The 5 Paragraph Essay Body Paragraphs and Transitions (3)Introductory Paragraph ReviewThe introductory paragraph starts with a “hook” - an opener that grabs the reader’s attention. An opener leads the reader to the thesis statement, which is just a fancy name for the topic sentence of an essay. After the hook, there may be 1 or 2 sentences that transition to the thesis statement. The thesis statement is near the end of the introductory paragraph. The last piece is the plan, which indicates the 3 points you will make about your topic. Body ParagraphsThree body paragraphs follow the introductory paragraph. The three body paragraphs follow the same order and are based on the 3 areas found in the plan which is part of the thesis.The following is the thesis statement from the last lesson on Introductions and Hooks:Clarence Fulton Secondary was helping me succeed and grow. 1) It had supportive, nurturing teachers, 2) it was offering interesting courses like cafeteria class, and 3) it even provided me a chance to play a sport I was good at: rugby. The topic of the essay is the first sentence of the thesis statement which is in blue. The 3 areas of the plan follow. They are 1st in green, 2nd in light blue, and 3rd in red. They are also numbered. Those three areas will be the bases for the body paragraphs. It is important that the body paragraphs are in the same order that they are written in. In the example, the first area in the plan is It had supportive, nurturing teachers - This would be the basis for the topic sentence in the 1st body ic Sentence of 1st Body ParagraphOne way that Clarence Fulton helped me succeed and grow was by having supportive, nurturing teachers.Note the way the sentence is started. “One way” is a transitional phrase. It allows an easy transition to the next body paragraph which might have the phrase “another way” or “a second way” at its beginning. There is a chart of helpful transitional words at the end of the pages.Body Paragraph StructureThe structure of a body paragraph is exactly the same as that of a regular paragraph.-- A topic sentence -- 3 supporting points-- Transitional words connecting the points-- Expansion / development of the points (another sentence or two at least)-- A concluding sentenceAssignment: Body ParagraphBefore you start this assignment, you must have completed the Thesis Statements (5) and the Introductory Paragraphs (3). I will indicate to you if you can go ahead after the paragraphs have been marked and returned.Students will take the best (according to you) of the three Introductory Paragraphs from the previous assignment and write the 1st body paragraph that would follow it.Remember, the first body paragraph is based on the 1st area in the plan which is part of the thesis. Make sure to use a transitional word or phrase at the beginning of the paragraph.Also, make sure to use transitional words between the points within the paragraph if needed. A sheet of transitional words and phrases will also be attached.Please see the example of what you need to do next. I am using the anecdotal introduction from last week for this example.Example: (Students will hand in both the Introductory Paragraph and the 1st body paragraph that goes with it.)At the beginning of April in grade 9, I moved from Montreal, Quebec, to Vernon, British Columbia. I still remember that first day walking through the doors of Clarence Fulton Secondary. I kept thinking to myself, “They named the school after a guy named Clarence. Really!!!. Oh boy, I don’t know about this school, and I haven’t even entered a classroom yet.” Those thoughts made me anxious, but I quickly learned that there was no need. By the end of the year, I was thriving. Clarence Fulton Secondary was helping me succeed and grow. It had supportive, nurturing teachers, it was offering interesting courses like cafeteria class, and it even provided me a chance to play a sport I was good at: rugby. (1st Body Paragraph)One way that Clarence Fulton helped me succeed and grow was by having supportive, nurturing teachers. Mrs. Kassandra was my grade 9 English teacher. She was very kind and could tell that I was uneasy and nervous. She immediately made me feel at ease by mentioning the holiday she had gone on to Quebec City in her twenties. Another teacher that made a difference was Mr. Phelman. He taught Social Studies and was very interested in my Portuguese background. He had questions about the history of Portugal, especially their many battles with Spain. This helped foster a growing interest in my heritage. Finally, the teacher who had the most lasting impact was my physical education teacher, Mr. Lumiere. I am not athletic; however, Mr. Lumiere believed that everyone could improve athletically. He encouraged me to always try. These were only three of the many teachers who helped me adjust to my traumatic move into my new wonderful life at Clarence Fulton.Expository Writing Transition Words40005003416300Concluding Paragraphfinallyin conclusionin summaryin shortso you can seeas one can seehenceto summarize00Concluding Paragraphfinallyin conclusionin summaryin shortso you can seeas one can seehenceto summarize22860034163001st Body Paragraphone reason firstfor exampleto begin withto start with001st Body Paragraphone reason firstfor exampleto begin withto start with182880034163002nd and 3rd Body Paragraph*second(*third paragraph only)**third(**fourth paragraph only)another reasonanother examplealsoas well astooin additionadditionally002nd and 3rd Body Paragraph*second(*third paragraph only)**third(**fourth paragraph only)another reasonanother examplealsoas well astooin additionadditionally4457700444500To indicate a conclusion resultthereforeaccordinglyas a resultclearly thenconsequentlyfinallyin conclusionin other wordsin summary00To indicate a conclusion resultthereforeaccordinglyas a resultclearly thenconsequentlyfinallyin conclusionin other wordsin summary2857500444500To indicate a contrasting ideasconverselydespite this facthoweverinsteadneverthelesson the contraryon the other handstill00To indicate a contrasting ideasconverselydespite this facthoweverinsteadneverthelesson the contraryon the other handstill1028700444500To introduce or add to an ideaafteralsoequally importantfinallyfurthermorein additionin the first, second placemost importantlynext to begin with00To introduce or add to an ideaafteralsoequally importantfinallyfurthermorein additionin the first, second placemost importantlynext to begin with-457200444500To introduce an examplea case in pointfor exampleto illustrate00To introduce an examplea case in pointfor exampleto illustrate ................

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