Magellan Law Corporation | Business Lawyers in Langley, BC

DATE \@ "MMMM D, YYYY" \* MERGEFORMAT September 12, 2017Delivered by [ Email, Mail, etc. ][ Address to Your Member of Parliament ]Dear [ Mr. / Ms. ]Re: Concerns Over Federal Tax ProposalsOn July 18, 2017, the Department of Finance released a consultation document and draft legislation concerning tax planning using private corporations in Canada.Although the Government has suggested that the proposed tax changes will promote fairness and equalize the taxation of employees and shareholders of private corporations, as a business owner, I am extremely concerned that these proposals will cause irreparable harm to our country and economy.In order to give you an idea of how the proposed tax changes will affect myself and other business owners, I would like to share my own story.[ Describe your business here. For example, you may wish to outline the structure and ownership (shareholdings) of your business. Do you have a holding company? Family Trust? ][ Describe the risks and expenses that you, as a business owner, must undertake that a salaried employee does not. Further, you may wish to outline the benefits that a salaried employee enjoys that you, as a business owner, do not. Certain examples of the differences between business owners and salaried employees are outlined in our cover email.In addressing the above, you may wish to discuss any risks or sacrifices that your family members have taken to facilitate your business. Examples include co-signing for loans / financing, helping with the business from a young age or one spouse staying at home with children while the other ran the business. ]As outlined above, I strongly believe that the proposed tax changes will negatively impact my business along with countless businesses like mine. I am very worried that, if the proposed tax changes are implemented, the motivation of business owners in our country will diminish and our national economy will suffer immensely.I truly hope that you will consider my submission and do everything within your power to ensure that the voices of concerned business owners, like myself, are heard.Sincerely,_____________________________[ Your Name, Your Business ]Note: in order to protect your privacy and confidentiality, the Government has suggested () that you provide the following information in your submission:Whether you consent to the disclosure of your submission in whole or in part.Whether you request that your identity and any personal identifiers be removed prior to publication.Whether you wish that any portions of your submission are kept confidential (if so, clearly identify the confidential portions). ................

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