
Differentiated Lesson Plan Template: Scaffolded

Teacher: __Jill Valentino____ __ School: ____Dewey___________________

Grade/Subject: ___1st ELA__ Topic/Unit: __Rhyming and Word Families (lesson 1)

|Stage 1 UbD: What is worthy and requiring of understanding? |

|Appropriate goals and objectives have been considered and implemented, based on 1st grade Common Core standards aand individual IEP goals in the area of literacy. The |

|essential questions and enduring understanding spark meaningful ddiscussions and thought for students. |

| GOALS/OBJECTIVES: TLW recognize rhyming words and produce (orally or in writing) words that are in the same |

|word family. |

|TLW recognize rhyming words by identifying ending letter patterns. (Based on WTW word sorts at students’ developmental levels.) |

| |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.2a Recognize and produce rhyming words. |

|CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). |

|Stage 2 UbD: What is evidence of understanding? |

|Students are asked to exhibit their understanding of the lesson and unit objectives through authentic performance tasks. They complete self-assessments that help guide further |

|instruction and engage in a variety of assessments, including formal and informal measures. |

| |


|Students will understand that… |Essential Questions: |

|Word families are comprised of words with the same ending sounds | |

|Sounds can be manipulated to create rhymes |What are rhymes? |

|Once several words in a word family are named, a student can make up nonsense and real |Why is rhyming important? |

|words that rhyme. Perspective |What determines the components of a word family? |

|Knowledge of word families and rhyming will help to make reading more automatic and |What would happen if you didn't know how to rhyme? |

|enjoyable. |How does knowledge of rhyming impact the way you |

| |read different types of books? |


|Understanding that a word family is made up of words with the same endings. |Follow oral directions to touch various body parts and produce rhymes |

|Identify key vocabulary used in pictures for web. |Read words in a word family |

|Recalling words to repeat followed by another word. |Write words in a word family |

| |Complete a rhyming sort web |

|Stage 2 UbD, Continued: What is evidence of understanding? |

|ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE: How will you know that students are making progress towards the lesson goal? |

|Formative |Summative performance task |

|Entrance/Exit card prompts |Complete rhyming sort web with pictures or written words. |

|Survey | |

|Inventory | |

|X Observation notes | |

|X Conferencing notes | |

|Homework | |

|Journal | |

|Notebook check | |

|Lab | |

|Self-assessment | |

|Quiz/Test | |

|Diagnostic assessment | |

|Graphic Organizer | |

|X Other: prior knowledge assessments | |


|Do you plan differentiated activities for this lesson? Yes |


| | | |

|Content (the “stuff” students grapple with in order to |Student Readiness (“where” students are relative to the|Suggested by |

|reach the lesson goals) |lesson goals) |X Recent and relevant classroom- level pre-assessment |

|Process (How students take in, process/make sense of |Student Interest (connections that motivate students to|results |

|information during the lesson) |learn) |Survey or observation of student interests |

|Product (How students show what they have learned/are |Student Learning Profile |X Survey of observation of student learning |

|learning) |(everything that influences how a student learns |preferences (self- assessment) Self-knowledge |

|X Combination |best/prefers to learn) X Combination |X Past experience with this grade-level/content |

| | |Other: |

| | | |

|Stage 3 UbD: What learning experiences and teacher promote understanding, interest, and excellence? |

|Students are well-equipped with the knowledge to successfully complete required performance tasks. They are able to demonstrate an understanding of the learning tasks |

|and know what is required of them. They are engaged with creative and varied instructional approaches that allow students to dig into the big ideas of the unit. |


|What are the substance and the sequence for the learning activities for this lesson? |

|Lesson Opening: |

|Gain students’ interest by playing an interactive body part game at beginning, introducing rhyming. (i.e. I touch my knee, and say, “bee.” Students shout, “knee.” I |

|touch my head and say “bed.” Students shout, “head!” I will then show some silly pictures and help students identify the rhymes, such as, a key in a tree, or crazy |

|hair on a bear. Then students will be introduced to the search and find rhyming bags and have an opportunity to find and name the rhyming object in each bag and teach |

