
Year 6 Spellings 2019-20

| |List 1 |List 2 |List 3 |List 4 |List 5 |

|Date |9-9-19 |16-9-19 |23-9-19 |30-9-19 |7-10-19 |

| |ious suffix |tial suffix |ant and ance suffixes |ent suffix 1 |ent suffix 2 |

|1 |repetitious |torrential |contestant |persistent |complement |

|2 |notorious |palatial |defiant |intelligent |compliment |

|3 |conscious |circumstantial |assistance |resident |imprisonment |

|4 |hilarious |confidential |fragrance |permanent |excitement |

|5 |infectious |essential |pleasant |obedient |announcement |

|6 |mysterious |influential |important |disobedient |entertainment |

|7 |religious |initial |importance |statement |translucent |

|8 |spacious |potential |significant |treatment |transparent |

|9 |unconscious |residential |significance |environment |consistent |

|10 |curious |sequential |reluctant |assessment |parliament |

|11 |furious |spatial |reluctance |apartment |sufficient |

|12 |gracious |partial |applicant |unintelligent |insufficient |

|13 |luxurious |presidential |appliance |settlement |fluorescent |

|14 |malicious |impartial |abundant |improvement |imminent |

|15 |ferocious |substantial |abundance |tournament |nutrient |

| |List 6 |List 7 |List 8 |List 9 |List 10 |

|Date |14-10-19 |28-10-19 |4-11-19 |11-11-19 |18-11-19 |

| |able suffix |ible suffix |ance suffix |ation suffix |fer words |

|1 |desirable |reversible |appearance |precipitation |reference |

|2 |believable |invincible |performance |quotation |refer |

|3 |capable |incredible |perseverance |expectation |preference |

|4 |comfortable |responsible |maintenance |destination |different |

|5 |considerable |irresponsible |ignorance |consideration |transfer |

|6 |acceptable |audible |endurance |imagination |suffering |

|7 |variable |legible |elegance |determination |difference |

|8 |unforgettable |divisible |disturbance |emigration |circumference |

|9 |vulnerable |edible |disappearance |immigration |prefer |

|10 |parable |inedible |acceptance |decoration |inference |

|11 |approachable |inaudible |abundance |multiplication |coniferous |

|12 |excitable |credible |enhance |celebration |offered |

|13 |charitable |mandible |acquaintance |perspiration |differ |

|14 |miserable |sensible |nuisance |recommendation |inferno |

|15 |unavailable |gullible |reluctance |qualification |fertilizer |

| |List 11 |List 12 |List 13 |List 14 |List 15 |

|Date |25-11-19 |2-12-19 |9-12-19 |16-12-19 |13-1-20 |

| |i before e except after c |ough words |hyphenated words |sion suffix |c/g silent letter |

| |exceptions | | | | |

|1 |abseil |bough |absent-minded |erosion |conscience |

|2 |vein |bought |father-in-law |illusion |conscious |

|3 |weird |drought |hand-picked |emersion |fascinate |

|4 |weight |doughnut |high-tech |incision |fluorescent |

|5 |their |hiccough |in-depth |television |miscellaneous |

|6 |deity |thoughtful |one-sided |emulsion |resuscitate |

|7 |foreign |afterthought |self-service |collision |champagne |

|8 |height |breakthrough |sign-in |expansion |gnaw |

|9 |reign |trough |well-being |precision |foreign |

|10 |feign |thought |well-to-do |dimension |gnome |

|11 |beige |fought |mother-in-law |extension |design |

|12 |unveil |thoughtfulness |soft-spoken |diversion |feign |

|13 |fleeing |sought |voice-over |confusion |gnat |

|14 |sleigh |hiccoughing |time-consuming |indecision |resign |

|15 |protein |thorough |warm-up |supervision |campaign |

| |List 16 |List 17 |List 18 |List 19 |

|Date |20-1-20 |27-1-20 |3-2-20 |10-2-20 |

| |h silent letter |p,t /u silent letters |tion words |‘-cial’ endings |

|1 |archaeology |psychologist |admiration |artificial |

|2 |architect |receipt |congestion |beneficial |

|3 |chaos |castle |subtraction |commercial |

|4 |characteristic |fasten |hibernation |crucial |

|5 |chemical |listen |dehydration |facial |

|6 |chlorine |often |application |financial |

|7 |cholera |rustle |resolution |glacial |

|8 |choreograph |soften |relegation |judicial |

|9 |chrome |thistle |exhaustion |official |

|10 |loch |whistle |extraction |prejudicial |

|11 |mechanical |wrestle |irritation |provincial |

|12 |orchid |biscuit |imitation |sacrificial |

|13 |stomach |disguise |expedition |special |

|14 |technical |guitar |coronation |social |

|15 |technology |silhouette |motivation |superficial |

Revision / Statutory words

| |Set 20 – Adding suffixes beginning|Set 21 – The /ɪ/ sound spelt y |Set 22 – The /ʌ/ sound spelt ou |Set 23 – prefixes dis / mis/ in |

| |with vowel |elsewhere than at the end of words| | |

|Date |24-2-20 |2-3-20 |9-3-20 |16-3-20 |

|1 |forgetting |myth |cousin |disappoint |

|2 |forgotten |gym |touch |disagree |

|3 |beginning |Egypt |flourish |disobey |

|4 |beginner |pyramid |trouble |misbehave |

|5 |preferred |mystery |country |mislead |

|6 |accommodate |category |encourage |inactive |

|7 |accompany |cemetery |determined |foreign |

|8 |according |committee |develop |forty |

|9 |achieve |communicate |dictionary |frequently |

|10 |aggressive |community |disastrous |government |

|11 |amateur |competition |embarrass |guarantee |

|12 |ancient |conscience |environment |harass |

|13 |apparent |conscious |equipped |hindrance |

|14 |appreciate |controversy |equipment |identity |

|15 |attached |convenience |especially |immediately |

|16 |available |correspond |exaggerate |individual |

|17 |average |criticise |excellent |interfere |

|18 |awkward |curiosity |existence |interrupt |

|19 |bargain |definite |explanation |language |

|20 |bruise |desperate |familiar |leisure |

| |Set 24 |Set 25 The suffix –ly |Set 26 sure, ture |Set 27 Homophones |

| |Words with the /k/ sound spelt ch | | | |

|Date |23-3-20 |30-3-20 |20-4-20 |27-4-20 |

|1 |scheme |completely | pleasure |advice |

|2 |chemist |hysterically |enclosure |advise |

|3 |echo |usually |treasure |device |

|4 |character |financially |furniture |devise |

|5 |chorus |comically |creature |licence |

|6 |architect |approximately |picture |license |

|7 |lightning |privilege |signature |practice |

|8 |marvellous |profession |sincere |practise |

|9 |mischievous |programme |sincerely |complement |

|10 |muscle |pronunciation |soldier |compliment |

|11 |necessary |queue |stomach |bridal |

|12 |neighbour |recognise |sufficient |bridle |

|13 |nuisance |recommend |suggest |precede |

|14 |occupy |relevant |symbol |proceed |

|15 |occur |restaurant |system |affect |

|16 |opportunity |rhyme |temperature |effect |

|17 |Parliament |rhythm |thorough |aisle |

|18 |persuade |sacrifice |twelfth |isle |

|19 |physical |secretary |variety |vehicle |

|20 |prejudice |shoulder |vegetable |yacht |

4-5-20 Revision


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