
Solving Two-Step Equations

Choose your own assignments! You must choose at least three activities in a row; horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

|1. Musical/Rhythmic |2. Interpersonal |3. Bodily/Kinesthetic |

| | | |

|Prepare a rap or write a song that can be |Perform a skit that demonstrates how to |Demonstrate how to solve a two-step |

|sung to a familiar tune to explain how to |solve a two-step equation. Skits will be |equation using humans to represent the |

|solve a two-step equation. Songs will be |recorded and posted on TeacherTube and |numbers and variables or create an |

|recorded and posted on iTunes and class |class blog. |animation using Flash. Demonstrations will|

|blog. | |be recorded and posted on TeacherTube and |

| | |class blog. |

|4. Verbal/Linguistic |5. Visual/Spatial |6. Logical/Mathematical |

| | | |

|Write a clear, detailed description of how |Demonstrate how to solve a two-step |Write a series of instructions for using a |

|to solve a two-step equation for a student |equation using a balance (scale) or an |graphing calculator to solve equations and |

|who has been absent. Show examples. Your |equation mat with cups and counters. |explain why it works. Record your tutorial|

|description will be added to the class |Demonstrations will be recorded and posted |using the free online graphing calculator |

|blog. |on TeacherTube and class blog. |and Jing. |

|7. Logical Mathematical |8. Intrapersonal |9. Verbal/Linguistic |

| | | |

|In Microsoft Word or Publisher, make a |Your friend solved the equation 4 – 3x = |Write a poem or a short story that explains|

|flowchart that shows the steps involved in |-19 by first adding 3x to each side of the |how to solve a two-step equation. Your |

|solving two-step equations. Your finished |equation. You solved the problem by |work will be added to the class blog. |

|document will be added to the class blog |subtracting 4 from each side as your first | |

| |step. Compare and contrast the two | |

| |methods. What do you find? Your | |

| |explanation will be added to the class | |

| |blog. | |

I choose activities # _____, #_____, #_____.


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