
 1st Grade Home Instruction PlanEESWeek 1Learning Goal: Review basic reading, math, phonics, grammar, and handwriting skillsActivities: Please complete one of the following worksheets each day for the next 10 days. The worksheets can be found in the link below.Daily skill review worksheet4 minute timed math challenge drillOn level reading passage with comprehension questionsHandwriting worksheet(worksheets are in order for each day)Link for home instruction worksheet packet: any books read on reading logI-read - 20 min per dayLogin and password: lunch number 2Learning Goal: Review basic reading, math, phonics, grammar, and handwriting skillsActivities: Please complete one of the following worksheets each day for the next 10 days. The worksheets can be found in the link below.Daily skill review worksheet4 minute timed math challenge drillOn level reading passage with comprehension questionsHandwriting worksheet(worksheets are in order for each day)Link for home instruction worksheet packet: any books read on reading logI-read - 20 min per dayLogin and password: lunch number FormatLearning packet for each day can be found at this link: Words: activities can be found on Mrs. Neurath’s school website. Here is the link: - 20 min per dayLogin and password: lunch number Plans for Students Without InternetPrinted learning packetRead books from home and put on reading logPractice Fry sight words list Please contact your teacher through your normal communication means if you need assistance or clarification. For example, if you normally communicate with your teacher through Bloomz, use that same method while we are out of school. Teachers will be checking emails daily. Here is each teacher’s name and how to contact them. Their email is also included.Mallory Bailey - Class Dojombailey@effingham.k12.ga.usLesa Couey - Remindlcouey@effingham.k12.ga.usChristy Dasher - Remindcdasher@effingham.k12.ga.usPam Denney - Remindpdenney@effingham.k12.ga.usElizabeth Kieffer - Remindekieffer@effingham.k12.ga.usMarcie Mingledorff - Class Dojommingledorff@effingham.k12.ga.usAmanda Browher - Class Dojoabrowher@effingham.k12.ga.us ................

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