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| |CIA Newsletter |

| |Autumn 2013 |


18th European Hot Air Balloon Championship, Wloclawek, Poland Photo by Kacper Sachajdak



CIA Presidents Report on the 2013 FAI GENERAL CONFERENCE 3


CIA Presidents Report on the CASI MEETING 6

FAI / CIA Awards at the 2013 Plenary 8

FAI Awards for Ballooning 2013 9



FAI Sporting Code, General Section, Latest News, Oct 31. 2013 14

Adventure in Kungar, Russia 15


Newsletter Contributions Welcome 16



Future Competitions 18

CIA Statistics 18

CIA Championships Calendar and Events Open for Proposals 19

Delegates for 2013-14 of the FAI Ballooning Commission (CIA) 20

CIA Donations Scheme 23



Electronic Plenary Agendas and Minutes 25

Electronic Voting during the Conference 25



By Jean Claude Weber, CIA President

At the risk to repeat myself, I believe that we have been stuck for long enough with our present event structures, and I hope that the FAI’s and other ASCs’ initiatives will finally break up our sclerotic setup. New types of events loom on the horizon, and I would absolutely like our delegates, Subcommittees and Working Groups to start exploring the various opportunities that have been neglected until now. I do not say that we should drop our pure CAT1 sporting events but that we should ALSO start to get interested in smart, attractive, public and media friendly events. Many other air sports have learned their lessons and have very successfully developed this kind of attractive events (e.g. Hang-Gliding racing, parachuting Skydive Dubai, paragliding, see ) It is vitally important to develop these events, many organisers of non-sanctioned ballooning events have already shown that they understood what “modern times” require and have organised hugely successful events, without the FAI/CIA, all around the world. What is it that prevents us from going down the same road as these organisers and other Air Sport Commissions? I am afraid that our “traditionalists”, highly successful to develop, organise and run our “traditional” events, run a strong regime in the CIA and are not really open to even consider these absolute necessary new developments. There is a lot of expertise and experience available in FAI, and it is a pity that we do not seem to be able to make good use of this. This will once again be a topic during our next Plenary and I hope to get some answers from the delegates, the SC and WG chairpersons. So please discuss this issue with your delegates and send a strong signal that you share my concerns.

During the year your Bureau, EDS and the appointed ED for the World Championship in Brazil have relentlessly worked to assist and advise the Brazilian Organisers. You may or may not know that the man in charge now is Edson Romagnoli, that preparations are fairly well on track and that a change of location, from San Carlos to Rio Claro (about 30km from San Carlos) has been approved. There are still some issues to be settled, but I am confident that these will be taken up by the concerned people and that by the end of the day we will have a well organised and good event. The “free” transport issue has loomed prominently on my agenda and I hope that by the end of the year we will have all the details necessary for you to organise your participation. The organisers promised “free transportation to Brazil and back for 50 complete balloons from Europe, from Paris or from Frankfurt. In case of more pilots from Europe, we will provide transportation for the others for the envelopes and burners. The baskets, cylinders and fans will be provided in Brazil.” Although this was basically a questionable promise in some respects, that brought with it a lot of problems which were happily settled in 2013, the delegates present at the Plenary accepted it and it seriously and effectively affected the vote in favor of Brazil. It can obviously be argued that it is unfair to favor one region over another, and I tend to agree, but the delegates accepted this and voted accordingly. I hope that the delegates, next time they are confronted with such a promise, will consider if it is fair or unfair and act accordingly.

As you will learn elsewhere in this Newsletter, things seem to run smoothly on the Anti-Doping front. In 2014 the CIA will be subject to Out-Of-Competition testing and your Bureau has randomly selected 4 competitors out of the first 100 of our World Ranking List. Two of these four will be selected by FAI and I hope and wish that they will comply with the requirements for one year as non-compliance carries heavy penalties in respect of their future participation in FAI sanctioned events. The FAI Anti-Doping manager, Ségolène Rouillon, is quite optimistic and has seen no positive-testing in FAI Air Sports last year. If this continues it bodes well for an FAI renegotiation of WADA’s policy terms in the future.

