
British Columbia Genealogical Society, Quesnel Branch

The Correct Spelling of the Word GENEALOGY

By Mark Howells

One of the most common mistakes made by beginners in the hobby of family history is to spell genealogy incorrectly. Nothing shouts out "I don't know what I'm doing!" louder than the misspelling of this pivotal word in our hobby.

Typically, most failed attempts at spelling genealogy put the letter "O" where the letter "A" belongs. Like this:


Because this misspelling is such an endemic problem, I devised a little memory aid to assist in remembering the correct spelling of the word. The first letters of each word in this very true sentence combine to form the correct spelling of genealogy. Remember the sentence and you'll be able to spell the word correctly every time.

Genealogists Examine Needed Evidence At Lots Of Grave Yards

Please feel free to liberally reproduce this idea as an aid to the entire genealogical community.

My family coat of arms ties at the back.

Harry Joyce – Builder of Landmarks (1906)

From Because of Gold by Branwen Patenaude 1981

Of the very beginnings of the little settlement at Quesnel in 1863, we read from the files of the Victoria Colonist newspaper: “At Mouth of Quesnel there is a town springing up which bids fair to be the largest interior town in B.C. . . . A dozen buildings are under construction . . .”

Good carpenters have always found work at Quesnel, and from a long list of carpenters, the name of Harry Joyce stands out.

Arriving from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in 1906, one of his first jobs was to dismantle the original Occidental Hotel for the new owner Edward Kepner. A second Occidental Hotel, of three storeys was constructed by Harry Joyce in 1910. Through the ensuing years many other Quesnel landmarks are known to have been built by this energetic carpenter. Some of these include the first Quesnel Courthouse built in 1910, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (became St. Andrew’s United in 1925), the home of A.J. Elliot, constructed in 1912 and still standing on Davie Street (1981) and the Staebler home on Yargeau Road in Wet Quesnel. Harry Joyce’s own home, built by him on Front Street also stands today.

In 1935 Harry happened to buy two tickets on the Army and Navy Veterans Sweep from Mr. A.N. Ratledge. Mr. Ratledge usually bought the whole book for himself, but this time he sold Harry the first two tickets. Harry’s tickets were taken out under the nom de plume of ‘Jiggs.’ Time went by and Harry didn’t think about it again. One day while working on the building of a new garage for Quesnel Motors, Hugh Park, the stage driver happened by, “Some feller with the nom de plume of ‘Jiggs’ has won the sweeps,” he mentioned casually. Naturally Harry was very interested, as the prize was $30,000.00. Mr. Ratledge also stood to win $1,235.00 as a commission.

Unbeknownst to Harry or Mr. Ratledge, another ‘Quesnelite’ Bill Cocker, a war veteran had bought the last ticket in a book on the same sweepstakes, and what was stranger still, he had used the same nom de plume of ‘Jiggs.’ It wasn’t long before the whole town, including Harry knew of the strange coincidence, and as it might be a while before the winning number was announced, Harry and Bill Cocker made a deal. A formal agreement was made up stating that whichever of the two won, the other would receive a $5,000.00 share. The fact that the papers were not yet signed when the wire arrived confirming Harry’s winning number did not stop Harry from honouring the agreement.

As soon as news of the confirmed winner got around town Harry’s well meaning friends started to advise him of how to spend the money, and even better, how to save it. They took up his time at work and bothered him so badly that he even threatened to give the money away to charity. “I don’t even have the money yet,” he said in an exasperated tone, “and anyway $25,000.00 is not very much money. If I need any advice on how to spend it, I’m sure my wife and two daughters will help out.”

How did the winners spend their money? Bill Cocker spent his on a long vacation, and Harry Joyce splurged and bought himself a brand new 1936 four door Chevrolet sedan.

Additional notes: Harry also spent some money on a trip to South Africa to see the battlefields he fought in during his two years’ service in the Boer War. He enlisted 26 Dec 1901 and cited Prince Albert, SK as his birthplace and his age 27y 10m. This would make his birthdate Feb 1874.

The Quesnel Curling Club was started with some of Harry’s winnings. He purchased materials to build a two-sheet rink and sold $200 demand notes to curlers.

Quesnel’s local history book, A Tribute to the Past lists Henry Culling Joyce’s birthdate as 12 June 1876. He was reported as emigrating from Wales with his parents at the age of two, but

this information contradicts other sources.

