CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services, Inc

CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

Risk Management Plan 2008

|Month |Plan/Objective |Activities |Person Responsible |Date Reviewed |

|January |Annual Meeting |Stakeholders, staff and volunteer recognition and annual public board meeting. |Board, CEO, COO, EMT and CDS |1/10/2008 |

| | | |staff | |

| |EMT Meeting |Policy and Procedure Review- 6 month Disaster Plan/Drill Log –Notebook per site, provided First Aid Kits|EMT Members |1/15/2008 |

| | |for any CDS staff that transport participants, and all CDS vehicles, Maintenance Safety Inspections and | | |

| | |Notebooks, ordered four all in one tool kits to replace missing ones from CDS vehicles and order 12 new | | |

| | |road hazard kits for CDS vehicles. Follow-up with staff training on new and revised policies and | | |

| | |procedures and documentation in staff meeting notes. | | |

| |SAMH Committee Meeting and |TANF meeting re: Adult Psychosocial. |COO and SAMH Committee |1/15/08 |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | | |

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | | |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |CINS/FINS Committee Meeting and |Staff reviews for updates to CINS/FINS residential and non-residential operations and procedures manual |COO and CINS/FINS Committee |1/18/2008 |

| |CDS Utilization and Risk |for changes. | | |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Select CDS QA Peer Reviewers and |Add one more Peer Reviewer. |Tracey Ousley, Zeke Whitter, |1/24/2008 |

| |send to Training as needed. |Request QA Coordinator to be trained and participate with DJJ QA as a new Peer Reviewer. |Sam Clark and Peggy Vickers | |

| |Basic Center Grant |Webinar Training, feedback from SEDNET staff, research current data, budget, and re-write grant, send |Sam Clark, Peggy Vickers, Greg |Start |

| | |off by due date. |Yorker, Estella Garcia |1/14/08-2/19/08 |

| |Participate in Florida Network |QIC Meeting |Tracey Ousley, Peggy Vickers |1/29-30/08 |

| |Quality Improvement Committee | |and Greg Yorker | |

| | |Coordinate with Florida Network for Staff Training in the next quarter. | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |United Way Grant |Training, meetings, research current data and write two proposals one for OS and one for IYP-C. |Jim Pearce, Sam Clark, Erica | |

| | | |Chatman, Greg Yorker, Lanard | |

| | | |Perry and Peggy Vickers | |

|February |2/19/08 On-going Basic Center |Continue working on grant. |Sam, Greg, Estella and Peg |2/18/08 |

| |Grant Application | | | |

| |2/22/08 United Way Grants |Continue working on grant. |Lanard, Erica, Greg, Sam, Jim |2/22/08 |

| | | |and Peg | |

| |2/1/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |2/15/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |2/15/08 Staff Training |Florida Laws and Rules and Medical Errors Staff Training |Private Trainer |2/15/08 |

| |2/19/08 EMT Meeting |Strategic Plan Draft | | |

| |Staff Training |Staff Training by Florida Network |Family Action Staff |2/22/08 |

| | |Family Action Update |CINS/FINS & SAMH staff | |

| | |CPI/ACT | | |

| |2/29/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Adult Psychosocial Form | | |

| |Contract Earning Projections and |TANF Rule | | |

| |CDS Utilization and Risk |Federal Poverty Guidelines – update fee schedule for Board and SAMH Approval. | | |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Review and Update CINS/FINS |Review DJJ 2008 Quality Assurance Standards and begin making changes to the Operations Procedures |CINS/FINS |3/14/08 |

| |Operations & Procedures Manual |Manual. | | |

| |with DJJ 2008 Quality Assurance |Deleted Drivers License from 2008 Standard. | | |

| |Standards. |Added Annual Affidavit of Compliance with Good Moral Character Standards by 1/31 of each year. | | |

| | |Standard 1.02 Risk Management: The program demonstrates the importance of monitoring incidents for risk| | |

| | |management purposes and develops strategies to limit risk. See pg1-9 | | |

| | |Standard 1.03 Provision of an Abuse Free Environment: The program provides an environment in which | | |

| | |youth, staff, and others feel safe, secure and not threatened by any form of abuse or harassment. See | | |

| | |pg 1-11. | | |

| | |Standard 1.04 Incident Reporting: The program demonstrates the importance of alerting the DJJ when | | |

| | |reportable incidents occur. See pg.1-15. | | |

| | |Standard 1.05 Interagency Agreements and Outreach: Added interagency agreements with recreational and | | |

| | |leisure; such as boys and girls club, YMCA, parks and recreation. See page 1-17. | | |

| | |Standard 1.09 Fire Prevention: Management has implemented a disaster preparedness plan and fire | | |

| | |prevention plan. New standard but no changes to requirements see pg 1-25. | | |

