December 4, 2017 – 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice - Womack Building

Columbus, NC


PRESENT: Chairman Melton, Vice-Chairman Johnson, Commissioner Bradley Commissioner Gasperson and Commissioner Yoder. Also in attendance were County Manager Pittman, County Attorney Berg, Clerk to the Board High, media and citizens.

1. Call to Order – Chairman Melton called the regular meeting to order.

2. Invocation – Commissioner Yoder gave the invocation.

3. Pledge of Allegiance – Chairman Melton led the pledge.

4. Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the agenda as written, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.

5. Consent Agenda

A. January to June 2018 Board of Commissioner meeting schedule.

Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Gasperson and the motion carried unanimously.

6. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items – Sky Conard spoke about the dam inspection report; Mel Collins spoke in favor of enacting a County Golf Cart Ordinance; Grey Lancaster spoke concerning the inclusion of shared parking in the Zoning Ordinance; and Michael Veatch spoke in support of the current election laws regarding a tied election.

7. Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items – Sky Conard spoke regarding Lake Adger and water, and Grey Lancaster inquired about the Public Safety Facility at Tryon International Equestrian Center.

8. Polk County District Court Offices – District Attorney Greg Newman thanked the Commissioners for providing them with new office space, which allows a primary office in Polk County, staffed by a full-time Assistant District Attorney. He thanked the Board, present and past, for committing to construct the much needed new jail facility, and for investing in a sound system for the Court Room in the historic Polk County Courthouse.

9. Polk County After School Program Update - Aaron Greene, Superintendent of Polk County Schools presented information on the fee based after school program. Mr. Greene said participation has decreased from past years when the program was federally funded allowing students to attend without a fee. Mr. Greene stated Pre-K, summer school, and after school programs all work together to ensure academic success. The Commissioners thanked Mr. Greene for the update, and asked for this topic to be revisited during the annual budget process.

10. State of North Carolina Environmental Quality (NCEQ) Turner Shoals Dam Inspection - Dave Odom, Engineer presented the Notice of Inspection report from NCEQ received November 13, 2017.

The inspection revealed the following maintenance items:

• Deterioration at various locations.

• Seepage through areas of deterioration.

• Numbering the face of each bay.

Mr. Odom said there was nothing new or unexpected in the report, other than numbering the bays, which is minor. He said the deterioration and seepage issues were included in the recommended repairs by AECOM, and are included in the three phase dam repair project scheduled to begin in 2018/2019.

Commissioner Gasperson said the Turner Shoals Dam is labeled as a high hazard potential due to its location, and not its age or condition. Mr. Odom agreed, and said even if there was a brand new dam built, it would be considered a high hazard potential due to the proximity to a major roadway.

11. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Request for Removal to State Maintained Secondary Road System - Dave Odom of Odom & Associates presented the information and Resolution to abandon a certain section of Pea Ridge and John Sheehan Roads due to a NCDOT construction project.

Commissioner Gasperson moved to approve the Resolution to abandon a portion of Pea Ridge and John Sheehan Roads, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

12. Polk County Elections Update – Cliff Marr, Elections Director gave a presentation on North Carolina legislation regarding close races in an election, a copy of which is hereby incorporated by reference into these minutes.

13. Schedule Public Hearing for a Proposed Text Amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance – Cathy Ruth, Planner, said TIEC has requested a change to the zoning ordinance to include guidelines for shared parking. She said the current ordinance has minimum parking requirements, and there is an international formula that may be used to reduce the total number of parking spaces required by allowing different uses to share the same spaces.

Commissioner Yoder moved to schedule a public hearing on December 18, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, to take public comment on a proposed text amendment to the Polk County Zoning Ordinance to include shared parking, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson and the motion carried unanimously.

14. Fire Department Contract Modification - County Attorney Berg presented the contract revision modifying the dates when budget information is due for all Fire Departments and the Rescue Squad as discussed at the November 20, 2017 Board of Commissioners’ meeting . The revisions include deadlines, and coincide with the adopted County Budget Calendar.

Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the revised contract, and to send it to the Fire Departments and Rescue Squad for their approval, seconded by Vice-Chairman Johnson,

Chairman Melton asked Fire Marshal Arledge if he was comfortable with the changes, and Mr. Arledge stated he was.

With a motion and second on the floor, the motion carried unanimously.

15. Golf Cart Ordinance – Vice-Chairman Johnson requested this item be placed on the agenda. He said he had been approached by interested citizens, and had asked the County Attorney to look into the topic. Attorney Berg said included in the packet is a guideline for golf carts, and a draft model ordinance from NCDOT. She discussed the minimum requirements concerning insurance, inspections, and restrictions. The Commissioners asked Attorney Berg to gather data from the Sheriff, NCDOT, and Highway Patrol on golf cart accident statistics. Commissioner Bradley said he would also like Attorney Berg to get feedback from the City of Saluda, which currently has a golf cart ordinance.