Once again this year we have had very successful events, and all event organisers, officials and participants are owed our thanks and compliments. To name only two, the AX Europeans in Poland went smoothly and the Gordon Bennett AA event out of Nancy/France was once again highly successful in attracting vast public interest in the event website. The Gordon Bennett event is really becoming our show-case event for the media and public, but at the same time it is also becoming more and more demanding. We should seriously consider how this event can be made more attractive and at the same time safe for the participants and more organizer-friendly by defining and offering “standard” services. In this respect the organizer of the 2013 GB will present his ideas and proposals to the AA WG and the Plenary in 2014.

Speaking of WGs, this reminds me that a few of our subcommittees and working groups need to be refreshed by adding new and enthusiastic members willing to give their expertise and energy for the well-being of all involved in our activity. Should you feel that this call is for you, then please let me know as soon as possible and we can start discussing your contribution. I am gratefully awaiting many calls or emails!

To conclude I must inform you that our long-time Secretary, Alex Nagorski, has decided to retire from this job after the 2014 Plenary. I am sure that this well-earned “early” retirement will hopefully allow him to concentrate his efforts on many other ballooning and non-ballooning endeavours. Alex has been a tremendous help and good friend and I hope this is not the last I have seen of him. Alex has been nominated for the FAI Silver Medal and is presented for election during next year. So congratulations are in order and if you have the opportunity, start lobbying with your NAC’s FAI VP for his election.

Wishing you all a nice winter rest or a nice flying season, and hoping to see many of you in Lausanne.


JC Weber, president

CIA Presidents Report on the 2013 FAI GENERAL CONFERENCE

Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia

The General Conference took place from October 1st to 5th at the Hotel Royale Chulan in Kuala Lumpur. The full Minutes of the General Conference will soon become available on the FAI website, but in the meantime, below you will find a summary of relevant issues discussed and decided. Some discussions which also took place during the Air Sport Commissions Presidents meeting have already been reported in my report concerning this meeting and will not be repeated here. Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me.

43 active FAI members and 10 Air Sport Commissions were present or represented and it was noted that among the members who did not yet pay their membership dues we found 2 relevant CIA members: Brazil and Ukraine. If this situation is not resolved by the end of the year then these members will be suspended and they may not participate in or organise any FAI event. Libya, Peru and Laos were admitted as new FAI members.

The Executive Board Finance director presented the FAI Financial Report, the 2014 Scale of subscriptions which were easily adopted. The 2014 Budget was intensively discussed and was approved with a very narrow 50.3 % majority of the votes. The Finance Director also informed the GC that WESTERN UNION payments to FAI were now possible.

The Secretary General presented his report and informed the GC about his resignation and his motives. The GC thanked JM Badan and wished him all the best in his future endeavours. The recruiting process for a new Secretary General had already started and the new person should be operational at the latest in March 2014.

The FAI President presented his Report, the FAI Strategic Plan and a discussion paper on FAI strategy “Meeting the FAI challenges”. This paper (along with all other GC documents), which can be accessed on the FAI webpage contains a look at the history and the issues involved and suggested goals and strategies for selected main areas identified as posing challenges to FAI. It is intended to ensure that FAI examine and address the increasing challenges to air sports and recreational flying activities. In his report on the FAI Sports strategy the Executive Board Director Bob Henderson stressed the need for FAI to develop “smart and attractive” new types of events.

The FAI Regional VPs and the Points of Contact persons for the FAI Experts Groups reported. There are presently 6 FAI Experts Groups: Airspace, Navigation, Regulation, Safety, New Technology and IT. These Expert Groups were created by the Executive Board to improve on less productive Technical Commissions and to look into new challenges.

FAI’s commercial activities were outlined and the GC was informed that Red Bull seriously considered resuming its cooperation with FAI (note: deal done after the GC). The Breitling contract was analysed and changes in sponsor representation were recommended. A need to redefine FAME (FAI commercial entity) objectives was also identified and improved feedback for the ASC was promised.

The Swiss NAC reported on a very successful 75th Annual Pro-Aero Youth Camp and the delegate from Greece proposed an FAI Medals per Nation scheme that would annually rank FAI Members according to FAI medals obtained in the various Air Sport World Championships.

The delegates were briefly informed that the new FAI Organiser Agreement is still not available and the reasons for this delay. The ASC Presidents insisted that this project shall receive “top priority” status and that the FAI HO should be given all the necessary means to immediately conclude the work on this project.

