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Module Four Wellness Plan

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Fill in all logs and answer the reflection questions completely with supporting details for sections 1-6. After completing all sections, submit this file as your Module Four Wellness Plan assignment.

Section 1: Goals

If you have already created goals for your wellness plan, please copy and paste them from your Module 1 Wellness Plan into the space below.

If you have not created your personal health goals yet, please refer to the samples to create your wellness goals.

Sample Goals:

1. Physical—I will walk non-stop for at least 30 minutes five days a week over the next three weeks.

2. Social—I will join a club at school before this week ends, and I will attend all meetings this semester.

3. Emotional—I will journal every evening for the next two weeks as a way to reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Academic—I will work with a study partner once a week for at least a month to help improve my geometry grade.

Section 1: Your Goals


1. Physical—

2. Social—

3. Emotional—

4. Academic—

Section 2: Fitness Assessments

Complete the following on the chart below:

Complete column B. Use your current results from the Module 4 Wellness Plan Fitness Assessments.

|Column A |Column B |

|Activity |Module 4 |

| |Wellness Plan Results |

|Mile Run/Walk | |

|Body Mass Index | |

|Aerobic Capacity | |

|Curl-ups | |

|Push-ups | |

|Trunk Lift | |

|Sit and Reach | |

Fitness Assessment Reflection Questions:

What areas of these fitness assessments are you hoping to see the most improvement in over the next few weeks? What specific actions will you take to help improve in these areas?


Section 3: Flexibility Workout Log

Perform and log stretching exercises for all eight muscles listed below at least two days per week, but you may stretch every day. Module Two suggests starting with two repetitions held for 15 seconds for a total of 30 seconds for each exercise. Refer to the yellow highlighted example below.

Please refer to Video Gallery in the course for demonstrations of how to perform the stretching exercises.

|  |Date #1 |Date #2 |

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| |_________ |___________ |

|Flexibility Exercises |Muscle Stretched |# of Repetitions |Time |# of Repetitions |Time |

|EXAMPLE |EXAMPLE |2 |15 seconds |2 |15 seconds |

|Lying Quad Stretch |Quadriceps |  |  |  |  |

|Modified Hurdler's Stretch |Hamstrings |  |  |  |  |

|Upper Back & Torso Stretch |Trapezius |  |  |  |  |

|Calf Stretch |Gastrocnemius |  |  |  |  |

|Lower Back Stretch |Latissimus Dorsi |  |  |  |  |

|Chest/Bicep Stretch |Pectoralis/Biceps |  |  |  |  |

|Shoulder/Tricep Stretch |Trapezius/Deltoids |  |  |  |  |

|Lying Abdominal Stretch |Abdominal |  |  |  |  |

Flexibility Reflection Questions:

Explain how the stretches become easier each time that you perform them. How do these stretches affect your muscles during physical activities completed after stretching?


Section 4: Muscular Strength and Endurance Log

Complete the chart below. Remember:

• Exercises listed should show an increase from your previous plan to show your growth. If you completed 3 sets of 8 for the last Wellness Plan, then 3 sets of 10 would be an increase for this plan.

• Complete muscular exercises on nonconsecutive days.

• Do not work the same muscle groups more than once within a 48-hour period.

• You may select a different exercise than what is listed.

• Module Two suggests starting with 2 or 3 sets.

• The suggested number of repetitions is 8-10 for challenging weights and exercises.

• If you are using very light weight or bodyweight, you can complete as many as 18 repetitions depending on your current ability level.

Please refer to Video Gallery in the course for demonstrations of how to perform the muscle exercises.


|Exercise |Muscle |Dates |# of sets |# of reps |

| |Worked | | | |

|Exercise |Muscle Worked |Dates |# of sets |

|12/25 |5-min stretch |2-mile kayak |30 minutes |

|12/26 |5-min jog |4-mile run |45 minutes |

|12/27 |5-min stretch |Basketball practice |60 min |

|12/28 |5-min jog |Badminton |2 hours |

|12/29 |5-min stretch |Skateboarding |1 hour |

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|TOTAL Activity Minutes ( | |

|Remember the 420-minute minimum | |

| | |

Physical Activity Reflection Questions:

It is important to use proper etiquette, take care of equipment, show respect for facilities, and use safe behaviors when participating in physical activities.

1. Thinking of the activities you participated in this week, what is the most important safety precaution or rule that you followed? Explain why you think it is so important.


2. Describe one way that you showed respect for equipment, facilities, or teammates in your activities this week.


Section 6: Fitness Tracker Data

You have two options to complete this section.

Choose Option A OR Option B:

A. If you have a fitness tracker, such as MOVBand, Fitbit, iPhone Health App, etc., please include a screen shot of your results here AND use your results to fill out the chart:

• Average daily moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the last 7 days x 26.19

• Percent toward my goal this week = Total average daily moves ÷ 12,000

• Total moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the last 7 days x 183.33

| |Module 4 |

| |Wellness Plan Results |

|Average Daily Moves This Week | |

|% Toward My Goal This Week | |

|Total Moves This Week | |

B. If you do not have a Fitness Tracker, you may complete the chart using the following formula:

• Average daily moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the last 7 days x 26.19

• Percent toward my goal this week = Total average daily moves ÷ 12,000

• Total moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the last 7 days x 183.33

| |Module 4 |

| |Wellness Plan Results |

|Average Daily Moves This Week | |

|% Toward My Goal This Week | |

|Total Moves This Week | |

Fitness Tracker Reflection Questions:

Based on these values, how do you feel about your level of activity and daily moves? What specific changes can you make to continue to improve the average daily moves?


