Math- Unit

Math: Unit 11

|UNIT TITLE: Perimeter and Area |Grade: 3 |

|Domain: Measurement and Data (CC.3.MD) |Suggested Pacing |

| |12 days |

| |3/18/15 – 4/02/15 |

|Stage 1 – Desired Result |

|Established Goals/Unit Outcome |

|Highest Level of Understanding: |

|Solve area problems by using the strategy find a pattern |

|Apply the Distributive Property to find the area of combined rectangles |

|Average Level of Understanding: |

|Find the unknown length of a side of a polygon when you know its perimeter |

|Compare rectangles that have the same perimeter or have the same area |

|Most Essential Level of Understanding: |

|Estimate, measure and find perimeter and area of polygons |

|Explore perimeter and areas as attributes of polygons |

|Common Core Learning Standards: |

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|CC.3.MD.8 Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. |

|Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and |

|different areas or with the same area and different perimeters. |

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|CC.3.MD.5 Geometric Measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. |

|Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement. |

|A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit” of area, and can be used to measure area. |

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|CC.3.MD.5 Geometric Measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. |

|Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement. |

|A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units |

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|CC.3.MD.6 measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and improvised units) |

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|CC.3.MD.7 Geometric Measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition |

|Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition |

|Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying side lengths. |

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|CC.3.MD.7 Geometric Measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition |

|Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition |

|Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems, and represent whole number products as rectangular areas in mathematical |

|reasoning. |

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|CC.3.MD.7 Geometric Measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition |

|Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition |

|Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole number side lengths a and b+c is the sum of a x b and a x c. Use area models to represent the distributive property in mathematical reasoning. |

|Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems. |

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|Mathematical Practices |

|MP.1-Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them |

|MP.2-Reason abstractly and quantitatively |

|MP.7-Look for and make use of structure |

|MP.8-Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning |

|Essential Questions: How can you solve problems involving perimeter and area? |

|How can you find perimeter? (Lesson 11.1; CC.3.MD.8) |

|How can you measure perimeter? (Lesson 11.2; CC.3.MD.8) |

|How can you find the unknown length of a side in a plane shape when you know its perimeter? (Lesson 11.3; C.C.3.MD.8) |

|How is finding the area of a shape different from finding the perimeter of a shape? (Lesson 11.4; CC.3.MD.5, CC.3.MD.5a ) |

|How can you find the area of a plane shape? (Lesson 11.5; CC.3.MD.5b, CC.3.MD.6) |

|Why can you multiply to find the area of a rectangle? (Lesson 11.6; CC.3.MD.7, CC.3.MD.7a) |

|How can you use the strategy find a pattern to solve area problems? (Lesson 11.7; CC.3.MD.7b) |

|How can you break apart a shape to find the area? (Lesson 11.8; CC.3.MD.7c, CC.3.MD.7d) |

|How can you use area to compare rectangles with the same perimeter? (Lesson 11.9; CC.3.MD.8) |

|How can you use perimeter to compare rectangles with the same area? (Lesson 11.10; CC.3.MD.8) |

|Content: |Skills: |

|Perimeter |Find the perimeter of shapes |

|Area |Find the area of figures using inch and centimeter rulers |

| |Find the unknown length of a side of a polygon when you know its perimeter |

| |Find the area of rectangles |

| |Explore perimeter and area as attributes of polygons |

| |Find the area of figures on grid paper by counting unit squares |

| |Relate area to addition and multiplication by using area models |

| |Solve area problems by using the strategy find a pattern |

| |Apply the distributive property to area models and to find the area of combined rectangles |

| |Compare areas of rectangles that have the same perimeter |

| |Compare perimeters of rectangles that have the same area |

|Terms / Vocabulary: |

|perimeter (Lesson 11.1) |

|area (Lesson 11.4) |

|square unit (Lesson 11.4) |

|unit square (Lesson 11.4) |

|multiplication (Lesson 11.6) |

|repeated addition (Lesson 11.6) |

|pattern (Lesson 11.7) |

|distributive property (Lesson 11.8) |

|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Performance Task: |Other Evidence: |

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|Critical Area Tasks A-D: Transportation AG pp. 229-234 |Diagnostic: Show What You Know pg. 431 |

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| |Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint (Lessons 1.1 to 1.7) pg. 457-458 |

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| |Summative: Chapter Review Test pp.475-478 |

| |Chapter Test (pgs. 177-181) |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Standard |

|Grab-and-Go Differentiated Center Kits |

|Literacy Connections: Readers |Games: |

|Busy Bees |Activities: |

|James’ Frames |Card #1 |

| |Roll to 100! |

| |Card #6 |

| |Jump to 9 |

| |Card #10 |

| |Perimeter Parade |

| |Card #15 |

| |Hurray for Arrays! |

| |Card #18 |

| |Classification Act |

| |Figure it Out |

|Go Math Intervention Activities (ELLs, RTI, and SWDs): |

|ELLs |RTI |

|Lesson 11.1 |Lesson 11.1 |

|Strategy: Rephrase; Verbal /Linguistic (Small Group) page 433B |Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) page 433B |

|Lesson 11.2 |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) page 433B |

|Strategy: Creative Grouping; Interpersonal/Social (Partners/Small Group) page 437B |Lesson 11.2 |

|Lesson 11.3 |Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small |

|Strategy: Define; Interpersonal/Social (Small Group) page 441B |Group) page 437B |

|Lesson 11.4 |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) page 437B |

|Strategy: Draw; Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) page 445B |Lesson 11.3 |

|Lesson 11.5 |Tier 1: Logical/Mathematical (Whole Class/Small Group) page 441B |

|Strategy: Define; Interpersonal/Social (Small Group) page 449B |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) page 441B |

|Lesson 11.6 |Lesson 11.4 |

|Strategy: Draw; Interpersonal/Social (Small Group) page 453B |Tier 1: Visual/Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) page 445B |

|Lesson 11.7 |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) page 445B |

|Strategy: Identify Relationships; Interpersonal/Social (Small Group) page 459B |Lesson 11.5 |

|Lesson 11.8 |Tier 1: Logical/Mathematical (Whole Class/Small Group) page 449B |

|Strategy: Creative Grouping; Interpersonal/Social (Small Group) page 463B |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) page 449B |

|Lesson 11.9 |Lesson 11.6 |

|Strategy: Creative Grouping; Interpersonal/Social (Small Group) page 467B |Tier 1: Logical/Mathematical (Whole Class/Small Group) page 453B |

|Lesson 11.10 |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) page 453B |

|Strategy: Describe; Visual (Small Group) page 471B |Lesson 11.7 |

| |Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) page 459B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) page 459 B |

| |Lesson 11.8 |

| |Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) page 463B |

| |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) page 463B |

| |Lesson 11.9 |

| |Tier 1:Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) page 467B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) page 467B |

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| |Lesson 11.10 |

| |Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) page 471B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Kinesthetic (Small Group) page 471 B |

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|SWDs | |

|Additional Support Strategies: | |

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|Perimeter and Area: | |

|Choose a peer to model how to solve perimeter and area problems for the student | |

|Develop a math facts reference sheet for perimeter and area | |

|Discuss and provide the student with a list of words and phrases which indicate a perimeter or area word | |

|problem | |

| | |

|Problem Solving: | |

|Provide short and concise one-step word problems | |

|Students simulate situations that relate to perimeter and area word problems | |


Games/Activities Key:

Computation and Mental Math

Geometry and Measurement



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