American History

AH.HI.G26 Guided Notes

Content Statement 26: The Cold War and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics.

38th Parallel

• Following World War II the U.S. and the Soviet Union divided the ____________________ controlled area of Korea at the _____________________

• North Korea would be ____________________

• South Korea would be ____________________

Korean War (1950-1953)

• ________________ Korea invades ___________________ Korea in 1950

• Truman’s original objectives were to __________________ communism and push the North Koreans back past the _________________________

• Stages of War:

o 1st Stage - N. Korea pushes S. Korea to ___________________ tip of country

o 2nd Stage – General Douglas ___________________ invades North Korea despite warnings from ____________________

o 3rd Stage – China enters war forcing the U.S. to make a decision (declare war on China? ____________________ supports it but __________________ does not)

o 4th Stage - ___________________

Bay of Pigs (1961)

• ___________ _______________led a successful communist revolution in Cuba during the 1950s

• The Bay of Pigs was sponsored by the __________ training Cuban _________________ to start a revolution to overthrow Castro

• 1,400 Cuban exiles were __________________ or __________________ in an unsuccessful attempt leaving the U.S. looking __________________

Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

• The ______________ _______________ moved missiles in Cuba just _____ miles from the U.S.

• Missiles were found by U.S. _______________ _________________

• The U.S. ____________________ Cuba in an effort to remove the missiles

• Closest conflict to a full scale war between the U.S. and Soviet Union

Space Race (1955-1969)

• The Soviet Union launched _______________ the first __________________ in space in 1957

• As a result the U.S. launched the New Frontier and spent more money on science education

• The Soviets sent the first man so space while the United States was the first to orbit the earth (_______________ ___________________)

• Space race ended in 1969 when _____________ ________________ walked on the __________.


• Geography - hilly, thick ______________, ______________, and deltas.

• Controlled by _______________ prior to World War II

• Split following World War II (_____________ – communist, ______________ – democratic)

The Enemy

• NVA – North Vietnamese Army/___________ – Communist supporters living in South Vietnam

• Original objective of U.S. military was to ___________ South Vietnamese army in case of attack

• Difficult to distinguish _________________ from __________________

Ho Chi Minh Trail

• a vast network of jungle trails connecting _______________ and _______________ Vietnam

• VC used _________________ networks to hide and __________________ supplies

• _________________ ___________________ – could attack and flee unseen

War of Attrition

• hoped to ______________ the enemy

• Conducted “________________ ________ ________________” Missions

• ____________________ suffered greatly during these S and D missions

Tet Offensive

• Vietnamese ___________ _______________ (ceasefire) attacks in over 100 cities

• VC lost the offensive, but ________________ for US and S. Vietnam was weakened

Anti-War Movement

• organized ________________ in Washington DC

• protested _________________ and ________________ _________________

• burnt ____________ _______________

Hawks vs. Doves

• Hawks – supported U.S. involvement in Vietnam War

o Supported ____________________

o Criticized Johnson’s ________________ ______________

• Doves – Vietnam was not our business

o It was a _____________ ____________

o Said Johnson was sacrificing lives for an undeclared war

End of War

• Vietnamization – build up of _______________ Vietnamese Army

• Made South Vietnamese do more fighting to withdraw U.S. troops

• Reduce the __________________ of American troops


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