
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Guide for Common Weeds

Western Invasives Network – Revised March 7, 2015

Disclaimer: This document is a basic guide and assumes no liability toward product efficacy, loss of non-targeted plants, or personal safety issues. Always follow label instructions, wear proper safety gear, and avoid herbicide drift. If in doubt as to control practices, consult a licensed treatment contractor. Please refer to the PNW Weed Management Handbook for specific herbicide recommendations: .

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Armenian |- Mow at least twice a year: June and |-Treat with Crossbow or Garlon 3A in |- Mow in June and allow for |- A rust that stunts |

|(Himalayan) Blackberry|September. |fall, usually in September/October. |regrowth, then spray in fall. |blackberry growth was |

|Rubus armeniacus | |Garlon 4/Escort combo can be an | |accidentally introduced to |

| |- For small patches, grub roots in the|effective mix and offers a longer |- A cut stump treatment works |the U.S. and is active in SW|

|Evergreen Blackberry |winter through early summer when soil |treatment window. |well, and prevents overspray and|Oregon. |

|Rubus discolour |is moist. Be sure to remove root | |drift. Cut the stem next to the | |

| |collar. |Glyphosate in the fall, when the first |ground and, using a brush, |Its impact appears to be |

|European Blackberry | |few yellow leaves show up, is also |sponge, or small spray bottle, |dependent on local climate |

|Rubus fruiticosus |-Other than for the European |effective, and suitable for wet areas if|apply a 50% solution of |(dry weather is not |

| |blackberry, shading is a good |using aquatic versions. |glyphosate and water immediately|conducive to the rust). |

| |long-term non-chemical approach to | |to the cut stem. | |

| |blackberry control |- In mixed stands of blackberries and | |(New data suggests multiple |

| | |snowberries (common in riparian areas) | |species of blackberry in NW,|

| |- Repeated mowing or disking can also|you can spray over the top of both in | |with rust only effective on |

| |be effective |the fall using Garlon 3A and MSO | |2 or 3) |

| | |surfactant without any ill effect on | | |

| | |snowberries. | |Re-seed area with native |

| | | | |grasses, trees, and shrubs. |

| | |Silicone/organosilicone spreader | | |

| | |surfactant such as Sylgard or Freeway | |- Be persistent! New vines |

| | |ensure excellent coverage and reduces | |are always showing up. |

| | |overall herbicide use; however silicon | | |

| | |based surfactants may damage non-target | |Graze with goats. |

| | |plants. | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Scotch Broom |- Cutting large plants (stem greater |- If possible, spray Scotch broom before|- Mow in early spring. |-- Don’t mow Scotch broom |

| |than 1/2 inch) below the crown can be |and after bloom, as the flowers | |when seed pods are ripe. |

|French Broom |effective without herbicides in Aug. -|intercept the herbicide |-Treat regrowth in fall or the | |

| |Sept. when they are stressed from | |following spring with Garlon, |- Pulling large plants with |

|Portuguese Broom |drought |- Water stress in late summer can cause |Milestone VM Plus or Crossbow. |a weed wrench creates ideal |

| | |reduced herbicide effectiveness. | |growing conditions for seed |

| |- Pull smaller plants (less than 1/2 | |- You can also use glyphosate |bank so consider cutting |

| |inch) by hand or with a weed wrench. |- Garlon 3A or 4, glyphosate, and |(Round Up) for early fall |instead. |

| | |Crossbow are all effective. |treatments, though results may | |

| |- Mowing is sometimes done to knock | |be marginal on thicker stems. |- Seed treatment area |

| |down large Scotch broom patches, but |- Garlon 3A and Milestone mixed are very|Application will kill non-target|heavily with grass to shade |

| |should be avoided when seed pods are |effective and don’t require complete |vegetation. |out Scotch broom seedlings. |

| |ripe. There is a good chance that |coverage of plant for total control. | | |

| |seeds already on the ground will be | |- In dry settings, cut stumps |- Calibrate sprayer well and|

| |spread by mowing. |- Silicone/ organosilicone spreader |often don’t need herbicide |watch your rates. |

| | |surfactant such as Sylgard or Freeway |treatment if they are an inch in| |

| |- Biocontrol seed beetles and weevils,|ensure excellent coverage and reduces |diameter or bigger. Late summer |Early season mowing |

| |may provide a measure of control by |overall herbicide use Be careful of |cutting below crown is advised. |typically results in dense, |

| |feeding on seeds. They are readily |surrounding vegetation! | |multi-stemmed regrowth; |

