
left00016929100Rice Soil and Water Conservation District1810 30th St. NW Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 332-5408 00Rice Soil and Water Conservation District1810 30th St. NW Faribault, MN 55021 Phone: (507) 332-5408 RICE S.W.C.D.REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTESWEDNESDAY – January 10, 2018 - 9:00 AMBOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Ludwig, Tim Little, Jim Purfeerst.Others in attendance: Steve Pahs, Justin Fuchs, Teresa DeMars, Leslie Diaz-Alvarez, Travis Hirman and Sara Middleton from the Zumbro Watershed District.ABSENT: Dick Cook and Dick PetersonChairman Purfeerst called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. A quorum is present.NEW ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Sue Erpenbach has been hired to replace Debbie Skarupa, who has retired. Sue grew up in rural Rice County and has lived in Faribault since 1990. She previously worked for Rice County Social Services from 1985 to 2006.MINUTES: Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to approve the December 13, 2017 board minutes. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried. FINANCIAL/BILLS PAYABLE: Steve reviewed the financial statements and introduced the Delta Dental proposals he received. Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to approve the November Program Record and bills payable subject to audit. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.OLD BUSINESS: BUFFER STATUS: Travis Hirman reported that he has completed the year-end application total required report. There are currently 4 applications on the list for an approximate total of $2000.00 in financial assistance. NEW BUSINESS:CHANGE IN SUPERVISOR POSITIONS AND COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS FOR 2018: Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to table the supervisor positions and committee assignments until the next board meeting. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY: Steve presented a summary of current equipment. He expressed concerns about the age of the 2011 Dodge and the fact it is only a ? ton vehicle and has been used to pull heavy equipment. Suggested it be trade off before it loses all of its value. Discussion. It was agreed Steve should proceed with getting a bid on a new truck.The equipment list was also reviewed. It was discussed selling the older Great Plains Drill and keeping only one as the anticipated use has not materialized.MAXIMUM ALLOWED MILEAGE RATE: Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to accept the maximum allowed mileage rate of $0.545. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.ENVIROTHON 2018 DUES $175.00: Teresa DeMars is taking the lead this year and has indicated some possible interest in participating from FHS. She will be reaching out to Bethlehem Academy as well. If there is a continued lack of participation it was suggested we discontinue supporting. Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to pay the $175.00 envirothon dues for 2018. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.SW SWCD JPB 2018 membership: $1000.00 membership. It was suggested that since the annual meeting is the end of January and new committee assignments haven’t been approved yet, Jim Purfeerst should remain on this committee and attend the January meeting. Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to approve payment of $1000 for 2018 membership. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.4-H FAIR AWARD PROGRAM: The Rice County Fair Board has asked us for a commitment of $54.00 again this year to sponsor some 4-H Fair Awards. Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to pay $54.00 to sponsor the Fair Awards. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.AGRI-NEWS SUBSCRIPTION: $36.82 for a one year subscription to this newspaper. It has been recommended we continue our subscription. Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to continue a one-year subscription. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.APPROVE 2016 FINANCIAL AUDIT: Everyone received copies of the completed 2016 financial audit report. Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to accept the 2016 financial audit report. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.REVISE BANK SIGNATURE CARDS: In order to remove Debbie Skarupa and add Sue Erpenbach to our bank accounts, new signature cards needed to be completed. Sue reported this process is complete and the signature cards were returned to 1st United Bank and Reliance Bank last week.DESIGNATE FARIBAULT DAILY NEWS AS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to name the Faribault Daily Newspaper as the official paper. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.DESIIGNATE 1ST UNITED BANK AS OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY: Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to name 1st United Bank as Official Depository. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.2015 STATE CS FFR ADJUSTMENT $292.22 RETURN TO BWSR: because a project was not able to be completed, money was overspent resulting in a return of funds to BWSR. Motion by Mike Ludwig, seconded by Tim Little to approve the return of $292.22 to BWSR. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.TREE SALE 2018: Tree order forms were sent out. We ordered 15,000 trees, the same as the last couple of years. No guarantee of tree availability after February 28th, however we usually have some stock left.SCOTT WMO CONTRACT: Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to authorize approval for payment on contract #15-49 of $6206 and #15-50 for $3540. