
The Bill Warren Room, Sheviock Memorial Hall, Crafthole, Torpoint, Cornwall, PL11 3DGClerk: Mrs Nancy Gray Telephone: 01503 232996 Email: sheviockpc@Sheviock Parish CouncilRisk Assessment Schedule covering operation of the Parish Council to fulfil its duties.ManagementBusiness ActivityRisks identifiedRisk Level H/M/LProcedures to control riskReview and/or extendBusiness continuityCouncil unable to continue its business due to unforeseen extreme circumstancesLAll files and recent records kept in locked filing cabinets in office at Sheviock Memorial Hall, Crafthole.The Clerk backs up all electronic files monthly and keeps back-up at home.The Clerk runs duplicate systems on the office computer and on the laptop computer.List of all passwords held by the Chairman in the Chairman’s Pack..Unexpected incapacity of Clerk covered by Councillors until solution agreed after discussion with CALC and Cornwall Council, with funds available to pay for Locum Clerk. Review and check backup process and passwords annually.Meeting locationsAdequacy of health and safety. LNormal meetings are held in the Sunday Schoolroom of the Methodist Chapel, Crafthole. Premises and facilities including disable access considered to be adequate for the Clerk, Councillors and any member of the public who may attend. Nevertheless, any member of the public with a disability who wishes to attend a meeting will be advised on the agenda published on the website and on notice boards, to contact the Clerk in advance of that meeting.Parish Meetings and other ad hoc meetings can be held in Sheviock Memorial Hall. Premises and facilities including disable access considered to be adequate for the Clerk, Councillors and any member of the public who may attend.Clerk works from the Bill Warren Room at Sheviock Memorial Hall. Premises and facilities including disable access considered to be adequate for the Clerk, Councillors and any member of the public who may attend.Key access to the three locations can be obtained from a number of sources within the village of Crafthole including Mike and Barbara Snowling and Lyn Vickery for both meeting rooms, additionally the Community Shop (during opening hours) for the Methodist Chapel and additionally Thelma Wells, Cristopher Kennedy for the Memorial Hall.Both Memorial Hall and the chapel committee to be asked annually for copies of their Fire equipment Certificates and copies of checks to electrical systems. Plus copies of updated risk assessments as and when alterations to the buildings occur or activities change. Parish Council have all electrical equipment owned by the Council PAT tested annually.Spare key for the Bill Warren Room held by the Chairman in the Chairman’s Pack.Council RecordsLoss through theft, fire or damageLPapers held in locked filing cabinets in Bill Warren Room of the Memorial Hall.All important documents have an electronic copy held by Clerk within retention limits which is backed up monthly and held remotely through encrypted mem stick Review and check backup process annually.FINANCEBusiness ActivityRisks identifiedRisk Level H/M/LProcedures to control riskReview and/or extendPreceptInadequate preceptMPrecept agenda item for November meeting each year.Annual budget reviewed and current year values considered when estimating precept. Financial reserves policy adopted to cover difference between replacement and depreciated value of assets, long term sickness cover for Clerk and liabilities from devolution assets.Precept set at January meeting.3 monthly review and reconciliation of budget and expenditure.Review precept requirements annually.InsuranceAdequacy and complianceMReview cover against asset register annually.Employers Liability Public Liability and Fidelity risks cover required.Review cover against public liability of car park, toilets, playground and footpaths leased by Sheviock Parish.Review provision and compliance annually.Provide insurers with up-to-date asset register annually.BankingInadequate checksLDetailed Financial Arrangements in place that define cheque signing arrangements, approval of cheques for payment, electronic payments and reconciliation of accounts.Bank reconciliation completed at monthly council meetings and signed off. Two councillors involved and rotated each month.Financial Regulations reviewed Annually by a councillor and by the Clerk.CashLoss through theft or dishonestyLNo petty cash or float is held by the council.Any cash transactions are fully receipted and then reimbursed monthly by cheque listed and documented in the Minutes of the Parish Council.Car Park income checked through confirmation by Clerk of sequential dates on printout from ticket machine for each collection and then through reconciliation of ticket machine receipt and number of weekly tickets issued with bank receipts from deposit stubs or bank account statements.Financial Regulations reviewed at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.Car park income signed off by chairman every 3 months.Financial Controls and recordsInadequate checksLoss of recordsL Three monthly reconciliation of accounts and budget prepared by the RFO and checked by the Chair of the Parish Council and published on the website.Monthly bank reconciliation approved by 2 councillors independently at every Parish Council meeting; different