| |available and widespread. Collect and | | |great for spraying |

| |release in April to May. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Pasture Weeds |- IMPORTANT: Mow before seed |- IMPORTANT: Spring application is |- Introduce goats with other |- There may be a biocontrol |

|(broad-leaf weeds in |formation. |critical. Apply herbicides BEFORE |grazers. Goats prefer broad |agent already present! |

|grass pasturage) | |plants flower. |leaved plants. Don’t over | |

| |- Except for Canada thistle, hand | |graze. |- No tansy ragwort |

|Includes: tansy |digging or pulling is feasible for |- The following herbicides are | |biocontrols? Don’t panic - |

|ragwort, teasel, |small infestations. |effective: 2, 4-D, Weedmaster, Garlon |- If you miss spring spray time,|the bugs will come! |

|thistles, dock, | |3A, Curtail, Opensight, Stinger, and |you can mow in early summer and |Biocontrol agents cycle with|

|St. John's wort, et |- Cut and bag all seed heads, and burn|Milestone. |spray in the fall. This |the plant population and |

|al) |or dispose of them to prevent spread | |approach works well for Canada |will become more abundant |

| |of seeds. |- Stinger and Curtail are effective on |thistle and tansy. |and effective as tansy |

| |  |Canada thistle when plants are short | |becomes more abundant. |

| | |(less that 6”) to full height. |- Keep pasture grass competitive| |

| | |Glyphosate is only effective when plants|by maintaining high fertility. |- Cut, bag and dispose of |

| | |are in late bud to flower stage or on | |tansy ragwort and teasel |

| | |fall regrowth. | |seed heads. |

| | | | | |

| | |- If you want to save clover, use MCPA. | |Don’t use manure derived |

| | |All others will eliminate clovers. | |from clopyralid treated |

| | | | |pasture or hay in gardens or|

| | | | |organic operations. These |

| | | | |compounds persist in the |

| | | | |manure. |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|English Ivy |- Protect trees and prevent seed |-The current hot ticket: 4% Accord |- Cut ivy away from trees and |- If you do nothing else, |

| |production by cutting vines around |Concentrate (glyphosate)] + 2% Garlon 3A|apply foliar herbicide treatment|keep ivy out of the trees to|

| |tree trunks. Clear ivy three feet out|(triclopyr amine) + 2% Competitor |to leaves on the ground. |keep seed production lower. |

| |from the base of the tree. |(modified vegetable oil (MSO) | | |

| | |surfactant. |- Cut ivy trunks back to ground |- Cut the climbing vines, |

| |- Using rakes and shovels vines can be| |and paint or spot spray them |taking a good chunk out of |

| |pulled and rolled down a slope like a |25% glyphosate or triclopyr for cut |with Garlon. |them so they don’t grow back|

| |carpet. |stump | |together. This also ensures |

| | | |Weed whacking and applying |you don’t miss any of the |

| |- Goats and sheep LOVE ivy, and can be|- If possible, apply during dry periods |herbicide to new growth can also|small vines that might be |

| |used to clear areas prior to pulling |in late winter or early spring before |be effective. |mixed in hidden in the |

| |of the roots. |native plants leaf out or emerge. |  |larger ones. |

| | | | |  |

| | |- You will not notice effects until | | |

| | |weeks, if not months later, so be | | |

| | |patient! | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Parking lot weeds |- Burn ‘em out - apply early season |- A wide range of herbicide products can|- Pull/hoe when you can; if |- Control early and monitor |

|(puncture vine, |flaming. |be used to initially control the |things get away from you, apply |it often as seasonal annuals|

|prostrate knotweed, | |vegetation. |herbicides. |sprout at different times of|

|et al) |- Hand pull large weeds early in | | |the year and new species are|

| |season before seed set. |Pre-emergent herbicides that are |- Smothering with fresh gravel |introduced. |

| | |effective, products containing: |over a residual treatment helps |  |

| |- Apply fresh gravel on a regular |oryzalin, benefin, or trifluralin will |sustain longer control. |  |

| |basis. |provide partial control of germinating | | |

| |  |seeds. These must be applied prior to | | |

| | |germination (late winter to mid-spring).| | |

| | |Post emergent), products containing | | |

| | |2,4-D, glyphosate, and Dicamba are | | |

| | |effective on puncture vine, especially | | |

| | |when small. | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|False Brome |. - Mowing can be used to |- Broadcast application of a |- To reduce the amount of |- False brome is spreading |

| |remove/deplete annual seed production |glyphosate-based herbicide such as |herbicide used, mow for several |fast. Slow the spread by |

| |Optimal mowing for this purpose is |Roundup, is effective in mid May through|years to eliminate soil seed |making sure clothing and |

