Module 3 Anticipation GuideModule OverviewYou’ll learn about Cuban pastimes including baseball.History of Cuba and the US and Celia Cruz.Grammar Points:Use of verb “gustar”..Regular and irregular formal and informal commands.Nosotros commands.Direct and indirect object pronouns.Language Use:Tell about likes and dislikes.Use appropriate verbs in a given situation and to describe others.Identify when to use formal and informal commands.Be able to command someone to accomplish a task.Use appropriate vocabulary to describe a place to visit.Reflect on your learning and pose a question for further study.Participate in a debate by writing a strong opinion statement.Lesson WalkthroughLesson 3.00 – Read a brief introduction to Cuba and its main pastimes and history.Lesson 3.01 – Learn about Cuban pastimes like music, cigar making, baseball, “novelas”, and domino. Lesson 3.02 – Learn about how to use the verb “gustar” = to like. Read the list of other verbs that follow the same pattern as the verb “gustar” when conjugated in the lesson.Present tense: gusta (singular), gustan (plural).Imperfect tense: gustaba (singular), gustaban (plural).Preterite tense: gustó (singular), gustaron (plural)Use indirect object pronouns in front of the verb “gustar” instead of subject pronouns (ella, ustedes, nosotros, yo…):Instead of “Yo gusta el libro.” –say- “Me gusta el libro.” (“me”, refers to “I” which is the indirect object or whom likes the book which is the direct object) GustarMe gusta la música.Nos gusta la música.Te gusta la música.Os gusta la música.Le gusta la música.Les gusta la música.When using the third person you may need to include the subject pronoun or the person’s name to make sure who the indirect object is referring to.A ella le gusta el libro. –OR- A Emily le gusta el libro.GustarA mí me gusta correr.A nosotros nos gusta correr.A tí te gusta correr.A vosotros os gusta correr.A él/ella/usted le gusta correr.A ellos/ellas/ustedes/ les gusta correr.Apply it!: Write sentences using these verbs, conjugate them using different subject pronouns: gustar, diverter, abrurrir, interesar, sorprender.Lesson 3.03 – Learn to identify the meaning of certain verbs in Spanish for which we use the same word in English.Play= Tocar (music, instruments), Jugar (games, sports)Ask= Pedir (to ask for, request an object or a favor), Preguntar (ask a question)Know= Saber (information, how to do something or by heart), Conocer (know a person, a place or object)Apply it: Fill in the blank with the correct verb.?_______________ (do you know) a mi amiga Emma?Carlos ____________(plays) la guitarra muy bien.Estamos perdidos, tenemos que _____________ (ask for) direcciones.Lesson 3.04 – Learn to use formal and informal commands. Participate in a game of Cuban dominoes.When you command, you tell a person to do something and must address that person directly. –Hable despacio por favor. (usted)–No toques eso. (tú)As you can see in these examples commands can be formal or informal. They can also be positive (telling a person what they have to do) or negative (telling a person what not to do).Use formal commands-usted, ustedes-when talking to an adult or to someone you don’t know very well.?This is how you form an “usted” command:–Use the “yo” form of the verb: hablo–Change the last letter to an “a” for an –er or –ir verb, or to an “e” for an –ar verb: hableHable despacio por favor.To form an “ustedes” command you will do the same thing but you will have the “en” or “an” ending on the verb.?This is how you form an “ustedes” command:–Use the “yo” form of the verb: hablo–Change the last letter to an “an” for an –er or –ir verb, or to an “en” for an –ar verb: hablenHablen en la sala.To form a negative command just put “no” in front of the verb.No hablen en la sala.Let’s practice a bit!Let’s say you need to command someone you don’t know to please close the door.1. Use the “yo” form of the verb “cerrar”.2.“Cierro”, right!3.Remember to change the ending!4.Let’s build our sentence:Por favor cierre la puerta.3.Now let’s turn it into a negative command:Por favor no cierre la puerta.Let’s take a look now at how to form affirmative informal commands –tú–you would use these with people you know very well or with children:–Instead of the “yo” form of the verb that we used with formal commands we will use the “él/ ella/ usted” form of the verb.–The verb doesn’t change at all (the vowels don’t flip flop), it is the way you use it that makes it a command:Maria estudia hoy. Maria studies today.Maria, estudia hoy. Maria, study today!Let’s take a look now at how to form negative informal commands.–For the negative “tú” commands we will use the “yo” form of the verb that we used with formal commands.–We drop the ending (flip flop the vowel): estudio–And add –es for -arverbs, or-as for –er and –ir verbs.Maria, no estudies hoy.Lesson 3.05– Learn to use vocabulary to describe places to visit and appropriate use of irregular commands.Review the list of new vocabulary in the lesson.Remember that there are 8irregular “tú” commands that do not follow the same pattern:ir -ve ser –sédecir -ditener –tenvenir –venponer -ponsalir –salhacer –hazExamples: Ve a comprar pan. (Go buy some bread.) Pon el vestido allí. (Put the dress there.) Haz la cama. (make the bed.)Some verbs have a spelling change in the stem, in order to maintain their original sound. These changes also apply to the formal negative commands. These are the verbs that end in: –car (c-qu) tocar-no toques-No toques la guitarra. (tú) Don't play the guitar. No toque eso. (usted) Don’t touch that!–gar(g-gu) llegar-no llegues-No llegues tarde. (tú) Don't arrive late.