Colorado State University


610 Bridlemere Avenue Department of Economics

Interlaken, NJ 07712 Colorado State University

732-663-0007 Fort Collins, CO 80523


A. Poverty and Income Distribution

"The Middle Class in South America," POLIS (February 2018), pp. 42-48.

"Why Has the Italian Middle Class Remained So Constant?," Sociologia e Politiche Sociali (#2 2017), pp. 45-66.

"The Fall of the US Middle Class and the Hair-Raising Ascent of Donald Trump," Real-World Economics Review #78 (March 2017), pp. 112-124. Reprinted in Trumponomics: Causes and Consequences, ed. E. Fullbrook & J. Morgan (College Publications, 2017), pp. 112-124.

"Rethinking Anti-Poverty Policy," A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics, ed. L.-P.

Rochon & S. Rossi (Edward Elgar, 2017), pp. 402-421.

"Poverty and Race," Racial and Ethnic Relations in America, 2nd ed. (Salem Press, 2017), pp.

"Thomas Piketty and Capital in the 21st Century," The American Middle Class: An Economic Encyclopedia of Progress and Poverty, ed. R. Rycroft (Greenwood Press, 2017), pp.

"Thomas Piketty, Growth, Distribution and the Environment," Handbook on Growth and

Sustainability, ed. P. Victor & B. Dolter (Edward Elgar, 2017), pp. 356-371. [with Robert Scott]

"Making America Irate Again: Donald Trump and the Middle Class," Dollars & Sense (January/February 2017), pp.

"Measuring the Middle Class," AIER Policy Brief, October 2016.

"The Mismeasurement of Capital: A Response to McCloskey," Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (Autumn 2016), pp. 145-166.

"Inadequate Household Deleveraging: Income, Debt and Social Provisioning," Journal of Economic Issues (June 2015), pp. 483-492. [with Robert Scott]

"Paid Parental Leave and America’s Youngest Poor," Challenge Magazine (September/October 2014), pp. 65-80. [with Robert Scott]

"Child Poverty in America: Consequences, Causes and a Partial Solution," in A Brighter

Future: Improving the Standard of Living Now and for the Next Generation, ed.

D. Greenwood & R. Holt (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2014), pp. 165-183. [with Robert Scott]

"Debt-Poor Kids," Journal of Poverty (July 2013), pp. 356-373. [with Robert Scott]

"Cross-National Comparisons of Poverty and Income Inequality," in The Economics of

Inequality, Poverty and Discrimination in the 21st Century, ed. R. Rycroft (Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2013), pp. 17-37.

"Household Debt and Income Distribution," Journal of Economic Issues (June 2013),

pp. 323-332. [with Robert Scott]

"Policies to Reduce Child Poverty: Child Allowances vs. Tax Exemptions for Children,"

Journal of Economic Issues (June 2011), pp. 323-332.

"A Double Squeeze on the Middle Class," Journal of Economic Issues (June 2011), pp.

333-341. [with Robert Scott]

"How Poor are America’s Poor? Rectifying a Gross Error," Challenge Magazine

(March/April 2011), pp. 109-121.

"The Middle Class in Six Latin American Nations," Revista Problemas del Desarrollo,

Vol. 164, #42 (January-March 2011), pp. 127-152. [in Spanish]

"Consumer Debt and Poverty Measurement," Focus, Vol. 27, #1 (Summer 2010), pp. 9-

12. [with Robert Scott]

"Public Policy and the Middle Class throughout the World in the mid 2000s," Journal of

Economic Issues, Vol. 44, #1 (March 2010), pp. 243-262. Also Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper #517.

"Who are the Debt Poor?," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 43, #2 (June 2009), pp.

423-432. [with Robert Scott]

"Consumer Debt and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality in the US," Review of

Social Economy, Vol. 47, #2 (June 2009), pp. 127-146. [with Robert Scott]

[winner of the 2008 Warren Samuels Prize and lead article] Reprinted in Social Economics: Critical Concepts in Economics, ed. Wilfrid Dolfsma, Mark White, Deborah Figart, Ellen Mutari and Robert McMaster (Routledge, 2016). Reprinted in Post Keynesian Economics, ed. Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (Edward Elgar, forthcoming).

"Robert Heilbroner and the Growing Concern with Poverty in the US," Forum for Social

Economics, Vol. 37, #2 (Fall 2008), pp. 77-83. [lead article]

"Three Million Americans are Debt Poor," Dollars and Sense (July/August 2007), pp. 10-13 [with Robert Scott]. Reprinted in Real World Banking and Finance, 5th ed., ed. Daniel Fireside and Amy Gluckman (Dollars and Sense, 2008), pp. 214-218.

"The Decline of the Middle Class: An International Perspective," Journal of Economic

Issues, Vol. 40, #1 (March 2007), pp. 181-200.

"What Can Post Keynesian Economics Teach Us about Poverty?," Empirical Post

Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World, ed. Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (M.E. Sharpe, 2006), pp. 21-43.

"Feminist Explanations for the Feminization of Poverty," Journal of Economic Issues,

Vol. 36, #1 (June 2003), pp. 351-360.

"Explaining the Gender Poverty Gap in Developed and Transitional Economies," Journal

of Economic Issues, Vol. 35, #1 (March 2002), pp. 17-40.

"Poverty and Race," Racial and Ethnic Relations in America (Salem Press, 1999), pp.


"Poverty: Definition and Measurement," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. 892-894.

"The Gender Poverty Gap in Developed Countries: Causes and Cures," Social Science

Journal, Vol. 35, #2 (April 1998), pp. 275-286. [Also published as Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper #135]

"Poverty, Income Distribution and the Luxembourg Income Study," Journal of Income

Distribution, Vol. 5, #1 (1995), pp. 5-12.

"Poverty and Antipoverty Policy in Twentieth Century America," Choice, Vol. 31, #9

(May 1994), pp. 1393-1405.

"Frontiers of Economic Knowledge: The Luxembourg Income Study," Eastern Economic

Journal, Vol. 17, #4 (October-December 1991), pp. 469-471.

"Keynes and Antipoverty Policy," Review of Social Economy, Vol. 49, #3 (Fall 1991), pp. 365-382.

"Poverty," Magill's Survey of Social Science: Economics (Salem Press, 1991), pp. 1757-


"America's New Poverty Crisis," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, Vol. 5,

#2 (Summer 1990), pp. 47-55.

"Comment on Peterson's 'The Feminization of Poverty'," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 23, #1 (March 1989), pp. 231-238.

"The Feminization of Poverty: Causes and Remedies," Challenge (March-April 1988), pp. 57-61. Reprinted in Annual Editions: Microeconomics 91/92 (Dushkin, 1991) and in Economics 91/92 (Dushkin, 1991).

B. Government Tax and Spending Policy

"Wealth Inequality and Wealth Taxation," Real World Micro, 22nd ed. (Dollars & Sense, 2015), pp. Reprinted in the 23rd ed. (2016) and the 24th ed. (2017).

"A Tax Reform that Falls Flat," Challenge (July/August 2014), pp. 82-102.

"Beast of Burden: The Weight of Inequality and the Second Obama Administration,"

Obama’s Washington: Political Leadership in a Partisan Era, ed. Clodagh Harrington (University of London, 2014), pp. 89-112.

"2009 Economic Stimulus Bill," in Booms and Busts (M.E. Sharpe, 2011).

"Basic Income Guarantees and Social Economics," Review of Social Economy, Vol. 63,

#4 (December 2005), pp. 587-593. [lead article; with Karl Widerquist and Michael Lewis]

"An Introduction to Basic Income Guarantees," The Economics and Ethics of the Basic Income Guarantee, ed. Karl Widerquist, Michael Lewis and Steven Pressman (Ashgate, 2005), pp. 1-10. [with Karl Widerquist and Michael Lewis]

"Income Guarantees and the Efficiency-Equity Tradeoff," Journal of Socio-Economics,

Vol. 33, #1 (February 2005), pp. 83-100. Reprinted in The Economics and Ethics of the Basic Income Guarantee, ed. Karl Widerquist, Michael Lewis and Steven Pressman (Ashgate, 2005). [Also published as Luxembourg Income Study Working Paper #413]

"Toward Gender Equity: Strategies and Policies," International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 17, #3 (Spring 2003), pp. 327-330. [with Nahid Aslanbeigui and Gale Summerfield; lead article]

"Fiscal Policy and Work Incentives-- An International Comparison," Journal of Income

Distribution, Vol. 11, #3-4 (Fall 2002-Winter 2003), pp. 51-69.

"E-Commerce, Equity, and the Sales Tax," Dissent (Summer 2000), pp. 49-52.

"Consumption, Income Distribution and Taxation: Keynes' Fiscal Policy," Journal of

Income Distribution, Vol. 7, #1 (1997), pp. 29-44.

"The Feasibility of an Expenditure Tax," International Journal of Social Economy, Vol. 22, #8 (1995), pp. 3-15. [lead article]

"Deficits, Full Employment and the Use of Fiscal Policy," Review of Political Economy,

Vol. 7, #2 (April 1995), pp. 212-226. Translated and reprinted as "Deficits, plein emploi et utilisation de la politique budgetaire," in Vers le Plein Emploi: Pour un Renouvellement des Politiques Publiques, ed. P. Paquette and M. Seccareccio (Les Presses de l’Universite de Montreal, 1998).

"The Composition of Government Spending: Does It Make Any Difference?," Review of

Political Economy, Vol. 6, #2 (April 1994), pp. 221-239.

"Tax Expenditures for Child Exemptions," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 27, #3

(September 1993), pp. 699-719.

"Child Exemptions or Family Allowances: What Sort of Antipoverty Program for America?," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Vol. 51, #3 (July 1992), pp. 257-272. [lead article]

"The $1000 Question: A Tax Credit to End Child Poverty?," Challenge, Vol. 35, #1

(January-February 1992), pp. 49-52.

"The Myths and Realities of Tax Bracket Creep," Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 13, #1

(January-March 1987), pp. 31-39.

"A Tale of Two Taxpayers: The Effects of the Economic Recovery and Tax Act of 1981,"

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 9, #2 (Winter 1986-1987), pp. 226-236.

"Why Not a Flat Tax!," Review of Business, Vol. 8, #1 (Summer 1986), pp. 4-8. [lead


C. Post Keynesian Economics and Macroeconomics

"Financially Unstable Households," Journal of Economic Issues (June 2018) [with Robert Scott]

"How Low Can We Can Go? The Limits of Monetary Policy," Review of Keynesian Economics (April 2019), pp.

"Keynesian Cross," Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, ed. Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

"Liquidity Preference," Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, ed. Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

"Crowding Out and Crowding In," Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, ed. Louis-Philippe Rochon and Rossi (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)

"Minsky Moment," in Real World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral

Economics, ed. Morris Altman (Praeger, forthcoming)

"The New Keynesian School" in A Short History of Economic Thought, ed. Hassan Bougrine and Louis-Philippe Rochon (Edward Elgar, forthcoming), pp.

