
Good readers actively think about the text they are reading. They make predictions, connections and inferences. They ask themselves questions, determine the importance of events and details, and they create mental images from the text they read. The following activities are designed to help you develop and stimulate these behaviours when reading. By focusing on the kinds of thinking that helps you better understand the text you are reading, you will develop the habit of engaging in these behaviours as you read.Some of the activities are designed to be done before reading whilst others are during or after reading.Simply select a “just-right” book; one that you enjoy and is not too difficult or too hard. Then complete one of the Reader’s Workshop activities from the following pages. Each activity will be different when applied to a new text.(Developed from the First Steps resource)PredictingCrystal Ballright160002021205[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]400000[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]Choose a main character from the story, write their name in the crystal ball.Write a paragraph about your prediction of what happens to this character in the future.Judge a Book by its Cover(Before reading predicting)What is the title of your book?What kind of book is this? Information/ narrative/ procedure/List 5 words or phrases you expect to find in this kind of book?Make a prediction about this book. Write it in your Reader’s Notebook.Remember to use whole sentences.Predicting an endingRead the next page of your text.Using your Reader’s Notebook.What do you know so far?………………………………………..Predict 3 different endings.......................................................................................................................................Before Reading Predicting:In your Reader’s Notebook,make 3 predictions about your text before you read it.Give a reason for each paringComparing Venn DiagramUse a Venn Diagram to compare part of your text such as: a character, the events or illustrations, to another text you have read.190503175 Book vs MovIeSome texts are available in more than one text type, such as a book, movie, TV series or even online series.224726540576500In your Reader’s Notebook, compare your book to another version giving 2 stars and a wish to each version.Title..........................................................First text type (book / movie/ internet/ tv series)22796511112500218440355600017081511620500First text type (book / movie/ internet/ tv series)17081587630001708151822450016129016446500 Book / Movie / TV series / Poster Compared to Me. Use a table to compare your life to that of a character in the book.My lifeCharacter’s life1. ConnectingLinking texts Write the name of your text and the name of another text you have made a text to text connection with. 7101205-3810Was written by the same author as....00Was written by the same author as....Explain the reason for your connection in a few sentences.-2413067310It was about the same topic as...00It was about the same topic as...842010208280It made me feel...00It made me feel...1880870121920The illustrations were similar to...00The illustrations were similar to...Connecting -Text to WorldWrite a short paragraph about a text to world connection you can make with this text.Connections WebText title……………….........6889752868930Text-to-self connection00Text-to-self connection11430146685Text-to-world connection00Text-to-world connection2131060668655Text-to-text connection00Text-to-text connectionDouble Entry JournalIdea from the textConnection you made………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………..Self-QuestioningClouds of Wonder2413001270I wonder......00I wonder......1752600110490I wonder......00I wonder......336550140335I wonder......00I wonder......188912583185I wonder......00I wonder......1822450130810I wonder......00I wonder......171450118745I wonder......00I wonder...... Trading Places16281401677670What would I have done?00What would I have done?-196851677670A situation in the text.00A situation in the text.Double FaceName a character in your text.Name a person this character reminds you of and explain why.26174701841500Stop and think Did I understand what this was about?Write a paragraph to explain what you have read to someone else.Predict what might happen nextWrite 2 questions about the text.InferringRETELLRetell your text from another point of view. For example:Illustrate a scene from your text.List 3 things a character from your text was probably thinking.What’s My Point of View?Draw a cartoon scene or write about a time in your text when two or more characters had a different point of view. How did each character see the situation? Examine the Clues: (Complete the sentences)When the text said..... I knew the message was..........because………………………………… Creating imagesCreating Images – cartoon strip a scene from your book.Title......................................178117538735What is happening?.......What is happening?............................................................................................00What is happening?.......What is happening?............................................................................................2857540005What is happening?........What is happening?............................................................................................00What is happening?........What is happening?............................................................................................10477534290What is happening?.........What is happening?............................................................................................00What is happening?.........What is happening?............................................................................................148590034925What is happening?.............What is happening?............................................................................................00What is happening?.............What is happening?............................................................................................Character descriptionWrite a descriptive paragraph describing a mental image you have created about a character from your text.Draw a detailed scene that shows a main idea of your text.Setting the scene.Write a paragraph describing a place from your text. Determining importance66 word summarySummarise what you have read in 66 words.Famous 5key word searchMy famous five key words are: 1…….................because............................2........................because........................... 3.......................because............................ 4........................because............................ 5.....................because................................V.I.P.s(very important points)Choose the three most important points from your text.Record them in each star.189039425400003238527940008426463873500Text messageRetell the text as a text message. Text messages are short, so make sure you include only the most important information. 4375152349500Skimming and Scanning Pick a Book! Choose 3 books that you think look interesting.Read a few words or sentences from each page.Which book seems most appealing to you now?Write a short paragraph about why you chose this book.17900654127500Investigator 1.Choose a research topic and write it in your workbook. (e.g. Insects, cats, horses...)2. Brainstorm some key words associated with your topic and write them in your work book.3. Now choose 3 books that look as though they might contain information on your topic. Write the titles and authors in your workbook.4. Scan your text looking for these or other key words.5. Tick the keywords you found and add others if you found more.6. Tick the book titles that did contain the information you needed.Filling in the BlanksChoose a text you have never read before.Skim through the text.Write a short paragraph summarising what you think the book might be about.What’s the answer?Choose an information book.Think of 2 questions that are likely to be answered in this text and record them in your workbook.Scan the text to find the answers quickly and record them in your workbook. Crystal Ballcenter26670000Text Title My prediction of what happens for this character next.__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Compared to Me. Use a table to compare your life to that of a character in the book.My lifeCharacter’s life1. to Me. Use a table to compare your life to that of a character in the book.My lifeCharacter’s life1. connection00Text-to-text connectionright4762500 ................

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