–zar(z-c) comenzar-no comiences-No comience temprano. (usted) Don't begin early. –ger(g-j) recoger-no recojas-No recojasel vaso. (tú) Don't pick up the glass.There are also 4verbs that have irregular negative “tú” command forms. They are: –dar-no des -No des excusas. Don't give excuses.–estar-no estés-No estés tan triste. Don't be so sad.–ir-no vayas-No vayas ahora. Don't go now. –ser-no seas -No seas tan antipático. Don't be so mean.Lesson 3.06 – Learn about more about Cuban baseball.Baseball was first introduced in 1860 by Cubans that studied in the US. Read more in the lesson to find out:Who was the first Cuban to bring a ball and a bat to Cuba from the US?Who formed the first baseball team in Havana? Why did baseball become a symbol of freedom in Cuba?Who was the first Cuban to play in the major leagues?Has Cuba earned any Olympic medals in baseball?Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns = the direct object is the thing or person receiving the action, the indirect object tells you where the direct object is going.–The student gave flowers to the teacher. What did the student give? Flowers-this is the direct object, to whom did he give them? To the teacher-this is the indirect object. So while the direct object answers the question what? or whom? the indirect object answers the question to whom? or for whom?Let's look at an example in Spanish:–El le ragaló chocolates a Marta. What did he give?"Chocolates"-this is the direct object, to whom did he give them to? To Marta, this is the indirect object.-You can also replace the indirect object with a pronoun:–The student gave flowers to the teacher, he gave them to her in the morning. The pronoun her replaces the indirect object. –The only difference is that in Spanish the indirect and direct object pronouns go before the verb, use the abbreviation I.D. to help you remember how to place the Indirect object and Direct object before the verb:?El le regaló chocolates a Marta. El se los regaló para su aniversario. "Se" is the object pronoun for her (Marta –indirect object) and "los" for "chocolates" (direct object - masculine and plural).Apply it! Write the short version of the sentence:Ejemplo: Yo doy el lápiz a María. → Yo se lo doy.Mi hermano tira la pelota a los jugadores.___________________________________Lesson 3.07 – Use nosotros commands.Here’s how to form a “nosotros” command:Use the “nosotros” form of the verb: estudiar = estudiamosChange the vowel in the ending to e for –ar verbs and to a for –er and –ir verbs: estudiemosTo change to a negative command simply put “no” in front of the verb: No comamos en el restaurante hoy.Just like with the other commands when forming “nosotros” commands some verbs have a spelling change in the stem, in order to maintain their original sound. These are the verbs that end in: –ner: tener–tengamos-Tengamos una reunión. Let’s have a meeting.–ir: salir–salgamos-No salgamos tarde. Let’s not be late.–cer:conocer-conozcamos-Conozcamos la cuidad. Let’s explore the city! –cir: decir-digamos–No digamos a quién escogimos. Let’s not reveal who we chose.Here are some other verbs that have irregular “nosotros” command forms. They are: –ir-No vayamos de compras. Let’s not go shopping.–ser –Seamos amigos. Let’s be friends.–saber–Sepamos lo que queremos antes de llegar. Let’s know what we want before we get there.Let’s apply it!Let’s form commands for a group of friends that includes us:–Use “cantar” to tell your friends to sing a song with you._________________________________________________** Remember to change the vowel in the ending to e. -Use “ir” to tell you friends to go with you to the movies today._________________________________________________**Remember that “ir” is one of those verbs that has it’s own spelling when used as a “nosotros” command.Lesson 3.08 – Learn about Celia Cruz and Cuban history in the 60s.Read the information in the lesson to find out:Who is Celia Cruz and why is she important to Cuban culture?What did she achieve as an artist?What are some of her most famous songs?Who is Fidel Castro?What happened in Playa Girón?What was the Crisis de Octubre?“Nosotros” Reflexive Commands – remember that a reflexive verb is a verb that indicates the action is not only being performed by but also being received by the subject. If the “nosotros” command is negative there is no change, just apply the rules you’ve already learned but if the command is affirmative you need to drop the “s” at the end of the basic form of the “nosotros” command before attaching the pronoun (nos, se). For example:Review: The verb “lavar” can be reflexive when it shows that the subject is both doing and receiving the action: Me lavé la cara. (I washed my face.)When using this verb in a “nosotros” command let’s conjugate the verb in it’s “nosotros” form – “lavamos”, then change the vowel in the end to an “e” like the rule says – “lavemos”: Lavemos el auto. (Let’s wash the car.) –OR- No lavemos el auto. (Let’s not wash the car.) Now, if we are using the verb as a reflexive verb (meaning that we are doing as well as receiving the action) we need to add the reflexive pronoun: lavemos + nos. If the command is negative just add “no” and the pronoun before the verb: No nos lavemos la cara. (Let’s not wash our faces.) – OR – drop the “s” and attach the pronoun “nos” at the end of the verb to make it affirmative: Lavémonos las caras. (Let’s wash our faces.)Lesson 3.09 – El Debate, Part 2 – You will write a strong opinion statement to show that you agree or disagree with the resolution statement and will post it on Voice Thread for your partner to read. ................

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