| | |Standard 1.10 Flammable, Toxic and Poisonous Control: The program maintains strict control of | | |

| | |flammable, poisonous, and toxic items. New Standards no change in requirements. See page 1-27. | | |

| | |Standard 1.11 Log Book: The program director or designee reviews the facility logbook(s) every week and| | |

| | |makes a note chronologically in the logbook as to any corrections recommendations and follow-up required| | |

| | |and sign/date the entry. This is subjective and up for interpretation. They are looking for more than | | |

| | |a signature and comments. Write down under comments see program director, staff meeting notes, e-mail | | |

| | |notes, or personnel action forms. Let them know more was done. See pg 1-29. | | |

| | |Standard 2.05 Family Involvement: document, document…. | | |

| | |Standard 2.07 Case Management Staffing. #3. Defined as 7 working days. Document responses if all | | |

| | |committee members can not be in attendance. See pg 2-15. | | |

| | |Standard 2.08 Substance Abuse Education and Referral for Treatment non-residential only: Make agency | | |

| | |policy clear, recommend DSM IV criteria. See pg 2-17. | | |

| | |Standard 3.09 Behavior Management Strategies: ***New language. 1. The program has a detailed written | | |

| | |description of the behavior management strategies that is consistent with the principles of learning | | |

| | |theory including: a. a wide variety of rewards is used by the facility. B. Appropriate consequences | | |

| | |and sanctions are used by the facility. C. Consequences are applied immediately, with certainty and be | | |

| | |matched to severity of the behavior. D. Rewards outnumber consequences. See pg 3-19. Help identify | | |

| | |positive rewards. | | |

| | |Standard 3.10 Behavior Interventions: added #2 when staff is required to physically engage youth, only | | |

| | |techniques approved by the Fl Network of Youth and Family Services are used. Approved techniques such | | |

| | |as Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI), TEAM and NAPPI. See pg 3-23. | | |

| | |Standard 3.11 Staffing and Youth Supervision: use real time for 10 min bed checks. | | |

| | |Standard 4.03 Suicide Assessment: pg 4-7. Refer to DJJ SAMH manual for definitions under this | | |

| | |standard. No youth care worker can do assessment. Master or BA level under a direct supervision of a | | |

| | |licensed mental health professional. Must show supervision weekly with supervisor. Paperwork signed | | |

| | |within 24 hours. Make sure staff understands difference between screening and assessment. Supervisor | | |

| | |is available on weekends. | | |

| | |Standard 4.04 Emergency Mental Health and Substance Abuse new standard pg 4-9. The program has a | | |

| | |written plan, which outlines mental health and substance abuse emergency procedures. | | |

| | |Page 4-11 Standard 4.05 Medication use MSR form refer to DJJ Health Services Manual or a pharmacy | | |

| | |approved form. Network is following up on this. | | |

| | |Standard 4.06 Medical and Mental Health Alert Processes pg 4-13 refer to SAMH Manual. | | |

| | |Standard 5.02 Meal Quality the survey done with kids is relied on as fact, along with team observation | | |

| | |and test tasting. | | |

| | |Standard 5.03 Special Diets: Keep alert in Kitchen, participant file and on the bed board. | | |

| | |Strongly suggested doing Mock QA surveys. | | |

| |Develop a Quality Assurance Plan |A plan of continuous quality improvement. Recommend Mock Surveys by EMT members. If so would need to |Peggy Vickers and Sam Clark |2/22/08 |

| | |do soon. Add on CARF changes. | | |

| |Prepare QA Visit |Gather documents needed at the time of a QA Visit. | | |

| |Order new 2008 CARF Standards. |Order new CARF Standards. |Peggy Vickers |2/15/08 |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Coalition |Complete logic model |PIPSA |2/28/08 |

| |Letter of Review of Operations and|Review and sign letter of review for: |Sam Clark |Done |

| |Procedures Manuals |SAMH | | |

| | |CINS/FINS | | |

| | |ES | | |

| | |Independent Living | | |

| |Annual Policy Review |Confidentiality |EMT |2/18/08 |

| | |Safety | | |

| | |CINS/FINS (Jan-March) | | |

|March |Annual Review of Policies and |Emergency Plans | | |

| |Procedures |Incident Reports | | |

| | |Risk Management Plan | | |

| |Juvenile Justice Awareness Week. |Participate in planning and/or activities to observe Juvenile Justice Awareness Week as scheduled by |Jim Pearce, Regional | |

| | |Juvenile Justice Councils. |Coordinators, Counselor/Case | |

| | |Provide staff training on the CINS/FINS Population. |Managers | |

| |3/6/08 Due QIP for Disaster Plan- |Update Disaster Plan using feedback from Circuit 7. |Peggy Vickers/Sam Clark | |