Module Four Wellness Plan Grading Rubric

|Excellent |Good |Needs Improvement |Poor | |Section 1: Goals |9-10 points

All goals are measurable, attainable, and deadline driven. Reflection question responses are thoughtfully detailed and supported. |8 points

Most goals are measurable, attainable, and deadline driven. Reflection responses are adequately detailed and supported. |7 points

Some goals are measurable, attainable, and deadline driven. Reflection responses are complete but lacking detail and support. |0-6 points

Goals are not measurable, attainable, and deadline driven. Reflection responses are incomplete or inaccurate. | |Section 2: Fitness Assessment

Results for:

Module 4 |18-20 points

• Fitness assessment results are recorded.

• Reflection question responses are thoughtfully detailed and supported. |16-17 points

• Fitness assessment results are recorded.

• Reflection responses are adequately detailed and supported.

|13-15 points

• Fitness assessment results are recorded.

• Reflection responses are complete but lacking detail and support.

|0-12 points

• Fitness assessment results are recorded.

• Reflection responses are incomplete or inaccurate.

| |Section 3: Flexibility Log |36-40 points

• At least two days of stretching are recorded.

• All eight stretching activities are recorded each day.

• All stretches are held an appropriate length of time.

• Reflection question responses are thoughtfully detailed and supported.  |32-35 points

• More than one day of stretching is recorded.

• At least six stretching activities are recorded each day.

• Most stretches are held an appropriate length of time.

• Reflection responses are adequately detailed and supported.  |25-31 points

• At least one day of stretching is recorded.

• At least four stretching activities are recorded each day.

• Some stretches are held an appropriate length of time.

• Reflection responses are complete but lacking detail and support. |0-24 points

• Less than one day of stretching is recorded.

• Less than four stretching activities are recorded each day.

• Few stretches are held an appropriate length of time.

• Reflection responses are incomplete or inaccurate.  | |Section 4: Muscular Strength and Endurance Log |36-40 points

• All eight muscles are exercised at least two days.

• All muscles are rested for at least 48 hours between workouts.

• Appropriate reps, sets, and resistance are used for all exercises.  

• Reflection question responses are thoughtfully detailed and supported.  |32-35 points

• At least six muscles are exercised at least two days.

• All muscles are rested for at least 48 hours between workouts.

• Appropriate reps, sets, and resistance are used for most exercises.

• Reflection responses are adequately detailed and supported.

|25-31 points

• At least four muscles are exercised at least two days.

• Most muscles are rested for at least 48 hours between workouts.

• Appropriate reps, sets, and resistance are used for some exercises.

• Reflection responses are complete but lacking detail and support. 

|0-24 points

• Less than four muscles are exercised at least two days.

• Few muscles are rested 48 hours between workouts.

• Appropriate reps, sets, and resistance used for few exercises.

• Reflection responses are incomplete or inaccurate. 

| |Section 5: Physical Activity Log


• All exercises are moderate to vigorous intensity.

• At least 420 activity minutes are recorded.

• All exercises are dated as daily or every other day.

• At least three different exercises have been logged, including specific exercises when required.

• Reflection question responses are thoughtfully detailed and supported. |40-44 points

• Most exercises are moderate to vigorous intensity.

• At least 385 activity minutes are recorded.

• All exercises are dated as daily or every other day.

• Most exercise dates are listed and are not in an effective pattern.

• At least three different exercises have been logged, including specific exercises when required.

• Reflection responses are adequately detailed and supported. |30-39 points

• Some exercises are moderate to vigorous intensity.

• At least 350 activity minutes are recorded.

• Some exercise dates listed are not in an effective pattern.

• At least two different exercises have been logged, including specific exercises when required.

• Reflection responses are complete but lacking detail and support. |0-29 points

• Few exercises are moderate to vigorous intensity, or intensity is not indicated.

• At least 315 activity minutes are recorded.

• Few exercise dates listed are in an effective pattern.

• One type of exercise has been logged, including specific exercises when required.

• Reflection responses are incomplete or inaccurate. | |Section 6: Fitness Tracker Data |36-40 points

• Average daily moves, percent toward goal, and total moves for the week are recorded and at least 90% completed.

• Reflection question responses are thoughtfully detailed and supported. |32-35 points

• Average daily moves, percent toward goal, and total moves for the week are recorded and at least 80% completed.

• Reflection responses are adequately detailed and supported. |25-31 points

• Average daily moves, percent toward goal, and total moves for the week are recorded and at least 70% completed.

• Reflection responses are complete but lacking detail and support. |0-24 points

• One or more of the fitness tracker data is missing.

• Reflection responses are incomplete or inaccurate.

| |Presentation |18-20 points

• Plan format is properly followed.

• All responses are in the form of complete sentences.

• No spelling errors.

|16-17 points

• One or two errors in plan format.

• Most responses are in the form of complete sentences.

• One or two spelling errors. |13-15 points

• Three errors in plan format.

• Some responses are in the form of complete sentences.

• Three spelling errors.

|0-12 points

• Four or more errors in plan format.

• Few responses are in the form of complete sentences.

• Four or more spelling errors. | |


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