
left00016929100Rice Soil and Water Conservation District1810 30th St. NW Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 332-5408 00Rice Soil and Water Conservation District1810 30th St. NW Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 332-5408 RICE S.W.C.D.REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTESWEDNESDAY – January 9, 2019 - 9:00 AMBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Ludwig, Dick Peterson, Jim Purfeerst and Dick Cook.Others in attendance: Steve Pahs, Teresa DeMars, Travis Hirman, Emmie Peters, Chris Schmidt and Jeff Docken (RC Commissioner). Absent: Tim LittleChairman Dick Peterson called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. A quorum is present.MINUTES: Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve the December 12, 2018 Minutes. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried. FINANCIAL/BILLS PAYABLE: December program summaries not available. November program summary and December bills payable reviewed.Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Jim Purfeerst, to approve the November program summary and the December bills payable, subject to audit. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.OLD BUSINESS:No old business.NEW BUSINESS:CHANGE SUPERVISOR POSITIONS: the new supervisor positions list was reviewed and MITTEE ASSIGNMENTS FOR 2019:The committee assignments for 2019 was reviewed and changes made. Steve will send out the new version.Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Dick Cook to approve the new committee assignments. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.MOU WITH CRWP: A grant has been secured with MPCA to do work for the Rice Creek project. SWCD will receive the funds and will assist CRWP with the project. The project involves collecting samples over a 3-year period to monitor the water flowing into Rice Creek from area farm fields. Carleton College students will help with the sampling and the tests will be done by an independent lab. Sampling will be done approximately every 12 days from March until November.Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Jim Purfeerst to approve the MOU with CRWP. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY FOR 2018: Steve presented an overview of 2018 Vehicle expenses. The oldest vehicle in our fleet is a 2012 model. We shouldn’t need to look into replacing any vehicles for a few years. Expenses should remain close to the same as 2018 with gas prices being the most likely to change.2019 IRS MILEAGE RATE CHANGE TO $0.58/MILE: IRS has increased the mileage rate from $0.545/mile to $0.58/mile.Motion by Jim Purfeerst, seconded by Richard Cook to adopt the IRS mileage rate change of $0.58/mile. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.DESIGNATE THE FARIBAULT DAILY NEWS AS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER:A motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Jim Purfeerst to designate the Faribault Daily News as the official newspaper. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.DESIGNATE 1ST UNITED BANK AS OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY: Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to designate 1st United Bank as the official depository. All aye. None opposed. Motion carries.2016 STATE CS CLOSE OUT AND RETURN $ AND SIGN FFR: The 2016 State Cost Share grant has ended. We did not expend the entire grant so $1,370.60 will be returned to BWSR. The final Financial Report is complete as well. A motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to accept the final financial report and approve the return of $1,370.60 to BWSR. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.2016 LOCAL CAPACITY CLOSE OUT AND SIGN FFR: The 2016 Local Capacity Grant has ended. We expended the entire grant so no funds to be returned. The final financial report is complete.A motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve and sign the 2016 Local Capacity Grant final financial report. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.HERITAGE PARK GRANT CLOSEOUT AND SIGN FFR: the Heritage Park grant has ended and will be closed out. The final financial report is almost complete.A motion by Jim Purfeerst, seconded by Richard Cook to authorize Steve to sign the final financial report when it is completed. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.CANNON 1W1P FINANCIAL REPORT: the 1W1P grant has reached 75% expended, therefore, a grant reconciliation was done. There were no errors. The interim financial report needs approval.Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve the Cannon 1W1P interim financial report. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.CANNON 1W1P ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUEST: because the grant expenditures have reached 75%, the remaining grant money needs to be requested.A motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Richard Cook to approve the Cannon 1W1P additional funds request. