
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Daggett County Commission/Redevelopment Agency Board held on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 in the Commissioner Chambers at the Daggett County Courthouse. Commissioners Jack Lytle, Clyde Slaugh and Randy Asay were present. Auditor/ Recorder Keri Pallesen, Sheriff Erik Bailey, Attorney Niel Lund, and Clerk/Treasurer Brian Raymond were also present. The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Commissioner Asay with Commissioner Lytle on the phone.

Also present: Jerry Steglich, Chuck Bennington, Michelle Brady, David Orr, Thompson Davis, Tabitha Stewart and Carrie Poulsen of the County, and Jordan Mathis

Old Business: Commissioner Asay asked about the RFP, and Tabitha Stewart, the Economic Development Director, said the Economic Development Board had met and it was approved by all those present. The Sheriff said that he was willing to put all of the facilities up for sale, while other options could be considered such as the option of turning the facility into a justice facility which is an option that he has been looking at. This process could be done while it is up for sale. Commissioner Lytle said the funding from the State could help with the needed retrofit, and Niel Lund and Commissioner Slaugh said they would like to see the building used and not just sit vacant. Miss Stewart asked whether or not the RFP was approved or not. Commissioner Slaugh motioned to approve the RFP as written. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Citizen Comments: Jerry Steglich noted that in the RFP it should be mentioned that it could be for sale or lease with a potential broker, and Commissioner Asay said that the person he showed it to had asked about the possibility of leasing.

Sheriff Bailey asked about the County restrictions on fire and fireworks. Discussion ensued and Attorney Niel Lund reviewed the current ordinances. There was a discussion that we may need to tighten up the code with definitions that mirror the State and Forest Service. The restrictions are in place. The State supersedes County regulations, so we are good for now. The Sheriff has posted the information throughout the County and Travis said there would be further postings.

Approve Minutes: No Minutes were available.

The Open Invoice Register was presented for review and approval: The open invoice register of $219,135.95 was available from the Auditor/Recorder’s Office. Commissioner Slaugh made the motion to approve the invoice register of July 2, 2018 in the amount of $219,135.95 and Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Correspondence: Commissioner Lytle said he was going to look for anything other than the Sheriff’s letter discussed earlier. The Attorney said that there was some correspondence from the UCIP Attorney on an ACLU case and it is moving forward.

Commission Calendar Review: Commissioner Lytle said that there is a CIB Meeting on the 5th of July and there wasn’t anything further.

Weekly Budget Review: There were no budget documents presented. Commissioner Lytle said that we had received our PILT payment and Mr. Raymond said it was around $192,000.

Policy and Legislation Items from the Posted Agenda:

Discussion and Consideration Of A Lot Split And Rezone With Ned Brady/Chad Brady: Michelle Brady was here representing the Brady family and Carrie Poulsen of the Planning and Zoning Office explained that this item was brought to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and they were forwarding their recommendation to continue the process for moving this forward. Carrie Poulsen said that the Commission needs to have a Public Hearing. Commissioner Lytle motioned to go forward with the Public Hearing. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Discussion ensued and it was noted the 24th of July is a Holiday, so the 25th of July was looked at as a possible date. The Commission decided on the 25th of July and the Public Hearing could also be held at that time. Commission Lytle motioned to approve the date. Commissioner Asay seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of Real Estate Lease For Dutch John Property – Deputy Moser: Commissioner Lytle said that the water heater has been fixed in the home and the previous lease price was $409. The Commission was willing to go down to $400 a month, but there should be a deposit. Mr. Moser said that there were some personal issues that would not allow him to do this at this time. The Commissioners said it would be an advantage to have someone living in Dutch John and asked if Mr. Moser could consider other options available. Commissioner Lytle said he would speak with Mr. Moser later about the options.

