

Bourke Public School Green Street Bourke NSW Ph: 68 722 051 Fax: 68 722 278

Email: bourke-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au






From the Principal

Thank you to everyone who helped at the Outback Challenge last week. The day was very successful and a special thanks goes to Miss Gordon and Melba Stutsel for a lot of hard work leading up to the event. Thank you to the staff, students and community members who all assisted on the day.

Tomorrow we are holding a Stage 2 & 3 Maths workshop starting at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Friday is our school x-country. The day will be starting at 11.30am. Please come along and cheer on the children.

Cheers Kylie Pennell

From the AEO’s Margo & Danny — Caught being good CONGRATULATIONS to Brooklyn Willoughby and Shaylee Kelly

KD – Mr Driscoll

Week 3 will be busy, busy, busy in Kindergarten. We will continue learning our new sounds and TRICKY WORDS. Last week we learnt that oo/OO make different sounds in words and started our reading groups, which we are trying very hard with. Have a good week(

KN – Miss Newton

This week will be very busy! We are continuing to learn our sounds and tricky words. We are trying hard to use this knowledge to help us in reading groups. KN will be performing at assembly this week. We would love for everyone to come along. Have a great week (

1B – Miss Budd

Last week we had lots of fun learning about how vets help us. We can’t wait to see who will be visiting us next.

Week 3 will be full of exciting learning. In English we are starting our reading groups again and in maths we will be continuing to improve our addition skills.

1O – Miss Oxley

Last week was a very busy week. In literacy groups, we looked at things we can read and how we use them e.g a recipe. In maths we have been enjoying exercising our brain by doing mentals daily. On Friday, Miss Budd’s class joined us for a fun afternoon of arts and crafts. Keep Smiling!

2B – Miss Bartley

Last week in science we looked at what our skin does for the body. We discovered that it protects our organs inside our bodies, keeps our body at a good temperature and is waterproof, so we can take a bath without soaking up the water!

Cheers Miss B

2D – Miss Dorrington

Last week we have been learning about the skeleton and our skin. We found out that the skin protects our body. We learnt that narratives have several sections and descriptive language helps the reader imagine the story. The students had a great time watching the teams play at the football.

Cheers Miss D

2H – Mrs Hardy

Welcome to week 3! Last week we learnt that there are 206 bones in our body. We have all so learnt about different types of angles and working hard on addition. We are excited about the Cross Country on Friday. Remember to wear suitable shoes, a hat and bring a water bottle. Have fun! Miss Hardy :)

3T – Miss Thomson

We had a great time last week, particularly at the Outback Challenge on Thursday! Congratulations to all the players and helpers on the day. In maths we looked at the area of triangles in maths and did a detailed reading on the location of Australian rainforests in literacy.( Miss Thomson

3W – Miss Wilson

Last week 3W had a great time at the Outback Challenge with 9 students playing and helping on the day. We completed a note taking activity in Reading to Learn and learnt how to find the area of triangles in Maths.

Have a great week!

Have a great week!

3B – Mrs Butler

It was very busy last week! We enjoyed the Outback Challenge with lots of our students playing or assisting on the day – well done to everyone! We practised our skipping routines, walked the cross country for Sport and worked on our Towers unit. This week we will start our Rainforest animal research and learn how to prepare and present talks. Good luck at Cross Country. Mrs Butler


Year 3 and Year 5 students will be doing their Language, Writing, Reading and Maths NAPLAN tests in Term 2,

Week 4, from May 11th to May 13th.


Aboriginal Education with Miss Collins

Stage Two have continued their new unit, Perseverance and looked at the deadly sports star Preston Campbell. We discussed how important it is to have goals and work hard to achieve them, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Stage Three began exploring their Bush Tucker garden area.

Library with Miss Deacon

This week our new Library Monitors will have their training with Miss Deacon and the roster will also start this week.

Stage 2 is producing excellent work as they continue to look at the book and website ‘My Place’. They are finding it very interesting. Enjoy you week!

Thought of the week

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference



Hotdogs will be on sale at lunch time- $2.00 each

Please return your fun run money to the office but Friday 7th May.

Miss O’Callaghan – AP

What a busy time this term has been so far! Stage 2 and Stage 3 have been working hard on their Reading to Learn Cycles for “A Good Tip for Ghosts” and “Rainforest Locations”. I am hearing whispers about some excellent writing coming from these classes, well done.

Tori Williams has been named MULTILIT star of the week! (


• FOR SALE: School hats $15.00

• Next P&C Meeting - Tuesday 18th May at 6pm in the School Library.

• Infants Assembly this week in the Kindergarten rooms. Starts at 2.15pm.

• FOR SALE: Video Camera $150.00

• Mid-Term Break – Friday 21st May and Monday 24th May.

• AECG meetings term 2 - Thursday 4pm at the TAFE 13th May & 10th June.

• Any parents/carers or community members wanting the BPS newsletter emailed to them weekly please contact the school.

• Student banking day will be Wednesdays. Commonwealth Bank books can be left at the office & NAB banking will be conducted face to face from 8.30am.

• Outback Challenge Raffle Winners

Signed State of Origin Jumper - Pat Canty.

Signed Canberra Raiders Football - Nygaylyn Dixon.

• Winners on the day - Goodooga Central School

Runners Up - Dubbo South Public School

• Parents are reminded not to park in the bus zone at the front of the school. The police will be monitoring this at bell times on a regular basis.

• Performance Night Tuesday 14th September.

• Presentation Night Tuesday 30th November.

• Yr 6 Farewell Tuesday 7th December.

• Could all parents picking up students in the afternoon please collect them from the canteen where they line up.

Miss Milgate – Stage 1 AP

Work has begun on our gardens last week with the garden frames being put together, the orchard planted out and soil added to garden beds ready to plant seedlings and seeds.

We will also be planting roses in the garden bed next to our other roses in the top playground in the next week.


Last week’s Principal’s award goes to



5 Questions to guess which teacher?

1. Hair colour?

Reddish/orange, grey and brown

2. Favourite sport to play in Bourke?


3. Where did you come from before Bourke?


4. How would you explain yourself in 3 words?

Helpfu, loud, funny, bossy, nice

5. What is your favourite thing about Bourke? everything

Answer to last weeks:

Miss Collins



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