152400center00Monday 29th June 2020Home Learning Class 3 – Summer 2 Week 5EnglishPlease see the separate work which has been emailed.In this week’s story, we meet some adventurous giraffes who enjoy spending time at the swimming pool. You could imagine you are one of the giraffes and write about the time leading up to your turn to dive. Perhaps you are feeling a bit nervous and apprehensive or perhaps you are determined to perfect your dive. Alternatively, you could imagine you are the giraffe who is helping the others to dive and you could explain why you’re not in the water. Perhaps you have a fear of water or perhaps you are the expert and trainer giving advice. You could research giraffes, or another animal of your choice, and create a non-chronological report to share your research with some illustrations to give more information to the reader. You could use this video to inspire your own imagination and write your own story. For example, you could write about a swimming competition or the Olympics, which the giraffes have been practising for, where there are many animals competing against each other. Remember to build up the tension and excitement in your story. What could happen during the competition to keep the reader guessing about the ending. Or your story could be about discovering an animal in the swimming pool when you are there for your swimming lesson and you could describe the chaos which takes place. You will find the story using this link. could use this link if the one above does not work. week, when you are reading a book you are enjoying, why not try to experiment with your expression and tone by reading in different voices. You could take it in turns with the person you are reading with. Afterwards, you could discuss whether the type of voice and expression you used add more impact to the story and supported the meaning or whether it did not match with reasons why you think this. Have a look at the image for some ideas. Spellings Please see the lists below for the Year 3 and Year 4 spellings. As we are quickly approaching the end of the academic year, I have moved to focusing on the statutory word list so we can complete this before the children move to the next year group, particularly those children moving to Year 5. I have included on commonly misspelled words. From next week, we will revise some of the previous patterns. Thank you for your continued support with learning spellings. If you are currently using the lists in the packs, which were sent home when school closed, please feel free to continue with that instead of the lists below. MathsPlease see the separate work which has been emailed.This week, I would like to you revisit the properties of shape whilst practising your computing skills. On Purple Mash, I have set a to do activity for Logo where you can give commands to draw 2D shapes. Aim to draw as many different 2D shapes as you can. There are some explanation videos to help you use the programme (click on the green play button) and the command instructions are on the right-hand side of the screen. ScienceLO: understand what plants need for healthy growthThis week, I would like you to investigate more about the different elements that plants need to have healthy growth. Use the clips below and the internet to research what a plant needs to be able to grow. This website will help you to learn more about photosynthesis, as well as lots of other interesting and important facts. I am sure you can find other websites to help you. you have gathered your research notes about what is needed for healthy plant growth, create a leaflet to explain this to a reader. Use sketches with your written information to share more knowledge with your reader. It would be brilliant if you could include information about how some plants could not survive in some habitats. For example, could a rose bush survive in the desert? How is a cactus adapted to live in this biome?In school, we would have been carrying out an experiment which you may be able to do at home. We would have used cress seeds, as they tend to grow quite quickly, and some foil food trays and cotton wool as planters. Set up an experiment to test what happens when you change the conditions that a plant grows in. You will probably need to let your seeds grow for a week before you see some results. You can plan your own but try to include the following trays:A tray with sunlight and waterA tray with sunlight and no waterA tray in a dark place with waterA tray in a dark place with no waterA tray in a cold place and water (such as the fridge)A tray in artificial light and waterMake some predictions about what you think will happen and how well each tray will grow. After your experiment, explain what you have found out. Are some parts vital for seeds to germinate? Do some conditions provide healthier growth than others? MusicLO: complete a creative activity in response to the BBC Ten PiecesThe BBC Ten Pieces is created every year to share classical and iconic pieces of music with children. The videos explain information about the composers and their pieces including the story they tell and the way they are performed by an orchestra. Year 4 children will remember learning about some of these pieces in Class 3. The BBC Ten Pieces would like children to still access this wonderful resource at home so they have created a weekly music activity. First, there is a clip all about the piece before you are given a suggestion about how to respond creatively to the music. There are quite a few lessons to choose from so I hope you find one you enjoy and learn more about famous compositions. : What are the key aspects of the Bronze AgeAs time and people developed, stone was used less when bronze became a useful resource for people. This week, I would like you to read the information on the websites below to learn more about life in the Bronze Age and how developments in this period of history compared to the Stone Age. Use the mind map below to record some of your findings. : Can you create Stonehenge inspired art work? the video clip and information on BBC Bitesize to learn more about the mystery and beauty of Stonehenge. To create your own artwork, look at some images and photographs of Stonehenge online before choosing one for inspiration. Create a background by mixing different shades using blue and white paint. Add more white paint each time to create lighter shades and think carefully about the direction you are painting in. Carefully draw the outline of Stonehenge on black paper to create a silhouette to stick over the top of your background once it is dry. If you do not have any black paper, you could sketch Stonehenge onto your background and paint it using black paint. Stay ActiveThis week, why complete some of the mindful activities in Go Noodle and practise some breathing and coordination techniques. We always enjoy using them in class and they provide brilliant brain breaks. Let’s keep safe, keep happy and carry on learning!Best Wishes,Miss Wike 3 and 4 Spelling Liststatutory key wordscommonly misspelled words1st attempt2nd attempt3rd attemptwomanwomenachieveachievementjewellerywritingwrittenqueuepreciouslightning-466725-6000750Bronze Age Mind Mapcentercenter ................

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