
Program: BE Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Curriculum Scheme: Revised 2012Examination: Final Year Semester VIII Course Code:ETC803 and Course Name: Internet And Voice CommunicationTime: 1 hour Max. Marks: 50============================================================================== Note to the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks . Q1. Which of the following is not a timer type in TCP?Option A:RetransmissionOption B:PersistenceOption C:Un-mutableOption D: Keep AliveQ2.Where is a hub specified in the OSI model?Option A:Session layerOption B:Physical layerOption C:Data link layerOption D:Application layerQ3.The local host and the remote host are defined using IP addresses. To define the processes, we need second identifiers called ____________.Option A: UDP addressesOption B: Transport addressesOption C: Port addressesOption D: TCP addresses Q4.Which of the following is not a flow characteristic?Option A:ReliabilityOption B:DelayOption C:JitterOption D:Beam-widthQ5.After obtaining the IP address, to prevent the IP conflict the client may useOption A: ??Internet relay chatOption B: ??Broader gateway protocolOption C: ??Address resolution protocolOption D: ??Encryption of the DHCP server requestsQ6.RTP is used toOption A:carry the media streamOption B:monitor transmission statistics of streamsOption C:monitor quality of service of streamsOption D: secure the streamQ7. ? IP layer primarily concerned withOption A: ? Receiving Portion Option B: ? Transmission PortionOption C: ??Network PortionOption D: ??Host PortionQ8. UDP and TCP are both _______ layer protocols.Option A: Data linkOption B: NetworkOption C: TransportOption D: PhysicalQ9.Beyond IP, UDP provides additional services such as _______Option A: Routing and switchingOption B: Sending and receiving of packetsOption C: Multiplexing and demultiplexingOption D: Demultiplexing and error checkingQ10. Which of the following is not a message type in Real time transport control protocol(RTCP)Option A:Sender reportOption B:Network reportOption C:Receiver reportOption D: Bye messageQ11. To receive the signal, a translator is needed to decode the signal and encode it at aOption A: ?High QualityOption B: Same QualityOption C: ?Lower QualityOption D: ??Bad QualityQ12. If you use FTP, which is the highest layer you are using to transmit dataOption A:Application layerOption B:Presentation layerOption C:Session layerOption D:TransportQ13. Which layer is responsible for process to process delivery in a general network model?Option A: network layerOption B: transport layerOption C: session layerOption D: data link layerQ14. In Three-Way Handshaking process, the situation where both the TCP’s issue an active open is Option A: Mutual openOption B: Mutual CloseOption C: Simultaneous openOption D: Simultaneous closeQ15.Which of the following is a valid host for network A: B: C: D: RTCP uses an odd-numbered _______ port number that follows the port number selected for RTP.Option A: OSPFOption B: TCPOption C: UDPOption D: BGPQ17.The third stage in an email transfer needs a ________ protocol.Option A: PullOption B: PushOption C: DiscardOption D: LeaveQ18.In classless addressing, the prefix length defines the _____________.Option A: NET-IDOption B: HOST-IDOption C: SEQUENCE Option D: MASKQ19. DHCP uses UDP port _________ for sending data to the server.Option A:66Option B:67Option C:68Option D: 69Q20. ?Which protocol provides the synchronization between media streams?Option A: RTPOption B: RTCPOption C: RPCOption D: RTCTQ21.UDP uses _______ to handle incoming user datagram’s that go to different Processes on the same host.Option A: Flow controlOption B: MultiplexingOption C: DemultiplexingOption D: Error controlQ22. The value of acknowledgement field in a segment defines _______Option A: sequence number of the byte received previouslyOption B: total number of bytes to receiveOption C: sequence number of the next byte to be receivedOption D: sequence of zeros and onesQ23.The first line of HTTP request message is called _____________Option A: Request lineOption B: Header lineOption C: Status lineOption D: Entity lineQ24. What is the measurement of packets discarded due to congestion of queues?Option A: BandwidthOption B: DelayOption C: JitterOption D: LossQ25.If the frames are displayed on the screen fast enough, we get an impression of Option A: ?SignalsOption B: ?MotionsOption C: ?PacketsOption D: ?Bits ................

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