Tammy T

Tammy T. Pepel

Environmental Print Activity [pic]

Grade Level: 1st grade

Student Objectives:

▪ Students will develop word recognition, fluency, and early reading success by reading environmental print in different forms.

▪ Students will apply what they have learned and demonstrate comprehension by choosing logos for a Bingo card and reading them.


▪ Cheerios

▪ Cardboard

▪ Glue

▪ Environmental print materials (cereal print)


1. Students will put environmental print separately in the squares and glue them down. Leaving a middle space free.

2. Ask students if any of them have ever played Bingo before. Have any students who are familiar with the game help you explain the rules.

3. Teacher will hand out bags of Cheerios, which will all contain 15 Cheerios.

4. Both teacher and students will count Cheerios out loud.

5. Teachers and students will say the words on the Bingo card together (to familiarize students with their words and boards.)

6. Teacher will ask students if there are any questions on how to play the game.

a. Answer any questions if asked

7. Teacher starts Bingo

a. Holds up environmental print card and says the cereal written, students repeat after the teacher

8. Students play until there is a winner.

9. Students after games of Bingo are played will eat Cheerios as a snack.


▪ Observe students during class discussion.

▪ Are they able to read the logo words and identify letters and sounds?

▪ Do students recognize the logos they have seen before?

▪ Are they able to read the logos?

▪ Working individually may be necessary to those with difficulty.

▪ During Bingo games check to make sure that students are placing their chips correctly.

▪ Teacher can play with small groups to assess their understanding of letter sound correspondence and phonics and the level of their reading without being in content.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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