The FAI Anti-Doping manager Ségolène Rouillon reported on the efforts and progress made in 2013 and informed the delegates that no doping issues were found during last year’s events and the Out-Of-Competition Testing. This is a promising development and if the negative testing results continue during the next few years, then FAI may negotiate better Anti-Doping policy terms with WADA.

FAI decided that the CIA would be subjected to Out-Of-Competition Testing during 2014. Therefore the CIA has to nominate 4 competitors out of the first 100 on the CIA World Ranking List. Two competitors would then be chosen by FAI out of the 4 nominated. (Note: This has in the meantime been done by the CIA Bureau and the 2 selected concerned competitors will be contacted by the FAI AD manager).

M.A. Stevens, member of the FAI Statutes WG representing its chairman, reported on several proposed amendments to the Statutes and the delegates chose to reject or shelve these amendments as presented.

The GC elected the following 10 NACs to serve on CASI: Canada, France, Italy, Sweden, USA, Spain Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany and Australia. ASC representatives are ex-officio members of CASI.

The 2014 FAI General Conference will take place October 14-18 in Bangkok / Thailand, and the 2015 General Conference will take place in October 2015 in Rotterdam / Netherlands.


Kual Lumpur (Malaysia), October 2nd 2013

In order to allow the ASC Presidents to better coordinate their views on issues of common interest, it was decided to have in the future an informal ASC Presidents’ “workshop” without FAI EB members prior to the full meeting with the Executive Board.

World Air Games 2015: The FAI President informed the meeting that the organizer was not yet finally approved and that the ASC would be consulted in due time. There was a discussion on the merits of delivering packaged events to the organisers, that it is necessary to redefine the WAG and to have a clear strategy for changing from a competition event to a show event.

Anti-Doping: The ASC were to provide names for OUT OF COMPETITION TESTING (RTP) immediately after the GC. According to WADA, World Champions should not be on the RTP. A random selection process that takes into account lower ranked pilots (create two or for groups to create the random list) was devised by the CIA Bureau. Notable as well is the decision that Alcohol should remain on the WADA list. ASC Presidents were made aware that Event organisers or officials may remove a competitor from the competition for safety reasons but that they may not do so because the competitor is drunk as this could have legal consequences.

Organiser Agreement: The new Organiser Agreement was still not available and the ASC Presidents expressed their frustration with the situation and requested the FAI EB to make this a top priority for HO.

FAME: Name of the newly created commercial company to look after the FAI’s interests in sports marketing and to handle the BREITLING contract. The FAI President apologized for the lack of feedback on events during the year. The non-effective relationship with Breitling and FAME’s manager was criticized and improvement was promised.

Finances: The meeting was informed that presently all major accounting problems have been resolved. The ASC special accounts test phase with CIVL was not yet over and the system is not yet available to other ASCs. No timeline was announced by the EB.

ASC Administration & Procedures: A majority of ASC Presidents were in favour of changing the present Statute to allow 1 to 4 years terms for ASC Bureaus. A proposal from France to change the approval process for ASC Officials and Delegates will be sent to the FAI Statutes WG for further study. It was clarified that ASC Internal Regulations are optional. An FAI Task Force recommended that a WG be set up, with ASC people, to define how the goals in respect of ASC Autonomy could be defined.

FAI IT: The Sporting Licenses DB will be in operation from 2014, and will also allow direct communication between the DB and event organisers. Full Central DB management system will be delivered in spring 2014, including Digital Assets Management (document management system for HO), Service Center (plesk.), online meeting system (meetings.:5080) with permanent meeting room for ASC Bureaux.

Secretary General: After JM Badan’s resignation the selection process for the new Sec. Gen. was immediately started and a new person is to be available at the latest in March 2014. In the meantime an interim team led by Rob Hughes with Ségolène Rouillon and Cosette Mast will run the FAI HO. The ASC Presidents expressed their gratitude to JM Badan for his dedicated cooperation with the ASC during his years as Gen. Sec and wished him all the best.

