Welcome to 92Y Scholarship Services. Please read the following information carefully so we can respond to your request.

• The enclosed application is for classes and programs registered for with Customer Care. If you are applying for May or Sixty Plus membership, Goldman Center children’s programs (Noar, Nesher, camps, or nursery school), please call Scholarship Services, 212.415.5699, for the appropriate application.

• Applications are due at least three weeks before the program start date so we have time to review and respond. Please allow extra time if you are applying during a holiday period.

• Complete both sides of the application even if you received assistance in the past.

• Please attach copies of all financial documents to your form. All applications should include a rent or mortgage receipt as well as the other income information described on the application form. If you are submitting more than one application, one set of documents is fine. We do not need social security or account numbers so please cross them out.

• Program information can be found in 92Y catalogs available in the Main Lobby or on our web site .

• Applications should be returned in person at Customer Care in the main lobby or by mail to the address on the application. Please do not return applications to other 92Y locations or by email or fax.

• You will be notified about your scholarship by phone or mail. You will then need to complete the registration process and pay the balance of your fees as well as the order processing fees.

• If you have any questions or concerns, please call Scholarship Services, 212.415.5699 or email, bteitelman@.


|Please return completed applications to: |

|92Y Scholarship Services |

|1395 Lexington Avenue |

|New York, NY 10128 |

|For more information, call 212.415.5699, |

|or email scholarships@. |

All applications must include financial documentation.

Applications are due at least three weeks before

the start date of the program requested.

Applicant/Parent Information

Name Birth Date


City, State, Zip

Place of Employment Occupation How Long?

Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone

E-Mail Address

If request is for a child: Child’s Name Birth Date

Name of School Current Grade

Program Request (Do not use this application for Noar, Nesher , or summer camp programs)

Program Title __________________________________________________

Day(s) Start Date Time Fee $

Have you participated in this program previously? If so, when

Scholarship Request

We urge you to plan carefully as all scholarships are partial and you will need to pay the balance of all program fees.

What are you able to pay for this program?

(Your application will be returned if an amount is not indicated)

Reason for request (please be specific)

Please provide any additional, relevant information, including unique circumstances

Financial Information

All applications must include a rent receipt or maintenance and mortgage statement, as well as the following documentation of income:

• 1040/1040EZ or other 2015 Federal Tax Return, with all schedules, W-2 and 1099 Form

• Current 2016 pay stub.

• Public Assistance verification if applicable

• Unemployment Insurance verification if applicable and most recent tax return

• Social Security/SSI Income/ pension verification if applicable

• School tuition or scholarship statements

ANNUAL INCOME – Gross annual income including all members of household

• Salary/Earnings $

• Alimony and Child Support $

• Workers’ Compensation/Unemployment/Disability $

• Interest, Dividends, Rental, Annuities, Insurance $

• Social Security and/or Pension $

• Financial Support from Relatives $

• Other (specify) $

Total Household Income $


What 92Y Scholarship Assistance have you (or your family) received?

For which other programs this semester are you or your family requesting assistance?

Are you currently unemployed?

Have you been unemployed in the last two years?

Household Members:

|Name |Relationship |Age |Occupation |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


Monthly housing costs (rent or mortgage and maintenance)

If you are paying school tuition for your child, what are your fees?

(Attach any school tuition or scholarship information, if applicable)

If you have scholarship, what amount do you have?

If you have any additional unusually high expenses, please explain




Date Received



ID #



Deposit Scholarship




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