| |SAMH -E | | | |

| |3/10-11/08 Staff Training |Clinical Supervision |Private Trainer |Canceled |

| |3/12/08 Staff Training |Florida Laws and Rules |Private Trainer |3/12/08 |

| |3/14/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Review DJJ 2008 Quality Assurance Standards and changes with the Coordinators. Request coordinators to |Committee |3/14/08 |

| |Meeting Contract Earning |review changes with all staff during a staff meeting. Continue to review and edit policies and | | |

| |Projections and CDS Utilization |procedures to comply with standards. | | |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |Update Accessibility Plan |Complete IYP-E and SAMH Accessibility Physical Site Survey. | | |

| | |Add the other 4 components. | | |

| |Review 2008 CARF Standards and |Look for changes related to CDS Programs and Services. |Peggy Vickers | |

| |revise Operations and Procedures | | | |

| |Manual | | | |

| |3/18/08 EMT Meeting |DJJ QA at IYP-C entrance and Contract monitoring at IYP-E |CINS/FINS Coordinators |Canceled |

| |3/25/08 AIDS Training |2 hours required AIDS Training Update for SAMH staff. Begin at 2:00-4:00 pm. |Gwen Love | |

| |3/28/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Schedule a Quarterly Meeting and |Esprit de Corp Awards |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark | |

| |Staff Training |Longevity | | |

| | |Staff Training |Gwen Love | |

| | |Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use. | | |

| | |CDS Drug Free Work Place |TBA | |

| | |CINS/FINS Presentation that includes an overview of the population being served. | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Prepare SAMH Contract Documents |Prepare, collect and review documents requested by DCF-SAMH program office for contract negotiation. |Sam/Greg/others as assigned. | |

| |Transition OS services to the |Transition Drug Court and Day Reporting counseling activities to the county. |Sam Clark/Lanard Perry | |

| |county | | | |

| |3/30/08 Spotlight on Youth |Fund raiser for CDS. |Erica Chatman and EMT. | |

| |Florida Network to put out ITN for|Look for Invitation To Negotiate being advertised and respond to specific time lines as indicated. |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark, Greg | |

| |CINS/FINS services | |Yorker, Peggy Vickers and | |

| | | |others as assigned. | |

| |3/26/08 Town Hall Meeting |Community Meeting for Underage Drinking at 6:00 pm. |PIPSA –Gwen, Nat and Kelly |3/26/08 |

| |Coalition |Community Plan |PIPSA-Gwen, Nat and Kelly |3/30/08 |

|April |Annual Review of Policies and |Common To All Programs Section (Clinical) | | |

| |Procedures | | | |

| |4/11/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |4/15/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |4/22-24/08 Peer Review Training in|Required Training for new Peer Reviewers. |Peggy Vickers | |

| |Orlando | | | |

| |4/25/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Transition OS services to the |Transition Drug Court and Day Reporting counseling activities to the county. |Sam Clark/Lanard Perry | |

| |county | | | |

| |New Anti-Drug Initiative -OS |Develop a plan to begin new services. |Lanard Perry | |

| |services | | | |

| |Florida Network to put out ITN for|Collect documentation and prepare a response to the Invitation To Negotiate being advertised within |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark, Greg | |

| |CINS/FINS services |specific time lines as indicated. |Yorker, Estella Garcia, Peggy | |

| | | |Vickers and others as assigned.| |

|May |5/9/08 CINS/FINS Committee Meeting|Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Employee Surveys |Survey staff. |Peggy Vickers | |

| |Stakeholder Surveys and |Survey partners and stakeholders. |Erica Chatman | |

| |Cooperative Service Agreement | | | |

| |Business Stakeholder Surveys |Survey business partners. |Peggy Vickers | |

| |5/20/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |5/23/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Transition OS services to the |Transition Drug Court and Day Reporting counseling activities to the county. |Sam Clark/Lanard Perry | |

| |county | | | |

| |New Anti-Drug Initiative -OS |Implement plan to begin new services as of 7/1/08. |Lanard Perry | |

| |services | | | |

| |Negotiate FY 2008-2009 Contract |As directed by the Network. |EMT | |

| |with Florida Network. | | | |

| |Negotiate Staff Benefits |Meet with Insurance Broker to discuss Staff Benefits, seek staff input. |Sr. Management Team | |

|June |6/06/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |6/17/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |6/20/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |New Anti-Drug Initiative -OS |Develop a plan to begin new services. |Lanard Perry | |

| |services | | | |

| |Signed CINS/FIN Contract |Signed contract with the Florida Network for FY 08-09. |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark |6/30/08 |

| |Singed United Way Contract |Signed contract with United Way for IYP-C for FY 08-09. |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark |6/30/08 |