councillors to apply the check at each meeting. Two signatures required on cheques.Two authorised approvals required for electronic paymentsInternal and external audit annually.Power of Competency payments will be recorded at the time of approval and comply with the current legislation.Any grants will conform with the Parish Council’s Grant Awarding PolicyFinancial Regulations reviewed at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.Payment of statutory PAYE and NI.Failure to pay statutory amountsMEstimated salary of every employee compared with the personal tax allowance threshold and the NI threshold.If the lower of either threshold will be exceeded then statuary PAYE and NI deduction scheme will be followed.Check annually that PAYE and NI deduction scheme has been implemented.Freedom of Information ActStatutory policy requirementsLThe Council has a Model Scheme for publication in place.The Council can obtain payment for providing hard copy but is aware that a significant request under FoI legislation could place a financial cost on the Council.Requests for information by the Monitoring Officer have been limited under the Council’s Code of Practice for dealing with Complaints. Document retention complies with the NALC/CALC model.Monitor and report annually any costs incurred under FoI enquiries.Review the FoI Policy annually.ClerkLoss of ClerkFraudActionsCorrect salary payments allocated M L LLInclude contingency reserve to cover advertising and training costs.Financial regulations and checks to contain risk with self-cover of risk.Provision of funds for training as required.Annual internal audit to confirm payments made.Financial Regulations reviewed Annually. Financial Parish Council Meeting. Maintain membership of CALC and SLCC and monitor training needs at annual review.PensionNot complying with statutory requirementsLMaintain Sheviock Parish Council on register of eligible organisationsIf any employee’s salary exceeds the tax free allowance, then implement the pension scheme requirements.If any employee requests in writing to be included in a pension scheme, then implement the pension scheme requirements.Include contingency sum for employer pension contribution in annual budget and precept.Nest pension scheme in operation for clerk based on gross set monthly wage as advised by pension regulatorElection CostsUnplanned election mid termHInclude sum within contingency reserves to cover election costs at ?1,500.Annual returnNot submitted within time limitLAnnual return completed by clerk and approved by Council.Internal Auditor checks and approves before submission to external auditor.Ensure completed as an Agenda item at May meeting of Council.AssetsBusiness ActivityRisks identifiedRisk Level H/M/LProcedures to control riskReview and/or extendOffice equipment, Seats, Playground equipment, and Parish pump.DamageLAsset register kept up to date with appropriate insurance cover. Regular maintenance of equipment.Car Park, toilets and playground equipmentWear and tear leading too damageMMonitor regularly to identify deterioration at early stage when repair will be less costly.Agenda item quarterly to confirm proscribe checks have been completedLIABILITYBusiness ActivityRisks identifiedRisk Level H/M/LProcedures to control riskReview and/or extendLegal PowersIllegal activity or paymentLAll activities and payments made within the powers of the Parish Council.Training provided to the Clerk as mitment by councillors to attend training as required.Monitor annually though review of financial regulations and training requirements.Minutes/agendasNon compliance with statutory requirementsLMinutes and agendas produced to comply with legal requirementsMinutes are signed and approved at next meeting.Current recommended Standing Orders and Code of Conduct adopted.Business conducted at Council meetings managed by the Chairman. Annual review of training.Public LiabilityClaim from third party resulting from perceived non-compliance with safety by the CouncilLInsurance in place.Risk assess any events organised by the CouncilReview Insurance requirements annually.Weekly (in-season) and monthly (out of season) checks on lifebelts not completed.LCouncil member takes responsibility each year at the Annual meeting to carry out the task of checking, which includes arranging cover if away.Responsible councillor emails Clerk each week/month to confirm check has been completed.Clerk records date of check in a spreadsheet to provide audit trailAgenda item for reporting at quarterly meetings of parish council3 monthly checks of car park not completed or defect exceeding safety standards not repaired within time scale specified in policy. LStandards of defects and recoding used by Cornwall Council adopted. Council member takes responsibility each year at the Annual meeting to carry out the task of checking, which includes arranging cover if away.Responsible councillor emails Clerk every 3months to confirm check has been completed and supplies photographic record for Clerk to store.Clerk records date of check in spreadsheet to provide audit trailAgenda item for reporting at quarterly meetings of parish council.Annual RoSPA Inspection and certification of Playground equipment not completed.LRecord in minutes of first meeting after inspection completed outcome of