?Brittany ReyesEDEC 3349JozwiakEDEC Program Area Lesson Plan FormatEach of your lesson plans should contain the following components:Information: Grade level-1st gradeContent area- art and spaceLesson Time 12:30 pm Lesson Date 2-26-14 Location in Classroom- this activity will take place at students desksSummary of the Children’s Characteristics and Needs- I have many auditory learners as well as some kinesthetic and a few visual learners, My students work well with background music on low.Also students work best when desks are arranged in groups of three. I have a couple students who need one-on-one instructions for new activities in the classroom.Describe the developmental levels of the students in the class (including developmental milestone information)-Most of the students are developing a typical rate. I do have a couple students who are developmentally behind. One of my students is very hard to understand because he baby talks, Also I have one other student who lacks the skill to show empathy to others as well as having a hard time determining the difference between make-believe and fantasy. This student also has accidents from time to time if they become nervous in the class.Describe special needs of children without mentioning names- I have two students with ADD, one student with speech delays, and two dyslexic students. Adaptations & Accommodations-I will sit the students with ADD at desks near my desks so that I may use proximity when necessary. I will also move students with ADD who get distracted easily away from the windows so that they may stay focused. An accommodation I will use is putting sticky notes on some students desks to let them know how much time they have left to complete the task. Also I will color code instructions for students who need them broken down.Describe accommodations for all developmental needs listed above-For my student who baby talks I will make sure he has his speech pathologist to assist them if needed. For my student who has accidents when nervous, I will make sure they take a bathroom break before the lesson starts and will notify them of the activity 15 minutes before we begin. For the students who lack empathy, I will suggest to them to work with a partner and get to know someone while working. Connection to Theory In this lesson students will be able to work in groups and enhance their personal relationships while working toward a common goal. This lesson is also individually appropriate for students because we have a large interest in the space subject since we have already gone over space exploration a few days prior. Many of the students enjoy learning how to use objects for other purposes, when using the toothbrushes the students will build on their creativity, abilities, and cognitive thinking. Piaget believes that students learn through experiences in constructivism, through working on this lesson the students will be discovering different ideas.Prior KnowledgeDescribe the prior knowledge students have about the topic of the topic.Students should know how to dip a tool into tek(2) Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skill. The student is expected to:(B) arrange forms intuitively to create artworks; Multicultural and Anti-bias*How did you adjust the lesson to meet the cultural and linguistic needs of the student in the class? this lesson meets cultural differences because it involves using a toothbrush, which ever student should recognize and be familiar with. For ELLs they may be grouped together during the activity and will receive assistance from teacher if neededHow did you adjust the lesson to meet the student’s home culture? I have researched astronauts from different parts of the word and have presented students with their bios posted in my class to connect the lesson to every student in the class. How did you adjust the lesson to develop a classroom community? In the lesson I have class discussions on the topic and working in groups to increase the level of community and a safe environment.Intended Outcomes (objectives/standards & benchmarks)Describe the TEKs or PreK Guidelines incorporated in the lesson. 1st grade(2) Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skill. The student is expected to:(B) place forms in orderly arrangement to create designs; andWrite an objective that aligns with the TEKs, utilizes a behavioral verb, conditions and proficiency level accepted for success. Using a toothbrush and stencils students will be able to create a unique watercolor painting using at least 3 colors within 25 minutes with 100% accuracy. Materials and ResourcesDescribe how the materials take into account the cultural and developmental needs of the students. -using tooth brushes students will fell comfortable because it is familiar to them. Using watercolors is developmentally appropriate for 6 year olds.Describe how the materials meet various interest and developmental needs of students. -the stencils I have created are space items. Students have an interest in space because it was introduced to the a few days prior to the activity and we have been building on the topic.Developmentally Effective and Culturally Relevant ApproachesDescribe culturally relevant approaches such as fostering oral language communication, child-initiated inquiry, free exploration, teacher modeling, centers, technology, units of study, manipulatives, hands-on learning, the arts, and cooperative learning. The approach to the lesson engages students in meaningful and active ways. Students would have had space centers during the week of the lesson. Also students can build on their oral language communication during the discussions and during the grouping part of the lesson Guidance Routines and Learning Environment In preventing challenging and unproductive behaviors during this lesson: If a student is refusing to work, I might ask them if they need to take a break for a couple minutes. They might also