
US History Chapter 11: The Great Depression Begins Name:

US History Chapter 12: FDR and the New Deal Date:


1. Which of the following was considered a cause of the Great Depression?


B. Foreign competition

C. The stock market crash

2. The success of the stock market in the 1920’s encouraged more people to buy stock by paying for a fraction of the stock price and borrowing the rest. People who did this bought stock on:

A. Margin

B. Call

C. Investing

3. Which of the following best describes what happened on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929?

A. Stock prices fell and the stock market crashed.

B. The Supreme Court ruled that the NRA was unconstitutional

C. People earned a lot of money in the stock market

4. What does the cartoon reveal about the character?

A. The man likes sitting in the park and thinking about his banking success

B. He saved his money so it would be there in hard times but lost it through no fault of his own

C. The man spent all of his money in the early 1920’s

5. What was the result of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff passed in 1929?

A. It caused other countries to raise their tariffs.

B. It became the highest tariff in American history.

C. Both A and B

Use the chart for #6 >>>>>>>>>>>

6. A decline in the sales of automobiles meant there was less demand for _____.

A. Oil

B. Glass

C. Carriages

7. Which of the following was a serious problem during the Great Depression?

A. People stopped buying on margin

B. High unemployment

C. Business consolidation

For #8 - Use the flowchart BELOW.

_______8. Which statement belongs in the center box?

A. Depositors withdrew their cash from banks.

B. Depositors demanded that banks raise interest rates.

C. Depositors called for more businesses to go into the banking industry.

Use the quote and picture to answer 9&10

“Here you will find men living in homemade ‘houses’ constructed of box wood and lumber, begging description. Many curious folks come out to ‘Shantytown’ and a guide eagerly shows one around with explanations as to who is who and what is what in ‘shantytown.’ Any donation you may give is part of the community chest and shared by all dwellers.”

– Brady Stewart, photographer, Pittsburgh, 1930

9. What is this quote and picture describing?

A. Hoovervilles

B. Bank Runs

C. Margin Calls

10. What can you infer from the quote above about the living conditions of many unemployed

Americans during the Great Depression?

A. The living conditions were unclean and dangerous in such makeshift homes

B. The houses were well built and in a scenic location

C. There was little need for shantytowns such as this one in most American cities

11. What was the cause of many deaths during the Dust Bowl?

A. Breathing in dirt

B. Flooding

C. New farm equipment


12. What is the BEST title for this map?

A. The Great Plains

B. Areas affected by the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression

C. Route 66 through the United States

13. Which two states were MOST affected by wind erosion?

A. North Dakota and South Dakota

B. Oklahoma and Kansas

C. Nebraska and South Dakota

14. What was NOT an effect of the Dust Bowl?

A. Many people relocated

B. Farmers struck it rich

C. Made the Depression worse

15. During the hard times of the 1930’s many Americans preferred:

A. No entertainment

B. Entertainment about foreign countries

C. Entertainment that let them escape their worries

Matching: Important People of the 1930’s.

16. Wrote The Grapes of Wrath a book about a family of Okies A. Hobos

who moved to escape the Dust Bowl.

17. Homeless wanderers who often rode the rails B. Herbert Hoover

18. The president during the beginning of the Great

Depression was______ C. John Steinbeck

19. World War I veterans known as the Bonus Army marched to Washington DC in efforts to:

A. Provide public works jobs for unemployed veterans

B. Receive their bonus early

C. Show their support for going to war in Europe against Hitler

20. Herbert Hoover’s one attempt to openly combat the Depression was known as:

A. Reconstruction Finance Corporation

B. Deficit Spending

C. American Communist Corporation

21. Hoover did not want the government to create many new jobs because that would mean

increased government:

A. Foreclosing

B. Unemployment

C. Deficit Spending

22. Herbert Hoover DID NOT believe in the idea that:

A. The government should stay out of business and the economy

B. The economy would fix itself

C. Heavily funded public works could help the economy

MATCHING #23-27 Use the words in the box.

