C. L. DavisJanuary 2012PHYSICS 585Topics for Particle Physics Papers1)Quark Confinement and Asymptotic FreedomExplain what is meant by confinement and asymptotic freedom.Simple (and more complex) models which describe these pare this behavior to electromagnetic phenomena.Experimental evidence for this behavior.2)Beyond the Standard ModelSupersymmetric ParticlesIs there too much/not enough CP violation ?String TheoryProton DecayDark Matter3)Intermediate Vector Bosons, W+, W-, Z0Where do the IVB's fit in the current theoretical framework.Symmetry breaking.Predictions of their existence.Weinberg-Salam.Unification of electromagnetic and weak interactions.Experimental evidence.4)Heavy Quarks – Charm, Bottom and TopWhere do charm, bottom and top fit in the static quark model framework ?Properties of the heavy quarks.Predictions for the existence and the discovery of the heavy quarksExperimental evidence for their existence.Charmonium, Bottomonium, ToponiumHow do we detect particles with constituent charm, bottom or top quarks ?Are there any additional heavy quarks ?5)Particle Physics and Missing Mass in the UniverseHow do we know there’s missing mass ?What is Dark Matter ? Explanations within the standard model.What about Dark EnergyTheoretical predictions and implicationsExperimental searches for dark matter and dark energy.Cosmological implications.6)Neutrino OscillationsTheoretical background, why do we need the neutrino ?Why more than one kind of neutrino ?Experimental evidence for more than one neutrino type.What are neutrino oscillations ?Experimental limits and current experiments.Implications related to GUT's7)CP-violationWhat is CP-parity ?Experiments to detect CP-violation.Other similar quark CP eigenstates.K0 decay and regeneration.BBar CP violation.Experimental evidence of CP-violation.Implications of CP-violation.8)Elementary Particles and CosmologyWhy does the study of the very small have relevance to the study of the very large ?Evolution of the interactions and properties of elementary particles as a function of time since the "big-bang".Detection of extra-terrestrial elementary particles and what that can tell us about the "big-bang".Strings and their theories.Magnetic monopoles.Dark matter - WIMPs and neutrinos.CP-violation, where does it fit in ?9)The Static Quark Model, SU(3), SU(6) and BeyondOrigins of the static quark model.What defines an "elementary" particle ?The emergence of the particle "zoo".Mesons and baryons.Inclusion of spin.Inclusion of additional quark flavors (Charm, Beauty and Top).Is a static model sufficient ? 10)Grand Unification Theories (GUTs)Historical perspective.Unification of electricity and magnetism.Electroweak unification.QCD and the standard model.Theoretical predictions ?Cosmological implications and predictions.What about gravity ? (Super GUTs)11)Colored Quarks and Gluons. Where is the Glue ?What are gluons ?Quantum Chromodynamics a dynamic quark theory.Glueballs, hybrids and exotic states.Experimental searches for exotics, hybrids etc.Where is the spin of the proton ?Quark-gluon plasma.12)The Origin of Mass - The Higgs BosonTheoretical framework leading to the existence of the Higgs boson.Why is this important ?Current experimental limits and searches for the Higgs.Future accelerators and experiments.Characteristic signal of Higgs production.If we find the Higgs then what ? Or what if we don't find it?13)Deep Inelastic Lepton ScatteringWhat is it and why is it important ?Theoretical background and predictions.Structure functions.Experimental development and results.Quark fragmentation. ................

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