Settling in Saskatchewan, Harry received his early schooling before moving to Toronto to apprentice as a carpenter.

He lived in Cranbrook and was enumerated in the 1901 Census, listing his birthdate as 2 Feb 1874 and birthplace as NWT. Harry moved to Quesnel about 1907 and married Clara Baker 23 Aug 1910 at Soda Creek, BC. She was born 3 Nov 1887 in Quesnel to August and Cecilia Boulanger/Baker.

The 1911 Census shows Harry and Clara in Quesnel where he lists his birthdate now as Feb 1876. The couple went on to have two daughters, Olive and Rena.

Harry died 21 Nov 1938 after entering hospital for a surgery from which he never recovered. His death registration lists his name as Henry Cullen Joyce. Clara lived on in the family home, surviving her husband and both daughters. She died 11 Jan 1970.

Harry Joyce house built in 1910

From Library & Archives Canada

Enumeration Dates

In most cases, the following list indicates the official enumeration dates for the various census returns. The actual enumeration of the population took weeks or months. Enumerators were instructed to record the information on the census returns as it existed on the official enumeration date.

|1825 |Lower Canada (Quebec) taken from June 20 to September|

| |20, 1825. |

|1831 |Lower Canada (Quebec) taken from June 1 to October 1,|

| |1831. |

|1842 |Canada West (Ontario) returns were supposed to be |

| |completed by February 1, 1842. |

|1851 |January 12, 1852 (delays led to the late enumeration |

| |of the 1851 Census). |

|1861 |January 14, 1861. |

|1871 |April 2, 1871. |

|1881 |April 4, 1881. |

|1891 |April 6,1891. |

|1901 |March 31, 1901. |

|1906 |June 24 1906. |

A speed of 1 nautical mile per hour is 1 knot.

English weights and measures:

|Lengths |

|1 nail |= 2¼ inches |

|4 inches |= 1 hand |

|12 inches |= 1 foot |

|3 foot |= 1 yard |

|5.5 yards |= 1 rod/pole/perch/lugg |

|6 foot |= 1 fathom |

|22 yards |= 1 chain |

|100 links |= 1 chain |

|10 chains |= 1 furlong |

|8 furlongs |= 1 statute mile |

|6080 foot |= 1 nautical mile |

The basic unit of English length is the yard, which was originally taken as the distance between Henry I's (1068-1135) nose and the tip of his outstretched arm.

The league is normally taken as 1½ miles, or (better) as 12 furlongs

The acre is the only unit of area in common use, other than the square-foot, and the square mile. The rood is an area of 1 furlong by 1 rod, or 1210 sq. yds. An acre is four roods. An acre is traditionally thought of as the area that could be ploughed by a team of oxen in a morning without tiring them.

What the heck was the Irish Potato Famine?

The Irish Potato Famine was the catastrophic culmination of a complex set of biological, social, political and economic factors. It occurred between 1845 and 1849, with the effects being felt for several years longer.

A potato fungus called “the Blight” almost obliterated the potato crop in Ireland, which had become the main food source for much of the population. Previous blights had also occurred to a lesser extent.

Landholding practices for many years helped contribute to the problem. Most significant was that major landholders were all English or Anglo-Irish and discriminatory laws disfavoured Catholics in particular. In addition, the practice of dividing tenant land equally amongst male heirs through successive generations had resulted in 24% of farms being five acres or less and 40% being between five and 15 acres. This included bogs and marshes unsuitable for cultivation. Potatoes were grown because they produced the highest yield in the smallest space.

Many people lived a subsistence existence and one-third in fact did not achieve that. The annual challenge of “summer hunger” or “meal months” was common as last year’s crop became inedible and this year’s was not ready.

Social programs were wanting in Ireland. Poor Laws were harsher in Ireland than England. Anyone with more than a quarter of an acre of land had to relinquish it before entering a workhouse. Workhouses were few and many closed due to lack of finances. British policies were inadequate and came too late. One scheme involved repealing the Corn Laws so that maize could be purchased to feed the populace. The repeal took three years. Several other schemes were attempted with equally unsatisfactory results.

With no money to pay landlords, up to half a million Irish paupers were evicted and/or sent abroad.

It is estimated that between 500,000 and 1.5 million people died as a result of the Famine.

