
Board Meeting MinutesREGULAR MEETING MARCH 20, 2017The Carlisle Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, March 20, 2017, in the Choir/Lecture Room located in Carlisle High School at 250 Jamaica Road, Carlisle, Ohio.ROLL CALLBoard President Bill Jewell called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following roll of attendance present: Mr. Jewell, Vice-President Tammy Lainhart, Mr. David Clay, Mr. Bryan Dunkman, and Mr. Dale Moore.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEMr. Jewell asked those in attendance to stand with the Board for the Pledge of Allegiance.STUDENT & PROGRAM RECOGNITIONMr. Mark Townsley presented certificates to the boys basketball team and coaches, as well as wrestler Reese Human, for winter sports recognitions. Mr. Dan Michael gave an update on curriculum. Dr. Nick Weldy from the Miami Valley Career Technology Center gave a short presentation on his school’s upcoming bond initiative.VISITORS’ COMMENTSMs. Molly McIntosh from Bond This Village spoke about the upcoming bond levy and committee events.TREASURER’S REPORTACTION ITEMS(2017-31) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Clay to approve the February 27 minutes.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion Carried(2017-32) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the financial report.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion Carried(2017-33) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the Tax Amounts & Rates as Determined and Certified by the Budget Commission of Warren County, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion Carried(2017-34) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the donation by Carlisle Band Boosters of $2,500 toward new uniforms for the Carlisle High School Band.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedSUPERINTENDENT’S REPORTACTION ITEMSGeneral District Business(2017-35) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Moore to approve the 1st reading of Board policy numbers: 0150, 2430, 2430.02, 2431, 2461, 2623, 3120.08, 5111, 5460, 5610, 5630.01, 6320, 6423, 6700, 8210, 8310, 8320, 8330, 8452, 8500, 8510, 9270, 5111.01, 5111.03, 8340, 8300, 8305.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedAdministrative: Retirements(2017-36) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the retirement of Lois Hofer as food service director, effective June 16.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedClassified: Retirements(2017-37) It was moved by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the retirement of Debbie Sprinkles as high school building and athletic secretary, effective May 31, and Ken Sprinkles as buildings supervisor, effective July 31.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedClassified: Employment(2017-38) It was moved by Mrs. Lainhart and seconded by Mr. Clay to approve Elliot Powell as classified sub, retroactive to February 28.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedSupplemental: Resignations(2017-39) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the resignations of Kelly Crowe as 1/2 varsity football cheerleading coach, and Deanna Johnson as 1/2 varsity football cheerleading coach.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedADJOURNMENTADJOURN(2017-40) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Moore to adjourn the meeting.Roll Call: Ayes – Mr. Jewell, Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. MooreNay – noneMotion CarriedBoard President Bill Jewell adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. in accord with the motion.__________________________________________________Board President Bill JewellATTEST:_________________________________________________Daniel L. Bassler, TreasurerXC:All Board MembersMr. Larry Hook, SuperintendentC.T.A. ................

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