| |Signed United Way Contract |Signed contract with United Way for ADI for FY 08-09. |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark |6/30/08 |

| |Signed 2 SAMH Contract |Signed contract with SAMH Circuit 3 and 8, and 7. |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark |6/30/08 |

| |Signed (2) Contracts with PFSF. |Signed IL and ES contract with PFSF. |Jim Pearce/Sam Clark |6/30/08 |

| |Quarterly Meeting |Esprit de Corp Awards |LaVonya Bryant all CDS staff. | |

| | |Longevity Awards | | |

| | |Staff Benefits Meeting | | |

|July |Annual Review of Policies and |Fiscal Management | | |

| |Procedures |Travel and transportation | | |

| | |Property Management | | |

| | |Update Disaster Plan Logs | | |

| | |Update Time Sheets on Intranet | | |

| | | | | |

| |1300 NW 6th Street, |Collect documentation for re-licensure of OS. |Peggy Vickers/Lanard Perry | |

| |SA Licensure Application | | | |

| |7/4/08 (reschedule due to holiday)| | | |

| |CINS/FINS Committee Meeting | | | |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | | |

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | | |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |7/15/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |7/25/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

|August |Annual Review of Policies and |Human Resources | | |

| |Procedures | | | |

| |8/1/08 CINS/FINS Committee Meeting|Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |8/15/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |8/19/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |8/29/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Check website for changes to |Independent Living, CINS/FINS, SAMH, and ES. |Peggy Vickers | |

| |Florida Statutes for CDS | | | |

| |applicable programs. | | | |

| |Annual Policy Review |Administration Section | | |

| | |Documentation Management | | |

| | |Standards Development | | |

| | |Floor Plans (Updated As Needed) | | |

| | |Systems and Data Management | | |

|September |9/12//08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |9/15/08 Agency Training Plan is |Plan must include DJJ required training and Fl Network Contract. Plan must describe the training that | | |

| |due to Florida Network. |will be provided, time frames and method of delivery. | | |

| |9/16/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |9/26/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Quarterly Meeting |Cultural Competency and Diversity |TBA | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|October |Red Ribbon Week |Participate in planning and activities in the community Red Ribbon Week celebration. | | |

| |Annual Policies and Procedures |SAMH 65D-30 (or when changes occur in the rule) |SAMH Committee | |

| |Review | | | |

| |3615 SW 13th Street, |Collect documentation for re-licensure of DFC and Prevention. |Peggy Vickers/Leslie Frost and | |

| |SA Licensure Application | |Gwen Love | |

| |10/10/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |10/21/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |10/24/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

|November |11/7/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |11/18/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |11/21/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Annual Review of Policies and |Resource Guides |Peggy/Estella | |

| |Procedures |Links & Publications SAMH | | |

| | |Links and Publications CINS/FINS | | |

| | |Links and Publications Common to all programs | | |

|December |12/5/08 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |12/16/08 EMT Meeting | | | |

| |12/19/08 CINS/FINS Committee |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Meeting Contract Earning | | |either in notebook|

| |Projections and CDS Utilization | | |or intranet. |

| |and Risk Management Report | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |Quarterly Meeting | | | |

|January |1/2/09 SAMH Committee Meeting |Committee Meetings Agenda and Meeting Notes |Committee Members |See meeting notes |

| |Contract Earning Projections and | | |either in notebook|

| |CDS Utilization and Risk | | |or intranet. |

| |Management Report | | | |

| |Annual Meeting |Stakeholders, staff and volunteer recognition and annual public board meeting. |Board, CEO, COO, EMT and CDS | |

| | | |staff | |

| |Basic Center Grant |Webinar Training, feedback from SEDNET staff, research current data, budget, and re-write grant, send |Sam Clark, Peggy Vickers, Greg | |

| | |off by due date. |Yorker, Estella Garcia | |

| |Participate in Florida Network |QIC Meeting |Tracey Ousley, Peggy Vickers | |

| |Quality Improvement Committee | |and Greg Yorker | |

| | |Coordinate with Florida Network for Staff Training in the next quarter. | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |

| |United Way Grant |Training, meetings, research current data and write two proposals one for OS and one for IYP-C. |Jim Pearce, Sam Clark, Erica | |

| | | |Chatman, Greg Yorker, Lanard | |

| | | |Perry and Peggy Vickers | |

| |For DJJ -Complete Annual Affidavit| | | |

| |of Compliance with Good Moral | | | |

| |Character Standards by 1/31 of | | | |

| |each year. | | | |

| |Staff Training |New Hire Orientation Training |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |HIV/AIDS and Staff Training Schedule for Quarter |LaVonya Bryant | |

| | |First Aid and CPR |North Florida Safety Council | |


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