General customer feedbackMany organizations actively seek customer feedback through a variety of methods includingResponse ratings on social mediaSuggestion boxesCustomer comment cards, situated around the buildings used by visitorsUse of a feedback facility on their websitesEvaluation forms given out after specific programmes and eventsResponding to assessments by external bodies and special interest groups such as disability groups and tourist organizationsInformal feedbackRefers to asking customers questions in a non-threatening, informal manner.Could be gathered over a dinner or in a casual conversation.These encounters will involve simple questions requiring little more than a standard yes or no answer.These simple responses can lead to significant developments within mon in restaurants by the headwaiter or manager. How was the meal, anything they might require, suggestions they have…These questions invite guest feedback and provide an ideal opportunity for guests to comment on the standard of service and identify anything that could be improved.Headwaiter will take note of the customer’s observations and these may inform future discussions between restaurant staff, kitchen staff, bar staff and rmal feedback is important in highlighting trends or issues at an early stage before they can develop into serious operational problems.This type of feedback in valuable because it is free and produces benefits.Other informal feedback can come from members of the staff.Colleagues may identify a problem in a procedure that might need to be improved.Some companies offer rewards for staff that suggest a positive development that is then taken up within an area of service operations.Suppliers may also be asked for feedback on the organization’s systems or procedures.Suppliers should be advised of when there will be extra demand that ensures they can meet their client’s demands.Social MediaMany travel and tourism organizations recognize the huge value of social media in communicating with existing and potential customers.They have created Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram pages to promote their product.This social networks allow customers to see regular updates of events and activities held by the organization and allow customers to interact and gather opinions via the LIKE or FAV button.Customers are encouraged to share info with other social media “ friends” to attract a wider customer base.Suggestion BoxFirst recorded in the 1770s by the British Navy.Realized the need for a process for listening to every individual in the organization, without fear of reprisal.Back then no one challenged the captain out in the open ( hung)William Denny and Brothers shipyard in Scotland had the first physical one.Idea that box would collect ideas from all employees and to pair a fair reward for each implementable idea.Suggestion boxes became popular in the manufacturing sector in WWII and the post-war years.They became part of the total quality movement and an integral part of cost, safety and quality improvement initiatives over the following 50 years.Today there still may be physical boxes or virtual boxes on company intranet websites.Sometimes there are customer suggestion boxes or employee suggestion boxes.Can capture ideas from anyone that comes into the store either a customer or employee.Problems are: individuals must be standing next to the box, they need some incentive to make a contribution and they want to be safe in the knowledge that both they and their ideas will be treated fairly.Suggestion boxes are often quick to implement, as they require relatively little infrastructure and pre-planning.Web-based suggestion programmes, typically a web-based form to collect ideas, can be created for as little as $5000.00 for a very basic system.More traditional suggestion boxes allow a wide range of employees to make their contributions.Boxes can be placed in production facilities and in retail outlets, providing a cost-effective means of collecting paper based suggestions.Disadvantages: boxes may not be emptied for long periods of time, and the initial novelty of the box can wane leading to disuse of the system.Customer comment cardsLook at book for examplesSpecific market research Qualitative data refers to the information collected about customers’ opinions and attitudes towards products and services.Quantitative data tends to be numeric or statistical by nature: frequency of visits, cost and number of users and so on.Quantitative data allows patterns and trends in the market to be displayed visually in chart graph forms.Qualitative data is more difficult to represent graphically.Once surveys have been undertaken the findings have to properly analyzed and evaluated.Using the data, assess customer satisfaction levels and identify areas of improvement for the restaurant in order to exceed customer expectations.QualitativeHow many times have you been here: purpose: identifies repeat guests and identifies customer loyaltyHow did you hear about us: purpose: Assessment of marketing and promotion method’s effectivenessPlease rate the following aspects: the service, the dining experience, the cruise experience: purpose: are they meeting guest’s expectations and identifies areas and aspects needing improvementWould you like to receive information regarding our promotions and special events: purpose: More efficient, targeted marketing and extended databaseCan we use your comments and feedback for our promotional purposes: purpose: Endorsements and on printed marketing materialsSurveysIs a way to try and meet the needs and wants of their customers?Establish who the customers are, their age groups, preferences, lifestyles, incomeSome larger corporations may carry out market research themselves, using appropriately trained professionals from the marketing department.Other organizations choose to pay for a market research project via a market research agency or a market research agency.Primary market research requires organizations to go out into the marketplace to find out about customers’ experiences and expectations.This can be done by conducting a survey at the airport or within the reception area of a number of hotels.Customers can complete self-completion questionnaires, which have a series of open-ended, closed, or multiple-choice questions given directly to the customer or potential customer to fill in.Telephone surveys and internet surveys are also common forms of primary research in which existing or potential customers are contacted either by phone or email, or are randomly targeted when visiting a website.Customers acting as mystery shoppersA tool used externally by market research companies or internally by companies themselves to measure quality of service.Mystery shopper’s identity is unknown by the organization being evaluated.Mystery shoppers perform specific tasks such as purchasing product, asking questions, registering complaints or behaving in a certain way.Then they provide detailed reports or feedback about their experiences.Mystery shoppers are often given instructions or procedures to make the transaction atypical to make the test of the knowledge and service skills of the employees more stringent or specific to a particular service issue.Mystery shoppers usually blend in to the service environment being evaluated as regular customers.After visit the mystery shoppers submits the data collected for review and Analysis.Details and information that mysteries shoppers take note of typically includeThe number of employees in the service area on entering How long it takes before the mystery shopper is greetedThe name of the employee’sWhether or not the greeting is friendly, ideally according to objective measuresThe questions asked by the shopper to find a suitable product/serviceThe types of products and services offeredThe information provided by the employeeWhether the employee invited the shopper to come back to the service outletThe speed of serviceThe degree of compliance with company standards relating to service, the overall appearance of the service environment and also personal presentation and grooming.Focus GroupsFocus groups are an example of qualitative research where the subjective opinions and perceptions of a small-targeted group of consumers on a certain topic are elicited.Can be used to gather information on the acceptability and usability of new or re-launched products or services.Reactions to new advertising campaigns or specific advertisements or consumer perceptions of a whole product class.Used to see how consumers are motivated, impacts to branding, what triggers the customer to choose certain products.Usually made up of sic to eight targeted consumers.A moderator whose role is to ask the required questions, draw out answers and encourage discussion, and observation area usually behind one way mirrors and video or audio taping facilities.Run for like an hour long.Participants are screened according to gender, age, income, demographics, past consumer behavior, hobbiesPaid cash or given gift incentive for their participation.Observations of interactions between customer service staff and customersObservation is an opportunity to collect feedback about an organization’s customer service procedures.The activities of the personnel performing their usual duties can be observed and a note made of any particular aspects that need further consideration and development.Internal colleague or a member of management or someone from another department may undertake observations.Observe performance of routine functions to personal presentation and grooming.Could be part of an annual review. ................

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