In addition to the 450,000 Irish who emigrated to North America before 1845, more than one million had left by 1854. Three hundred thousand refugees came to British North America between 1845 and 1850. Most entered at Grosse Ile and Partridge Island. As ships remained backed up for miles, typhus decimated many emigrants. These notorious “coffin ships” often dumped hundreds of bodies into the St. Lawrence. Over 6000 burial plots at Grosse Ile contain Irish immigrants.

For more information on genealogy and the Irish Potato Famine, see:

Dear Auntie Gen

What’s an Ahnentafel?

An Ahnentafel is a method of listing ancestors that uses a strict numbering theme. The word comes from the German and translates as “ancestor table.”

Some rules of Ahnentafels:

• The person the list starts with is number one.

• A person’s father is double his/her number.

• A person’s mother is double his/her number plus one.

Here’s an example:

1. You.

2. Your father.

3. Your mother.

4. Your father’s father.

5. Your father’s mother

6. Your mother’s father.

7. Your mother’s mother.

This ancestor-ordered listing is easy to understand and helpful when you are concerned with showing your ancestor line. This was one of the first listing methods I used when starting my research in the pre-computer days as an alternative to many-paged pedigree charts. I could see all my ancestors in a glance. Note also that the numbering is the same as a pedigree chart.

Most computer programs will generate Ahnentafels. My version of Family Tree Maker (16) generates an adapted Ahnentafel as a complete report (an option under ‘Genealogy Report’) which lists all children of couples including all BMD dates and places as minimum information generated. In this case, a direct ancestor will have his/her main number, and also a small Roman numeral as a child in a family. Using the above example, supposing your paternal grandparents had three children and your maternal grandparents had four. They would show as:

4. Your father’s father.

5. Your father’s mother

i. Your father’s brother.

2. ii. Your father.

iii. Your father’s sister.

6. Your mother’s father.

7. Your mother’s mother.

i. Your mother’s brother.

ii. Your mother’s other brother.

iii. Your mother’s sister.

3. iv. Your mother.

This is a good way to format a report for a researcher you are remotely related to because you can quickly highlight him to make him No. 1 and limit the report to the ancestors he is interested in.

If you would like to read more about some interesting binary properties of the Ahnentafel system, see the article by Annelise Graebner Anderson, AHNENTAFEL NUMBERS ARE NOT AS MYSTERIOUS AS THEY SEEM at .

Here is my Ahnentafel, which I modified in a Word document from my Family Tree Maker Genealogy Report. Note that everything fits in a few pages compared to 31 pages in the report format.

Ancestors of Leanne Elizabeth Dye

1st Generation

1. Leanne Elizabeth Dye, born 23 November 1961 in Quesnel, BC, CAN.

2nd Generation

2. George Harvey Dye, born 28 April 1931 in Haney, BC, CAN.

3. Shirley Elizabeth Beath, born 20 October 1935 in Quesnel, BC, CAN.

3rd Generation

4. George Albert Dye, born 27 October 1893 in Surprise, Butler Co., NE, USA; died 8 December 1971 in Vernon, BC, CAN.

5. Paulina Fürst, born 10 October 1898 in Bashaw, AB, CAN; died 27 February 1993 in Vernon, BC, CAN.

6. Charles David Beath, born 20 June 1901 in Greenwood, BC, CAN; died 6 August 1988 in Quesnel, BC, CAN

7. Elizabeth Margaret Douglas, born 14 October 1903 in Midnapore, AB, CAN; died 23 February 1998 in Quesnel, BC, CAN.

4th Generation

8. William Sherman Dye, born 7 February 1865 in Ames, IA, USA; died 21 May 1955 in Vernon, BC, CAN.

9. Allie Attie Read, born 2 April 1877 in NE, USA; died 11 April 1957 in Spokane, WA, USA.

10. Johann Fürst, born 28 October 1859 in Poland?; died 6 November 1931 in Bashaw, AB, CAN.

11. Matilde Radke, born 24 May 1869 in Colony Lentschtz, Kalisch, Poland; died 8 April 1949 in Bashaw, AB, CAN.

12. David Beath, born 1 April 1871 in Ryelaw, Portmoak, KRS, SCT; died 17 October 1922 in Vancouver, BC, CAN.

13. Euphemia McCardie Wattie, born 10 January 1875 in Vespra, Simcoe, ON, CAN; died 21 August 1916 in Vancouver, BC, CAN.

