
ELSTED AND TREYFORD PARISH COUNCIL MinutesElsted and Treyford Parish Council met on Thursday 22nd September following the Planning MeetingIn attendance were:-Mr Andrew Leno (Chairman)Mr Andrew Shaxson (Vice- Chairman)Mr Hans Schultheiss John Spencer Smith Dru Furneaux Jane Fortin David Landauer Ms Linzi Martin (Clerk) Gordon McAraBusiness28 Apologies for absence and declarations of Interest Andrew Leno declared a prejudicial interest as a Trustee of Elsted Village Hall in view of Item 9 on the agenda.Andrew Shaxson declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in the item discussing the District Council Ward review as the sitting District Council member.29 Any Items of Urgent public Importance that need discussionDiversion of Footpath 871, 872 and 873An email was received today regarding an amendment to the proposed plans to divert footpaths 871,872 and 873, an answer was required 10th October. Our one area of concern last meeting has been addressed. LAM to confirm that we are in agreement to this change.TAG Farnborough ConsultationThere is a consultation for changes to flight paths from Farnborough which is fairly complex but would affect us.Neil the Parish Clerk of Trotton has a background in aviation and has drafted a very thorough and knowledgeable reply.LAM to email Neil to confirm our support.30 Writer of the article for the Parish MagazineDavid Landauer will write the article.31 Questions from the PublicThere were no questions32 To approve the minutes of Parish Council Meeting of 28th July and Planning meeting of4th August and 1st September 2016.These were approved and signed, LAM to file. 33 Report from District and County CouncillorsGordon McAra reported that there is still money available under operation Watershed and there is also money available, not for Parish Councils, for grants for local groups e.g. Cricket Clubs etc.The new opening times for Household recycling sites starts from 1st October.A new community Officer has been appointed, Peter Lawrence, and it has been suggested that we contact him to come and chat to the Parish Council.A new highways Manager has been appointed, Chris Dyer, from 12th October, he would help us with applying under Operation Watershed.Andrew Shaxson reported that last Tuesday he was involved in a 3 hour debate over the A27 consultation and by a majority vote Option 2 was agreed.The latest SDNP meeting Andrew attended was entirely focussed on BREXIT and how this would affect SDNP, DEFRA will be the most affected government ministry and there were subsequent concerns about the long term affects.It would appear that SDNP are not automatically providing paper plans to parish councils for the applications they “call in”. Athough in the long term it is understood that paper plans would cease, most parishes are not kitted out for this change and that this should be properly organised so there was a smooth transition. Andrew S will take this up with SDNP on our behalf.34 Update on Verges and banks in the ParishIt has been established that Cowdray own part of the land between Elsted Marsh and Elsted Green that has a number of trees with dangerous branches over hanging the road, they have been contacted and we believe they have checked out the area concerned.Johnny Shaxson is aware of the problem on the other side of the road. 35 Broadband.Nothing has been heard from Stacey King, Andrew L will contact her direct.36 Consideration of a grant to the Village Hall to help with the costs of the Queen’s Birthday celebrations on 12th June 2016.The Chairman having declared a prejudicial interest, Andrew Shaxson chaired this item. Having received a formal request from the trustees, it was agreed that we would contribute a sum of ?250.00 towards the celebrations.37 Boundary review of Chichester District by the Local Government Boundary Commission for EnglandCDC have supported our view that the Parish of Elsted and Treyford should be included within Harting Ward. Everyone is encouraged to write to Commission to voice their concerns.38 Emergency Salt BoxesWe have been offered emergency salt boxes ( it includes 3 x 3.5Kg packs of salt in a container and 2 refills) by CDC for distribution in the Parish for vulnerable residents to grit their driveways, footpaths and doorsteps. We have asked for 40 of these boxes and LAM is liaising with Sue Furlong at CDC for these.39 Speeding in Elsted MarshA member of the public has concerns regarding the 40 MPH speed limit, although in the main this is being adhered to, there are a few motorists who speed especially in the rush hours a.m. and p.m. AL will liaise with the police to see what can be done.40 FinancePayments were approved of the following Clerks Salary ?125.51 HMRC ?63.00 Village Hall grant from CDC ?250.00 Village Hall Queen’s birthday contribution ?250.00The Chairman checked the Bank Balance and signed the reconciliation statementCurrent Balance ?6344.7541Meetings attendedNone reportedThere being no further business the meeting concluded at 9.30.p.m.These Minutes are unconfirmed until approved at the next meeting and signed as a true record by the Chairman.Chairman ............................ Date ...........................The next Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 26th November 2016 ................

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