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.SEMNWRB TECH ASSISTANCE FUNDS REQUEST $2,500.00: grant money available in $2500.00 increments thru the Water Quality Certification program. The money helps pay for technical assistance on designing more projects.Motion by Jim Purfeerst, seconded by Richard Cook to approve the SEMNWRB Tech Assistance Funds request of $2,500.00. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.2019 LOCAL CAPACITY AND BUFFER IMPLEMENTATION GRANT $120,000: the workplan for this grant was approved at a previous meeting. A motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve the 2019 Local Capacity and Buffer Implementation Grant of $120,000.00. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.SCHEDULE STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR FEBRUARY: there could be some significant staffing changes in 2019, therefore, it would be wise to schedule a strategic planning session to look at project needs and staffing needs/changes. February 19th from 9 to noon at the Armory. Steve will take care of arrangements and pre-planning of needs.AGR-NEWS SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL; 1 YEAR - $36.82, 2 YEARS - $69.33: the Agri-News periodical is up for renewal. There has been some question as to the value of maintaining a subscription. It is not being read among staff and the client traffic into the office isn’t such that a client has time to sit and peruse. It has been recommended that we do not renew this subscription.Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve not renewing the Agri-News subscription. Aye – Mike Ludwig, Richard Cook. Opposed – Jim Purfeerst. Motion carried.MASWCD ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP - $4,740.48: the recommendation is to the pay the annual membership dues.Motion by Richard Cook, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve payment of the MASWCD Annual Membership Dues of $4,740.48.SUPERVISOR REPORTS:Dick Cook: feels that his experience as a Supervisor has given him a different perspective on agriculture and conservation practices, especially as he travels with his family every Christmas to other countries.Mike Ludwig: participated in the personnel committee annual staff reviews. Very beneficial process. Good staff and helpful to learn more about the role each member has at SWCD.Jim Purfeerst: nothing to report.Dick Peterson: participated in the personnel committee annual staff reviews. Very productive and eye opening.NRCS REPORT by Chris Schmidt: refer to written report below:General:Steve Breaker, DC in Le Center, is serving as acting District Conservationist for Rice County No timeframe for the Faribault team lead position for CST 17 being filledNRCS still working during partial government shutdown, at least for nowFarm Bill Updates:EQIP: 2019 application deadlines are January 18 and April 19Certifying and submitting payment requests for completed practicesRCPP-EQIP: 2019 application deadline April 19CREP:Rice County currently can’t process applications CRP: No current CRP sign-upWETLAND/HEL: HEL & Wetland (certified) 1026’s – up to dateWetland 1026’s –process requests that need a new certified determination and email off to centralized wetland team - the team is still several months behind, but are getting more caught up, Rice County has several waiting for CWD ACEP (WRP/RIM): Sticha WRP contracts need wetland restoration-planned for 2019, burn and seeding planned for 2019, brush removal was completed in October-payment request submittedState Office staff is working on cost-share for Komarek RIM-WRP repairs for the pipe being washed outCSP:No application deadline announced yetOne 2018 annual CSP payment remaining, but needs a modification firstUpcoming Events/Deadlines:NRCS SE area meeting in Faribault January 15Chris and Colin will be attending a training in Des Moines Iowa February 5-7DISTRICT MANAGER’S REPORT by Steve Pahs: Steve is busy with end of year grant reporting and grant close outs.There is a soil health meeting on Jan 23rd at the Elks Lodge in Faribault.STAFF REPORTS: Emmie: is a member of the 4-H Ambassadors program and was approached by Kelly from the extension office regarding a pilot program helping 4-H kids with plant and soil sciences projects. Would SWCD like to participate? Definite yes.Travis: non-compliance notices for Buffer strips and looking at doing some outreach for nutrient management.Teresa: ordering supplies for Ed program, also a mass mailing of a tree postcard, marketing for soil health meeting on Jan 23rd.Justin Fuchs: nothing to report.Jeff Dokken: Lake Improvement District meeting. County may be hiring a ? time position to help with 4-H.Al Krause: reported on the many projects CRWP is involved in. He spoke about a KERNZA project that was seeded in the fall and may need some re-seeding.UPCOMING EVENTS: ADJOURN: Motion by Dick Peterson, seconded by Richard cook to adjourn the meeting. All Aye: None opposed. Motion carried. Time: 10:40 a.m.Submitted by:_____________________________ Sue Erpenbach – Admin. Assistant_____________________________ Board Member – Dick Peterson ................

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