Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition

[Pages:138]Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition

Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium

Edited by Antonio Alejandro Perez Belda, Hadley Galbraith, Kevin Josephs, Angela Pico Pinto, Evelyn Pulkowski, Kezia Walker-Cecil, and Caolimeng Wuxiha

Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium

Edited by Antonio Alejandro Perez Belda

Hadley Galbraith Kevin Josephs

Angela Pico Pinto Evelyn Pulkowski Kezia Walker-Cecil Caolimeng Wuxiha

? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.

Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium ? 2019 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. Produced by Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition University of Minnesota 140 University International Center 331 17th Avenue Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55414 USA 612-626-8600

Desktop Publishing and Cover Design: Elizabeth Hellebuyck Cover Photo: Copyright ? 2004 Regents of the University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to the CARLA office at

? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.


We would like to thank the Center of Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) for publishing the proceedings. We are especially grateful for the help of Dr. Kate Paesani, director of CARLA, who provided the resources for the editing of the proceedings and offered detailed and professional guidance throughout the editing process. Without her help, it would have been very challenging for us to finish the project successfully.

We are grateful for the help of Dr. Judith Liskin-Gasparro, associate professor emerita in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Iowa, for establishing the specific timeline of the editing process. We thank her for helping us get the proceedings off the ground.

We are grateful for the time and effort of the anonymous reviewers who reviewed the submitted manuscripts. The academic work presented at the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium made the proceedings possible. We would like to thank the parties who financially supported the symposium: the Graduate College of the University of Iowa, the Division of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures, and the Confucius Institute of the University of Iowa.

? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.

? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.

Table of Contents

Peer Reviewing in L2 Spanish Classrooms: Action Research


Emilia Illana-Mahiques, University of Iowa

Investigating an L2 French Writer's Performance on an Integrated Task


Anna Evans, University of Iowa

A VOT Study on the Acquisition of English Stop Contrasts by Marathi Speakers:


The Mutual Influence of L1 and L2

Ari Natarina, University of Iowa

An Exploration of L2 Chinese learners' Perceptions of Interacting with Recap


Runqing Qi, University of Iowa

"Her Russian Broke my Brain": The Linguistic Influence of English on the


Vocabulary of a Russian Heritage Speaker

Janet Stewart, University of Minnesota

A Mixed Methods Evaluation of an Urban K?12 World Languages Program


Reuben Vyn, University of Iowa

About the Authors


? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.

? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.

Peer Reviewing in L2 Spanish Classrooms: Action Research

Emilia Illana-Mahiques, University of Iowa

Peer feedback is a widely used tool across different contexts and levels, including in second language (L2) learning. Despite being a well-accepted practice in L2 educational settings, much is unknown about best peer review practices and how training can maximize learners' critical and analytical skills. Through the lens of action research, we share in this study learning experiences about conducting online peer review and the emerging understanding of how to implement effective training sessions in Intermediate Spanish II classes. The instructional practices were proposed as part of an L2 writing project on personal narratives. The project was developed and refined throughout three consecutive semesters in Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2017. The specific changes implemented from one semester to another, aiming to help students improve their peer reviewing skills, are elements of interest to this study. The training activities that worked best in preparing students to become effective reviewers are described in detail. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of what constitutes effective practices in peer review training.

Second language (L2) educators are faced with the challenges of how to best implement writing in the classroom and what procedures maximize student writing ability. Traditionally, L2 instructors have focused on assessing learners' writing as the final outcome of L2 learning, paying little attention to alternative practices that foster processes of learning to write and limiting the responses to writing to the teacher's role only.

More recently, L2 researchers and educators have considered a variety of new practices to maximize writing ability. Some common activities that emphasize L2 learning include peer response groups, collaborative learning, and other small group work activities (Hyland & Hyland, 2006b; Rollinson, 2005; Storch, 2005). Among these, peer review arises as an important part of process-oriented writing instruction (Paulus, 1999).

Peer review refers to students working in dyads or small groups to critique and give feedback on one another's work. The term peer review has been used interchangeably with peer response and peer feedback to denote the process of providing peer assistance for improving writing skills in the form of written feedback, oral feedback, or both written and oral feedback (Gielen, Peeters, Dochy, Onghena, & Struyven, 2010). The positive effects of implementing peer

? 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota. Do not repost. Instead, please share link: Belda, A.A.P., Galbraith, H., Josephs, K., Pinto, A. P., Pulkowski, E., Walker-Cecil, K., Wuxiha. C. (Eds.). (2019). Research Approaches to Second Language Acquisition: Proceedings of the 2018 Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium (CARLA Working Paper Series). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition.


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