| |June (plants will still flower when |fall. |bank. Then treat with |equipment are free of seeds |

| |mowed earlier). | |herbicide. |before you leave an infested|

| | |- OSU field trials suggest tank mixing | |site. |

| | |glyphosate (2%) with a |Also, burning followed by | |

| |- Hand pulling small patches is best |preemergent herbicide such as Surflan |spot-spraying after the grass |- Put up informational signs|

| |in April and early May. |(3.3%) applied in October. This |resprouts can minimize the |at trailheads to urge hikers|

| | |kills mature plants AND stops seeds from|amount of herbicide needed |to clean clothes, pets, and |

| |-Mulching with clean, weed free straw |germinating. | |OHVs. |

| |works well to suppress false brome for| |- You can also mow in June, and | |

| |at least two years |- Apply herbicides in fall after first |then treat with Roundup in the | |

| | |rains, as that is when the plants start |fall. | |

| | |growing again | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical/Manual |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Garlic Mustard |- Mowing is not an effective control |Most important time to spray is in early|Combination of spring herbicide | |

| |because plants will still bolt and |spring (typically early April-late May) |application followed by hand |Ideally, this plant should |

| |seed |during bolting or early flowering. |pulling is very effective. |be addressed 3 times yearly,|

| | | | |spring application, hand |

| |- Mowing spreads garlic mustard seed |Rosettes can be sprayed in early fall |Spray bolting and early |pulling, fall application |

| |like wildfire - do not mow when seed |after rain events end summer dormancy |flowering plants in early spring| |

| |pods are present (May - Sept.) |but before leaves begin to fall from |(typically early April-late |Multiple years are needed to|

| | |trees and cover garlic mustard plants |May). Revisit sprayed sites in |exhaust seed bank, which can|

| |- Hand pulling is easiest during early| |early June (once seeds are |last up to 8 years. |

| |bolt (2nd year). Difficult during |Rosettes can also be sprayed in late |formed and spraying has become | |

| |rosette stage (first year) except for |winter, but this is only effective after|ineffective) to hand pull any |Spray before the plant goes |

| |small patches |winter dormancy ends. Garlic mustard |plants that were missed or |to seed! Once seed passes |

| | |often dies back in the winter so you |bolted after spraying. |early seed set (milk into |

| |- Multiple years are needed to exhaust|must wait until the great majority of | |dough stage) it will still |

| |seed bank |plants have re-sprouted. |Pulled plants must be bagged and|be viable if sprayed. |

| | | |removed from the site. | |

| |- Pull at base to avoid breaking stem |Rosette treatments at the height of | |Consider impact of crews – |

| | |summer may be least effective due to |Revisit sites if possible after |clean boots, clothing, and |

| |- All pulled plants must be bagged and|summer dormancy |initial pull and be prepared to |machinery before moving from|

| |removed. Do NOT put pulled plants into| |repeat pulling if smaller or |areas with garlic mustard |

| |composting facilities! |Triclopyr and Glyphosate are effective |later growing plants bolt. |plants/seed into uninfested |

| | |at 2-2.5%. Garlon 3A will not kill | |areas! |

| | |grasses. Surfactants increase efficacy |Fall rosette treatments can also| |

| | |of herbicide treatments. |be added to this IPM method as | |

| | | |directed in Chemical section of | |

| | |Escort is also effective. |this document. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Milestone doesn’t appear to be an | | |

| | |effective herbicide for garlic mustard. | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Yellow Flag Iris |- Not effective on large infestations |Habitat (aquatic approved imazapyr) and |- Very small infestations can be|- Do not compost any parts |

| | |Rodeo (glyphosate labeled for aquatic |dug; dispose of plants and |of plant. |

| |- Repeated mowing or cutting in early |usage) at the following ratio: Habitat |rhizomes in landfill or dry and | |

| |summer before seeds mature may |at 1% and Rodeo at 1.5%, with seed oil |burn. |- If using a herbicide use a|

| |contain/kill by depleting energy after|added to the mix. | |surfactant to get maximum |

| |many years of intensive mowing. | |- Contain existing |product penetration. |

| | | |colonies by suppression and | |

| |- Small infestations may be pulled or | |prevention of seed spread. |- Resins in leaves and |

| |dug out. All rhizomes must be removed.| | |rhizome can cause skin |

| |Incomplete removal may enhance spread | | |irritation, wear hand |

| |of plant. | | |protection when handling. |

| | | | | |

| |- Cutting and covering with landscape | | |- Applications of aquatic |

| |fabric or durable tarps moderately | | |imazapyr products require a |

| |successful. | | |licensed applicator with an |

| | | | |aquatic endorsement. |

| |- Bag and dispose of mature seed heads| | | |

| |and bulbs to reduce spread. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Spurge Laurel |- Hand pull small plants. |- Cut plants can sprout from suckers, so|- Public education. |- Note: there are irritating|