14. Thomas Douglas, born 10 December 1874 in York, ON, CAN; died 18 March 1945 in Quesnel, BC, CAN.

15. Margaret Adelade Robinson, born 15 January 1885 in Midnapore, AB, CAN; died 18 March 1945 in Quesnel, BC, CAN.

5th Generation

16. Benjamin Harvey Dye, born 11 February 1839 in Shelby Co., IL; died 29 December 1930 in Homeglen, AB.

17. Nancy Matilda Elwood, born September 1844 in Monroe Twp, Randolph Co, IN, USA; died Aft. 1911.

18. Stephen Read, born August 1851 in Dorset, ENG; died 22 April 1886 in Surprise, NE, USA.

19. Eliza Belle Denmar Crockett, born 18 February 1857 in Seneca, OH, USA; died 26 July 1933 in Bashaw, AB.

20. Christof Fürst, born 24 December 1825 in Poland?; died 19 June 1924 in Bashaw, AB, CAN.

21. Anna Schindel, born 20 September 1829 in Poland?; died 5 February 1905 in Bashaw, AB, CAN.

22. George Radke, born in Poland?.

23. Wilhelmina, born June 1846 in Poland?.

24. David Beath, born 16 January 1834 in Portmoak, KRS, SCT; died 17 March 1913 in Glenfarg, PER, SCT.

25. Joanna Ireland, born 17 December 1838 in Cupar, FIF, SCT; died 10 October 1918 in Vancouver, BC, CAN.

26. Charles Forbes Wattie, born 31 December 1833 in Edinglassie, Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died 15 December 1902 in Vespra, ON, CAN.

27. Isabella Orok, born 11 January 1843 in Ceres, FIF, SCT; died 29 July 1918 in Vespra, ON, CAN

28. Thomas Douglas, born 17 September 1837 in SCT; died 10 November 1920 in Calgary, AB, CAN.

29. Ann Charlton, born 3 May 1843 in Blanchland, NBL, ENG; died 21 January 1930 in Calgary, AB, CAN.

30. John Robinson, born 15 August 1840 in France; died September 1916 in Midnapore, AB, CAN.

31. Marie Julie Belcourt, born 27 September 1867 in St. Albert, AB, CAN; died 24 December 1910 in Midnapore, AB, CAN.

6th Generation

32. George W. Dye, born 3 October 1816 in Morgan Co., OH, USA; died 9 February 1902 in Nevada, Story Co., IA.

33. Nancy S. Babcock, born Abt. 1820 in IN, USA; died 24 June 1880 in Story Co., IA.

34. William Elwood, born Abt. 1798 in ?PA, USA; died Abt. 1855 in Monroe, IN, USA.

35. Margaret Cooper, born 20 February 1810 in Muskingam Co., OH, USA; died 16 March 1900 in Richland, IA, USA.

36. David Read, born 8 September 1827 in Horham, Suffolk, ENG; died 8 January 1903 in Surprise, NE, USA.

37. Jane Elizabeth Baker, born February 1832 in Winfrith, Dorset, ENG; died February 1906 in Surprise, Butler, NE.

38. Jonathon Crockett, born 24 August 1806 in Maine; died 3 August 1880 in Read, Butler, NE.

39. Jane Cassidy, born Abt. 1817 in Steuben City, New York; died 20 May 1858 in Harrison, Henry, OH.

48. Alexander Beath, born 23 April 1799 in Leslie, FIF, SCT; died 1871 in Portmoak, KNR, SCT.

49. Agnes Cant, born 24 April 1797 in Dunfermline, FIF, SCT; died 3 March 1887 in Auchmuir Cottage, Portmoak, KRS, SCT.

50. James Ireland, born Abt. 1810 in Kinglassie, FIF, SCT; died 25 December 1889 in 4 Graham St, Leith, Edinburgh.

51. Ann Falconer, born 13 August 1812 in Aberlady, Haddington, SCT; died 18 June 1901 in Auchmuirbridge, Portmoak, KNR.

52. Charles Wattie, born 27 November 1796 in Mill of Newe, Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died Abt. 1867 in Vespra, ON, CAN.

53. Euphemia McHardy, born 30 October 1802 in Dourlich, Corgarff, Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died 9 September 1891 in Vespra, ON, CAN.