A note on Anti-Doping out-of-competition testing for CIA pilots:

The World Anti-Doping Code was adopted in Copenhagen in March 2003. It was drafted by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) in consultation with governments, national sports bodies, international sports federations and the International Olympic Committee. The Code has since been adopted by most of the governments of countries where major FAI events are commonly held. A United Nations agency (UNESCO) has developed an international agreement, the effect of which is to make the WADA Code automatically applicable in all UN member countries. Many international sports federations have also accepted the Code, including FAI in October 2003. By accepting the Code, FAI has agreed to develop rules and procedures that will give effect to the WADA anti-doping provisions. FAI endorsed the World Anti-Doping Code in 2003. CIA reminds pilots competing in FAI Category 1 and 2 events that they must comply with the said Code. You will find more details on the code and procedures on FAI website. CIA reminds all pilots competing in a Cat 1 or 2 event about:

• The necessity for pilots in need of medication to check the forbidden products list and, if necessary, make use of the Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs).

• The specificity of certain recreational drugs that can be detected weeks after they have been absorbed.

• The risk of anti-doping control in FAI sanctioned competitions.

• The likely severity of sanctions in case of a failed test.

• FAI competitors now are also liable to out-of-competition testing.

• CIA has been asked to select 4 pilots among its ranked “top 100”, to be part of the out-of-competition testing scheme for the year 2014. The CIA Bureau decided to use a computer random selection among the 100 first ranked names on our World Ranking List. 4 names were send to FAI and FAI will choose 2 of them. FAI is not doing the testing or deciding when to do it. FAI gives the chosen pilots its support to make the ordeal as bearable as possible.

• FAI and CIA do not make the names public. 

CIA Presidents Report on the CASI MEETING

Kual Lumpur (Malaysia), October 3rd 2013

CASI Appeals Tribunal: Two appeals were presented in the course of the year. They had both been withdrawn following a mediated settlement.

CASI Internal Regulations Working Group: A Handbook for use by CASI describing internal operations was adopted. The document includes the possibility for the CASI Bureau to make decisions in the course of the year and it will be applicable immediately following the General Conference (October 6th).

International Appeals Tribunal Manual: The Manual as presented is intended to ensure fair treatment of appellants. As it has been submitted to the FAI lawyer who suggested some minor modifications. A motion was passed to accept the Manual as presented, subject to final agreement by the Bureau following consideration of the legal advice.

FAI Organiser Agreement: Rob Hughes reported on the limited progress on this matter partly due to the fact that other priorities were given to the lawyer that delayed his work on the OA. Therefore CASI unanimously resolved that the EB be advised as follows:

“CASI expresses its deep concern over the delay in producing a new Organiser Agreement and requests that the Executive Board make this the highest priority project for the FAI Secretariat to complete and ensure that adequate resources are made available to do this”.

Modification to GS proposed by Sweden (

The Swedish representative, Bengt Lindgren, commented on his proposal. The following discussion highlighted the fact that it was sometimes necessary to accept a small number of competitors to start new events, and the fact that the proposed 4-tier system could impact the proposal. It was also necessary to consider the planned review of the General Section. Sweden accepted to defer the proposal to be considered during the overall review.

4- tier Sport Structure Working Group report: The Chair of the WG, Mike Close, apologised for the late distribution of the document and explained that initially there was a misunderstanding as to the task. The proposal was simply to make minor changes and to retain the notion of Category 1 and 2 events that are very well known and understood. A discussion followed that made it clear that the proposal was not acceptable in the current format. A motion was passed to hand the project back to the Working Group for review, with further consultation with the Executive Board. It was also decided to increase membership of the Working Group, which will now comprise Mike Close (chair), Patrice Girardin, Bengt Lindgren and Richard Meredith-Hardy. A proposal made by the WG to amend Chapter One was in fact found to be outside of the remit and is to be considered in a general review of the General Section.

WGS 84 Rule Consequences Working Group

The President moved that the Mathematical model proposal as presented by the WG (with CIA 1st VP Hans Akerstedt) be accepted (see Hans Akerstedt’s report in this Newsletter). This was approved unanimously. The modification to GS proposed by Sweden ( was withdrawn. The WG also highlighted problems noted in the GS and these were referred to the General Section Review Working Group tasked with the general review of the General Section.


FAI office has asked CASI to consider UAVs and their sporting potential and to check the definition of UAVs vs. Model Aircraft. Mike Close produced a Discussion Paper which raised many questions and a proposal to set up a Working Group to review Section 12 was approved unanimously.

International Jury Handbook

The CIA President presented the proposed changes to this document issued initially in 1996 and updated once in 2000. The document is to serve as a guide to Jury members and was approved unanimously for immediate application (October 6th, 2013).