misbehave if they are in a group that they do not feel comfortable with, in that case I would change the students groups How did you utilize transitions for this particular lesson? How did you manage materials or resources for this particular lesson? How did you manage challenging behaviors for this particular lesson? during transitioning we sang a song to move from one thing to the next. The materials will be separated already for the number of students in groups, one person will come one at a time to pick up the bucket of materials for their tableInstructional Procedures (5 E Lesson)Engage: Students will watch this youtube video showing how rockets take off and enter space. will ask students to draw rockets like they saw in the video and cut them out into stencils.Students will then watch the video of how to use the toothbrush to create art: Students should be working in pairs or groups to create a space scene using the stencils they created, toothbrushes, and watercolors. They will place their stencils on their paper to create the scene they wish using various shapes. They will then dip the tooth brush into to watercolors and flick the tooth brush onto the paper creating paint splatter, with as much paint as they choose. Once they remove their stencils they will have a beautiful painting.Explain: Students will showcase their paintings to their groups and will discuss what are some differences and similarities they have with other group members. Teacher will go over vocabulary like rocket, space, paint, and color for students to study for an upcoming spelling test. Expand: Teacher transitions in this phase to emphasizing a real-world connection with the concept (How will the child use this in the real world.) Teacher will go over different nonconventional ways to create art. Students will learn about splatter art, recycled sculptures and different types of modern art. Teacher will encourage students to use their creativity to brainstorm ideas of ways to make art within their groups. Evaluate: After review various famous artists artwork, teacher will close the lesson with the entire group by asking the students to give themselves a grade for their work. Teacher will have a check list when reviewing the artwork, making sure students used the stencils correctly, and students were using toothbrushes with the paint. AssessmentIn the checklist teacher will check if students dipped toothbrush into paint, did student use time appropriately, did student take longer than 20 minutes, Did student use at least three colors.EDEC Lesson Plan Rubric *Levels of Accomplishment3210Exceeds ExpectationsProficiencyMoving toward ProficiencyUnacceptableConsistently performs the task.Consistently demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with the task.Often performs the task and demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with the task.Sometimes performs the task.Sometimes demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with the task.Does not perform task.Does not demonstratethe knowledge, skills and attitudes associated with the task.Exceeds ExpectationsProficiencyMoving toward ProficiencyUnacceptableWritten Communica-tion Skills (NAEYC 5c-d)Written plan is clear, well organized, professional, and free of grammatical and spelling errors. Writing is acceptable and professional. Written plan contains one or more grammatical or spelling errors. Written plan contains some errors and is unclear or uses unprofessional language. Professional appearance is lacking. Written plan does not follow required lesson plan format.Summary of Children’s Characteristics and Needs(NAEYC 1a-c)Detailed summary includes information about the class like developmental levels (Developmental Milestones from the Text), special needs (IEPs), social/emotional issues, health conditions, diverse language abilities, and learning styles. Summary includes some information about the class but lacks details about multiple areas like developmental levels, special needs (IEPs), social/emotional issues, health conditions, diverse language abilities, and learning styles.Summary lacks focus on the specific group of students for which the lesson is intended. There is little information about the children’s characteristics and needs. Summary has no focus on the specific group of students for which the lesson is intended.Accommod-ations(NAEYC 1a-b, 2a, 4b, 5d)Specific, meaningful accommodations for student differences, interests, and needs are listed (see above). These may include differences in culture, gender, abilities, and multiple intelligences. General accommodations are listed. Most of these address student differences, interests, and needs (see above). The accommodations seem to be effective. Few accommodations are listed. The lesson does not appear to make adjustments for diverse students. No accommodations are listed. Connection to Theory(NAEYC 1a-c)A strong connection is made to child development (Developmentally Appropriate Practice Principles) and theory and/or theorists. The lesson is theoretically sound. An explanation of why the lesson is developmentally appropriate for these students is provided. The lesson is generally connected to child development theory and/or theorists. A simple of explanation of the appropriateness of the lesson is provided. Little connection is made to development theory and/or theorists. The lesson is missing a clear theoretical basis.No connection to theory is made.Prior Knowledge(NAEYC 1a-b,4a,c-d)Detailed information about the student’s prior knowledge is listed. This includes connections to previously taught standards/rmation about the student’s prior knowledge is listed. Prior knowledge information does not easily apply to the lesson.Prior knowledge information is missing.Multicultural/Anti-BiasA strong connection is made to multicultural and anti-bias concerns. The lesson is grounded in a social justice perspective.The lesson is generally