Vice-Chairman Johnson moved to schedule a public hearing on January 8, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. in the R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building, to take public comment on the possibility of enacting a Golf Cart Ordinance, seconded by Commissioner Bradley and the motion carried unanimously.

16. Volunteer Boards for Vote - There were none.

17. Volunteer Boards for Review – The Commissioners reviewed the Economic & Tourism Development Commission (ETDC), applications, and the Juvenile Crime Prevention Commission (JCPC) application.

18. Commissioner Comments – Commissioner Yoder thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He said he has enjoyed working with this Board during his first year as a Commissioner, and appreciates what each one of them, and the County Manager brings to the leadership of Polk County.

Commissioner Bradley thanked everyone for coming out, and thanked JJ Sauve, Assistant D.A. for attending the meeting.

Vice-Chairman Johnson thanked everyone for coming to the meeting including the Sheriff, former Commissioners and a State Representative from Raleigh.

Commissioner Gasperson said Pearl Harbor Day is approaching, and he was born 6 years after World War II ended.  He grew up, and was basically raised by individuals who had gone through that experience. These folks from that generation had a real sense of civic duty.  He credits them with helping to shape his character, and giving him the commitment to serve the community. He noted that he was at the beginning of his 10th year as a Polk County Commissioner. 

Chairman Melton asked for his comments to be entered into the minutes verbatim:

There’s an old saying “Time really flies when you are having fun”. My reason for saying this is approximately one year ago, I was elected County Commissioner and this board appointed me as Chairman.

This past year has been very fruitful and has given me a great amount of respect for these commissioners, and for all the citizens of Polk County. You must make sure that you put the citizens of Polk County first, and I believe this board has done that.

I believe, as the Chairman, you must allow each commissioner to have the opportunity to speak his thoughts. I also believe you must allow all citizens to have their opportunity to speak to this board. I believe that I have fulfilled this requirement.

This board has always shown me great respect for my position, and I thank you for that. These commissioners have also shown respect for one another’s thoughts and opinions, and I believe that is why we were able to accomplish all that we have this past year.

We have approximately 175 county employees, and in my opinion, this is the greatest resource that Polk County has. There is no way I can mention each county employee’s name, but I would like to let them all know that I appreciate what they stand for.

I want to give a special shout out to Ange’ High, who is the clerk to the board. There is no way possible that I could have done the job without all of her knowledge, input and patience. Polk County is truly blessed to have this lady as the clerk to the board. Thank you, Ange’.

I want to thank our county manager, Marche Pittman. Marche and I have had many discussions regarding issues facing Polk County. I think there were times he became exasperated with my mouth, and I with his. Marche is an extremely intelligent county manager. He is always looking to do what is best for the Polk County citizens. Thank you, Marche.

Lastly, I would like to thank our county attorney, Ms. Jana Berg. Thanks, Jana, for all your hard work in keeping this board straight, and for your insight and expertise.

I would like to read several of the accomplishments this board was successful in achieving for Polk County.

• Passed a budget with no tax increase for this current fiscal year, that included an additional debt service payment and 13 additional staff to run the new jail facility.

• Obtained a North Carolina Commerce Grant for a new cheese production facility in Green Creek.

• Conducted a county wide internet access survey and had additional providers come to the table who could potentially locate here.

• Approved the first full time Business Development Director position for Polk County.

• Changed the Veteran's Services Officer position to full time.

• Conducted an organizational work sessions and an economic development roundtable.

• Conducted property re-valuation.

• Formed the first Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee

19. Election of Chairman – Commissioner Melton moved to appoint Commissioner Johnson as Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously. (Commissioner Gasperson abstained from voting which counted as an affirmative vote)

20. Election of Vice-Chairman - Commissioner Gasperson asked for his statement to be entered into the minutes verbatim:

Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking: If our young Commissioner Johnson, with only one year of experience on the Polk BOC, decides to take on the role of Chairman, then, in my opinion, it would be wise for this Board to elect a Vice Chair who is has extensive experience as a Commissioner and preferably also experience as a Chair. Such a person, in my opinion, would be in a position to give sound advice and vital support to Chair Johnson at all times. Besides myself, there is only one individual who fits this criteria, Commissioner Melton. He has served a total of 5 years on this Board, 3 of which he has served as Chairman. I therefore nominate Commissioner Tommy Melton for Vice Chair.

Commissioner Bradley moved to appoint Commissioner Yoder as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and the motion carried 4-1 (Gasperson - who nominated Commissioner Melton as Vice-Chairman, and did not receive a second - opposed).

21. Adjournment – Commissioner Bradley moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Yoder and the motion carried unanimously.



__________________________ __________________________

Angé High Jake Johnson

Clerk to the Board Chairman[pic][pic]






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