Guided Reading Questions for 6.6 to 6.8Review (Important relevant information from old sections)Answer the following questions briefly, using your old AMSCOs as needed.1. How did industrialization lead to stronger European nations? How does industrialization move European nations to imperialize?2. What is imperialism and where do we see it happen during this era?Vocab. for Sec. 6.6-6.8 Key term/event Definition (Think - Who, What, When, Where…) and (Why this term matters)1. Indentured servants2. Devil’s Island3. Emigrate/Immigrate Emigrate = leave a country (think exit); immigrate = go to a country (think go into)Ex. Joey emigrated from Australia due to his fear of kangaroos. Since Canada had no kangaroos, he immigrated there.4. Great Famine5. Colonial Service6. Colonization Society7. Remittances8. Ethnic Enclaves9. Mohandas Gandhi10. Kangani system11. Argentine Constitution12. Chinese Exclusion Act13. White Australia Policy6.6 Objective: Key Developments- Explain how various environmental factors contributed to the development of varied patterns of migration from 1750-1900. Explain how various economic factors did the same thing.1. A connected world has led to increased immigration - summarize the general reasons why.Factors Leading to Migration: Migration through Labor Systems1. The desire for low-wage labor was high due to need for exploited natural resources. European states, therefore, recruited new laborers to work on plantations such as:● Indian laborers migrating to ___________________________ in the _____________________________.● Chinese laborers migrating to __________________________ and British _________________________ to build railroads and serve as farmhands, gardeners, and domestics.● Japanese laborers migrating to ___________________________________ to work on sugar plantations.2. Why was the system of slavery declining? How were the US, Brazil, Africa, and Cuba different?3. Due to the decline of the slave trade, imperial countries turned to other forms of coerced labor, such as:● _______________________________: people working for a set number of years before becoming free.○ People usually became indentured for what two reasons?○ How did indentured servitude impact new lands (give examples).● _______________________________: Chinese and Indian workers used as a substitute for slavery; often times were tricked into servitude.○ List examples of places they were sent.○ What were the lives of these workers like specifically (give examples) - what changed it?● ________________________________: where convicts were shipped from England, Scotland, Ireland, and British colonies to perform hard labor and suffer harsh treatment.○ What were most of their jobs like (what did they do)?○ Why did most of the convicts stay in Australia?○ Australia began attracting free settlers - why and from where?● _________________________________: specific to the French in Africa, New Caledonia, and French Guiana; where convicts and political prisoners were sent.○ What was Devil’s Island and what does it show about the conditions of penal colonies?Factors Leading to Migration: Migration in the Face of Challenges1. What is diaspora and what causes it during the 16th-19th centuries?2. India● ____________________________________ was the major reason behind Indian migration.● Most of them entered into indentured servitude - where were they sent by the British and for what work?● What was the difference between the kangani and maistry systems?3. China● When did the majority of the Chinese diaspora take place - why?● What jobs did most Chinese migrants typically have (what were they building)?● What conditions led to Chinese migration and why?● What events led to Chinese migration and why?4. Ireland● What were the political reasons leading to Irish migration?● What were the environmental reasons leading to Irish migration?● Why did emigration continue even after the famine?5. Italy● Summarize the reasons for Italian emigration.Factors Leading to Migration: Migration to Settler Colonies1. What is settler colony - what were members of the colonial service?2. Explain who technical experts were and why they are considered a diaspora.3. Why was Argentina called the “Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire? Who settled there and why?4. What was the goal of Japan’s Colonization Society? Describe how well it did or did not fulfill this goal.Factors Leading to Migration: Migration, Transportation, and Urbanization1. How did improvements in transportation technology impact migration? Give a specific example.6.7-Objective Key Developments-Explain how and why new patterns of migration affected society from 1750-1900.1. True or False: migration in the 19th century led to demographic changes with long-lasting results: __________.● Evidence:Changes in Home Societies1. Migrant laborers tended to be more male than female.● How did this impact society at home?● How did this typically impact gender roles?● What were remittances - how did this impact social norms?Effects of Migration on Receiving Societies1. What were ‘ethnic enclaves’ and why did immigrants create them?2. Chinese Enclaves● Summarize the impact of the Chinese migration to Southeast Asia.● Summarize the impact of Chinese migration to the Americas.3. Indian Enclaves● Summarize the impact of Indian migration to Africa.● Who was Mohandas Gandhi and how did his experience in Africa impact his work?● Summarize the impact of Indian migration to Southeast Asia.● Summarize the impact of Indian migration to the Caribbean region.4. Irish Enclaves● Who usually came to North America from Ireland before the American Revolution - what was their role?● After the American Revolution who came from Ireland - where did they live?● Most of the Irish immigrants during the Great Famine came to North America - what were their experiences like?● How did the Irish spread their culture - how did second generation Irish make an impact on popular culture?5. Italians in Argentina● Why did so many immigrants want to go to Argentina?● How was Italy influential in Argentinian culture?● How did Argentina appeal to Italian immigrants specifically? What was the overall impact?Prejudice and Regulation of Immigration1. Describe how the California constitution of 1879 discriminated against the Chinese.2. Congress further banned Chinese immigration by passage of the _______________________________. Howdoes this showcase discrimination in the US?3. How did the act impact immigration in Mexico?4. Why did the province of Victoria pass a Chinese Exclusion Act in Australia in 1855? Why did they want to limit the Chinese?5. What happened in New South Wales? How did the legislative council respond?6. After the gold rushes, how did the Chinese in Australia make economic profit?7. Why did anti-Chinese groups form in Australia? How did this lead to the White Australia Policy?6.8 Objective Key Developments-Explain the relative significance of the effects of imperialism from 1750 to 1900.Changes in Standards of Living1. How did industrialization lead to more availability of goods and lower prices?2. In addition, increased global production led to greater _____________________ and variety of goods.3. TRUE OR FALSE● _____________ After 1819 wages accelerated, leading to higher standards of living for all wage groups● _____________Distribution of wages (a wage gap) decreased● _____________If factoring in pollution, crowded cities, and war, standard of living still rose for allOverseas Expansion1. Why did industrialized economies look to increase exports of their products? What issues did this create?2. As production increased, more and more resources were needed. What were these resource and how does it lead to imperialism?3. Overall, who did imperialism benefit specifically (which countries) and who did it hurt?Seeds of Revolution and Rebellion1. As western imperialism takes hold, resistance and rebellion begins to grow. Explain how this is seen in South Asia.2. Explain how this resistance to westernization is also seen in China.AMSCO 6.6 Multiple Choice 1. ________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________AMSCO 6.7 Multiple Choice 1. ________________ 2. ______________ 3. _____________SAQ Outline A B CAMSCO 6.6 Question 2AMSCO 6.7 Question 1 ................

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