54. Robert James Orrock, born 18 August 1805 in Aberdour, FIF, SCT; died April 1875 in Vespra Twp, ON.

55. Janet Dick, born 18 October 1805 in Aberdour, FIF, SCT; died 27 October 1883 in Vespra Twp, ON

56. Thomas Douglas

57. Elizabeth, born 1807 in SCT; died Bef. 1881.

58. Peter Charlton, born Abt. 1801 in Shotley, NBL; died Abt. September 1858 in Weardale, DUR.

59. Ann Atkinson, born Abt. 1809 in Blanchland, NBL, ENG; died Aft. 1871.

61. Marguerite

62. Joseph Belcourt, born 25 November 1823; died Abt. 1880.

63. Madeline Campion, born 1828; died February 1879 in Calgary, AB.

7th Generation

64. George Dye, born 30 January 1786 in Green Co., PA; died 3 March 1847 in Lebanon, Boone Co., IN.

65. Sarah Calvert, born 7 December 1785 in Green Co., PA; died 8 July 1845 in Boone Co., IN.

70. Stephen Cooper, born 5 February 1778 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD; died 14 March 1853 in Ottawa, Lasalle, IL.

71. Nancy Harlan, born 14 December 1781 in Baltimore, MD; died 13 August 1844 in Sylvania, OH.

72. Stephen Read, born Bef. 1801 in ENG; died Bef. 1841.

73. Mary Howard, born Abt. 1784 in Horham, SFK, ENG; died Aft. 1851.

74. William Baker, born Abt. 1806 in Dorset.

75. Mary, died Bef. 1841.

78. Edward Cassidy

79. Susannah McFarland

96. David Beath, born 30 January 1769 in Kinglassie, FIF, SCT; died 1836 in SCT.

97. Catherine Oliphant, born 8 October 1776 in Portmoak, KRS, SCT; died 1829 in SCT.

98. Andrew Cant, born Abt. 1767 in Dunfermline, FIF, SCT.

99. Margaret Beveridge, born Abt. 1771 in ?Dunfermline, FIF, SCT.

100. James Ireland

101. Sarah Martin

102. Robert Faulkner

103. Joan Nesbit

104. James Wattie, born Abt. 1750 in Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died 4 January 1826 in Mill of Newe, Strathdon, ABD, SCT.

105. Helen McHardy, born 15 December 1758 in Corgarff, Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died 22 April 1831 in Mill of Newe, Strathdon, ABD, SCT.

106. Alaster McHardy

107. Margaret Cumming

108. Robert Orok

109. Christian Brown?

110. William Dick

111. Isobel Wilkie

124. Joseph Belcourt, died 1863.

125. Catherine L'Hirondelle, born Bet. 1793 - 1802 in Lesser Slave Lake.

126. Joseph Campion

127. Marie Nipissing

8th Generation

128. Benjamin Dye, born 1752 in Middlesex Co., NJ; died Abt. 1788 in Greene Co., PA.

129. Sarah Elizabeth Lemley, born Abt. 1765 in Greene Co., PA; died 1793.

140. Stephen Cooper, born Bet. 1733 - 1744 in London, ENG; died Bef. 1797 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD?.

141. Sally Forsythe, born Abt. 1758.

142. Isaac Harlan Jr., born 22 July 1745 in Chester Co., PA; died 30 December 1830 in Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH

143. Margaret Talbot, born 27 June 1757 in Baltimore, MD; died September 1838 in Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH.

192. Thomas Beath, born in SCT; died in SCT.

193. Jean Leitch, born in SCT; died in SCT.

194. Alexander Oliphant, born 20 March 1738/39 in Portmoak, KRS, SCT; died 5 June 1811.

195. Margret Kid, born 3 January 1738/39 in Cleish, KRS, SCT; died 30 May 1810.

196. David Cant, born 8 December 1734 in Inverkeithing, FIF, SCT?.

197. Mary Strachan, born in SCT; died in SCT

208. James Wattie, born Abt. 1715 in Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died 8 April 1788 in Mill of Newe, Strathdon, ABD, SCT.

