Microsoft Word - January 25, 2013 BOD Highlights

CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS BOARD MEETING HIGHLIGHTSJanuary-March 2021The CSHP Board of Directors (Board) conducts a minimum of four in-person meetings per year and conference call every month along with one strategic planning session. Due to the COVD-19 Pandemic all meetings were converted to virtual conference call meetings. Approved minutes are available upon board approval and ratification. To keep our members informed of the items discussed at board meetings, CSHP produces Board Meeting Highlights quarterly on the outcomes of the board meeting. This summary is for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as official minutes of the board meeting. The 2021 January, February and March Board of Directors Meetings was held as conference calls via Zoom.. The following summarizes the meeting.I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES/ RATIFICATION The board approved the minutes of the following meetings:12.17.20201.16-17.20212.11.2021II. INSTALLATION OF NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe following members were installed as new Board of Directors (BOD).Harlan Husted- 3yrs BODJames Colbert- 3yrs BODJames Scott- President-electII. PROPOSALS The board:Approved as amended STP- Membership Committee Composition.Approved STP- Second Round of PPP “Resolution to borrow”Deferred STP- Pre-Pharmacy Member categoryApproved the updated CSHP Bylaws.Approved HOD 2020 reportIII. REPORTSPresident, Yoshizuka provided the final list of BOD liaisons to affiliate chapter and CCTF’s and provided information on CCTF appointments. Finalized the charges for the CONL 2021. Informed of the affiliation with Washington State Pharmacy Association to provide Pharmacy Technician Immunization Certificate Program. Provided updates from the GAAC Committee.2. Chair of the BOD, Gunther provided updates on the CSHP-CPhA call and ASHP. informed on the CSHP& CPhA combined board meeting to be scheduled in April. 3. CEO De Martini provided updates on the CSHP ballot on Proposal P.1- Pharmacy Technician voting. Provide update on 2021 PCPC and membership status. Provided information on the Foundation’s Appreciation and Gratitude Campaign. Provided information in CSHP’s legislative efforts and the sponsored bill AB1328 (Irwin). Informed on Thompson’s representation at the BOP meeting on White and Brown bagging. Updated the board on the COVID relief loan approved for CSHP and the PPP- round 1 and round 2 loans. 4. HOD Chair, Torres discussed recommendations submitted at the 2020 HOD and finalized the responses.5. Treasurer’s report: Provided financial reports of November- December 2020 and January 2021.6. Foundation report: Kishi and Jew presented the updates on the Appreciation and Gratitude Campaign.7. BOD liaison reports- Approved the following reports:BOD Liaison report: SB/LB-4rd qtr, North Coast- 4th qtr, San Diego- 4th qtr, Sac Valley- 4th qtr, SGV- 4th qtr, SGV-1st qtr21. ................

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