill No.2War of 1812Democratic Republicans (War Hawks)Federalist opposedChapter 12 (233- 247) & (247-255)Pages 233-247Pages 222-231Americans tried to invade CanadaOliver Hazard Perry→ captured British fleet.Battle of the Thames in Oct 1813Thomas Macdonough (September 11, 1814)Francis Scott KeyAndrew Jackson → Battle of New Orleans.Treaty of Ghent (Dec 24, 1814)Hartford Convention reportEnd of the federalist partyWar of 1812Rush Bagot Agreement1st protective tariff, the tariff of 1816American systemPresident MadisonJames Monroe election in 1816Era of Good feelingsPanic of 1819Land Act of 1820Tallmadge AmendmentMissouri CompromiseJames Monroe re-election 1820McCulloch vs Maryland 1819Cohens vs Virginia 1821Gibbons vs Ogden 1824Fletcher vs Peck 1810Dartmouth College vs Woodward 1819Anglo-American convention of 1818FLorida Purchase Treaty of 1819Joint declarationMonroe Doctrine 1823Russo- American treaty of 1824.Chapter 13 (256-270) & (270-284)Pages 256-270Pages 270-284Democrat party emerged in 1828The corrupt bargain of 1824Election of 1824: Andrew Jackson, John Adams, William Crawford and Henry Clay.National Republicans and Democratic-Republicans.Andrew Jackson (election of 1828)The spoils systemTariff of 1828South Carolina ExpositionJohn C.CalhounTariff of 1832Columbia conventionTariff of promise tariff of 1833Force billTrail of tearsRemoval act in 1830Black hawk warBank warPet banks panic of 1837Texas (1821)WhigsCommon manElection of 1840Chapter 14 (287-306) & (306-318)Pages 287-306Pages 306-318Fur trappingBlack fortiesRevolution in EnglandCotton ginTreaty of Ghent"Wage slaves"Tariff of 1816Industrial revolutionCult of domesticityErie canalThe market revolutionChapter 15 (320-335) & (335-345)Pages 320-335Pages 335-345Second great awakeningPublic educationMormonsAmerican peace societyThe american temperance societyTranscendentalist movementChapter 16 (348-359) & (359-368)Pages 348-359Pages 359-345OligarchyMonopolistic societies in the southSlavery in the southBlack beltNat turners rebellionThe liberatorAmerican anti-slavery societyNullification crisisGag resolutionFree soilers.Chapter 17 (370-380) & (380-388)Pages 370-380Pages 380-388Tariff of 1842Oregon countryElection of 1844Manifest destinyWalker tariff of 1846General Zachary TaylorTreaty of Guadalupe HidalgoWilmot provisoChapter 18 (390-401) & (401-408)Pages 390-401Pages 401-408Popular sovereigntyFree soil partyCalifornia gold rushFugitive slave laws compromise of 1850Second era of good feelingsOstend manifestoClayton bulwer treatyTranscontinental railroadGadsden purchaseKansas-nebraska actRepublican and democratic partyChapter 19 (409 -420) & (420-431)Pages 409-420Pages 420-431Uncle tom's cabinCrisis of the south in 1857Lecompton constitutionElection of 1856Know-nothing partyDred scott vs standfordFifth amendmentMissouri compromise of 1820Panic of 1857Freeport doctrineElection of 1860Constitutional union partyAbraham lincolnConfederates and the unionCrittenden amendmentsChapter 20 (434-441) & (441-450)Pages 434-441Pages 441-450Fort SumterBorder statesCivilized tribesKing cottonTrent affairPresident jefferson davisMorrill tariff actProtective tariffRepublican partyNational Banking SystemHomestead actCotton capitalismChapter 21 (451-464) & (464-475)Pages 451-464Pages 464-475Bull runSeven days battlesSecond battle of Bull RunEmancipation proclamation13th amendmentGettysburg addressFort henry and fort donelsonWar democrats and peace democratsElection of 1864Reform bill of 1967Lincoln assassinationChapter 22 (477-488) & (488-499)Pages 477-488Pages 488-499Freedmen's bureauReconstruction planWade-davis billBlack codesSharecropping14th amendmentCivil rights billReconstruction act15th amendmentMilitary reconstructionUnion leagueKKKTenure of office actForce acts of 1870-1871Chapter 23 (500-513) & (514-526)Pages 500-513Pages 514-526Black fridayLiberal republican partyElection of 1872Panic of 1873Resumption actGilded ageElection of 1876Compromise of 1877Civil rights act of 1875Plessy vs fergusonChinese exclusion actElection of 1880Election of 1884Mckinley tariff act of 1890Populist partyElection of 1892Homestead strikeSherman silver purchase act of 1890Wilson gorman tariff of 1894Panic of 1893Chapter 24 (528-542) & (542-555)Pages 538-542Pages 542-555Union pacific railroadCentral pacific railroad4 time zonesInterstate commerce actInterstate commerce commissionAndrew carnegieStandard oil companyJohn d rockefellerSherman antitrust actAmerican tobacco companyNational labor unionKnights of laborAmerican federation of laborChapter 25 (557-571) & (571-589)Pages 557-571Pages 571-589New immigrantsSettlement housesHull houseNativismAmerican protective associationTuskegee instituteNAACPMorrill act of 1862Hatch actYellow journalismNational american woman suffrage association18th amendmentChapter 26 (590-604) & (604-621)Pages 590-604Pages 604-621Reservation systemBattle of the little bighornDawes