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.RICE CREEK COVER CROP PROJECT PROPOSAL: It was suggested this project was not a good option to pursue at this time.1W1P PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS FOR POSSIBLE ZUMBRO WATERSHED PLAN: It was suggested that Rice County should remain involved, even with a low participation rate. This project would not overlap with the Cannon River project as it should be wrapped up before the Zumbro plan starts. Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to remain in support of this project. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried.COVER CROP SEEDING RATE REVIEW – CHANGES AHEAD FOR NRCS REQUIREMENTS: NRCS is in the process of revising seeding rates and categories are changing as well as percentage. More information to come.SUPERVISOR REPORTS: Mike Ludwig and Jim Purfeerst attended Debbie’s retirement party. Congratulations to the staff for an event that was nicely done. Tim Little was unable to attend but wanted to share that there is a “101 Cover Crop” presentation in Owatonna at the Farm Show on March 17th. Rice SWCD will be listed on the bulletin at no charge.ACTING D.C. REPORT by Nicole Schaffer: Leslie presented on Nicole’s behalf. A written report was provided to all in attendance.DISTRICT MANAGER’S REPORT by Steve Pahs: Steve reported there is a lot to do and a lot to catch up on with year end reports due. We should be able to meet all E-link deadlines. Steve listed off a number of upcoming events which will be in the newsletter. He is presenting at Faribault Futures meeting on Thursday Jan 11th. He attended the Area 7 SE managers meeting. There will be a statewide managers meeting held in St. Cloud the end of February. He met with the new training engineer who is looking to develop individual training plans. Wants to see about reviewing Emmie’s qualifications to get her approval authority assigned.RESOURCE SPECIALIST REPORT by Justin Fuchs: Meeting with landowner in Erin Township regarding tiling in a Type 1 wetland following an anonymous complaint.Meeting with landowner and contractor regarding excavation and placing spoils in a Type 3 wetland in Shieldsville Township. A Restoration Order was sent for a May 2018 restoration deadline.Meetings with landowner and DNR regarding excavation and fill in a Type 3 wetland and public water. Site review afterwards to evaluate clean-up.Meeting with landowner, Rice County Highway Dept. and DNR regarding potential driveway approach in Webster Township.Meeting with landowner about excavation and fill in a Type 3 wetland in Walcott Township. Spring clean-up is planned.A Restoration Order was sent out to multiple landowners in Webster Township regarding fill, tiling and ditching in a Type 1 wetland for May 2018 restoration deadline.A Northfield Development Notice of Decision was sent regarding a wetland delineation review.Multiple Rice County Highway project Notice of Decision’s were sent regarding wetland delineation reviews.A number of various wetland questions and inquiries.NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST REPORT by Travis Hirman: Completed new MMP for Kevin Remund (Rice Co.) Swine & Beef, 1709 acres. Completed site visits and wrapped up the remaining cover crop cost share contracts. Continued with buffer implementation. I performed several site visits and did a little bit of flagging earlier in the month. Evaluated alternative practices. Met with county staff to discuss enforcement. Looking ahead: continue buffer law implantation, including beginning enforcement. Soil health meeting in Albert Lea.DISTRICT TECHNICIAN REPORT by Emmie Peters: Currently, assisting with EQIP projects (RUSLE2, job sheets, design) for the upcoming deadline. Have been generating estimates for projects on the needs list. BWSR would like 100 letters sent to landowners with CREP proposals. Maps and letters are being worked on targeting potential CP23A sites located in Walcott Township. PUBLIC RELATIONS & INFO SPECIALIST: Teresa presented at River Bend Nature Center in December about owls. She met with someone from the STEM school and will be giving a presentation on Feb 2 about Habitat Restoration. She has been preparing an end of year Marketing Review Report for 2017. Working with Justin on an article for the February newsletter regarding wetland restoration. Also wants to update tabs on the website and create a flyer to hand out. SARAH MIDDLETON – ZUMBRO WATERSHED DISTRICT: reported they are looking for funding for general education about what the 1 watershed plan is. Use publications and social media. So far no funding streams. There is a meeting at Oronoco City hall on February 17th for Women in Agriculture Network – try to get more women in agriculture involved.OTHER/ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: none noted.UPCOMING EVENTS: previously discussed. Dates and events listed in newsletter.SOIL HEALTH TOPIC: nothing.ADJOURN: Motion by Tim Little, seconded by Mike Ludwig to adjourn. Ayes: Michael Ludwig, Tim Little, and Jim Purfeerst. All aye. None opposed. Motion carried. Time: 10:50 a.m.Submitted by:_____________________________ Sue Erpenbach – Admin. Assistant_____________________________ Board Member – Dick Peterson ................

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