23. Government financed building projects

24. Spending borrowed money in an attempt to boost the economy

25. Loss of property due to no payment of a mortgage

26. Buying an item on credit with a monthly plan to pay it back

27. Act of buying stocks at great risk with the anticipation of high returns

Use the political cartoon #28 & 29 >>>>>>>>>

28. What did Roosevelt call his program of emergency legislation?

A. The New Recovery

B. The New Deal

C. The Share our Wealth program

29. This cartoon shows President Roosevelt:

A. Angering Republicans about emergency legislation

B. Using his mental strength despite the fact that he is in a wheelchair

C. Leading both Congress and the nation along the path toward emergency legislation


30. What happened during the First Hundred Days of Roosevelt’s presidency?

A. Eleanor Roosevelt was nominated first lady

B. Congress passed a record number of bills to promote economic recovery.

C. Franklin Roosevelt toured the nation in a whirlwind presidential campaign.

31. How did the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) try to help farmers?

A. By reducing production to raise crop prices

B. By increasing production to boost crop surpluses

C. By providing new farming equipment

32. President Roosevelt directly addressed the public on the radio in his talks known as:

A. Inaugural addresses

B. Congressional addresses

C. Fireside chats

33. Which of the following programs was created in efforts to protect the environment?

A. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

B. Civilian Conservation Corps

C. Securities and Exchange Commission

34. Which program was NOT created to meet the challenges of unemployment?

A. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

B. Public Works Administration

C. Civil Works Administration

35. The Wagner Act established the National Labor Relations Board, which guaranteed:

A. Workers the right to organize unions and bargain collectively

B. Security for older Americans and unemployed workers

C. Tenant farmers loans to purchase their own farms

36. Critics of FDR, like Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, and Dr. Francis Townsend,

believed that the New Deal _______

A. Needed more socialism

B. Was a success

C. Promoted anarchy

37. How did Eleanor Roosevelt help FDR’s popularity?

A. She did not help FDR’s popularity

B. She became his eyes and ears around the country and urged the president to help people in poverty

C. She threw extravagant parties at the White House and supported the arts

38. Roosevelt’s new coalition of voters included , helped to win his reelection in 1936.

A. African Americans and ethnic minorities

B. Working Class and Farmers

C. Both A and B

Use the picture and quote to answer #39

“Beds were made up on the floor of each car, the seats being removed if necessary… I could not see – and I looked for it carefully – the slightest damage done anywhere to the General Motors Corporation. The nearly completed car bodies, for example, were as clean as they would be in the salesroom, their glass and metal shining”

- quoted in The Great Depression

_____39. The picture and quote describe:

A. Sit-down strikes

B. The Social Security Act

C. Safety net

_____40. The major goal of the ____was to provide security for older Americans and

unemployed workers.

A. Committee for Industrial Organization

B. Social Security Act

C. American Liberty League

_____41. Union membership likely from 1933-1940 because of the :

A. Decreased, Wagner Act

B. Decreased, Social Security Act

C. Increased, Wagner Act

_____42. One reason that the Supreme Court argued against the New Deal was:

A. The Constitution did not allow Congress to delegate its legislative powers to the executive branch

B. There were too many programs and bills to keep track of

C. The recession of 1937

_____43. What was FDR’s response to the Supreme Court decisions against the New Deal Programs?

A. He attempted to force retirement

B. He attempted to break up the Supreme Court

C. He attempted to pack the court with new democratic supportive judges

Use the map above to answer #44 – 45 .

44. What does this map represent?

A. The Trees and Various Acts

B. The Tennessee Valley Authority

C. The Tree, Valley and Agricultural Authority

45. The TVA served every state except:

A. Kentucky

B. Tennessee

C. South Carolina

46. What world event contributed to the change in employment in the U.S between 1939 and 1941?

A. Mexico taking control of US oil companies in Mexico

B. World War II

C. Famine in Latin America

47. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the New Deal?

A. It made the Great Depression worse

B. It gave Americans a stronger sense of security and stability

C. It provided a safety net for Americans by creating safeguarding and relief programs to protect from economic disaster

48. Which New Deal programs are still in existence today?

A. Social Security

B. Securities and Exchange Commission

C. Both A and B

Use the graph below that shows economic activity in the US between 1860 and 1940 to answer #49.

49. This graph above shows economic activity in the US between 1860 and 1940.

From 1930 to 1940, what happened to economic activity in the United States?

A. The amount of goods produced in the U.S. decreased.

B. The amount of money being invested in the stock market increased.

C. No change to the economy

50. What really ended the Great Depression?


B. Social Security Act

C. The Brain Trust



A. Foreclosure

B. Speculation

C. Deficit Spending

D. Installment

E. Public works




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