Chapter Questions: 1984 by George Orwell

Mr. Lenzi

Sophomore Global English

College Prep Guided Reading Questions for 1984

Chapter Questions: 1984 by George Orwell.

Answer all of the questions for the assigned chapters. The questions should be answered on a separate sheet of paper. Please write in full sentences – points will be deducted if your answers are fragments.

Book 1

Chapter 1

1. When does the story begin (date)?

2. Who is the first character introduced and where does he live?

3. Describe the place (details: smells, conditions)

4. What is the large poster?

5. Where does the protagonist sit to write? Why does he choose that spot?

Chapter 2

1. What does Winston realize he has done with his diary?

2. Who is Parsons? Describe him.

3. For what are the children of 1984 being trained?

4. What is the bad news on the telescreen?

5. What does he put on the corner of the cover of his diary before he leaves?

Chapter 3

1. What does Winston think happened to his mother and father?

2. What can W remember of his early life?

3. What country is Oceania at war with at this time?

4. How does the instructor encourage her audience to touch their toes?

Chapter 4

1. What is Winston’s job?

2. What happens to people who displease the party?

3. Who is Comrade Olgilvy? Why does Winston make him up?

Chapter 5

1. Who is Syme? What is his job?

2. What does Syme say the whole purpose of Newspeak is?

3. What is Parsons’s attitude towards his sweet children, esp. his daughter?

4. Why is Winston afraid of the dark-haired girl?

Chapter 6

1. According to the Party, what is the only purpose of marriage?

2. Why have Katherine and Winston separated?

Chapter 7

1. How many proles are there (What percent of the population)?

2. Is there any attempt to convert the proles to Party ideology/beliefs?

3. What happened to the leaders of the revolution by 1960?

4. What is the significance of the picture showing the three men at the social function in New York?

Chapter 8

1. What is a steamer?

2. How does the Party fool the people with the lottery?

3. What does Winston buy at the antique shop?

4. What is special about the upstairs room Winston is shown?

Mr. Lenzi

Sophomore Global English

College Prep Guided Reading Questions for 1984

Chapter Questions: 1984 by George Orwell.

Answer all of the questions for the assigned chapters. The questions should be answered on a separate sheet of paper. Please write in full sentences – points will be deducted if your answers are fragments.

Book 2

Chapter 1

1.What does the girl’s note to Winston says?

2. What is the plan for them to meet?

Chapter 2

1.What does the girl provide as a treat?

2. How do Winston and Julia spend their time?

Chapter 3

1. Where and when can Julia and Winston meet again?

2. How old is Julia?

3. What is Julia’s job?

4. What is her attitude toward the Party?

Chapter 4

1. When Julia arrives at the apartment, what does she have in her bag?

2. While Winston is turned towards the window, what does Julia do?

3. How does Winston react to the rats?

4. How does Winston feel about the paperweight?

Chapter 5

1. Who has vanished?

2. What new poster is displayed all over London?

3. What changes have taken place in Winston?

Chapter 6

1. Whom does Winston meet face to face at the Ministry?

2. Why does O’Brien give W his address?

Chapter 7

1. How did Winston behave toward his mother as a child?

2. Why doesn’t Julia want to end their relationship?

Chapter 8

1. What does O’Brien do at his house that is unusual?

2. To whom is a toast made?

3. What questions are asked of Julia and Winston?

4. To what question does Julia say, “No,”?

5. What does O’Brien promise to send them? How will it be delivered?

Chapter 9

1. With what country is Oceania at war with now?

2. Why has Winston been so busy?

Try your best to understand Goldstein’s book (I know it is a little boring)

Chapter 10

1. In what does Winston decide hope lies?

2. How does Winston get caught?

Mr. Lenzi

Sophomore Global English

College Prep Guided Reading Questions for 1984

Chapter Questions: 1984 by George Orwell.

Answer all of the questions for the assigned chapters. The questions should be answered on a separate sheet of paper. Please write in full sentences – points will be deducted if your answers are fragments.

Book 3

Chapter 1

1.Where is Winston? How is he treated there?

2. What effect do the words “Room 101” have on the skull-faced man?

Chapter 2

1. What sort of treatment does Winston receive?

2. What are some of the questions Winston asks O’Brien? What are the responses?

Chapter 3

1. What are the three stages in Winston’s re-integration? What stage is he about to enter?

2. What final question does Winston ask O’Brien?

Chapter 4

1. How does Winston show that he is not entirely true to Big Brother?

2. How does Winston feel about Big Brother?

Chapter 5

1. What does Winston face in Room 101?

Chapter 6

1. How did Winston’s meeting with Julia go?

2. How is Winston changed at the end of the book? Explain the last four words of the book.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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