severalty act of 1887Reorganization act of 1934Homestead act of 1862Greenback labor partyFarmers alliancePeoples partAmerican railway unionPullman strikeFourth party systemChapter 27 (623-633) & (633-643)Pages 623-633Pages 633-643Big sister policyMonroe doctrineMckinley tariff and sugar importsNaval base rightsReconstruction campsTeller amendmentAnti-imperialist leaguePlatt amendmentPhilippine commissionBoxer rebellionElection of 1900Hay-pauncefote treatyPanama canalRoosevelt corollaryGentlemen’s agreementChapter 28 (644-653) & (653-661) America on the World StagePages 644-653Pages 653-661Philippine commisionBoxer rebellionElection of 1900Pauncefote treaty of 1901Preventive interventionRoot-takahira agreementChapter 29 (664-675) & (676-686)Pages 664-675Pages 676-686MuckrakersThe shame of the cities17th amendmentWomen’s trade union leagueMuller vs. oregonSquare dealHepburn act/ elkins actPure food and drug actMeat inspection actForest reserve actPanic of 1907Election of 1908Dollar diplomacySplit of republican partyNational progressive republican leagueChapter 30 (687-696) & (696-703)Pages 687-696Pages 696-703nElection of 1912New nationalismProgressive republican partyThe triple wall of privilege16th amendment ratifiedClayton antitrust act 1914Mexican revolutionWWICentral powers and alliesLusitaniaElection of 1916Chapter 31 (705-716) & (716-725)Pages 705-716Pages 716-725Zimmermann noteFourteen points WilsonLeague of nationsEspionage act of 1917Sedition act of 1918War industries boardNational war labor board19th amendmentBolshevik revolutionsecond battle of the marneParis conferenceSecurity treatyTreaty of versaillesElection of 1920Chapter 32 (728-740) & (740-752)Pages 728-740Pages 740-752Red scareAmerican planKKKEmergency and immigration act18th amendmentFundamentalistsAutomobile industryFlappersUnited negro improvement associationHarlem renaissanceStock marketChapter 33 (753-764) & (764-776)Pages 753-764Pages 764-776Adkins v children’s hospitalLa follette seaman’s actIsolationismFour power treatyKellogg-briand pactProgressive partyElection of 1924Dawes plan of 1924Re-election in 1928Agricultural marketing actHawley smoot tariffGreat depressionJapanese imperialistsGood neighbor polictyChapter 34 (777-794) & (794-804)Pages 777-794Pages 794-804Election of 1932Hundred daysNew DealBlank-check powersCivilian conservation corpsAAA, CCC, CWAWork Progress AdministrationNational recovery administration21st amendmentDust bowlTennessee valley authority20th amendmentNational debtChapter 35 (806-817) & (817-825)Pages 806-817Pages 817-825London economic conferenceGood neighbor policyReciprocal trade agreements actWashington naval treatyNeutrality actsSpanish civil warQuarantine speechHitler-stalin pactHavana conference of 1940America first committeeElection of 1940lend -lease billAtlantic conferenceNeutrality act of 1939Attack on pearl harborChapter 36 (827-842) & (842-854)Pages 827-842Pages 842-854ABC agreementsExecutive order No.9066Concentration campsWar production boardFair employment practices commissionCode talkersBattle of the atlanticCasablanca january 1945D-dayElection of 1944Battle of the bulgeManhattan projectPotsdam conferenceNagasaki and hiroshimaChapter 37 (858- 873) & (874-885)Pages 858- 873Pages 874-885Taft-hartley actEmployment act of 1946Birth rate→ “baby boom”Yalta conferenceSphere of influenceCold warWorld bankUnited nations conferenceBig five powersIron curtainTruman doctrineMarshall planNATOHydrogen bombFair deal38th parallelKorean warChapter 38 (887-900) & (900-915)Pages 887-900Pages 900-915Election of 1952Montgomery bus boycottBrown v. board of education of topeka kansasPlessy v fergusonLittle rock nineCivil rights actSCLCGeneva summit conference17th parallelWarsaw compactSuez crisisEisenhower doctrineElection of 1956Fidel catro communismJohn F Kennedy electionWhite collar and blue collarChapter 39 (916-930) & (931-943)Pages 916-930Pages 931-943New frontierPeace corpsApollo programBerlin wallTrade expansion actAlliance for progressCuban missile crisisFreedom ridersMarch on washingtonCivil rights act of 1964Great societyElection of 196424th amendmentVoting rights act of 1965Black pantherWatts explosionSix day warElection of 1968Free speech movementChapter 40 (946-962) & (962-975)Pages 946-962Pages 962-975Vietnam warGreat societyVietnamizationNixon doctrine26th amendmentPhiladelphia planSaturday night massacreNew isolationismEqual rights amendmentPanama canalInflationIranian hostage crisisDeployment forceChapter 41 (976-994) & (994-1011)Pages 976-994Pages 994-1011Election of 1980New rights movementNeoconservativeReagan revolutionRecession of 1982Election of 1984Intermediate range nuclear forcesBlack mondayElection of 1988Tiananmen squareCommonwealth of independent statesAmericans with disabilities actElection of 1992World trade centerElection of 1996WTOElection of 2000 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