209. Barbara Fyfe, born in Strathdon, ABD, SCT; died 6 January 1776 in Mill of Newe, Strathdon, ABD, SCT.

210. William McHardy

250. Jacques L'Hirondelle, born 1759; died 1854.

251. Josette Pilon, born 1782.

9th Generation

256. James Dye, born 1720 in Staten Island(?), NY; died 4 April 1764 in NJ.

257. Sarah Leach

284. Isaac Harlan Sr., born Abt. 1722 in Chester Co., PA; died Bef. 1753 in West Marlborough, Chester Co., PA.

285. Hannah Few, born Abt. 1726 in Chester Co., PA; died Abt. 1754.

384. William or Thomas Beath, born in SCT; died in SCT.

388. Robert Oliphant, born 16 January 1703/04 in Kinglassie, FIF, SCT?.

390. John Kid

391. Hellen Wilson?

392. John Cant?

393. Janet Fauls?

416. Duncan Wattie, born Abt. 1680 in Strathdon, ABD, SCT.

417. Margaret Muirson, born Abt. 1685 in Belnaboth, Towie, ABD, SCT.

10th Generation

512. John Laurens Dey, born Abt. 1680 in Staten Island, NY; died Bef. 8 March 1750/51 in Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., NJ.

513. Anne Brown?, born 1 October 1687 in Nottingham, Chester Co., PA; died Abt. 1763.

568. Thomas Harlan, born 24 April 1694 in Chester Co., PA; died February 1744/45.

569. Mary Carter, born 11 December 1699 in Aston Twp, Chester Co., PA; died Bef. 1751 in Aston Twp, Chester Co., PA.

570. James Few, born 28 December 1703 in Chester, Chester Co., PA; died 1787 in Chester Co., PA

571. Dorcas Matthews, born Abt. 1701 in Kennet, Chester Co., PA.

776. Alexander Oliphant

832. Alaster Wattie, born Abt. 1650 in Strathdon, ABD, SCT.

834. Adam Muirson

11th Generation

1024. Hans Laurentszen Duyts, born 28 September 1644 in New Amsterdam, NY; died Aft. 1708 in Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY.

1025. Sarah Hance Vincent, born Bef. 1660 in NY; died Abt. 1740.

1136. Michael Harlan, born Abt. 1660 in Bishoprick, DUR, ENG; died June 1729 in London Grove Twp, Chester Co., PA.

1137. Dinah Dixon, born Abt. 1668 in Sego, Armagh, IRE.

1138. Robert Carter, born 8 April 1665 in Aston, Oxfordshire, ENG; died May 1751 in Kennet, Chester Co., PA.

1139. Lydia Walley, born 2 September 1668 in Franley, Cheshire, ENG; died Bef. 1750 in Marlborough, Chester Co., PA.

1140. Isaac Few, born 6 April 1664 in Garston, Lancashire, ENG; died 1734 in Kennet, Chester Co., PA.

1141. Hannah Stanfield, born 1678 in Garston, Lancashire, ENG; died 1730 in Chester Co., PA.

12th Generation

2048. Laurens Duyts, born Abt. 1610 in Holstein, Denmark; died 14 January 1667/68 in Bergen, NJ.

2049. Ytie Jansen, died Aft. 1684.

2050. John Vincent

2051. Suzanna Blaise

2272. James Harland, born Abt. 1625 in Bishoprick, DUR, ENG; died in ENG.

2273. Rebecca Kirk

2274. Henry Dixon, born Abt. 1630 in Armagh Co., IRE; died in New Castle Co., DE.

2275. Rose Harland, born Abt. 1637.

2276. Edward Carter, born 4 September 1640 in Aston, Hampton, Oxfordshire, ENG; died May 1703 in Delaware Co., PA.

2277. Margaret, born Abt. 1644 in Killingsworth, CT; died Abt. 1703 in Delaware Co., PA.

2278. John Walley, born Abt. 1630 in Cheshire, ENG.

2279. Alice, born Abt. 1640 in Cheshire, ENG; died 27 July 1676 in Whitley, Cheshire, ENG.

2280. Richard Few, born 1625 in Market Lavington, Wiltshire, ENG; died 13 September 1688 in Chester Co., PA.

2281. Jane Whitfield, born 1627 in Lavington, Wiltshire, ENG; died 24 April 1674 in Chester Co., PA.

2282. Francis Stanfield, born Abt. 1642 in Garston, Lancashire, ENG; died 28 November 1687 in Marple, Chester Co., PA.

2283. Grace, born Abt. 1648 in Garston, Lancashire, ENG.

13th Generation

4544. William Harland

4552. Edward Carter, born Abt. 1613 in Of Oxford, ENG.

4553. Elizabeth Blackburne, born Abt. 1617 in Of Oxford, ENG.

4560. William Few

4564. Samuel Stanfield, born 1625 in Heptonstall, YKS, ENG; died 29 November 1687.

14th Generation

9128. Gideon Stansfield, born 1606 in Heptonstall, YKS, ENG; died 9 May 1658 in Heptonstall, YKS, ENG.

9129. Grace Eastwood

15th Generation

18256. Abraham Stansfield

18257. Maria Dean

The Province of New Brunswick (Canada) has a number of searchable databases on line: vital stats 1800-1955; port returns, cemeteries, private records such as Irish famine migration, land grants and petitions, historical images and newspaper directory.