"Ten Years after the Crisis," Real World Economics Review (March 2018), pp. 2-19 [with Robert Scott; lead article]

"Minsky and Behavioral Finance," Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, Vol. 2, #1 (March 2018), pp.

"Keynes, Family Allowances and Keynesian Economic Policy," Review of Keynesian

Economics (October 2014), pp. 508-526.

"Institutionalism," Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, 2nd edition, ed. John

King (Edward Elgar, 2012), pp. 300-304.

"Microeconomics After Keynes: Post Keynesian Economics and Public Policy," American

Journal of Economics and Sociology (April 2011), pp. 511-539. Reprinted in Social, Methods, and Microeconomics: Contributions to Doing Economics Better,

ed. Fredrick Lee (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), pp. 210-238.

"Productivity," in Booms and Busts (M.E. Sharpe, 2011).

"Inequality and the Economic Crisis—the Productivity Nexus," in Consequences of

Economic Downturn, ed. Martha Starr (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. 83-101.

"Federal Reserve System," Historical Encyclopedia of American Business and Finance

(Salem Press, 2009), pp. 299-302.

"A Time to Return to Keynes," Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 5,

#1/2 (2009), pp. 157-161.

"John Kenneth Galbraith and the Post Keynesian Tradition in Economics," Review of

Political Economy, Vol. 20, #4 (October 2008), pp. 475-490. [lead article] Reprinted in The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith, ed. Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2011), pp. 1-15.

"Nicholas Kaldor and Cumulative Causation: Public Policy Implications," Journal of

Economic Issues, Vol. 42, #2 (June 2008), pp. 367-373. [with Richard Holt] Revised and expanded and reprinted in Circular and Cumulative Causation, ed. Sebastian Berger (Routledge, 2009), pp. 77-90.

"Expanding the Boundaries of the Economics of Crime," International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 37, #1 (Spring 2008), pp. 78-100.

"A Prolegomena to Any Future Post Keynesian Education Policy," Journal of Post

Keynesian Economics, Vol. 29, #3 (Spring 2007), pp. 455-472.

"Ingrid Rima and Post Keynesian Macroeconomics," Post Keynesian Macroeconomics:

Essays in Honor of Ingrid Rima, ed. Matthew Forstater, Gary Mongiovi and Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2007), pp. 1-11.

"Economic Power, the State and Post Keynesian Economics," International Journal of

Political Economy, Vol. 35, #4 (Winter 2006-07), pp. 67-86.

"Moore on Post Keynesian Economics: A Review," International Journal of Political

Economy, Vol. 35, #3 (Fall 2006), pp. 89-98.

"A Post Keynesian Theory of the State," Alternative Perspectives on the Role of the

State, ed. Steven Pressman (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2006), pp. 113-138.

"Alternative Views of the State," Alternative Perspectives on the Role of the State, ed.

Steven Pressman (Palgrave/ Macmillan, 2006), pp. 1-12.

"Empirical Analysis and Post Keynesian Economics," Empirical Post Keynesian

Economics: Looking at the Real World, ed. Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (M.E. Sharpe, 2006), pp. 3-18. [with Richard Holt]

"What is Wrong with the Aggregate Production Function?," Eastern Economic Journal,

Vol. 35, #3 (Summer 2005), pp. 422-425.

"What is Wrong with Public Choice," Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 27, #1

(Fall 2004), pp. 3-18. [lead article]

"Unemployment," Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics and

Policy, ed. Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O'Connor (ABC-CLIO, 2004).

"Teaching Post Keynesian Economics," Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. 26, #1 (Fall 2003), pp. 169-186. [with Richard Holt]

"Institutionalism," Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, ed. John King

(Edward Elgar, 2003), pp. 196-200.

"The Role of the State and the State Budget," in A New Guide to Post Keynesian

Economics, ed. Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2001), pp. 102-113.

"What is Post Keynesian Economics?," A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics, ed.

Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2001), pp. 1-10. [with Richard Holt]

"A Look Ahead," A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics, ed. Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2001), pp. 126-130. [with Richard Holt]

"A Note on Money and the Circulation Approach," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 34, #4 (December 2000), pp. 969-973.

"Unemployment and Post Keynesian Monetary Theory," Growth, Employment and

Inflation, ed. Mark Setterfield (Macmillan, 1999), pp. 226-240.

"Budget Deficits," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al. (Routledge,

1999), pp. 48-50.

"Fiscal Policy," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. 357-359.

"Stagflation," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. 1099-1101. [with Marco Musella]

"State and Government," Encyclopedia of Poltical Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al.

(Routledge, 1999), pp. 1104-1107.

"The Policy Dissent of Nicholas Kaldor," Economics and Its Discontents: Twentieth Century Dissenting Economists, ed. Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (Edward Elgar, 1998), pp. 106-118.

"What Do Capital Markets Really Do? And What Should We Do About Capital Markets?," Economiés et Sociétés, Vol. 10, #2-3 (1996), pp. 193-209.

"High Unemployment in Developed Economies," Review of Political Economy, Vol. 7, #2 (April 1995), pp. 125-132. [with Marc Lavoie and Mario Seccareccia]

"The Macroeconomic Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility," Political Economy of Global

Restructuring, Vol. 2, ed. Ingrid Rima (Edward Elgar, 1993), pp. 91-103.

"Post-Keynesian Economics," Magill's Survey of Social Science: Economics (Salem Press, 1991), pp. 1750-1756.

"Types of Unemployment," Magill's Survey of Social Science: Economics (Salem Press,

1991), pp. 2348-2354.

"Keynes on Speculation," Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, Volume

II, ed. Donald Walker (Edward Elgar, 1989), pp. 97-110.

"The Policy Relevance of The General Theory," Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 14, #4 (1987), pp. 13-23. Reprinted in The General Theory and After: Essays in Post Keynesianism, ed. John Pheby (West Yorkshire: MCB University Press, 1987). Also reprinted in John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), ed. Mark Blaug (Edward Elgar, 1991).

"Incomes Policy: The Time is Now," Collegiate Forum (Spring 1984), pp. 4-8. [lead


D. History of Economic Thought and Methodology

"Robert Heilbroner and Keynesian Public Finance," in Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (forthcoming 2019)

"John Maynard Keynes," in Real World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral

Economics, ed. Morris Altman (Praeger, forthcoming)

"Douglass North," in Real World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral

Economics, ed. Morris Altman (Praeger, forthcoming)

"Joseph Stiglitz," in Real World Decision Making: An Encyclopedia of Behavioral

Economics, ed. Morris Altman (Praeger, forthcoming)

"Alfred Marshall," Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd ed., ed. M. Odekon and G. Golson

(Sage, 2015), pp. 976-978.

"Robert Heilbroner," Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd ed., ed. M. Odekon and G.

Golson (Sage, 2015), pp. 736-738.

"Paul Krugman," New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed. (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2012). Reprinted in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 3rd ed. (2018).


"Paul Samuelson," Great Lives from History, ed. Rafael Medoff (Salem Press, 2011), pp.


"Milton Friedman," Great Lives from History, ed. Rafael Medoff (Salem Press, 2011), pp. 409-411.

"Leading Contemporary Economists: An Introduction to their Cutting-Edge Work,"

Leading Contemporary Economists: Their Major Contributions, ed. Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2009), pp. 1-14.

"The Lasting Contributions of John Kenneth Galbraith, 1908-2006," Journal of Post

Keynesian Economics, Vol. 29, #2 (Winter 2006-07), pp. 379-390. [with Stephen Dunn; lead article]

"Francois Quesnay: The First Post Keynesian," Post Keynesian Macroeconomics: Essays

in Honor of Ingrid Rima, ed. Matthew Forstater, Gary Mongiovi and Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2007), pp. 15-32.

"Clap Happy: Applause and the Voting Paradox," Journal of Economic Methodology,

Vol. 13, #2 (July 2006), pp. 241-256.

"The Economic Contributions of John Kenneth Galbraith," Review of Political Economy,

Vol. 17, #2 (April 2005), pp. 161-209. [lead article; with Stephen Dunn] Revised and reprinted in Leading Contemporary Economists: Their Major Contributions, ed. Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2009), pp. 281-334. Revised and reprinted in The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith, ed. Steven Pressman (Routledge; 2011), pp. 139-187.

"The Two Dogmas of Neoclassical Economics," Science and Society, Vol. 68, #4 (Winter 2004-2005), pp. 483-493.

"On Mill and Liberty," Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology,

Vol. 21 (2003), pp. 343-350.

"Are the Different Versions of the Tableau Consistent?," International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 11, #1 (January-March 2003), pp. 1-22. [lead article] Reprinted in The Future of Economics, ed. K. Puttaswamaiah (Isle Publishing Co., 2009).

"John Kenneth Galbraith" Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, 2nd

edition, ed. Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer (Edward Elgar, 2000), pp. 164-170. [revised version of 1992 paper with the same title that appeared in the first edition of this work]

"The Economic Contributions of Amartya Sen," Review of Political Economy, Vol. 12, #1

(January 2000), pp. 89-113. [with Gale Summerfield] Revised and reprinted in Leading Contemporary Economists: Their Major Contributions, ed. Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2009), pp. 66-98.

"John Maynard Keynes," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al.

(Routledge, 1999), pp. 617-621.

"Physiocracy," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. 846-848. [with Ianik Marcil]

"The Economic Contributions of David M. Gordon," Review of Political Economy, Vol. 9,

#2 (April 1997), pp. 225-245. [with Heather Boushey] Revised and reprinted in Leading Contemporary Economists: Their Major Contributions, ed. Steven Pressman (Routledge, 2009), pp. 15-37.

"What Schumpter Saw in Quesnay's Model: The Tableau Économique is NOT a General

Equilibrium or Input-Output Model," Joseph A. Schumpeter: Historian of Economics, ed. Laurence S. Moss (Edward Elgar, 1996), pp. 219-231.

"An American Dilemma: Fifty Years Later," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 28, #2 (June 1994), pp. 577-585.

"Quesnay's Theory of Taxation," Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Vol. 16,

#1 (Spring 1994), pp. 86-105.

Quesnay's Theory of Economic Growth and Decline," Economics as Worldly Philosophy,

ed. Ron Blackwell, Jaspal Chatha, and Edward J. Nell (Macmillan, 1993), pp. 305-319.

"Further Comments on McCloskey's Argument," Eastern Economic Journal

(July-September 1987), pp. 305-311.

E. Other

"Ingrid Hahne Rima (1925- 2015)," Forum for Social Economics (forthcoming 2018)

"The Higher Earning in America: Are 529 Plans a Good Way to Save for College?" Journal of Economic Issues (June 2017), pp. 375-382. [with Robert Scott]

"House Arrest: The Effects of Underwater and Low-Equity Mortgages on Small Business Failures and Mobility," Review of Social Economy (June 2017), pp. 231-249. [with Robert Scott]

"Symposium on Piketty’s Capital: An Introduction," Review of Political Economy (April 2016), pp. 187-189.

