
Nielsen Ratings Report

Following the American Psychological Association Style Guide




This essay will analyze the TV and movie ratings with the help of (2017) using six popular TV shows and/or movies. There will be three TV shows and three movies selected. The TV shows will be Grey’s Anatomy (Rhimes, 2017), the Simpsons (Brooks, Groening & Simon, 2017) and Game of Thrones (Benioff & Weiss, 2017). The three films that will be featured for this essay are Moonlight (Jenkins, 2016), La La Land (Chazelle, 2016) and a classic cult hit Hairspray (Waters, 1988). The questions that will be answered regarding these three programs and three movies are why are descriptive statistics important to TV and movie ratings? Why are inferential statistics important to TV and movie ratings? What applied statistical strengths exist in analyzing of TV and movie ratings? What applied statistical weaknesses exist in analyzing of TV and movie ratings? From a statistical perspective, what can be done to improve data collection and analysis of TV and movie ratings?

Ratings Analysis of Grey’s Anatomy

The original release date of Grey’s Anatomy (Rhimes, 2017) was March 27, 2005. The show is now in its 13th season. Grey’s Anatomy (Rhimes, 2017) is described as a medical drama and also a romantic drama.

Grey's Anatomy has received high viewership and ratings since its debut. The first four seasons of the program each ranked in the top ten among all viewers, reaching its peak Nielsen ratings in the second season, attracting an average of 19.44 million viewers per episode, and ranking at fifth place overall. Following the show's time-slot being relocated, overall rankings steadily declined, dropping below the top ten in its fifth season. Grey's Anatomy made its greatest fall from its sixth to seventh season, slipping from seventeenth place to thirty-first. The series is on a steady decline in terms of overall viewership and rankings, yet Grey's Anatomy still holds value in charts when numbers are pulled from the digital video recorder (DVR). It was the most recorded show between 2007 and 2011, based on cumulative totals, and has been for several years in a row (Rice, September 1, 2011).

Grey’s Anatomy (Rhimes, 2017) broadcasts on ABC and rates 10 for Prime Broadcast Network television show ratings (Nielsen, 2017). Grey’s Anatomy (Rhimes, 2017) rates 5th among the African American market of viewership.

Ratings for The Simpsons

The Simpsons (Brooks, Groening & Simon, 2017) started on December 17, 1989 and now in its 28th season. I note this program because it has hit many milestones. It is the longest running American program, surpassed Gunsmoke as the longest running American series and is the longest running animated program ever to exist on television. Although I cannot find the information online, the Simpsons (Brooks, Groening & Simon, 2017) used to be a top-ranked Nielsen-rated program (, 2017).

Ratings for Games of Thrones

Although for Game of Thrones (Benioff & Weiss, 2017) is not currently ranked in the (2017) ratings for this week, a lot of people do enjoy this program and it has proven to be a bit of a cult hit such as Hairspray (Waters, 1988). Some of problems with this program is that the show itself can be difficult to find episodes for even when you have cable TV which results in disrupting its ratings.

Ratings for Moonlight

Moonlight (Jenkins, 2016) addresses some of the scholarly research of (2017). In an article (, February 8, 2017), the researchers at Nielsen note that Black content that is made by Black people and is made for a Black audience does have mainstream appeal which is evident in the winning of the Best Picture Oscar for the movie Moonlight (Jenkins, 2016).

Ratings for La La Land

This movie made $369.5 million at the box office, La La Land (Chazelle, 2016).

Ratings of Hairspray the Movie

The social impact of a movie such as John Waters’ Hairspray (1988) has had such a lasting effect that people still refer to the movie today. Some critics thought that the movie was not good which is why it ranks on the Rotten Tomatoes list for films, however it also ranks as 144 on the best 200 films of all time for 2008. This is to say that reviews of Hairspray (1988) have been mixed. It continues to have a cult following among many young people, particularly being a John Waters film that has a parental guidance rating. This particular film of John Waters is the only film where he received a parental guidance rating from the film rating authorities.

The film was instrumental in discussing race issues and showing how much things have changed in current America versus the way things were in 1960s America. As well, the film was instrumental in showing that “Fat can also be Beautiful.” This is a powerful statement to make in a world of people sometimes starving themselves to death in order to stay thin and over exercising in order to stay thin. On the issues of race and weight, Hairspray (Waters, 1988) holds the soul well.


This essay analyzed the TV and movie ratings with the help of (2017) using six popular TV shows and/or movies. There were three TV shows and three movies selected. The TV shows were Grey’s Anatomy (Rhimes, 2017), the Simpsons (Brooks, Groening & Simon, 2017) and Game of Thrones (Benioff & Weiss, 2017). The three films that were featured for this essay were Moonlight (Jenkins, 2016), La La Land (Chazelle, 2016) and a classic cult hit Hairspray (Waters, 1988).


Benioff, D. & Weiss, D. B. (2017). Game of Thrones, . New York, New York:

. Retrieved from:

Brooks, J. L., Groening, M. & Simon, S. (2017). The Simpsons, . New York, New

York: . Retrieved from:

Chazelle, D. (2016). La La Land, . New York, New York: . Retrieved from:

Jenkins, B. (2016). Moonlight, . New York, New York: . Retrieved from:

. (2017). Top Ten, . New York, New York: The Nielsen Company.

Retrieved from:

. (February 8, 2017). “For Us By Us? Mainstream Appeal of Black Content,”

. Retrieved from:

Rhimes, S. (2017). Grey’s Anatomy, . New York, New York: . Retrieved


Rice, L. (September 1, 2011). “Top 10 Most Tivo’d shows,” Entertainment Weekly. New York,

New York: Time Inc. Retrieved from:


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