Chapter 2

Name _______________________________ Date _______________________ Block _____

Unit 1

Study Guide/Review Sheet 272

Chemical Quantities

1. A quantity is a technical term for things that can be measured, such as length, volume, mass, temperature, and time.

a. Quantitative – Use of numbers to describe a measurement

Ex. 25 cm, 100°C

b. Qualitative – A measurement described without the use of numbers. Ex. Hot or cold

Accuracy and Precision

1. Accuracy – How close the values are to the actual (accepted value).

2. Precision – Your ability to attain the same, or similar, result repeatedly.

3. Know the difference between accuracy and precision.

Significant Figures

1. Significant figures in a measurement include the certain digits and the estimated digit.

2. Learn the rules for determining significant figures.

D. Calculating with Significant Figures

1. Know rules for addition and subtraction

2. Know rules for multiplication and division

Scientific Notation

1. Know how to express numbers in correct scientific notation to the correct number of significant figures.

2. Know how to write numbers in expanded form from scientific notation

3. Know how to calculate in scientific notation

Dimensional Analysis

1. Know how to identify conversion factors.

2. Know how to solve a problem using dimensional analysis.

Density – Be able to solve for density, mass, or volume given the density formula.

Temperature – Be able to convert between temperature scales given formulas.


A. Label each as quantitative or qualitative

a. 5 liters

b. very small

c. 10 meters

d. 200 mL

e. above freezing

f. less than a meter

B. True or false:

_____ 1. When a test instrument is calibrated, its accuracy improves.

_____ 2. The closeness of a measurement to its true value is its precision.

_____ 3. When your results are the same after several trials, you are exhibiting accuracy.

_____ 4. It is possible to be accurate without being precise.

C. How many significant figures are in the following numbers?

1. 20034

2. 0.00760

3. 0.005

4. 34500

5. 6540050

6. 120.00

7. 0.00560

8. 4560

9. 9800

10. 0.080

Round these numbers as indicated.

1. 375.6523 (4) _____________

2. 25.631 (2) _____________

3. 3.9814 (2) _____________

4. 0.04512 (3) _____________

5. 451.0324 (3) _____________

6. 0.01201 (2) _____________

D. Calculate the following and express answers to the correct number of significant figures:

1. 12.01 ml + 35.2 ml + 6 ml =

2. 55.46 g - 25.9 g =

3. 2.3 m x 3.45 m x 7.42 m =

4. 5003 cm2 ÷ 3.781 cm =

E. Put these numbers into scientific notation.

1. 502

2. 0.00580

3. 879000

4. 0.0998

5. 10.546

6. 200000

Calculate the following and express answers in scientific notation to the correct number of significant figures.

1. (3 x 105 cm)(6 x 103 cm) =

2. (2 000 000 000 000 m)(0.000 000 006 m)


(300 000 000 000 m)(0.000 000 000 02 s)

3. (4.0 x 104 m)(7.0 x 105 m)


(2.000 x 10-4 m)

Calculate the following and express answers in scientific notation to the correct number of significant figures.

F. Dimensional Analysis

1. 8.06295 mm = ___________ dm

2. 0.0031 km = ___________ m

3. 10.000 kg = ___________ mg

4. 499 dm = ___________ cm

5. An automobile is traveling at 60.0 mi/hr. How many km/min is that?

6. Which distance is farther, 100 km or 50 miles?

7. The speed of light is 186,000 mi/second. Convert this to meters per second.

8. Suppose your car gets 25 mi/gal of gasoline. What would this be in kilometers per liter?

G. Density- Calculate the following and express answers in scientific notation to the correct number of significant figures.

1. What is the density of a piece of cork that has a mass of 0.650 g and a volume of 2.71 ml?

2. Limestone has a density of 2.72 g/ml. What is the mass of 98.2 cubic centimeters of limestone?

3. Calcium chloride has a density of 2.50 g/ml. What is the volume of 7.48 g of this substance?

H. Temperature (does not have to be in scientific notation)

1. Aluminum metal melts at 660.37 °C. What is the temperature in Kelvin?

2. Gallium is a metal that can melt in your hand at 302.93 K. What is the temperature in °C?[pic]


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