"Ivan Boesky," Crimes of the Century, ed. Steven Chermak and Frankie Bailey (ABC-

Clio, 2015)

"Countrywide Financial," Crimes of the Century, ed. Steven Chermak and Frankie Bailey

(ABC-Clio, 2015)

"The Review of Political Economy at 25: Past, Present and Future," Review of Political

Economy (October 2013), pp. 533-543. [lead article]

"Justice and History: The Big Problem of Wilt Chamberlain," Economic Issues

(March 2013), pp. 1-16. [lead article]

"Obesity, Evolutionary Psychology and the Good Society," in Alternative Perspectives of

a Good Society, ed. John Marangos (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. 171-190.

"Ivar Kreuger," Great Lives from History (Salem Press, 2011), pp. 525-526.

"Daniel Drew," Great Lives from History (Salem Press, 2011), pp. 280-283.

"Michael Milken," Great Lives from History (Salem Press, 2011), pp. 629-632.

"After Shame; Before Corporate Moral Obligation (CMO): Ethical Lag and the Credit

Crisis," International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, Vol. 4, #3-4 (2010), pp. 244-266. [with Gwen Alexis]

"HealthSouth Alabama Scandal (2003)," Historical Encyclopedia of American Business

and Finance (Salem Press, 2009), pp. 388-390.

"John Derek Pheby, October 24, 1949-October 21, 2008," Review of Political Economy,

(April 2009), Vol. 21, #2 [lead article; with Gary Mongiovi and John Smithin].

"Econ Agonistes: Navagating and Surviving the Publishing Process," The American

Economist, Vol. 52, #2 (Fall 2008), pp. 26-32. Reprinted in Secrets of Economic Editors, ed. Michael Szenberg (MIT Press, 2014), pp. 297-310.

"Oscar Hartzell and the Estate of Sir Francis Drake," Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and

Swindles: Failures of Ethics in Leadership, ed. Serge Matulich and David Currie (Routledge, 2008), pp. 55-62.

"Charles Ponzi," Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in

Leadership, ed. Serge Matulich and David Currie (Routledge, 2008), pp. 35-43.

"Martin Frankel," Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in

Leadership ed. Serge Matulich and David Currie (Routledge, 2008), pp. 101-110.

"The Economics of Grade Inflation," Challenge, Vol. 50, #5 (July-August 2007), pp. 93-


"Kahneman, Tversky and Institutional Economics," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 40,

#2 (June 2006), pp. 501-506.

"Sen and Capabilities," Review of Political Economy, Vol. 14, #1 (October 2002), pp.

429-434. [with Gale Summerfield]

"Harold Hochman: An Appreciation," Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 27, #4 (Fall 2001),

pp. 379-390. [lead article; with James Rodgers]

"The Challenge of Social Economics," Review of Social Economy, Vol. 59, #1 (March 2001), pp. 109-114.

"The Dissent of Economists," History of Economics Review, #30 (Summer 1999), pp.

155-157. [with Richard Holt]

"Foreword," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O’Hara et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. ix-xii. [with Marc Lavoie]

"Political Economy and Economics," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara

et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. 853-856. [with Robin Neill]

"Supply and Demand," Encyclopedia of Political Economy, ed. Phil O'Hara et al. (Routledge, 1999), pp. 1126-1129.

"On Financial Frauds and Their Causes," American Journal of Economics and Sociology,

Vol. 57, #4 (October 1998), pp. 405-422. Reprinted in High Beam Encyclopedia.

"Input-Output Analysis and Classical Economics," The Elgar Companion to Classical

Economics, ed. Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori (Edward Elgar, 1998), pp. 415-419.

"Introduction: Dissent in Twentieth Century Economics," Economics and Its Discontents: Twentieth Century Dissenting Economists, ed. Richard Holt and Steven Pressman (Edward Elgar, 1998), pp. ix-xii. [with Richard Holt]

"Seeking the Causes of Slow Productivity Growth and Rising Inequality in the US,"

International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 11, #2 (May 1997), pp. 311-314.

"Paradigms, Conventions and the Entrepreneur," American Journal of Economics and

Sociology, Vol. 56, #1 (January 1997), pp. 51-58.

"Economics and Sociology: A Review Essay," Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 30, #3 (September 1996), pp. 877-884. [with Veronica Montecinos]

"Political Economy at Malvern," Interactions in Political Economy, ed. Steven Pressman

(Routledge, 1996), pp. 1-9.

"Introduction to Race, Gender and Discrimination Symposium," Eastern Economic

Journal, Vol. 21, #3 (Summer 1995), pp. 339-342.

"Unions in the 21st Century," Public Personnel Management, Vol. 24, #2 (Summer 1995), pp. 159-166. [with Joseph Mosca]

"Women and Economic Transformation," Women in the Age of Economic

Transformation, ed. Nahid Aslanbeigui, Steven Pressman and Gale Summerfield

(Routledge, 1994), pp. 1-7. [with Nahid Aslanbeigui and Gale Summerfield]

"Multiple Journal Submissions: The Case Against," American Journal of Economics and

Sociology, Vol. 53, #3 (July 1994), pp. 315-333.

"A Social Economist's Search for Justice: Comment," Forum for Social Economics, Vol.

23, #2 (Spring 1994), pp. 53-64.

"Interview with Edward J. Nell," Review of Political Economy, Vol. 6, #1 (January 1994), pp. 107-32. Reprinted in Political Economy and Capitalism, ed. Ron Baiman, Heather Boushey and Dawn Saunders (M.E. Sharpe, 2000).

"Ingrid Hahne Rima: An Appreciation," Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 18, #2

(Spring 1992), pp. 125-128. [lead article; with Stanley Bober]

"Interview with John Kenneth Galbriath," Review of Political Economy, Vol. 1, #3

(November 1989), pp. 381-386. Reprinted in Interviews with John Kenneth Galbraith, ed. James Stanfield and R. Stanfield (University of Mississippi Press, 2004).


Putting the Social Back Into Economics (edited volume; Routledge, 2019)

Understanding Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge, 2015)

Fifty Major Economists, 3rd edition (Routledge; 2013)

The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith (edited volume; Routledge; 2011)

Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics: Confronting Environmental Issues (edited

volume, with Richard Holt and Clive Spash; Edward Elgar; 2009)

Leading Contemporary Economists: Economics at the Cutting Edge (Routledge; edited

volume; 2009)

Post Keynesian Macroeconomics: Essays in Honor of Ingrid Rima (Routledge;

edited volume, with Matthew Forstater and Gary Mongiovi; 2007)

Alternative Theories of the State (Palgrave/Macmillan; edited volume; 2006)

Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World (M.E. Sharpe;

edited volume, with Richard Holt; 2006)

Fifty Major Economists, 2nd edition (Routledge; 2006)

The Economics and the Ethics of the Basic Income Guarantee (Ashgate; edited volume, with Karl Widerquist and Michael Lewis; 2005)

A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics (Routledge; edited volume, with Richard Holt; 2001)

Fifty Major Economists (Routledge; 1999) (Czech edition, Barrister & Principal, 2002)

(Vietnamese edition, Labour Publishing House, 2003) (Chinese edition, 2005) (Indonesian edition, forthcoming) (Italian edition, forthcoming)

Encyclopedia of Political Economy (edited with Phil O'Hara, et al.; Routledge; 1999)

Economics and Its Discontents: Twentieth Century Dissenting Economists (edited with Richard Holt; Edward Elgar; 1998) (Spanish edition, forthcoming)

Interactions in Political Economy: Malvern After Ten Years (edited volume; Routledge;


Women in the Age of Economic Transformation (Routledge; edited volume, with Nahid Aslanbeigui and Gale Summerfield; 1994) (Spanish edition, Narcea, S.A., 1997)

Quesnay's Tableau Économique: A Critique and Assessment (Augustus Kelley, 1994)

Poverty in America: An Annotated Bibliography (University Press of America and

Scarecrow Press, 1994)


A. Journal and Editorial Positions

Co-Editor (North American Editor), Review of Political Economy, September 1995-

Associate Editor & Book Review Editor, Eastern Economic Journal, March 1989-March 2017

Co-Editor of Ashgate book series "Alternative Voices in Contemporary Economics,"

September 1998-June 2007

Guest Editor, special issue of the Journal of Politics, Culture and Society (Spring 2003)

on policies and strategies that are being used throughout the world to improve the condition of women [with Nahid Aslanbeigui and Gale Summerfield]

Editor, special issue of the Review of Political Economy (April 1995) on the inability of developed economies to achieve full employment

Editor, special issue of the Journal of Income Distribution (Spring 1995) dealing with the Luxembourg Income Study

Editor, Eastern Economic Journal symposium (2005) on the aggregate production function

Editor, Eastern Economic Journal symposium (1995) on race, gender and discrimination

Editorial Board, Eastern Economic Journal, March 1988-

Editorial Board, Review of Political Economy, November 1987-

Editorial Board, Journal of Economic Issues, January 1995-December 1997

Editorial Board, Forum for Social Economics, January 2012-

Editorial Board, Review of Social Economy, January 2014-

Editorial Advisory Board, Basic Income Studies, July 2005-

Eckstein Prize Committee, Eastern Economic Journal, 1993 (Chair), 2011, 2017

Eichner Memorial Prize Committee, Review of Political Economy, 1991 & 1993

Shackle Prize Committee, Review of Political Economy, 1992

Referee, American Economic Review, American Journal of Economics and Sociology,

Cambridge Journal of Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, Eastern Economic Journal, Economic Systems Research, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Feminist Economics, Forum for Social Economics, History of Economics Review, History of Political Economy, International Journal of Political Economy, International Journal of Social Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Economic Methodology, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Journal of Income Distribution, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Journal of Poverty, Journal of Socio-Economics, Quarterly Review of Business and Economics, Review of Keynesian Economics, Review of Political Economy, Review of Social Economy, Science & Society, Social Science Journal, Socio-Economic Review, World Development, Addison Wesley, Ashgate, Cambridge University Press, Carfax, Central European University Press, Chicago University Press, Duke University Press, Edward Elgar, Flat World Knowledge, John Wiley, Oxford University Press, Palgrave/Macmillan, Pearson, Routledge/Taylor & Francis and Springer

B. Professional Association Positions

Vice President, Association for Social Economics, 2018

Treasurer, Eastern Economic Association, March 1996-March 2016

Interim Treasurer, Association for Social Economics, March 2016-November 2016

Executive Committee, Eastern Economic Association, April 1997-March 2016

Finance Committee, Association for Social Economics, 2017-

Program Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 1985-

Program Committee, NABIG Conference, 2017

Program Committee, Grenoble Post Keynesian Conference, 2017

Board of Directors, Dollars & Sense, 2014-

Board of Directors/Trustee, Association for Social Economics, 2000-2002, 2013-2017

