
Cut to the Heart

The Heart: Go to:

Click on: Map of the Human Heart

1. What does your heart do?

Click on: Launch Interactive

Click on: Track

Read and then Click on: Step Thru

2. List the six steps that blood follows.

Click on: Anatomy

3. Why does right and left seem backward on the picture?

Click on: Facts

4. Where is your heart located in your chest?

5. What is the size of the average adult heart?

6. What is the name of the largest artery, how big is it?

7. How much blood does your body have?

8. How often does your blood travel through your body?

9. How much blood does your body pump in a lifetime?

10. What is the lub dub sound in your heart?

Heart Failure: Go to:

Click on: Treating a Sick Heart

11. How does the heartbeat and blood vessels change in response to exercise?

12. What does it mean when a person is diagnosed with heart failure? EXPLAIN THOROUGHLY

13. What is congestive heart failure?

14. When heart function deteriorates over years, what 3 conditions may exist?

15. How many people in the US have heart failure? _________

16. What is the most common cause of congestive heart failure?

17. List 4-7 possible treatments for congestive heart failure.

Atherosclerosis: Go to: (BK capital i Xu capital i)

Click on #1

18.Look at the pictures of a real heart, describe it.

Click index

Click on #4 to see the normal coronary artery

Click index

Click on #6 to see the diseased coronary artery

pare the normal coronary artery on slide #4 with the diseased coronary artery on slide #6.

20.Why does a person with atherosclerotic plaque buildup experience angina (chest pain) or an infarction (heart muscle death)?

Click index

Click on #9

21. What diseases can contribute to atherosclerosis?

Click index

Click on #13

22. What are the earliest signs of arthrosclerosis?

Go to:

Click on: Troubled Hearts, look at the pictures of the hearts

23. If an artery gets blocked, what can happen to the heart?

24. What is one effect of a heart attack on the tissue?

Heart Surgery: Click on: the back button or Go to:

Click on Pioneers of Human Heart Surgery

25. Why did they believe that it was best not to operate on the heart?

26. Who was the doctor who first operated on the heart?

27. How did he get ready to operate on humans?

28. In 1952, the first open heart surgery was performed, Explain the steps they took.

29. How long could a body survive without a pumping heart at normal body temperature?

30. How long was the girl able to survive without a pumping heart at the lower body temperature?

31. When did the first heart transplant take place? _________________

Artificial Heart: Go To: htttp://goo.gl/aEQZWU

32. Why is there an interest in substitute heart transplants?

33. When was the first attempt at finding a substitute heart? What happened?

34. Twenty years later, how was Barney Clark’s experience any different?

35. Why do you think the government and public remained averse to artificial hearts after Clark’s death?

36. What is the life expectancy of donated human heart transplant patients today?

37. What are LVADs? Why are they important? Remarkable?

38. What kinds of roles is modern science playing in the realm of substitute heart transplantation?

39. What sorts of complications or issues have surfaced from the use of primate and pig organ transplants?


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