
The Great Gatsby WebquestDirections: Click on the provided links to find information necessary for answering the questions. Answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper, or in a digital format that you will email to me at npdesant@. One answer sheet per group!Describe the “Roaring Twenties.” Explore this site and its many links: Flappers and the changing role of women in societyImpact of ProhibitionConflicting views on jazzRise of the automobile (see also )Read this brief biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Describe some of the high points and low points in Fitzgerald’s life. is an expatriate and is Fitzgerald one? is the “Lost Generation”? Explain how Fitzgerald was a part of this “Lost Generation.” HYPERLINK "" is “the American dream” and how does the concept of it relate to The Great Gatsby? impact did Fitzgerald’s editor/publisher have on his work? the 18th amendment, including why it was enacted, its effects (positive and negative), and your personal thoughts on this topic. the 19th amendment, including why it was enacted, its effects, and your personal thoughts on this topic. a literary timeline with U.S. and world events beginning with Fitzgerald’s birth year and ending with the year of his death. The timeline must include a minimum of five (5) U.S. and world events and five (5) Fitzgerald-related events. the following video clips. Using what you see, make an inference about what the rest of the novel will be about. does it mean for something to be timeless?Make a playlist for the novel. It can include new songs and/or songs from the 1920s. Give a brief explanation for why you picked each song. ................

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