U.S. History 11

First Semester Study Guide

- Westward Expansion

Morill Land Grant Act Homestead Act Dawes Act

Pacific Railway Acts buffalo soldiers Exodusters

describe life for Nat. Amers. Chivington Massacre Helen Hunt Jackson

Ghost Dance Wounded Knee Chief Joseph

policy of concentration Turner thesis Sitting Bull

problems of Plains farmers dime novels William F. Cody

what did Wyoming do un 1890? 1890 census said what? Frederick Jackson Turner

who were the cowboys? characteristics of the frontier William S. Hart

how did the gov. encourage westward expansion?

what was gov. policy toward Nat. Amer.?

Industrial Growth

transcontinental railroad 1883 railroads did what? Andrew Carnegie

why was steel important after Civil War? 1865-1900 often called what? John D. Rockefeller

working conditions in factories? Bessemer process Horatio Alger

Chinese immigrants in late 1800s? Haymarket Riot Pullman Strike of 1894

division of labor why children worked? productivity

vertical integration horizontal integration Social Darwinism

Sherman Anti-trust act critics of monopolies said? why labor unions organized?

effects industrialization in US cities

effects of industrial expansion after the Civil War?


1880s Presidents most often protected who? Interstate Commerce Act Boss Tweed

laissez-faire capitalism/why did some oppose it Sherman Silver Purchase Act J.C. Penney

farmer's problems/wants/needs Civil Service Act of 1883 spoils system

Granger Movement Tammany Hall William Jennings Bryan

Montgomery-Ward Federal Trade Commission Gilded Age

monetary policy in late 1800s? mugwumps Munn v. Illinois (1877)

gold standard stalwarts Populist Party

goals of populists


goals/beliefs of Progressives ideology of Progressives muckrakers

contrast Populist and Progressives generalize reform movements in U.S. history Carrie Chapman Catt

T. Roosevelt's criticism of muckrakers initiative Susan B. Anthony

T. Roosevelt's view of trusts referendum Upton Sinclair

Wisconsin Idea recall Robert La Follette

Dewey's progressive education Clayton Antitrust Act Jane Addams

progressive income tax Hepburn Act Triangle Shirtwaist fire

Federal Reserve System The Jungle Niagara Movement

urban poor's view of political machines 16th - 19th Amendments "New Freedom"

"New Nationalism"


T. Roosevelt's foreign policy Roosevelt Corollary Emilio Aguinaldo

what led to growth of imperialism? anti-imperialist belived? Joseph Pulitzer

Cuban Rebellion US foreign policy 1900-1915 Platt Amendment

why Panama Canal important? Spanish-American War/causes/results/ US gains Teller Amendment

why T. Roosevelt 1st modern Pres. Open Door Policy Open Door Policy

how Hawaii became part of US "speak softly and carry a big stick" - who? "Seward's Folly"

US markets late 1800s - where? yellow journalism spheres of influence

Alfred T. Mahan

World War I

causes of WW I Triple Entente John J. Pershing

what led US into WW I? Triple Alliance Alvin York

what event began WW I? WW I AKA ? Woodrow Wilson

Sussex Pledge Food Administration Lusitania

Zimmermann Telegram Fuel Administration Herbert Hoover

did Wilson say US entered WW I? WW I deadly why? Sedition Act of 1918

women during WW I Allies Central Powers

Liberty Bonds Committee on Public Information Selective Service Act of 1917

what social changes in WW I? describe 1st years of WW I Spanish flu epidemic of 1918

Battle of Verdun Battle of the Marne Veteran's Day when/why?

Treaty of Versailles what/why opposed? 14 Points what/why opposed? Henry Cabot Lodge

isolationism after WW I

The Roaring 20s

"return to normalcy" Roaring Twenties Louis Armstrong

Kellogg-Briand Pact largest industry 1920s? W.C. Handy

Washington Naval Conf. 1921 Saco and Vanzetti trial Duke Ellington

Red Scare effects of installment buying and leisure time Marcus Garvey

effects of mass media and automobile Schenck v. U.S. (1919) Henry Ford

Lost Generation Palmer Raids Ku Klux Klan in 1920s

Harlem Renaissance Teapot Dome Scandal flappers

Volstead Act union movement in 1920s speakeasies

problems of farmers Harding's Republican formula Democratic party in 1920s

effects of assembly line effects of Prohibition consumer economy


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