Interested in formal training as a genealogist? The National Institute for Genealogical Studies has joined forces with the Professional Learning Centre, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto (Canada) to provide web-based courses for both family historians and professional genealogists. There are a series of courses available (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Electives) leading to various Certificates in Genealogical Studies with specialization in various countries.

The Geograph British Isles project aims to collect a geographically representative photograph for every square kilometre of the British Isles. Right now there are almost 278,000 images in total, 44.3% of the total. Many of these are of commonly photographed spots--Threave Castle, Castle Kennedy, Sweetheart Abbey, and the like--but others are of the landscape and towns. I used the search feature as a test and entered “Portmoak,” a little town in Kinross, SCT where my ancestors came from. I was pleasantly surprised to find 437 images available, including Portmoak Parish Church (shown).

– This is a free site for searching US and European patents.

The U.S. site now has 13 million graves listed with some pictures available. (Pictures can also be requested.) I checked some of my ancestors and found four of the six I searched for. I was excited to find that one of the contributors had actually taken pictures of my ggg-grandparents’ graves in Eagle Village, Boone Co., IN!

The McKirdy index is a an Analytical Genealogical Finding Aid to the Statutory Registers of Death for Scotland 1855-1875. Parts of it (eight counties so far) are available by subscription.

Hard cover, 802 pp. 7"x 5". Combination gazeteer, travel handbook and advertiser listing. If you had ancestors that lived in South America in the 1940s, this will give an excellent overview of the ex-pat community in: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, British Guiana, British Honduras, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rice, Cuba, Dutch Guiana, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela.


Particularly useful if you had relatives who were in business there. It is possible their company may be advertised! Additionally, if your ancestors vacationed or moved to South America in the late 1940s, this will give flavour to your family tree. Local politicians are mentioned often throughout the book.


$15, plus $10 shipping (Paypal, cash, email transfer, or money order drawn on Canadian bank) within Canada and the United States. For International Shipping Costs, please contact the seller: Susan Smith, 3010 Red Bluff Road, Quesnel, British Columbia, BC V2J 6C6, email: smithjosephy@shaw.ca


By R.D. Colquette. 308 pp Printed by The Public Press Limited, Winnipeg. Fully-indexed. Very interesting to any family historian who had ancestors from the Canadian Prairies who were invovled with United Grain Growers Limited or with the Co-operative Movement in the first half of the 20th Century.


$15, plus $10 shipping (Paypal, cash, email transfer, or money order drawn on Canadian bank) within Canada and the United States. For International Shipping Costs, please contact the seller: Susan Smith, 3010 Red Bluff Road, Quesnel, British Columbia, BC V2J 6C6, email: smithjosephy@shaw.ca

From the Quesnel Branch of the BCGS, #12-282 Reid Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2M2:

By the Quesnel Branch of the BCGS. Recipes from Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Russia, Scotland, Sweden, USA, Wales

$4.00 plus $1.00 S&H

By the Quesnel Branch of the BCGS. This brochure, the fourth in a series, has been put together to provide genealogical researchers an introduction to Quesnel and area place names, and general sources of further information.

$3.00 plus 75¢ S&H

From Branwen Patenaude, 1582 Beach Crescent, Quesnel, BC V2J 4J6, Phone 250-747-2654:

By Branwen Patenaude. A collection of short stories on the history of Quesnel and area.

$11.50 plus 7% GST and $2.00 S&H

By Branwen Patenaude. History of the roadhouses en route to the gold fields of Barkerville. Volume 1 covers mainly the lower Fraser River.

$14.95 plus 7% GST and $2.00 S&H

By Branwen Patenaude. A continuation of Volume 1, covering the upper Fraser and Quesnel River areas (the Cariboo region of British Columbia, Canada).