| | |it is advisable to apply herbicide to |. |toxins in the sap, fruit and|

| |- Larger plants can be pulled with a |stems immediately following cutting. | |leaves that can cause |

| |weed wrench or similar tool. All of | |- Treat small infestations by |blindness.. Wear gloves and |

| |the root should be removed to avoid |- Triclopyr has been shown to be |pulling. |other protective clothing |

| |re-growth from root sprouts. |effective. Please refer to the PNW Weed | |when removing or cutting. |

| | |Management Handbook for specific |- Cut larger plants close to | |

| |- After pulling, area should be |herbicide recommendations. |ground and spray cut stump. | |

| |monitored for new seedlings. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |- More cost effective to use | | | |

| |mechanical methods for large | | | |

| |populations. Plants up to three years | | | |

| |old can be controlled by cutting the | | | |

| |plant close to the ground. Older | | | |

| |plants should be cut below the soil | | | |

| |line to minimize re-sprouting. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Shining Geranium |- Hand-weed or torch isolated plants |- Plants can be sprayed before flowering|-Public education, plant and |- Clean boots, |

| |or small populations before they are |(late March through April) with either a|seed available at nurseries and |tools, vehicles and pets |

| |in seed. |broadleaf herbicide (if growing with |on internet. |after visiting parks, |

|Herb Robert | |desirable grasses) or with a | |forests or other areas where|

| |- Cover with sheet mulch for at least |non-selective herbicide. |Public education, plant and seed|there are populations of |

| |two growing | |available at nurseries and on |Herb Robert. |

| | |Glyphosate or Imazapyr at 1% with Li700 |internet. | |

| |- Heavy mulch (wood |surfactant.  | |- Dispose plants that have |

| |debris, chips, etc.) about 3 inches | | |been weeded in the trash |

| |thick has worked well to suppress the |. | | |

| |plants. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |- Mowing or weed eating prevents | | | |

| |plants from producing seed. It must be| | | |

| |done frequently, as plants will | | | |

| |continually produce flowers from early| | | |

| |spring until late fall. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Knotweeds (Japanese, |- Mowing or cutting alone is not |- IMPORTANT:  Don’t spray glyphosate in |-To reduce overall herbicide |- Coverage is typically more|

|Bohemian giant, |recommended as it typically encourages|early summer. Spray from onset of |use, cut patches in June, allow |important than product |

|Himalayan) |the knotweed roots to spread outward. |flowering through Sept. but before first|to regrow and spray in |concentration! |

| | |frost. |September. Dispose any | |

| |- Digging is very labor intensive, | |cuttings where they are |Applications should be |

| |generally causes more harm than good, |- Injection tools can be effective for |guaranteed not to resprout! |directed to both top and |

| |and should only be reserved for very |small infestations and are best used on | |underside of canopies and |

| |small patches in upland areas. |stems with diameter > ¾”. 3ml is the | |stems to ensure complete |

| |  |generally accepted amount |Light deprivation can provide |coverage. Over-the-top |

| | | |some control on small isolated |treatments miss many smaller|

| | |Imazapyr offers a larger treatment |patches. Care must be taken to |stems, resulting in |

| | |window starting in mid summer. Coverage |maintain coverage and monitor |regrowth. |

| | |is critical. Take care not to spray |for out runners. | |

| | |foliage of non-target shrubs and trees. |  |Injection can result in more|

| | | | |water contamination of |

| | |- If knotweed is found near water, use | |adjacent streams than does |

| | |herbicides and surfactants approved for |- |foliar spray |

| | |riparian use. |  | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Tree of Heaven |Cutting alone is usually |The most effective method of Ailanthus |A combination of complementary |Young seedlings may be |

|(Ailanthus altissima) |counter-productive because Ailanthus |control seems to be through the use of |control methods may be helpful |pulled or dug up, preferably|

| |responds by producing large numbers of|herbicides, which may be applied as a |for rapid and effective control |when soil is moist. Care |

| |stump sprouts and root suckers. |foliar (to the leaves), basal bark, cut |of tree-of-heaven. |must be taken to remove the |

| | |stump, or hack and squirt treatment. | |entire plant including all |

| | | |Some examples include bigleaf |roots and fragments. |

| | |Triclopyr (Garlon 3A) or over the |maple (acer macrophyllum) Oregon| |

| | |counter Bayer Brush Killer (Triclopyr |white oak (Quercus garryana), | |

| | |amine 8%) |and ponderosa pine (Pinus | |

| | | |ponderosa). | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

|Meadow Knapweed |- Digging plants is effective for |- May until flowering is best (before |- There are several insects that| |