|will give students examples of rhymes and a basic definition. “What are some authors that rhyme in their books?” Initiate discussion about Dr. Seuss books we’ve |

|already read this year and discuss how the author tries to make the reader feel through the text on the pages. Empathy |

| |

|In the lesson opening, the affective network is utilized as students are engaged in the lesson content using interesting materials and strategies that cater to their |

|individual strengths and interests. They like when I am silly and they need to correct me.  In addition, this lesson reflects multiple means of engagement, using |

|various methods to "hook" learners in the lesson. |

| |

|Follow-up with behavioral expectations and learning goals. Outline steps students need to complete in this lesson. Reinforce importance of rhyming when reading and |

|discovering new words. |

| |

|This addresses multiple means of engagement, helping to develop learners’ intrinsic abilities to regulate their own emotions and motivations. If expectations are |

|modeled and shared in a clear manner, students are more likely to demonstrate expected behaviors. |

| |

|Promethean Interactive Whiteboard Activities (using ActivInspire and Lakeshore Learning game) |

|affective network- learners stay motivated by using interactive learning materials in which they interact directly with the materials they are working with. |

|Recognition networks- the “what” of learning. Teacher models and students gather information to complete task independently. |

|Strategic networks- the “how” of learning. Students perform hands- on tasks to help solidify lesson/ unit content. |

|Students read words and receive scaffolded levels of support to segment sounds in the words. |

|Students cross out words that do not fit in a word family. |

|If above tasks completed, students receive reward outlined on visual schedule. |

| |

|Students write –ug words on the easel. Multiple means of expression—students can demonstrate skills through various means. Picture cues available if needed--students |

|make decision whether or not pictures rhyme with –ug words by saying the two words and then, “rhyme” or “not a rhyme”. Interpretation |

| |

|Students will explain why two words are or are not rhyming words and determine whether they fit into the word family we are focusing on. Explanation |

| |

|Cheyenne given choice of writing at easel or making rhyming word at the table with magnetic letters. Students are dismissed to work on their own rhyming work as they |

|demonstrate understanding of how to accurately complete task. Choice of working at big table or desk. Students choose matching words in a web or matching pictures in a|

|web. |

| |

|Multiple means of representation addressed, as material is presented in visual/ kinesthetic formats on the Promethean board, and in an auditory/ visual format as we |

|talk through and work with the rhyming words with the activity on the easel. |

| |

|Students demonstrating mastery will be given opportunity to complete more challenging web involving beginning blends. Multiple means of expression utilized as students|

|complete work with carefully scaffolded levels of support. Learners must develop a variety of fluencies (e.g., visual, audio, mathematical, reading, etc.). This means |

|that they often need multiple scaffolds to assist them as they practice and develop independence (). |

| |

|If above tasks completed, students receive reward outlined on visual schedule. |

|Come back together to review “what are rhyming words?” Apply new skill to book, Ten Apples up on Top. Use different colors of highlighting tape to mark rhyming words/ |

|word families in the book, including: hop, top, mop, stop, drop, you, too, drink, think, hall, fall. Application |

| |

|If additional time remains, watch video on rhyming words to build connections for tomorrow’s instruction. |

| |

|Closure: |

|Transition to letter of the day activities (letter j) Students practice letter sound, identify pictures beginning with the given letter sound, listen to chant. Then |

|students take turns writing the letter of the day on the board. |

| |

|What, specifically, is differentiated? |

|- Independent work page has the option of pictures from Boardmaker or written text. |

|- Use of hands-on materials including Promethean board and Boardmaker pictures. |

|- Students demonstrating mastery may extend knowledge by completing a more challenging web sort that was not specifically gone over together. Can students generalize |

|the skill to rhyming words that are not necessarily CVC words? |

|- Addition of breaks purposefully placed throughout the lesson. |

|- Opportunity for extension/ alternative work environment for student to work with magnetic letters on cookie pan, making rhyming words, 1:1 with teacher. |

|- Picture cues provided when students are producing –ug words at the easel. |


***: UbD Stage 1 ***: Six Facets of Understanding

***: UbD Stage 2 ***: Recognition, Affective, Strategic networks (UDL)

***: UbD Stage 3 ***: Multiple means of representation, expression, engagement


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