$18.95 plus 7% GST and $2.00 S&H

Three Irishmen, Paddy, Sean and Shamus, were stumbling home late one night and found themselves on the road which led past the old graveyard.

”Come have a look over here,” says Paddy, “It's Michael O'Grady's grave, God bless his soul, he lived to the ripe old age of 87.”

”That's nothing,” says Sean, “here's one named Patrick O'Toole.  It says here that he was 95 when he died.”

Just then, Shamus yells out, “But here's a fella that died when he was 145 years old!”

“That’s incredible! What was his name?” asks Paddy.

Shamus lights a match to see what else is written on the stone marker, and exclaims, “Miles from Dublin.”

1. Kathie Edwards

4902 Zschiedrich Road, Quesnel, BC V2J 6H8

Ph/fax (250)747-2503; Ph (250) 992-7211; gkedward@


2. Tammy Guldbransen

129 Lowe Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 5T4

Ph (250) 992-6114; gully4@shaw.ca

Surnames: Drummond, Ericksson, Guldbransen, Hill, Johnson, Jorgenson, Lindsay, Ostlund, Petterson, Reid, Russell, Waughop and Waynert

3. Beverley Preston

2639 Roberta Road, Quesnel, BC V2J 6L5

Ph (250) 747-0131; prestonb@


4. Penny Haering

Box 6, Alec Meadow Site, RR5, Quesnel, BC V2J 3H9; haering@


5. Roberta Kerr

784 Kinchant Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2S3

Ph (250) 992-7507; robertakerr@


6. Leanne Broughton

536 Kinchant Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2R8

Ph (250) 992-8980; broughtonl@shaw.ca


7. Stacey Willson

1882 Alder Road, Quesnel, BC V2J 3T3



8. Terri Schmitke

1871 Dogwood Road, Quesnel, BC V2J 4T7



9. Susan Smith

3010 Red Bluff Road, Quesnel, BC V2J 6C6


#12-282 Reid Street, Quesnel , B.C. V2J 2M2

EXECUTIVE 2005-06:

• President Kathleen Edwards

• Treasurer Gertie Garreau

• Secretary Tammy Guldbransen

• Librarian Kathleen Edwards

Positions are held for one year with

elections at the September meeting.

OBJECTIVE: to provide a local forum for genealogical research and discussions.

MEETINGS: held the second Tuesday of each month from September to June at 7:00 p.m. at

#12-282 Reid Street (office above Home Hardware).

MEMBERSHIP: $20.00 yearly, due September meeting or $10.00 basic plus $1.00 per month

until September. NOTE: Although a branch of the B.C.G.S., a specific membership is required to receive their newsletter, or for the use of their facilities.

FACILITIES: The Society presently has a small genealogical library, a microfiche/film reader

and some research aids. Our objective is to increase our library holdings on general genealogical topics, and to develop specific holdings according to membership interest. These books, research aids and fiche may be borrowed by society members for local use for up to four weeks.

The library has a good collection of genealogical info related to the Cariboo Gold Rush, particularly for Wells and Barkerville.

Inquiries for research will be passed to local members and charged at a rate of $3.00 per hour.

FUNDING: This is a non-profit society. Yearly membership fees and other fundraising

activities are used to pay for operational expenses.

NEWSLETTER: The society publishes three newsletters a year, in February (#1 Spring), May (#2 Summer/Fall) and November (#3 Winter). Subscription is included in yearly membership fees, available on a trade basis, or $3.00 per year for non-members.






Fall 2006

Cornish Water Wheel at Quesnel, B.C.

An Original Drawing by B. Patenaude

Help for the



• Newsletter Leanne Broughton

• Cemetery Mary Lust

• Births Stacey Willson

• Marriages Bev Preston

• Deaths Leanne Broughton

How to Contact Us

The Family Cook Book

Quesnel & Area Place Names

Because of


Trails to Gold Volume 1

Trails to Gold Volume 2

Vol. 22(3) Contents:

Correct spelling of GENEALOGY 2

Harry Joyce – Builder of Landmarks 3

Twigs – Canadian Enumeration Dates – English measures 5

What the Heck was the Irish Potato Famine? 6

Dear Auntie Gen – What’s an Ahnentafel? 7

Web Bytes 13

Books for Sale – new private member additions! 14

How to Contact Us 16

Club Information 17

The South American Handbook 1947

The First Fifty Years: A History of United Grain Growers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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