2017-2018 School Supply List

Powell Middle School 2021-2022 Supply List


2 - 1? inch, 3-ring binder

2 - Packs of sharpened pencils with erasers

1 - Big eraser

3 - Glue sticks

1 - Pack of 5 - tabbed dividers (for 3-ring binder)

1 - Composition notebook (not spiral)

2 - Packs of loose leaf paper (lined)

1 - Pack of notecards

1 - 3-ring pencil pouch (nothing fancy needed)

3 - Boxes of tissues (regular size)

5+ Dry erase markers (for personal use)

2 - Highlighter markers

1 - Box of Ziplock Bags (A-M Quart size, N-Z Gallon Size)

2 - Small boxes of colored pencils

1 - Pair of corded headphones/earbuds (No Bluetooth) to be left at school

GRADE 7 1 - Package of loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled) 4 - Composition notebooks 1 - 1 inch, 3-ring binder 1 - Box of markers 2 - Blue or black pens (no gel pens) 4 - Packages #2 pencils 1 - Pair of headphones/earbuds that stay at school

1 - Package dry erase markers 1 - Dry erase eraser 1 - Package of Post-It Notes 2 - Highlighter markers 1 - Box of tissues (regular size)


2 - 3-ring binders

Loose leaf paper (lined)

1 - Pack of 5 tabbed dividers (for 3-ring binder)

250 Notecards

2 - Three subject spiral notebooks

24 - Dry erase markers

1 - Five subject spiral notebook


1 - Box of tissues (regular size)

2 - Pens (1 blue or black, 1 red)

1 - Pair of corded headphones/earbuds (No Bluetooth) to be left at school

PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES Shorts - Black stretch shorts large enough to allow freedom of movement and adequately cover the body. Cut-offs will not be allowed. Yoga pants are okay.

Shirts - Orange t-shirt long enough to tuck into the shorts (orange is preferred but not mandatory). Shirt needs to have a "t-shirt" collar.

Shoes - Tennis shoes are required for class. Shoes must be clean and ready to use with good shoelaces. Shoes must be soft-soled and not mark the floor.

Swimming Suits ? (Grades 6 and 7) Each student is required to have a suit (that adequately covers the body) and a towel during our swimming unit.

Clothing and shoes should be clearly marked with the student's name. Clothing will be taken home the last day of each week and laundered.

PLEASE NOTE Label all supplies with student's name in permanent marker. Please send supplies with your student on the first day of school. Remember that our lockers are small, so keep that in mind when purchasing supplies and backpacks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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