Board of Directors, Eastern Economic Association, March 1994-April 1997

Board of Advisors, Association for Political and Social Economics (Australia and New

Zealand), September 1998-

Member of Warren Samuels Prize Committee, Association for Social Economics, 2015

Member of Nominating Committee, History of Economics Society, June 1994-May 1995

Member of Best Paper Award Committee, History of Economics Society, 2003

Member of Best Papers Committee for the Past 50 Years, Review of Social Economy,


Member, Committee on Publications, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 2017-

Member of Editor Search Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 2015

Chair of Editor Search Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 2005, 2009-10

Chair of Executive Director Search Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 1995, 2008-09

Member of Executive Director Search Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 2013-14

Chair, Executive Director Evaluation Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 2001

Chair, Editor Evaluation Committee, Eastern Economic Association, 2002

Chair of Nominating Committee, Eastern Economic Association, April 1997-March 1999,

March 2000-March 2005, March 2006-March 2013

Chair of Search Committee, Treasurer, Association for Social Economics, 2015-2016

Chair of Search Committee, Executive Director, Association for Social Economics, 2015, 2017

Member of Nominating Committee, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 2012

Member of Search Committee, Assistant Treasurer, Eastern Economic Association, 2014

Member of Search Committee, JEI Editor, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 2017-2018

Member of Search Committee, Web Editor/Social Media Position, Association for Evolutionary Economics, 2017-2018

C. Other Professional Service

Outside Tenure and Promotion Evaluations-- Alexandra Bernasek (Colorado State

University), Lynne Chester (University of Sydney), Young Back Choi (St. John’s University), Deb Figart (Richard Stockton College), Juergen Fleck (Hollins College), Robert Garnett (Texas Christian University), James Hartley (Mount Holyoke College), Mary Lesser (Iona College), Pierre Lacour (NYU), Bozena Leven (College of New Jersey), Adam Lutzker (University of Michigan- Flint), Gary Mongiovi (St. John's University), Bruce Philp (Birmingham City University), Christine Rider (St. John's University), Bruce Roberts (University of Southern Maine), Louis-Philippe Rochon (Laurentian University), Alexandru Voicu (College of Staten Island), Christian Weller (University of Massachusetts, Boston)

Organized and Ran Association for Social Economics Summer School and World Congress, June 2018

Judge, High School Fed Challenge, New York Federal Reserve, 2012

Leadership Initiatives, International Business Alliance Program Expert, 2015-


Ludwig Mai Service Award, Association for Social Economics, 2018

Warren Samuels Award, Association for Social Economics, 2008


Annie Lowrey, Give People Money in Dollars and Sense (forthcoming)

Sven-Eric Liedman, A World to Win: The Life and Works of Karl Marx in Dollars and Sense (September/October 2018)

Steve Keen, Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis? in Dollars and Sense (July/August 2018)

Moshe Arye Milevsky, The Day the King Defaulted, in Choice (February 2018)

Keith Payne, The Broken Ladder, in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2018)

Joseph Stiglitz, The Euro and Markus Brunnermeier, Harold James and Jean-Pierre Landau, The Euro and the Battle of Ideas, in Review of Keynesian Economics (October 2017)

Steve Early, Refinery Town and Jonathan Smucker, Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals in Dollars and Sense (September/October 2017)

Lisa Servon, The Unbanking of America: How the Middle Class Survives, in Dollars and Sense (May/June 2017)

Sandra Baum, Student Debt, in Choice (May 2017)

James Galbraith, Inequality, in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2017)

John Tomer, Integrating Human Capital and Human Development, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (December 2016)

Daniel Lord Smail, Legal Plunder: Households and Debt Collection in Late Medieval Europe, in Choice (October 2016)

David Rolf, The Fight for $15: The Right Wage for a Working America, in Dollars and Sense (September/October 2016)

Thomas Frank, Listen Liberal, in Dollars and Sense (July/August 2016)

L. Randall Wray, Why Minsky Matters: An Introduction to the Work of a Maverick Economist, in Dollars and Sense (May/June 2016)

Richard Davenport-Hines, Universal Man: The Lives of John Maynard Keynes in Review of Keynesian Economics (Spring 2016)

Robert Reich, Saving Capitalism, in Dollars and Sense (March/April 2016)

Anthony Atkinson, Inequality and Kathryn Edin and H. Luke Shaefer, $2.00 a Day, in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2016)

Robert Putnam, Our Kids, in Dollars and Sense (November/December 2015)

Nancy Altman and Eric Kingston, Social Security Works!, in Dollars and Sense (July/August 2015)

Jennifer Taub, Other People’s Houses, in Dollars and Sense (May/June 2015)

Christopher Leonard, The Meat Racket: The Secret Takeover of America’s Food Business, in Dollars and Sense (March/April 2015)

Namoi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, in Dollars and Sense

(January/February 2015)

Atif Mian and Amir Sufi, House of Debt and Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig, The

Bankers’ New Clothes, in Dollars and Sense (November/December 2014)

G.C. Harcourt and Peter Kriesler (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian

Economics, 2 Vols, in Journal of Economic Literature (September 2014)

Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, in Dollars and Sense (July/August


Lane Kenworthy, Social Democratic America, in Dollars and Sense (May/June 2014)

Fredrick Taylor, The Downfall of Money: Germany’s Hyperinflation and the Destruction

of the Middle Class, in Dollars and Sense (March/April 2014)

Ellen Hodgson Brown, The Public Bank Solution: From Austerity to Prosperity, in Dollars

and Sense (January/February 2014)

Gar Alperovitz, What Then Must We Do?, in Dollars and Sense (November/December


Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson, To Live and Die in America: Class, Power, Health

and Healthcare in Dollars and Sense (September/October 2013)

Ben Goldacre, Bad Pharma, in Dollars and Sense (July/August 2013)

Liana Vardi, The Physiocrats and the World of the Enlightenment, in (June 2013)

Sam Pizzigati, The Rich Don’t Always Win, in Choice (May 2013)

Joseph Stiglitz, The Price of Inequality, in Dollars and Sense (March/April 2013)

Peter Edelman, So Rich, So Poor, in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2013)

David Cay Johnston, The Fine Print, in Dollars and Sense (November/December 2012)

Paul Krugman, End This Depression Now!, in Dollars and Sense (July/August 2012)

Katherine Porter, Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class, in Choice (June 2012)

Dale Maharidge, Someplace Like America: Tales from the New Great Depression, in

Dollars and Sense (March/April 2012)

Ellen Schultz, Retirement Heist, in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2012)

David Kirp, Kids First, in Dollars and Sense (November/December 2011)

Peter Ubel, Free Market Madness, in Journal of Socio-Economics (2011)

Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson, Winner-Take-All Politics, in Dollars and Sense

(September/October 2011)

Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, Higher Education? in Dollars and Sense

(July/August 2011)

Robert Reich, Aftershock in Dollars and Sense (March/April 2011)

Gary Rivlin, Broke USA in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2011)

Robert Bryce, Power Hungry and Felicia Jackson, Conquering Carbon in Dollars and

Sense (November/December 2010).

Roger Lowenstein, The End of Wall Street in Dollars and Sense (July/August 2010)

Gary Becker and Kevin Murphy, Social Economics in Review of Social Economy

(June 2010)

Daniel Gitterman, Boosting Paychecks: The Politics of Supporting America’s Working

Poor in Choice (June 2010)

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, The Spirit Level in Dollars and Sense (May/June


Anna Bernasek, The Economics of Integrity in Dollars and Sense (March/April 2010)

Nomi Prins, It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses and Backroom Deals from

Washington to Wall Street in Dollars and Sense (January/February 2010)

Antonio Estache and Danny Leipziger, Stuck in the Middle: Is Fiscal Policy Failing the

Middle Class? in Choice (January 2010)

Philip Martin, Importing Poverty? in Choice (September 2009)

Joseph Kennedy, Ending Poverty in Choice (February 2009)

Ronald Wilcox, Whatever Happened to Thrift in Choice (September 2008)

Paul Davidson, John Maynard Keynes in Choice (May 2008)

Donato Masciandaro, Elod Takats and Brigitte Unger, Black Finance: The Economics

of Money Laundering in Choice (February 2008)

Caroline Moser (ed.) Reducing Global Poverty in Choice (November 2007)

Edward Feser (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Hayek in Choice (June 2007)

E. Ray Canterbery, Alan Greenspan: The Oracle behind the Curtain in Eastern Economic

Journal (Spring 2007)

Marc Lavoie, Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics in Choice (February 2007)

Kathleen Pickering et al., Welfare Reform in Persistent Rural Poverty: Dreams, Disenchantments, and Diversity in Choice (December 2006)

Jerry Markham, A Financial History of Modern U.S. Corporate Scandals: From Enron to

Reform in Choice (June 2006)

Edward Younkins (ed.) Philosophers of Capitalism in Choice (April 2006)

Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane, Modern Macroeconomics in Choice (November 2005)

Richard Parker, John Kenneth Galbraith in New England Quarterly Review (June 2005)

Amartya Sen, Rationality and Freedom in Contributions to Political Economy (2004)

John Laurent (ed.) Evolutionary Economics and Human Nature in History of Economic

Ideas (Summer 2003)

Saul Hoffman and Laurence Seidman, Helping Working Families: The Earned Income

Tax Credit in Choice (May 2003)

Michelle Miller-Adams, Owning Up: Poverty, Assets, and the American Dream in Choice

(March 2003)

John King, A History of Post Keynesian Economics Since 1936 in Choice (November 2002)

R.T. Naylor, Wages of Crime in Choice (July 2002)

Judith Goode and Jeff Maskovsky, Eds. The New Poverty Studies in Choice (April 2002)

Alice O'Connor, Poverty Knowledge in Choice (July 2001)

Alan F. Zundel, Declarations of Dependence in Choice (May 2001)

Harrell R. Rodgers, American Poverty in a New Era in Choice (October 2000)

Robert Frank, Luxury Fever in Review of Social Economy (September 2000)

Lutz Leisering and Stephan Leibfried, Time and Poverty in Western Welfare States:

United Germany in Perspective in Choice (September 2000)

Stewart L. Weisman, Need and Greed: The Story of the Largest Ponzi Scheme in

American History in Choice (May 2000)

Robert Goodin et al., The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism in Choice (March 2000)

A.M. Khurso, The Poverty of Nations in Choice (February 2000)

Nico Keilman et al., Poverty and Economic Inequality in Industrial Western Societies in

Choice (July/August 1999)

James Agransano, The Political Economy of Gunnar Myrdal in Review of Social Economy

(June 1999)

Laura K. Egendorf, Poverty: Opposing Viewpoints in Choice (March 1999)

