GRCC Deans’ Council Agenda

Multi-Purpose Room, SCCMarch 15, 20163:00 – 5:00 p.m.Meeting Start Time: 3:02pmFacilitator: Nan SchichtelGuests:Ann IssacsonAGC Members:Proxy:Sue VanderVeenColleen BeckerNikki BanksLynnell TalbertDiane PatrickBrian VliemSarah KrajewskiLeigh KleinertApproval of Minutes of February 9, 2016: Nan SchichtelA motion was made by Ann Alexander to accept the minutes from 2/9/2016 and Felix Pereiro seconded.Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passedACT to SAT Transition: Lori Cook & Eric MullenThird Presentation and VoteThere was no feedback given or questions for the team since the February AGC meeting. Team Objectives1. Review new SAT test to determine a cut score threshold for admission. 2. Review new SAT data to determine if sub-scores could serve as placement data for writing & reading. AGC Vote Provide the Cut Score team the authority to determine the cut score for students who begin applying in September 2016 for fall 2017 or later.A motion was made by John Cowles to accept the recommendation as presented and Raynard Ross seconded.Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passedMandatory ESL Placement: Susan Mowers & Colleen BeckerThird Presentation and VoteSummary of the concernsCurrently, students who place into ESL courses are not required to take ESL courses. Data shows lower success rates for students who do not take needed ESL classes. Persistent lack of success can compromise financial aid. Eight of the eleven benchmarked colleges require ESL course prerequisites. ESL Program OverviewESL coursework consists of three components, which are listening and speaking, writing and grammar, and reading and vocabulary.ProposalGRCC should require and enforced mandatory placement for ESL students.DiscussionWhere are they in 4 years? The total completed (graduated, transferred, or are still enrolled) equals 44%, while those who were not found equals 55%. For this proposal, is it just for degree seeking students or all students? Requirements will depend on the individual departments and should be based on what they think the student would need to be successful in specific coursesBecky Brinks stated that if the proposal becomes a College policy, departments shouldn’t be able to opt out. Students come into the preschool that need ESL courses, but the concern is that they are on a tight time constraint. Patti Trepkowski asked how would departments know what levels of language the students would require? There is a chart the departments can follow that was provided at the February AGC meeting.Shelly Richter asked how many students will be affected. About 35-38 ESL/FTIACs students enter each year and 201 total students from fall 2015. The percentage is small because the number of students is small. A motion was made by Marty Hillard to accept the proposal as written and Aleta Anderson seconded.Vote: YES 70%, NO 21%, ABSTAINED 9%, passedPlacement of Lowest Level Developmental Learners: Vikki CooperThird Presentation and VoteIssueThere continues to be a downward trend in success rates for our lowest level developmental students.Feedback from Table DiscussionsThe cost of remediation/resources was a concern. Vikki stated that there are no significant costs as we will use the Fast Track Program and other resources at the College. Will this create barriers for students? No, we will use multiple measures for students to succeed. Does this change our role as an open access institution? No, but students will be required to take remediation using the Fast Track and will be assessed multiple times. How will the community interpret this change? We will make sure the community understands and we will not deny student access.Policy for AGC to ConsiderStudents reading at the 7th grade level or below will be required to undergo remediation at GRCC prior to enrolling in credit classes. Applicants with documented reading disabilities are encouraged to request testing accommodations to ensure accurate placement.Discussion Frank Connor stated that putting “at GRCC” in the proposed policy statement limits us from using community resources if they become available. Currently there are not many community resources available so keeping “at GRCC” in the statement does not limit us. Eric Mullen stated a student would have the option to retest if they did get community resource help. Dr. Pink asked if there have been any conversations with the community. Yes, with some superintendents and counselors. Raynard Ross suggested keeping remediation “at GRCC” in order to keep the students at GRCC. Mike Vargo asked if GRCC has the resources that the policy is recommending. Vikki feels that we have some of the remedial resources, but we will need to add to the resources that we do not have.A motion was made by John Cowles to accept the recommended policy statement and Orletta Caldwell seconded. Vote: YES 89%, NO 7%, ABSTAINED 4%, passedIndustry Recognized Credentials/Test Credit Policy, Transfer Credit Policy (8.29), and Prior Learning Assessment Policy (7.15): Katie DanielsSecond Presentation – Information/FeedbackKatie introduced Casey Behling and Bryan Vliem and stated that they could help answer questions. There was no feedback or questions from February’s AGC meeting. Revised Policy Statement: Transfer Course Credit Policy – Institutions of Higher Education (8.29)GRCC awards course credit for equivalent courses from accredited and international institutions of higher education. Credits will only be awarded for courses that are one or more credit hours.Students will be given the amount of credit earned at the previous institution.The standard formula for conversion of quarter hours to semester hours will be used.For courses that are graded pass/fail, “pass” will be considered equivalent.DiscussionIs the pass/fail grade of “C” assignment normal? Yes. Is there a 70% rule of equivalency? No, equivalent means the same. Substitutions and equivalency processes are currently together. We can post elective credit to fulfill a program requirement. Revised Policy Statement: Prior Learning Assessment (7.15)GRCC awards course credit for college level learning in alternative settings.PLA is last result and students should try AP, CLEP, or other exam before using PLA.Credit is evaluated and awarded in the context of the degree/programCredit must aligned with a course and may only be awarded once for the same learning within a student’s program/degreeCredit will not be awarded for General Education coursesA question was asked about awarding credit and it was stated that students cannot be awarded credit twice for the same activity.Proposed New Policy Statement: Industry Recognized Credentials/Test Credit GRCC awards course credit for external nationally recognized industry or professional credentials and accredited or nationally recognized exams and tests.A Table Discussion was held.Please send questions to Katie by Monday, April 11.Maximum Student Credit Hour Load (8.22): Paula SullivanSecond Presentation – Information/FeedbackPolicy StatementStudents who want to enroll in more than 18 credit hours in a semester must get permission from the appropriate Associate Dean.Reason for the policyStudents do not do well if they take more than 18 credit hours in a semester. HistoryThis has been a policy since August 2012. The current process is working well.OverviewStudents must get permission from the appropriate Dean before enrolling in more than 18 credit hours. The Associate Dean uses the criteria to make a determination to allow the student to take the Maximum Student Credit Hour Load.Exception criteriaGPA, average credit hours per semester attempted and completed successfully, number of different classes the student attempts, and number of semesters at GRCC.Outcome measuresThe success of students allowed to take more than 18 credits in a semester was high.RecommendationsThe policy is working well and the team is seeking re-approval. Heather Richards’ question from last month was answered and it was said that it is out of this policy’s realm. (Students who take 7 week classes in the summer, can we prevent them from taking all 18 credits in a 7 week timeframe?).Feedback sent to Paula by end of March.Meeting adjourned at 4:15pmMembers’ Next Steps: Share information regarding today’s topics with your department/program.Next meeting: April 12, 2016/ 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. / MPR-SCC ................

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