inspectionReport at annual Parish Council Meeting.Bi Monthly visual inspection of playground equipment not completed.LCouncil member takes responsibility each year at the Annual meeting to carry out the task of checking, which includes arranging cover if away.Clerk keep s records of checks on file, cllr to provide records a monthly meetingsAgenda item for reporting at quarterly meetings of parish council6 monthly inspections of footpaths leased to Sheviock Parish Council not completed.LCouncillor responsible for Footpaths surveys footpaths leased to Sheviock Parish Council for general safety at 6 month intervals and emails clerk to confirm checks have been completed.Signs in place to warn of ‘uneven surface’.Clerk records date of check in spreadsheet to provide audit trail. Agenda item for reporting at quarterly meetings of parish councilEmployer LiabilityNon compliance with employment lawLUndertake training of Clerk and seek advice from CALC.Legal LiabilityLegality of activitiesMTraining of Clerk to advise on decision making process.Retention of appropriate documentation.Accurate minutes.Member liability cover included in Insurance Policy.Review training requirements at annual review of Clerk.Remind councillor’s liability cover for slander and libel only covers council policy, not personal views, or statements made as a councillor that our contrary to council agreed policy.Members InterestsConflict of interestLCouncillors aware of Code of Conduct.All Councillors to attend training on Code as made available from Cornwall Council and/or CALC.Councillors agree formally to abide by the 10 principles of public life on an annual basis at a parish council metingReview training requirements for Councillors annually.Councillors to review their Register of Interests at 6 monthly intervals, January and JulyAnnual ReviewBusiness ActivityFrequency of reviewResponsibilityCommentsDate Last ReviewedInsuranceAnnuallyClerkMay 2019Assets inspectionAnnuallyClerkMay 2019Update Asset registerAnnuallyClerkApril 2019Banking ArrangementsAnnuallyClerkJanuary 2019Insurance providersAnnuallyClerkMay 2019Budget agreedAnnuallyCouncilDecember 2018 meeting Sheviock PCPrecept agreed AnnuallyCouncilDec 2018 meeting of Sheviock PCBudget monitored6 MonthlyChairmanThe ledger colour codes budget expenditure continuouslySep 2019Bank reconciliationAt all pC meetings and monthly by clerk2 cllrsMonthly - at all parish council meetingsReview of financial regulationsAnnuallyCouncilSep 2019Members register of interestsJanuary and JulyClerkAgenda item for January and JulyWith each new councillor member added to Cornwall Council website.Members reminded of limit of liability for slander and libelAnnuallyClerkSchedule for May Annual Parish Council meetingClerks reviewAnnuallyChairman and Vice-ChairmanCompleted Dec 2018 Clerks salary reviewed and documentedAnnuallyCouncilDecember 2018 Item 16Internal AuditAnnuallyClerkCompleted and sent to Internal Auditor April Apil 2019External AuditAnnuallyClerkCompleted and sent June 2019Minutes properly produced and publishedMonthlyClerkMonthlyStanding Orders ReviewedAnnuallyCouncilSep 2019Back-ups taken of all computer recordsMonthlyClerkMonthlyReview back-up processAnnuallyChairmanSep 2019Check passwords and key access currentAnnuallyChairmanClerk Jan 2019Contracts of employmentAnnuallyCouncilScheduled for review Nov 2019Contracts indemnity insuranceCheck as new contracts awardedClerkGrass tenders: to obtain contractors copy of public liability certificate Jan 2019 Written contracts for workAs new contracts tenderedClerk/CouncilAs new contracts tenderedContract procurementRegister with Contract FinderClerkReview contracts and if over ?60,000 advertise on Contract Finder.Publish note of contracts awarded between ?25,000 and ?60,000.Review compliance with legislation annually.Code of ConductAnnuallyCouncilAll councillors have training except 2 new councillors Cade and Jenkins who joined in April 2019As yet not been able to attend to try to book councillor Cade and Jenkins when course arisesRegister of members’ interestsEvery 6 months Jan and JulyClerkAll on file with C CouncilCompleted all registered interests are file d with Cornwall Council (April 2019)Register of gifts MonthlyClerkHas and will continue to be completed monthly at each parish council meeting and recorded in the minutes monthlyDeclarations of interests recorded in the minutesMonthlyClerkHas and will continue to be completed monthly at each parish council meeting and recorded in the minutes monthlyReview of Councillor and Clerk training requirements and recordAnnuallyClerk/ChairmanIn November at Clerks review (last completed Dec 2018Policies, procedures and Codes of PracticeAnnuallyCouncilOctober 2018 (cuurently Sep 2019)Year planner calendarAnnuallyClerkClerk keeps updated calendar of monthly duties What is required and when in order to meet tasks on schedule and duties throughout year. The information given above is to be reviewed annually in May with al policies and procedures review and agreed upon at the Annual Parish Council Meeting of the Sheviock Parish Council held in May each year or later meeting as agreed as being a correct record.This was reviewed/agreed at the September meeting 2019,ChairmanClerk ................

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