Deborah A. Redman, The Rise of Political Economy as a Science in Choice (May 1998)

Laurence S. Seidman, The USA Tax: A Progressive Consumption Tax in Kyklos (March


James R. Kluegel, David S. Mason and Bernd Wegener, Social Justice and Political

Change in Journal of Income Distribution (1998)

Kimberly Ann Elliot, ed. Corruption and the Global Economy in Choice (January 1998)

John Davis, Keynes's Philosophical Development in Review of Political Economy (October 1997)

Ernesto V. Savona, ed. Responding to Money Laundering: International Perspectives in

Choice (September 1997)

David Colander and Harry Landreth, eds. The Coming of Keynesianism to America:

Conversations with the Founders of Keynesian Economics in Social Science Journal (July 1997)

Michael Boskin, ed. Frontiers of Tax Reform in The American Economist (Spring 1997)

Nick Leeson, Rogue Trader in Southern Economic Journal (April 1997)

Lars Magnusson, Mercantilism: The Shaping of an Economic Language in History of

Economic Ideas (1997, #1)

Jeffrey Madrick, The End of Affluence in Society (January/February 1997)

Charles Blitch, Allyn Young: The Peripatetic Economist in Choice (June 1996)

John Henry, John Bates Clark: The Making of Neoclassical Economist in Choice (March 1996)

John Bonner, Economic Efficiency and Social Justice: The Development of Utilitarian Ideas in Economics from Bentham to Edgeworth in Choice (February 1996)

Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, ed. Institutional Change: Theory and Empirical Findings in International Journal of Organizational Analysis (January 1996)

Werner Stark, History and Historians of Political Economy in Journal of Economic Literature (June 1995)

Marjorie Turner, Nicholas Kaldor and the Real World in Review of Social Economy

(Spring 1995)

Henry Aaron, Thomas E. Mann and Timothy Taylor, eds. Values and Public Policy in

Southern Economic Journal (April 1995)

John Caskey, Fringe Banking: Check-Cashing Outlets, Pawnshops, and the Poor in Choice (February 1995)

Michael Hammer and James Champy, Reengineering the Corporation in Challenge

(November-December 1994)

Andrea H. Beller and John W. Graham, Small Changes: The Economics of Child Support

in Journal of Economic Issues (September 1994)

Poverty: Opposing Viewpoints in Choice (July/August 1994)

H. Peyton Young, Equity in Theory and Practice in Choice (July/August 1994)

Dimtri Papadimitriou and Edward Wolff, eds., Poverty and Prosperity in the Late

Twentieth Century in Choice (February 1994)

Robert E. Kuenne, Economic Justice in American Society in Choice (January 1994)

Theodore Schultz, The Economics of Being Poor in Choice (December 1993)

Steven Rhoads, Incomparable Worth in Journal of Income Distribution (Fall 1993)

Deborah A. Redman, Economics and the Philosophy of Science and Robert N. Proctor,

Value-Free Science?: Purity and Power in Modern Economics in History of Political Economy (Fall 1993)

Gilles Dostaler, Diane Ethier and Laurent Lepage, eds., Gunnar Myrdal and His Work in

Journal of the History of Economic Thought (Fall 1993)

Herbert Keisling, Taxation and Public Goods: A Welfare-Economic Critique of Tax Policy

Analysis in Choice (October 1993)

Thomas Mayer, Truth Versus Precision in Economics in Choice (July-August 1993)

David Colander, Why Are Economists Not as Important as Garbagemen? in Methodus

(June 1993)

Anthony B. Atkinson and John Micklewright, Economic Transformation in Eastern

Europe and the Distribution of Income in Choice (May 1993)

Christopher Jencks, Race, Poverty and the Underclass in Social Science Quarterly

(March 1993)

Donald E. Moggridge, Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography in Choice (February


Olivier Blanchard, Rudiger Dornbusch, Paul Krugman, Richard Layard, and Lawrence

Summers, Reform in Eastern Europe in Southern Economic Journal (January 1993)

Harry Garretson, Keynes, Coordination and Beyond: The Development of

Macroeconomic an Monetary Theory Since 1945 in Choice (January 1993)

John Davis and Bradley Bateman, Keynes and Philosophy in History of Political Economy, Vol. 24, #4 (Winter 1992)

Robert Reich, The Work of Nations in Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 19, #6 (1992)

James R. Barth, The Great Savings and Loan Debacle and Lawrence J. White, The S & L Debacle: Public Policy Lessons for Bank and Thrift Regulators in The American Economist (Fall 1992)

Daniel M. Hausman, The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics in Choice (October 1992)

Anthony Campagna, The Economic Consequences of the Vietnam War in Journal of

Economic Issues (September 1992)

Floyd B. McFarland, Economic Philosophy and American Problems in Choice

(July/August 1992)

Robert A. Solo, The Philosophy of Science, and Economics in Choice (June 1992)

Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg and Eleanor Kremen, eds., The Feminization of Poverty:

Only in America? in Gender and Society, Vol. 6, #2 (June 1992)

Ronald I. McKinnon, The Order of Economic Liberalization: Financial Control in the

Transition to a Market Economy in Choice (April 1992)

Juliet Schor, The Overworked American in the Asbury Park Press Sunday Arts and

Leisure section (April 5, 1992)

Lawrence Mishel, The State of Working America in International Review of Applied

Economics, Vol. 6, #1 (1992)

John Cornwall, ed., The Capitalist Economies in Journal of Economic Issues (March


Jeffrey Williamson, Inequality, Poverty and History in Choice (January 1992)

Gianni Vaggi, The Economics of Francois Quesnay in History of Political Economy, Vol.

23, #3 (Fall 1991)

Laurence Seidman, Saving for America's Economic Future in SOCIETY

(September/October 1991)

Charls E. Walker, Mark A. Bloomfield and Margo Thorning, eds., The U.S. Savings

Challenge: Policy Options for Productivity and Growth in Review of Social Economy (Summer 1991)

Michael Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations in Journal of Management

(March 1991)

Paul Davidson and Jan A. Kregel, eds., Macroeconomic Problems and Policies of Income

Distribution in Journal of Economic Issues (March 1991)

Greg and Paul Davidson, Economics for a Civilized Society in Review of Political

Economy (January 1991)

Alan Blinder, ed., Paying for Productivity: A Look at the Evidence in Kyklos, Vol. 43,

Fasc. 4 (1990)

Edward M. Graham and Paul Krugman, Foreign Direct Investment in the United

States and I.M. Destler and C. Randall Henning, Dollar Politics in Southern Economic Journal (July 1990)

Michael Smith, Liar's Poker in Challenge (May/June 1990)

John Kenneth Galbraith, Economics in Perspective in Review of Political Economy,

Vol. 1, #2 (July 1989)

Alan Blinder, Hard Heads, Soft Hearts and Michael Boskin, Reagan and the Economy in

Challenge (July/August 1988)

Ruth Sidel, Women and Children Last and Harrell Rodgers, Jr., Poor Women, Poor

Families in Eastern Economic Journal (January-March 1988)


"Defining and Measuring the Middle Class" (AIER Working Paper #007; revised version submitted to Journal of Income Distribution)

"Government Assistance, Fertility and Poverty Reduction: Was Malthus Right?" [with Yeva Aleksanyan; submitted to Population and Development Review]

"Taxing the Rich: Comparing the Views of Piketty, Mainstream Economics and Post-Keynesian Economics," (with Nicolas Zorn; submitted to International Journal of Political Economy)

"Piketty’s Global Wealth Tax: A Good Solution to the Inequality Problem?" (in process; for the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)

"Thomas Piketty’s Capital and Its Relevance for Less Developed Countries" (in process; with Luis Villanueva)

"Improving a Relatively Bad Definition of Relative Poverty" (in process; with Michael Roberts; for Journal of Income Distribution or Journal of Poverty)

"Thomas Piketty as an Institutionalist Economist" (in process; for Journal of Evolutionary Economics)

"W.E.B. Du Bois on Poverty and Racial Inequality" (in process; with Thomas Briggs; for G. Vallet, ed. Inequality and the Progressive Era (Edward Elgar, 2019)

"The Health of Nations: A Post Keynesian Approach to Health Economics" (in process)

"The Cost of a Basic Income Guarantee" (in process)

"From the German Historical School to Mollie Orshansky and Beyond: Measuring Poverty" (in process; for presentation at the German Historical Institute)

"Productivity, Keynes and the Post-Keynesians" (in process)

"Social Security and the Middle Class" (in process)

"A Little BIG: The Gains from Family Allowances" (in process; for submission to Basic Income Studies)

"The Economic Consequences of the Obese" (in process)

"The Policy Lessons of the Tableau Économique" (in process)

The Demise of the Middle Class: How Bad Economics and Bad Policy are Killing the American Dream (in process; expected publication date 2020 or 2021)


Appearance on documentary, Bootstrap—A Basic Income Film, Directed by Deia Z. Duncan (forthcoming)

"Poverty in the United States: Some Unpretty Pictures," The Conversation, September 13, 2018. Reprinted in The Arab Weekly and Le Monde Diplomatique

"Trump’s Folly: An Unwinnable Trade War," Washington Spectator, September 2018

Interviewed, WKAO Radio (Denver), tariff war with China, August 6, 2018

"French Lessons on How to Grow the Middle Class," Washington Spectator, August 2018

Interviewed, WKAO Radio (Denver), Trump’s farm support plan, July 25, 2018

Interviewed, WKAO Radio (Denver), the Trump tariffs and Harley Davidson, June 26, 2018

Interviewed, WKAO Radio (Denver), on the impact of the Trump tariffs, June 1, 2018

Interviewed and Quoted, "Indiana Corporations Navigate Billion-Dollar Windfall," Indiana News and Tribune, May 5, 2018

"Trump’s Infrastructure Plan: The Wrong Road for America," Washington Spectator, April 2018

"Recent Stock Market Sell-Off Foreshadows a New Great Recession," The Conversation, March 19, 2018 [with Robert Scott]. Reprinted in Albany Democrat-Herald, Albany Times Union, Alton Telegraph, Arizona Daily Star, Arizona Daily Sun, Auburn Citizen, Beaumont Enterprise, Beatrice Daily Sun, Billings Gazette, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Carlisle Sentinel, Casper Star Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Chippewa Herald, Columbus Telegram, Connecticut Post, Coos Bay World, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Courier of Montgomery County, Daily Times of Blount County, Danbury News Times, Darien News, Decatur Herald & Review, Edwardsville Intelligencer, Elko Daily Free Press, Fairfield Citizen, Fort Bend Herald, Glen Falls Post-Star, Greenwich Time, Greenwich Time, Greenwich Time, Hanford Sentinel, Helena Independent Record, Houston Chronicle, Huron Daily Tribune, Idaho Press-Tribune, Jacksonville Journal Courier, Lacrosse Tribune, Laredo Morning Times, Lincoln Star Journal, Lompoc Record, Longview Daily News, Los Angeles Times, Mason City Globe Gazette, Mattoon/Charleston Journal Gazette-Times Courier, Middletown Press, Midland Daily News, Missoulian, Moline/Rock Island Dispatch-Argus, Montana Standard, Muscatine Journal, Napa Valley Register, New Haven Register, New Milford Spectrum, Newsweek, North West Indiana Times, Odesa American, Orangeburg Times & Democrat, Park Hills Daily Journal, Plainview Daily Herald, Quad-City Times, Racine Journal Times, Rapid City Journal, Ravalli Republic, Salon, San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Maria Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sioux City Journal, Skagit Valley Herald, Southern Illinoisian, Torrington Register Citizen, Twin Falls Times-News, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Westport News, Winona Daily News and Wisconsin State Journal