Discussion And Consideration Of Interlocal Agreement For Housing Prisoners with Uintah County: There had been previous discussions, so the motion was made to reapprove the Agreement by Commissioner Slaugh. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of State Bailiff Contract For 8th District And Juvenile Court: This information came through the District Court, and the Sheriff has already looked at it and will sign it as well. Commissioner Slaugh made the motion to approve. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

Discussion and Consideration of Amendment to Daggett County Code – Traffic Code: Attorney Niel Lund said that when the Code was approved one item got missed which was the expired registrations for all types of vehicles. Commissioner Lytle motioned to approve Ordinance 18-12 for all types of vehicles. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of Tower Rock Run Permit Application With US Forest Service: Commissioner Asay turned the time over to Brian Raymond, and he said that this is the annual event application coming up in August. There will be a final permit that will be issued after this application is reviewed that will also need to be signed. The race doesn’t make money, but it breaks even and it’s a good event to bring in more people. Commissioner Slaugh made the motion to approve the Tower Rock Run Permit application and the Final Permit that will come back from the Forest Service. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of County Vehicle Lease: Keri Pallesen had sent out several emails including bids, and a gentleman will be here on the 17th of July to discuss financing options, but the Commission needs to decide which vehicle they want. Mr. Raymond said he did not see any bids attached to his email, but Commissioner Asay saw them. Mrs. Pallesen resent the bids and there was additional discussion as to where to purchase the vehicle. Commissioner Slaugh made a motion to lease/purchase the Chevy Equinox from Whisler Chevrolet. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of MOU With State Of Utah For Logistics, County Resource Staging And Points of Distribution: Sergeant Dupaix said this MOU for staging has been in place for 5 years and needs to be renewed. He would like to see the location changed from the Manila Airport to the park so the airport can remain open. The road shed does not state Manila or Dutch John and should be more specific. Commissioner Lytle said either the airport, or the school in Dutch John, but then there would need to be an MOU with the school. Another option would be the area where the fireworks are held. Everyone seemed to think that would work and keep the airport from being tied up. Sergeant Dupaix said he would talk to the State about the Dutch John School since there is power there. Commissioner Lytle made the motion to approve the MOU. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of Memorandum Between Daggett County and Tri County Health: The Attorney said that this came up at the last meeting and it was tabled, as he had not had a chance to review it. He has reviewed it and didn’t see any problems, but it is missing a lot of information on our end, and he does not have that information. Commissioner Asay said he thought Sergeant Dupaix might have that information, but he wasn’t sure and said the main thing would be to pick the point of contact. The rest of the numbers could then be found and given to the point of contact. The PA might be a good person to talk with to see if she would be willing to do that, and Commissioner Asay said he would talk to her. We can get further information from Jordan Mathis later today.

Closed Session Regarding Dutch John Issues: Commissioner Lytle made the motion to go in and out of RDA. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Commissioner Lytle made a motion to go into Closed Session as a group before additional Closed Sessions were held. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor to go into Closed Session at 10:10 am. The motion carried. Commissioner Slaugh motioned to go out of Closed Session. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion at 11:42 am. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of Memorandum Between Daggett County and Tri County Health: Jordan Mathis was on hand from Tri County Health Department and spoke to the MOU that deals with an outbreak of disease. The County would be a closed POD or Point of Dispensing for those deemed critical infrastructure like Commissioners, Mayors, Clinic Staff,

Dispatchers, Officers, etc., before an Open POD is created for the public. The Clinic may be able to do both open and closed, so a three-way agreement would need to be created and signed. There would need to be a backup in place also for the persons involved. He thinks that a new agreement would be better than approving the current agreement. Commissioner Lytle motioned to table until a new agreement is in place. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Commissioner Lytle made the motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose of Discussion of Dutch John Resort Easements at 11:55 a.m. Commissioner Slaugh seconded the motion. All were in favor. The meeting went into Closed Session. Commissioner Slaugh made a motion at 1:07 pm to go back into regular session. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried.

Discussion And Consideration Of Dutch John Resort Easement Issues and Agreements: After coming out of Closed Session there was a brief discussion on this issue. Commissioner Slaugh made a motion to hold a Public Hearing on a potential petition for the vacation of sewer easements on the Dutch John Resort property for July 25, 2018. Commissioner Slaugh made the motion for the date of the Public Hearing. Commissioner Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried. Mr. Raymond said that to meet the 10-day notice requirement, he would need to submit the ad to the paper by noon on Thursday of this week.

The Open Invoice Register approval (Cont’d): Auditor/Recorder Keri Pallesen said there were two invoice registers and she needed signatures for the revised copy. Commissioner Slaugh made the motion to approve the revised invoice register. Commission Lytle seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.

With no further business, Commissioner Slaugh motioned to adjourn the Meeting.

s/ Brian Raymond /s/ Jack Lytle

Clerk/Treasurer Brian Raymond Commissioner Jack Lytle

/s/ Clyde Slaugh

Commissioner Clyde Slaugh

/s/ Randy Asay

Commissioner Randy Asay


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