| |small areas |seed set) but could be treated any time |reduce plant biomass or seed | |

| | |during active growing season |production | |

| |- Disking or roto-tilling can control | | | |

| |infestations, but established plants |glyphosate 2-5%+ non-ionic surfactant ¼ |- An integrated management plan | |

| |can survive if root fragments remain. |-- ½ % |that includes selective | |

| | | |herbicides and biological | |

| | |2,4-D 2 % + clopyralid ¼ -- ½ %+ |control may show the greatest | |

| | |non-ionic or MSO/silicon blend ¼ -- ½ % |effectiveness for removal of | |

| | | |meadow knapweed. | |

| | |aminopyralid (7 oz product / ac)+ | | |

| | |non-ionic or MSO/silicon blend (1-2 | | |

| | |qt/100 gal) | | |

| | | | | |

|Species |Mechanical |Chemical |IPM |Notes/Tips |

| | |Glyphosate (Round up) painting cut stems| | |

|English Hawthorn |Pull small plants (1” diameter) when |of plants larger than 1” diameter in | |Resprouting is the biggest |

| |soil conditions allow. |mid-late summer/dry season. | |challenge, so a well-timed |

| | |. | |integrated mechanical plus |

| |Mowing plants is effective for | | |herbicide program is advised|

| |suppression only. Plants that have |Cut stump treatment using Garlon at 30% | | |

| |been repeatedly mowed tend to have a |Garlon mixed with oil carrier. | |Resprouting from stem or |

| |larger root system, decreasing success| | |lateral roots is almost a |

| |with pulling later. |Basal bark spray all around the base of | |given, regardless of the |

| | |the tree using a 1-5% mixture with | |method you choose. |

| |Cutting and then cross-hatching the |water. | | |

| |stump with an axe or power saw to | | |Seed bank along fence rows |

| |promote drying out of the stump. |August is a good time to spray the | |may be a problem. |

| | |resprouts. | | |

| |Girdling plants is typically not | | |Plan for multiple years of |

| |effective; plants resprout from the | | |treatment (e.g., 3 years of |

| |lateral root system. | | |spot spraying to control |

| | | | |resprouts and new plants). |

| | | | | |

Important Notes:


Weed prevention is first element of successful management. Take care not to spread invasive plant seeds and materials as you work or recreate.

• Clean boots and tools, and dog companions before and after working at a weedy site.

• Increase awareness of vectors by installing informational signs and boot brushes at trailheads to urge hikers to clean clothes, pets, and OHVs.

• Dispose of noxious weed material properly. Dry and/or burn pulled or cut plant material. Dry the plant material on a tarp or plastic barrier to prevent soil contact with roots.


• Always read and understand the entire label before using any herbicide and surfactant. Wear recommended Personal Protective Equipment and mix herbicides in a safe environment.

• ALWAYS follow the recommended rates on the herbicide labels. More is not always better. Determine if lower rate on the recommended range of rates on the label will be effective for your site.

• Include spill prevention and preparation of a spill kit and appropriate contact numbers as part of your work habit

• Review plant treatment timing to ensure your control efforts are effective for your method and the type of herbicide you choose.

• Sustain your work. Reseed and revegetate the area appropriately to help suppress undesirables. Keep an eye on the perimeter of your site. What surrounds your area is likely to move in. Make sure that any planting materials/mulch are weed free.

• A surfactant and indicator dye will help with control and efficacy. Note regarding surfactants: Just as with herbicides, read label directions! Some surfactants are appropriate for use with certain herbicides but not others. Also, if using a surfactant on or near water, read label directions to see if the surfactant you are using is approved for aquatic environments.

• Glyphosate-based products, such as Roundup and Rodeo are non-selective -- they will kill all green plants!

• Herbicides typically work best when applied on temperate (~ 60 - 72 degrees) non-windy days followed by 12 hours of no rain. If temps are cooler and/or there has been limited rainfall, the effects of herbicide application will take longer to become apparent.

• Plant material disposal: Completely dry and/or burn pulled or cut plant material. Dry the plant material on a tarp or plastic barrier to prevent soil contact with roots.

• With all herbicides, when you apply them is as important as how you apply them.

Please consider songbirds and pollinator species when doing weed treatments! Some excellent information can be found at these links:

Protecting nesting song and migratory birds:

Reducing Bee Poisoning from Pesticides:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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