"Tax Bill Rewards Wealthy but Fails to Help Economy," Washington Spectator, February 2018 [lead article]

Opinion Article, "3 Key Quotes from Trump’s First State of the Union, Explained," The Conversation, January 31, 2018. Reprinted in Albany Democrat-Herald, Arizona Daily Star, Arizona Daily Sun, Auburn Citizen, Beaumont Enterprise, Billings Gazette, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Carlisle Sentinel, Casper Star Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Chippewa Herald, Connecticut Post, Coos Bay World, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Danbury News Times, Decatur Herald & Review, Edwardsville Intelligencer, Elko Daily Free Press, Glen Falls Post-Star, Greenwich Time, Hanford Sentinel, Helena Independent Record, Houston Chronicle, Idaho Press-Tribune, Independent (Singapore), Lacrosse Tribune, Lincoln Star Journal, Lompoc Record, Longview Daily News, Los Angeles Post, Marketwatch, Mason City Globe Gazette, Mattoon/Charleston Journal Gazette-Times Courier, Missoulian, Moline/Rock Island Dispatch-Argus, Montana Standard, Muscatine Journal, Napa Valley Register, Newsweek, North West Indiana Times, Odesa American, Orangeburg Times & Democrat, Park Hills Daily Journal, Quad-City Times, Racine Journal Times, Rapid City Journal, Ravalli Republic, Salon, San Diego Union Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Maria Times, Sioux City Journal, Skagit Valley Herald, Southern Illinoisian, Stamford Advocate, Twin Falls Times-News, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Winona Daily News and Wisconsin State Journal

Interviewed and Quoted, "Will Tax Reform Spark Hiring, Raises in NJ?," Asbury Park Press, January 2, 2018

Opinion Article, "GOP Tax Plan Doubles Down on Policies that are Crushing the Middle Class," The Conversation, December 19, 2017. Reprinted in Albany Times Union, Arizona Daily Star, Arizona Daily Sun, Auburn Citizen, Austin American-Statesman, Beaumont Enterprise, Billings Gazette, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Carlisle Sentinel, Casper Star Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Chippewa Herald, CNBC, Columbus Telegram, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Elko Daily Free Press, Fort Bend Herald, Glen Falls Post Star, Globe Gazette (Iowa), Hanford Sentinel, Helena Independent Record, Idaho Press-Tribune, Journal Times (Wisconsin), Lacrosse Tribune, Lincoln Star Journal, Longview Daily News, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Post, Mason City Globe Gazette, Middletown Press, Missoulian, Montana Standard, Muscatine Journal, Napa Valley Register, New Haven Register, Newsweek, North West Indiana Times, Orangeburg Times & Democrat, Park Hills Daily Journal, Quad City Times, Racine Journal Times, Rapid City Journal, Salon, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Maria Times, Sioux City Journal, Sioux City Journal, Southern Illinoisian, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Winona Daily News and Wisconsin State Journal

Opinion Article, "’Hot Potato’ Shows Why Workers Won’t Benefit from Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut," The Conversation, November 17, 2017. Reprinted in Albany Democrat-Herald, Albany Times Union, Arizona Daily Star, Arizona Daily Sun, Auburn Citizen, Beaumont Enterprise, Billings Gazette, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Boulder Daily News, Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Carlisle Sentinel, Casper Star Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Connecticut Post, Danbury News Times, Decatur Herald & Review, Denver Post, Edwardsville Intelligencer, Elko Daily Free Press, Fairfield Citizen, Glen Falls Post Star, Greenwich Time, Hanford Sentinel, Helena Independent Record, Hour (Norwalk, CT), Houston Chronicle, Huron Daily Tribune, Idaho Press-Tribune, International Business Times, Lacrosse Tribune, Laredo Morning Times, Lincoln Star Journal, Los Angeles Post, Los Angeles Times, Mason City Globe Gazette, Merrimack Valley Eagle-Tribune, Middletown Press, Midland Reporter-Telegram, Missoulian, Montana Standard, Napa Valley Register, New Haven Register, North West Indiana Times, Orangeburg Times & Democrat, Park Hills Daily Journal, Plainview Daily Herald, Quad-City Times, Rapid City Journal, San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Maria Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Skagit Valley Herald, Southern Illinoisan, Stamford Advocate, Torrington Register Citizen, Twin Falls Times-News, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Westport News, Winona Daily News and Wisconsin State Journal

Opinion Article, "Tax ‘Reform’ for the Rich: Trump’s Tax Plan Abandons His Working-Class Supporters," The Conversation, September 28, 2017. Reprinted in Albany Democrat-Herald, Albany Times Union, Arizona Daily Star, Arizona Daily Sun, Auburn Citizen, Beaumont Enterprise, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Carlisle Sentinel, Casper Star Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Chippewa Herald, Connecticut Post, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Danbury News Times, Daily News (Longview, WA), Decatur Herald & Review, Edwardsville Intelligencer, Elko Daily Free Press, Fairfield Citizen, Glen Falls Post Star, Greenwich Time, Hanford Sentinel, Helena Independent Record, Hour (Norwalk, CT), Houston Chronicle, Huron Daily Tribune, Idaho Press Tribune, Lacrosse Tribune, Laredo Morning Times, Lincoln Star Journal, Lompoc Record, Los Angeles Post, Mayville Ledger Independent, Midland Daily News, Midland Montana Standard, Munster Times, Napa Valley Register, National Herald, New Canaan News, New Haven Register, Odessa American, Orangeburg Times and Democrat, Plainview Daily Herald, Quad-City Times, Rapid City Journal, Register Citizen (Torrington, CT), Salon, San Antonio Express-News, San Antonio Review, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Maria Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sioux City Journal, Southern Illinoisian, Twin Falls Times-News and Winona Daily News

Academic Minute, National Public Radio, on the Decline of the US Middle Class, August 23, 2017

Opinion Article, "What’s the Deal with the Debt Ceiling? 5 Questions Answered," The Conversation, July 19, 2017. Reprinted in Albany Democrat Herald (OR), Albany Times Union, Arizona Daily Sun, Beaumont Enterprise, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Business Insider, Connecticut Post, Danbury News Times, Elko Daily Free Press, Fairfield Citizen, Fort Bend Herald, Glen Falls Post-Star, Greenwich Time, Hanford Chronicle, Houston Chronicle, Hour (Norwalk, CT), Huron Daily Tribune, Idaho Press Tribune, Indiana Times, Lacrosse Tribune, Lincoln Journal-Star, Lompoc Record, Maysville Ledger Independent, Midland Daily News, Midland Reporter-Telegram, Montana Standard, Muscatine Journal (IA), Napa Valley Register, Northwest Times (Munster, IN), Orangeburg Times and Democrat, Racine Journal Times, Rapid City Journal, San Antonio Express-News, Salon, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Sentinel (Carlisle, PA), Sioux City Journal, Skagit Valley Herald, Westport News and Winona Daily News

Radio Interview, Tope of the Mind with Julie Rose on BYU Radio, on the US Middle Class, June 6, 2017

Opinion Article, "Poor and Middle-Income Families Need a Better Way than 529s to Save for College," The Conversation, May 26, 2017. Reprinted in Arizona Daily Star, Arizona Daily Sun, Beaumont Enterprise, Bismarck Tribune, Bloomington Pantagraph, Casper Star-Tribune, Chicago Tribune, Chippewa Herald, Columbus Telegram, Daily Journal (Missouri), Decatur Herald & Review, Elko Daily Free Press, Glen Falls Post-Star, Hanford (CA) Sentinel, Houston Chronicle, Huffington Post, Idaho Press Tribune, Helena Independent Record, Journal Gazette and Times-Courier, La Crosse Tribune, Lincoln Journal-Star, Los Angeles Times, The Missoulian, Montana Standard, Napa Valley Register, Orangeburg Times & Democrat, Rapid City Journal, San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle, Santa Maria Times, Sioux City Journal, The Carlisle Sentinel, The Southern Illinoisian, The Times (Munster, IN), Ujuh News (South Africa) and Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier

Interviewed and Quoted in article about the US middle class, Chinese Social Sciences Today, May 26, 2017 [in Chinese]

Opinion Article, "What France and the UK Can Teach Trump about Reviving America’s Middle Class," The Conversation, May 11, 2017. Reprinted in Albany Times-Union, Beaumont Enterprise, Business Standard (India), Danbury News-Times, Greenwich Time, Houston Chronicle, Idaho Press-Tribune, Lincoln Star-Journal, Pittsburg Post-Gazette, San Francisco Chronicle and Stamford Advocate

Radio Interview, Matt Townsend Show on BYU Radio, on the economic role of stock markets, April 13, 2017

Opinion Article, "Why Wall Street is Like a Used Car Lot," The Conversation, March 5, 2017. Reprinted in Albany Democrat Herald (OR), Beaumont Enterprise, Danbury News-Times, Fairfield Citizen, Glen Falls Post-Star, Huffington Post, Houston Chronicle, Lincoln Journal-Star, Muscatine Journal (IA), New York Observer, Orangeburg Times and Democrat, Bloomington Pantagraph, Press of Atlantic City, Quad-City Times, Salon, San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle, Sentinel (Carlisle, PA), US News & World Report and Winona Daily News

Opinion Article, "Deal with Inequality to Make America Great Again" Newsweek Europe, January 2, 2017

Opinion Article, "Yellen’s Fed Faces a Tricky Rates Dilemma in 2017 that May End Up Tripping Trump: Between a Rate Hike and Hard Place," The Conversation, December 14, 2016. Reprinted in Business Insider, Danbury News-Times, Fairfield Citizen, Houston Chronicle, Huffington Post and San Antonio Express-News

Interviewed and Quoted, "What Gay Americans, Undocumented Workers Really Stand to Lose Under Trump," , December 7, 2016

Radio Interview with Matthew DeMello on the Economics of President Trump, November 10, 2016

Opinion Article, "What Donald Trump’s Surprise Victory Means for the Economy and Business," The Conversation, November 9, 2016. Reprinted in Beaumont Enterprise, The Bull, Connecticut Post, Danbury News-Times, Fairfield Citizen, Houston Chronicle, San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Stamford Advocate

Radio Interview, Matt Townsend Show on BYU Radio, on inequality and the middle class, October 28, 2016

Radio Interview, The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen, WNHN 94.7FM, on how the next President can deal with the problem of inequality in the US, October, 28, 2016

Opinion Article, "Why Inequality is the Most Important Economic Challenge Facing the Next President," The Conversation, October 16, 2016. Reprinted in Beaumont Enterprise, Connecticut Post, Danbury News-Times, Fairfield Citizen, Fayette Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Newsweek, Salem News, Salon, San Antonio Express-News, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and Stamford Advocate.

