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Who Will the Presidential Candidates be in 2016?The purpose of this project is for you to focus on the potential presidential candidates for the 2016 election. The entire project will be due on Friday October 30, 2015. Since you are getting this as the Fall semester begins, you should have no problem finishing the project on time. You will work on this project by yourself, no group work or partner work will be accepted. Throughout the course of this project, my hope is that you will be able to focus your attention on many of the problems and questions that are important to Americans (according to the news media). On top of that, I hope that this project might convince some of you to participate in politics and change the face of our nation at some point. You will be required to do multiple things for this project, so it is important that you get started quickly and stay organized to finish on time. You will be searching national/major newspapers, the Internet, news magazines, and other sources for your information. The grading rubric for this project is on the following page. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask in class (at an appropriate moment) or e-mail me. I will do my best to answer your questions as quickly as possible. Remember, the only stupid question is one that you already know the answer to.Good luck…and don’t wait until the last minute to begin working on this…it is simple, when you break it down. Who Will the Presidential Candidates be in 2016?Title Page Title Page - it should include a few thingsYour Name DateTitle of project (Election Year 2016)Major Issues that are currently of concern to the United StatesChoose four major issues that interest you (ex: healthcare reform, foreign policy, education, etc.)For each explain why these issues are important to youPolitical Parties This is the section in which you will provide some background on the political parties.You will have - 1/2 page for the Democratic Party-1/2 page for the Republican Party 2. Information to include in your background information of the political parties:a. Brief history of the party (beginnings, areas of the country that tend to support the party, individuals groups who tend to support the party, etc.)b. Explain what the party platform is on the four issues that you chose in item II. Potential Democratic Candidates for U.S. PresidentGo to – choose 2016 Presidential Candidates (top of page)Who are the top 2 individuals currently “campaigning” for the Democratic nomination?NOTE: the candidates are listed in alphabetical order; you will have to do a little research to find the two who are considered to be the top 2. C. For each of the candidates you will provide the following details:Education, private sector experience (work they did before they became involved in politics), political background (elected offices they have held or political appointments), the issues that they are addressing in their “campaign” for the Democratic nomination. D. Choice of Candidate - who do you believe will be the 2016 Democratic candidate for President? Include a written analysis (5 paragraph format) in which you discuss who should be chosen and why. What about this person makes you believe they would effectively represent the Democratic Party in the presidential election? Make sure that you cite specific pieces of information (facts that you learned from you research) that led you to your decision.Potential Republican Candidates for U.S. PresidentGo to – choose 2016 Presidential Candidates (top of page)Who are the top 2 individuals currently “campaigning” for the Republican nomination?NOTE: the candidates are listed in alphabetical order; you will have to do a little research to find the two who are considered to be the top 2. C. For each of the candidates you will provide the following details:Education, private sector experience (work they did before they became involved in politics), political background (elected offices they have held or political appointments), the issues that they are addressing in their “campaign” for the Democratic nomination. D. Choice of Candidate - who do you believe will be the 2016 Republican candidate for President? Include a written analysis (5 paragraph format) in which you discuss who should be chosen and why. What about this person makes you believe they would effectively represent the Democratic Party in the presidential election? Make sure that you cite specific pieces of information (facts that you learned from you research) that led you to your decisionArticles on Campaign Issues MINIMUM of 4 articles Please balance your coverage of the parties, especially the 2 major onesThe articles will be about the elections you are researching. In other words – the potential candidates for the 2016 Presidential election. The Processchoose good articles and cut them outpaste articles on a clean sheet of printer paper (only 1 per page)identify the source and date of the articlesummarize the main points of the article – the summary is basically a short GIST statement – maybe 10 words or less (your own words) that clearly states what the whole article is about.have a section on each partyyou will find a lot on the two major partiesPolitical Cartoons You must have at least 4 political cartoons dealing with the campaigns and/or issues. Paste the cartoon to a clean sheet of typing paper and underneath or on another sheet, explain the meaning of the cartoon and the symbols used. (note – do not just restate the caption; explain in your own words what point the cartoonist is trying to convey)Election Year 2016 Grade Sheet (all summaries graded with essay rubrics)SectionsPossible PointsPoints EarnedMajor Issues 8Political Parties 12_____Potential Democratic Candidates 20_____ (note major points for summaries)Potential Republican Candidates 20 _____(note major points for summaries)Campaign Issue Articles 26_____(note major points for summaries)Political Cartoons 8_____(note major points for summaries)Works Cited Page (MLA) 6 ................

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