connected to multicultural, anti-bias, or social justice concernsVery little connections are made to multicultural, anti-bias, or social justice concerns.No connection is made to multicultural, anti-bias, or social justice concerns.Intended Outcomes/ Learning Objectives and Standards(NAEYC 1a-b, 4b-d)Clear and age appropriate objectives are stated using measurable terms. These are appropriately challenging for the children. The state curriculum standards support and are connected to the objectives and the assessment. Objectives are listed but may not be the most appropriate for the targeted skills. Measurable terms are used for the objectives. The objectives are generally connected to the state curriculum standards and the assessment.The objectives and/or standards are nearing appropriate for young children. There is little connection between the objectives and the assessment. The objectives and/or standards are missing.Materials and Resources(NAEYC 1a-c, 2a, 4b-c)Materials and resources take into account the children’s ages, abilities, languages, and cultures. A detailed list of all needed materials is provided. A variety of materials/resources are used to actively engage the children with the content and each other. Essential materials and resources are listed. Some of the materials take into account the children’s ages, abilities, languages, and cultures. Materials and resources make the lesson content interesting and engaging.Some materials and/or resources are not age appropriate. Materials/resources do not match the needs of the children for the lesson.Materials and resources are missing for lesson.Development-ally Effective and Culturally Relevant Approaches (NAEYC 1a-c, 4a-d, 5c-d)Developmentally effective and culturally relevant approaches are listed and utilized with children. These may include but are not limited to fostering oral language communication, child-initiated inquiry, free exploration, teacher modeling, centers, technology, units of study, manipulatives, hands-on learning, the arts, and cooperative learning. The approach to the lesson engages students in meaningful and active ways. Most of the lesson utilizes developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant approaches but some aspects of the lesson are limited. Students are actively involved in the lesson.The lesson is based on procedures and/or activities that are inconsistently developmentally appropriate for young children. Students do not have enough of an active role in the lessonThe lesson is based on procedures and/or activities that are not developmentally appropriate for young children. Guidance Routines and Learning Environment(NAEYC 1a-c, 4a-b)Clear evidence about the classroom environment includes creating respect and providing guidance for each student that supports children in the learning process. A detailed plan is provided for enacting transitions managing materials, resources, and dealing with challenging behaviors. All strategies are developmentally appropriateGeneral information is provided about creating respect for students and supporting them in the learning process. There is a plan that provides for enacting transitions, managing materials, resources, or dealing with challenging behaviors. Most strategies are developmentally appropriateA little information is provided concerning the management of materials, transitions, and dealing with challenging behaviors. There is no plan for supporting students or creating a respectful environment. Many strategies are not developmentally appropriate. No information is provided concerning the management of materials, transitions, and dealing with challenging behaviors.11-10 9-87-55-0Instructional Procedures(NAEYC 1a-b, 4a-d)Specific procedures are outlined that include a 5 E lesson (Engage, Explore, Explain, Expand and Evaluate). The sequence is logical and reflects appropriate questioning of student knowledge in all 5 of the E’s. Procedures address how everyone will complete the activity and how early and late finishers will be supported. The instruction is tightly aligned with the lesson objectives, standards and assessment. Content is accurate and actively engages children in the learning process. Students are discovering the knowledge rather than being directly taught the knowledge throughout the lesson. The procedures include all 5 E’s but lack questioning in one or more of the E’s. One E may be more teacher directed rather than discovery oriented. The sequence is logical, paced appropriately, and meets the needs of students. The procedures are tied to lesson objective, standards and/or assessment. This activity is a whole group activity or early and late finishers are addressed. Procedures are missing in two or more E’s may be more teacher directed rather than discovery oriented. Questions are missing from more than one of the E’s. The sequence is out of order. There is no plan for early or late finishers. The procedures are somewhat aligned with the standard. Procedures are not aligned with the standard. Multiple E’s are missing. The procedure has multiple elements of teacher direction. Multiple E’s lack questioning. Assessment(NAEYC 3a-c, 5d)Assessment rubrics, checklists, etc. are attached with criteria for evaluation. Informal observation assessments include questions or descriptions of student expectations (What is being observed?). The assessment is tightly linked to the objectives/standards.The assessment is generally linked to the objectives/standards. The assessment is described and some evidence is attached. The assessment is somewhat developmentally or culturally appropriate. There is no connection to the objectives/standards. The questions or data in the assessment are missing. The assessment is not developmentally or culturally appropriate. The actual assessment instrument and the data are missing Comments / Tota ................

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