Interviewed and Quoted, "New Townhomes for Manchester," Asbury Park Press, July 21, 2016

Interviewed and Quoted, "How the 2016 Presidential Election Will Impact Stock Markets," Money Morning, July 6, 2016

Invited Contributor, "Making America Irate Again," Political Insight, Political Studies Association, June 24, 2016

Op-Ed Article, "A Hidden Windfall for the Wealthy," Newark Star Ledger, July 6, 2016

Interviewed and Quoted, "Q2 Auto Financing Report," WalletHub, May 25, 2016

Interviewed and Quoted, "Jersey Shore Employers Look Abroad for Workers," Asbury Park Press, May 25, 2016

Interviewed and Quoted, "Free Trade: Job Killer or Money Saver?," Asbury Park Press, April 24, 2016

Just Enough Info, Webcast on Social Security and Webcast on the High Costs of a College Education, 2015

Radio Interview, "What Do Troubles on Wall Street Mean for New Jersey?," NJ 101.5FM, aired August 25, 2015

Op-Ed Article, "Social Security No Ponzi Scheme," Albany Times-Union, August 17, 2015 [with Cara Clase]

Op-Ed Article, "The Tweaks Needed to Keep Social Security Sound for the Next 75 Years," Newark Star Ledger, August 14, 2015

Op-Ed Article, "US Needs Paid Parental Leave," Asbury Park Press, August 14, 2015

Op-Ed Article, "A Decent Checkup for Social Security," Courier News, Daily Record and Home News Tribune, August 8, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "American Pharoah Alone Could Bring $20M to Shore," Asbury Park Press, August 2, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "Business-to-Business Customers Appear Unvexed by Staples-Office Depot Combo," CT Financial News, May 31, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "Christie Proposes Massive Federal Tax Cut for Biz, Workers," Asbury Park Press, May 13, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "Why No Raise? Four Reasons but There’s Hope," Asbury Park Press, May 2, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "Why is that … Gas Prices Rise Fast But Fall Slowly?," Asbury Park Press, April 26, 2015

Op-Ed Article, "Inflation is Your Friend," Bergen Record, April 24, 2015

Op-Ed Article, "Christie Social Security Plan Not the Answer," Asbury Park Press, April 19, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "Here’s How Bad Energy Sector Layoffs Are in 2015," Money Morning, April 3, 2015

Radio Interview, on the causes and economic consequences of lower gasoline prices, NJ101.5FM, aired April 3, 2105

Op-Ed Article, "With Income Stagnant and Savings Rates Down, Debt Will Continue to Burden the Middle Class," Newark Star Ledger, April 1, 2015 [with Robert Scott]

TV Appearance, Another Thing with Larry Mendte, talking about the Minimum Wage, March 28 & 29, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "February Jobs Report: Why Wages are So Low," Money Morning, March 6, 2015

TV Appearance, Another Thing with Larry Mendte, talking about the Economic Effects of Lower Gasoline Prices, February 14 & 15, 2015

TV Appearance, PBS (NJ Today), talking about the Economic Effects of Valentine’s Day, February 13, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "The Mirage of Job Gains and Wage Growth," Money Morning, February 6, 2015

Op-Ed Article, "Fed Shouldn’t Raise Rates Too Quickly," Philadelphia Inquirer, January 12, 2015 [with Robert Scott]

Interviewed and Quoted, "The Scary Wage Growth Story in the December Jobs Report," Money Morning, January 9, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "No Evidence of Negative Fallout from NJ’s Higher Minimum Wage," Philadelphia Inquirer, January 1, 2015

Interviewed and Quoted, "Labor Department Jobs Report: Take a Closer Look at the Numbers," Money Morning, December 5, 2014

TV Appearance, News 12 New Jersey, on Cyber Monday, December 1, 2014

Interviewed on KCBS-AM Radio (San Francisco) on Store’s Opening on Thanksgiving

Day, November 21, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Grassroots Efforts to Stop Thanksgiving Day Shopping Gain

Traction," Forbes, November 20, 2014

TV Appearance, PBS (NJ Today), talking on the Economic Impact of Lower Gas

Prices, November 18, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Black Friday 2014: Have Thanksgiving Day Deals Ruined a

Retail Tradition?," Newark Star Ledger, November 12, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "October US Jobs Report Shows a Scary Truth about Wage

Growth," Money Morning, November 7, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Where September’s Job Gains Came From," Money Morning,

October 3, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Tax Inversion Deals Bruised But Not Mortally Wounded,"

Connecticut Financial News, September 29, 2014

TV Appearance, PBS (NJ Today), talking about High-Paying Jobs in NJ, September 3,


Interviewed and Quoted, "August Jobs Report Flop: Smallest Gain This Year with Only

142,000 Jobs Added," Money Morning, September 5, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Luxury Retailers Add Shine to Portfolios," Consumer Digest,

September, 2014

Op-Ed Article, "We Must Invert Tax Inversion," Newark Star Ledger, August 6, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "July Jobs Report: Growth Slows, Slack Lingers in US Labor

Market," Money Morning, August 3, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "U.S. Labor Department Jobs Report: Big Gains in June, but

Still Lagging Behind," Money Morning, July 3, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "May Jobs Report: Employment Exceeds Pre-Recession, but

Hold the Cheers," Money Morning, June 6, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Labor Department Jobs Numbers Show 806,000 Left the

Workforce," Money Morning, May 2, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Don’t ‘Sell in May and Go Away’," Money Morning, May 1,


Interviewed and Quoted, "Why Dividend Stocks Belong in Every Portfolio," The

Suit Magazine, April/May 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Average CEO Makes 121 Times More Money Than You,"

Asbury Park Press, April 16, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission Changes

Campaign Finance Laws," The Outlook, April 9, 2014

Op-Ed Article, "N.J. Should Try Oregon’s Tuition Plan," Philadelphia Inquirer, March

31, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Connecticut is Latest State to Raise Minimum Wage, but Is

It Enough to Help?," National Journal, March 28, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "NJ’s Most Expensive Budget Plan Unveiled for 2014-2015

Fiscal Year," The Outlook, March 26, 2014

Op-Ed Article, "Investment Needed to Boost Economy," Press of Atlantic City, February

20, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Unemployment Cuts Affect 1.3 Million Americans," The

Outlook, February 19, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Should the Government Pay You to Be Alive?," Boston Globe,

February 9, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Long-Term Unemployed: Layabouts or Victims of a Cruel

Economy," Asbury Park Press, February 9, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Dismal December Job Report Tells Us What the Government

Doesn’t Want to Do," Money Morning, February 7, 2014

Op-ed Article, "A Pay Hike for Jersey Workers," Two River Times, January 24, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Dismal December Job Report Tells Us What the Government

Doesn’t Want to Do," Money Morning, January 10, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "Baby Boomers Behind on Savings," The Suit Magazine,

December 2013/January 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "NJ’s Unemployed Frustrated by End of Federal Benefits,"

Asbury Park Press, January 1, 2014

Interviewed and Quoted, "N.J. Minimum Wage Rises by $1," Philadelphia Inquirer,

January 1, 2014

Op-ed Article, "The Bright Sides of a Dark Economy," Newark Star Ledger, November

24, 2013

Interviewed and Quoted, "Five Years Since the Economic Crisis: Where are We Now?,"

The Outlook, November 6, 2013

Interviewed and Quoted, "N.J. Voters Approve Increasing Minimum Wage," The Bergen

Record, November 6, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "Federal Government Must Offer Helping Hand," Asbury Park Press,

Camden Courier-Post and all Gannett newspapers in NJ, October 13, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "Attend College Now, Pay Later: It Can Work for New Jersey?," Bergen

Record, October 10, 2013

Interviewed and Quoted, "What Are the Effects of the Government Shutdown?,"

The Outlook, September 25, 2013

Interviewed and Quoted, "President Obama Talks About the Rising Costs of Colleges

Around the East Coast," The Outlook, September 25, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "Yellen’s the Best Choice to Lead Federal Reserve," Camden Courier-Post, September 13, 2013

Interviewed and Quoted, "Is New Jersey Climbing Out?," appearing in all the Gannett

newspapers in New Jersey, August 14, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "It’s Time to Find Ways to Help the Middle Class," Home News Tribune,

August 7, 2013

Radio Interview and Appearance, National Public Radio’s Marketplace, July 23, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "Let’s Really Honor American Mothers with Paid Time Off From Work,"

Newark Star Ledger, May 10, 2013 [with Robert Scott]

Op-Ed Article, "Good Politics, Bad Economics," Asbury Park Press, April 27, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "Unchain Debate on Social Security Benefits," Trenton Times, March 5,


TV Appearance, PBS (NJ Today), talking about the impact of Hurricane Sandy on the NJ

economy, January 28, 2013

Op-Ed Article, "Bernanke Finally Takes a Leap with a Much-Needed QE3," The Press of

Atlantic City, September 26, 2012

Op-Ed Article, "Government Must Prime Pump," Asbury Park Press and "Scrapping

Tunnel Took Away Jobs," South Jersey Courier-Post, September 23, 2012

Interviewed and Quoted, "Pantries See Spike in Demand, Drop in Supply," Asbury

Park Press, September 12, 2012

TV Appearance, PBS (NJ Today), talking about the high unemployment rate in NJ,

August 3, 2012

TV Appearance, PBS (NJ Today), talking about high property taxes in NJ, March 12,


Interviewed and Quoted, "The Price of Progress: Use of Cash on the Decline," Asbury

Park Press, February 25, 2012

Interviewed and Quoted, article on the middle class in Sweden, Dagens Samhälle,

December 8, 2011, p. 19 [in Swedish]

TV Appearance, Fox Business News, to talk about the Middle Class, October 4, 2011

Radio Interview on the Wall Street Protests, WOBM-FM 92.7, September 27, 2011

Op-Ed Article, "A Threat to Our Prosperity: The Reverse Business Cycle," Times of

Trenton, September 25, 2011

Interviewed and Quoted, "How Debt is Swelling Ranks of Americans in Poverty,"

National Journal, September 24, 2011.

Radio Interview on the Economic Condition of Young College Graduates, WEMP FM

News 101.9, August 16, 2011.

Op-Ed Article, "Of Spending, Borrowing and a Fate Worse than Debt," Bergen Record,

August 9, 2011

Interviewed and Quoted, "Jobs Report Brings Relief," Asbury Park Press, August 6,


Newspaper article on my JEI June 2011 paper, "Why Middle-Class Woes are

Worsening," Cincinnati Enquirer, June 5, 2011

Op-Ed Article, "Murder on the Opulent Express," Two River Times, March 18, 2011-

March 25, 2011

Interviewed and Quoted, "Is College Still Worth It?," Asbury Park Press, February 6,


Op-Ed Article, "Charter Schools Not the Answer: Focus Should be on Helping Low-

Income Households," Asbury Park Press, January 30, 2011

Letter to the Editor, “Comparing Schools is Flawed,” Newark Star Ledger, January 29,


Op-Ed Article, "Time Running out for Dems on Bush Tax Cuts," Newark Star Ledger,

September 2, 2010

Op-Ed Article, "Focus Efforts on Stimulus, Not Tax Cuts," Asbury Park Press, August 13,


Interviewed and Quoted, "Proposed Reform Bill Would Stiffen Rules," Asbury Park

Press, April 11, 2010

Interviewed and Quoted, "Fighting to Keep their Homes," Asbury Park Press,

December 13, 2009

Radio Interview on Poverty, the Middle Class and Economic Policy, Business Matters

(WLUW in Chicago), aired October 30, 2009

Op-Ed Article, "Poverty: Numbers Alone Don’t Tell the Real Story," Newark Star Ledger,

October 23, 2009 [with Robert Scott]

Interviewed and Quoted, "Who in the World is Middle Class?," MSN Money, September

22, 2009

Interviewed and Quoted, "Stores Welcome Planned Rebates for Low-Energy

Appliances," Asbury Park Press, August 27, 2009

Letter to the Editor, "Health Care Needs New Business Model," Asbury Park Press,

August 4, 2009

Letter to the Editor, "Tort Reform Won’t Cure Health Care," Washington Post, July 28,


Op-Ed Article, "Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop," Newark Star Ledger, July 8, 2009

Radio interview with KCSB (San Francisco) on poverty and consumer debt, June 18,


Interviewed and quoted, "Debt Pushes Millions Below Poverty Line," San Francisco

Chronicle, June 18, 2009

Op-Ed Article, "Ending the Great Recession: A Three-Step Approach," The Bergen

Record, May 22, 2009

Interviewed and quoted, "Many Unhappy Returns" by E. Thomas Wood, Business TN,

May/June 2009. [on financial frauds and Ponzi schemes]

Interviewed and quoted, "Recession Has Raised Availability, Lowered Costs of Summer

Rentals," Newark Star Ledger, May 15, 2009

"Students and Credit Card Debt," The Bergen Record, May 10, 2009 [letter to the


Interviewed and quoted, "Economic Recession Endangers Middle Class," Korea

Times, April 23, 2009.

Letter to the Editor, New York Times, April 15, 2009 [on the continuing recession].

Front Page Profile of Me, "Economics Professor becomes a Celebrity in Difficult Times,"

Asbury Park Press, March 1, 2009.

Interviewed and quoted, "Spend Now. Ask Questions Late," Asbury Park Press,

February 3, 2009.

Interviewed and quoted, "Smaller Banks Sit Tight with US Aid," Asbury Park Press,

February 3, 2009.

Interviewed and quoted, "Obama Call Stimulates Hope for Long Branch," Asbury Park

Press, January 12, 2009.

Interviewed and quoted, "Tales from the Unemployment Line," Two River Times,

December 6, 2008-January 2, 2009.

Op-ed Article, "John Kenneth Galbraith and Our Great Crash," Trenton Times,

November 15, 2008, p. A13.

Interviewed and quoted (on the 2008 financial meltdown), "Local Bank Backing Keeps

Lights Bright on Broadway Arts Center," Asbury Park Press, October 24, 2008.

Interviewed and quoted (on the 2008 financial meltdown), "Long Branch Mayor to Meet

On Impact of Economic Downturn," Asbury Park Press, October 22, 2008.

Op-ed Article, "Candidates Views on Issues More Important than Experience," Asbury

Park Press, September 10, 2008.

Interviewed and quoted (on poverty and the middle class in Sweden), LO-Tidningen,

June 13, 2008, p. 17 (in Swedish).

Published article on Debt and Poverty summarized in Conde Naste’s ,

January 29, 2008.

Presentation at the Paris, France Senate on the Decline of the Middle Class, December


Interview with Gwen Alexis "Global Envoy for the Middle Class," Global Matters

(December 2007), pp. 6-7.

Research on the Middle Class Cited on floor of the Canadian Senate in "Speech on Bill

C-293, Development Assistance Accountability (Second Reading) by Hon. Romeo Antonius Dallaire", October 24, 2007

Op-ed Article, "Math Must Change on Mortgage, Taxes on Middle Class," Asbury Park

Press, September 16, 2007.

Interviewed and quoted, "The Secrets of Canada’s World-Leading Middle-Class

Success," Globe and Mail, August 4, 2007.

Interviewed and quoted, "Beyond ‘Economic Man’," The Chronicle Herald, July 27,


Op-Ed Article, "Debt-Ridden Consumers Still Turning to Bankruptcy," Asbury Park

Press, October 20, 2006. [with Robert Scott]

Interviewed and quoted on my work on economic inequality, Too Much: A Commentary

on Excess and Inequality, June 26, 2006 (toomuch).

Interviewed and quoted, "Income Inequality, and Its Costs," New York Times, June 25,


Op-Ed Article, "Raising Sales Tax Wrong Approach to Solving State’s Fiscal Problems,"

Asbury Park Press, March 29, 2006.

Interview with WMCX-FM on Governor Corzine’s Budget Balancing Plan, March 22,


Interviewed and quoted, "Una vita da precari per la classe media: L’allarme partito

dagli USA," Il Sole-24 Ore, November 24, 2005, p. 11.

"The Changing of the Guard," NY Indypendent, Issue #79 (November 9 – December 7,

2005), p. 7.

"Response to Zelda Bronstein," Dissent, Vol. 47, #3 (Fall 2000).

Interviewed and quoted, "Shareholders Speak Out," Newark Star Ledger, October 27,


Op-ed article, "States Should Adopt a New Strategy on Taxes," Newark Star Ledger,

June 8, 2000.

Op-ed article, "Women Would Be Shortchanged By Social Security Privatization,"

Hartford Courant, January 21, 1999. [with Susan Feiner]

Interviewed and quoted, Portsmouth Herald (NH), January 31, 1998 article entitled "90s Jobs Don't Bring Same Security".

Letter to the Editor, "The Worst Downside of Downsizing: It Fails," Boston Globe,

November 29, 1997.

Interviewed and quoted, Asbury Park Press, May 12, 1996 article entitled "Few Statistics are available to measure severity of layoffs".

Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for segment on the evening news dealing with urban enterprise zones, airing December 17, 1993.

Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for segment on the evening news dealing with the North American Free Trade Agreement, airing November 12, 1993.

Transcript of interview on the transition from socialism to capitalism in Eastern Europe,

Asbury Park Press, September 19, 1993, p. G9.

Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for segment on the evening news dealing with a proposed business tax cut in New Jersey, airing December 18, 1992.

Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for segment on the evening news dealing with urban enterprise zones, airing October 1992.

Interviewed and quoted, Newark Star Ledger, August 14, 1992 article entitled

"Consumer Prices in Jersey Area Climb a Little Faster than Nationwide Pace".

Interviewed on my Child Allowance Policy (see July 1992 publication in the American

Journal of Economics and Sociology) for Robert Hordt's column on Economics and Business in the Sunday Asbury Park Press, August 2, 1992.

Interviewed and quoted, Newark Star Ledger, July 29, 1992 article entitled "Economic

Signs Point Down".

Interviewed and quoted, Newark Star Ledger, July 26, 1992 article entitled "Economic

Skies Still Refusing to Clear Up".

Appearance on the Political Hotline, WMCX, December 9, 1991, talking about the

economic recession in the United States.

Radio talk, WMCX, March 25, 1991, on the economic consequences of peace in the

Persian Gulf.

Appearance on the Mike McNeil Show, WMCX, September 12, 1990, talking about

Governor Florio's tax plan.

Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for segment on the evening news dealing with the economic reforms in Eastern Europe, airing December 1989.

Interviewed and quoted, Asbury Park Press, October 13, 1989 article entitled

"Market's Future up for Debate".

Appearance on the Bill Jamison Show, Channel 34 talk show, talking about consumer

and government debt, airing twice during the week of April 23-29, 1989.

Interviewed and quoted, Home News (Woodbridge, N.J.), February 5, 1989 on the U.S.


Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for segment on the evening news dealing with the New Jersey economy in 1989, airing January 1989.

Interviewed and quoted, Asbury Park Press, October 9, 1988 article "Look Back:

market's crash was just a thud".

Letter to the Editor, New York Times, October 2, 1988, Sunday Business Section, p. 5.

Interviewed and quoted, Asbury Park Press, January 31, 1988 article "In the Shadow

of the Bear".

Interviewed and quoted, Asbury Park Press, January 24, 1988 article "Cautious

Optimism: New Factors Cloud State, Area Economic Future".

Interview with Channel 34 (Monmouth Cable) for two specials on the stock market

crash, airing November 1987.

Interviewed and quoted, Asbury Park Press, October 27, 1987 article "Brokers Urging



Ph.D. in Economics, New School, June 1983

M.A. in Philosophy, Syracuse University, December 1975

B.A. in Philosophy, Alfred University, June 1973 cum laude


Professor of Economics, Colorado State University, August 2015-

Instructor, Social Economics Graduate School, Colorado State University, June 2018

Visiting Research Fellow, American Institute for Economic Research, June 2015-August 2015

Invited Professor, University of Paris 13, May 2014

Instructor, Institutionalist Graduate School, Colorado State University, August 2006

Instructor, Post Keynesian Graduate School, University of Missouri at Kansas City, July

2003 & July 2005

Visiting Professor of Economics, Trinity College (Connecticut), September 1998-June


Visiting Professor of Economics, University of New Hampshire, September 1997-June


Emeritus Professor of Economics and Finance, Monmouth University, July 2015-present (Full Professor, July 1994-June 2015) (Associate Professor, July 1987-June 1994) (Chair, July 1987-December 1987, Summer 2007) (Assistant Professor, September 1981-June 1987)

Adjunct Instructor in Economics, Hofstra University, Spring 1981

Adjunct Instructor in Economics, Middlesex Community College, Fall 1980

Dissertation Committees: Yeva Aleksanyan, Colorado State University; Lisa Giddings, American University (degree granted 2000); Melanie Long, Colorado State University; Robert Martell, University of New Hampshire (degree granted 1998); Christopher McCarthy, Colorado State University; Michael Roberts, Colorado State University (degree granted 2018); Nefratiri Weeks, Colorado State University


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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