Proposal by Canada to set up a General Section Review Working Group

The Canadian delegate Buzz Bennett explained that he would like to organise an overall review of the General Section over a six-month period. An initial draft would then be sent to CASI members and the Statutes WG for response early enough to establish a final draft to be presented to CASI in 2014. It was also suggested that the draft would have to go to the Executive Board so that they could task the Statutes WG to carry out a review. The proposal was accepted unanimously with the following WG members: Richard “Buzz” Bennett (Chair), Antonis Papadopolous and Bengt Lindgren. They are encouraged to either co-opt or consult others including the members of the Mathematics WG who also volunteered to review the GS.

General Section update items. Annex 16

The meeting adopted certain “housekeeping” changes presented by Richard “Buzz” Bennett that could be adopted pending the complete review of the General Section:

Any Other Business

• A WG was set up to update Section 11 (Human Powered Aircraft) of the Sporting Code

• It was agreed that CIACA is to take ownership of Section 13 (solar and electrically powered aircraft).

• A Proposal to have a competition record from a record performance set at a First Category Event accepted with confirmation only from the Jury was approved in principle but was sent to the General Section Review WG to clarify certain details and to present a more developed proposal in 2014.

• The FAI President gave an update on the recruitment process for the post of Secretary General and indicated that during the transition period between the departure of Jean-Marc Badan and the arrival of the new recruit, Rob Hughes will serve as interim Secretary General.

• A proposal received from Tor Johannesson, which would provide that the units of measurement for records would be limited to the accuracy of the equipment being used. The CASI President pointed out that the proposal had already been incorporated in a revised Annex 10 and had therefore already been adopted. A similar point was also made (before the meeting) by a member of the Mathematical WG that GS 7.3.2 should also be amended to reflect the same principle in competition performance measurement so that results are not stated in figures beyond the accuracy capability of the scoring equipment used.

Bureau Election: President: Graeme Windsor, 1st Vice President: Buzz Bennett, Vice Presidents: Mike Close, Jean-Pierre Delmas and Alicia Hirzel

Secretary: Gillian Rayner


FAI / CIA Awards at the 2013 Plenary

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Gas Balloon |No nominations | |

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Hot Air Balloon |Stefan Zeberli | Switzerland |

|Montgolfier Diploma – Contribution to the Sport |Paolo Bonanno | Italy |

|Montgolfier Diploma-best performance Rozière Balloon |No nominations | |

|Santos Dumont Gold Airship Medal |No nominations | |

|CIA Hall of Fame Inductees |Joseph W. Kittinger |United States |

| |Rev. John Mackenzie Bacon |United Kingdom |


18th FAI European Hot Air Balloon Championship Photo by: Moniek Vande Velde (BEL)


FAI Awards for Ballooning 2013

Nomination Form

(one form per nomination)

Name of the Award:

Montgolfier Diploma / best sporting performance in Gas Ballooning (By-Law

Montgolfier Diploma / best sporting performance in Hot Air Ballooning (By-Law

Montgolfier Diploma / best sporting performance in Roziere Ballooning (By-Law

Montgolfier Diploma / contribution to development of ballooning (By-Law

Santos-Dumont Gold Airship Medal (By-Law 7.2.2)

Submitted by:


Name :

Position / Function :

Date :

Signature and stamp :

Nomination for:

Name :


E-mail address :

Reasons for nomination (maximum 250 words, English only):

Please provide at least one high resolution picture of the nominated person, if possible taken while practicing his/her sport or beside his/her (model) aircraft.

All nominations must be received at the FAI Head Office by 20 January 2014 at the latest in electronic format (to members@) preferably or by fax or post.


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Nominated person

First Name: ____________________________ Last Name: ___________________________________

Nationality: ____________________________________________________

Date of Birth: (Year/Month/Day): __________________________________

Date of Death (Year/Month/Day): __________________________________

Short Biography (10 lines):

Achievements, honours and awards:

Photographs attached:

Please send this completed form to the CIA Secretary. A full CV may be requested later.

Nominating person:

Name: NAC: Date:



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22 – 23 March 2013

|Who |What |Follow-up |Start date |Deadline |CIA 2013 Plenary Minutes |

| | | | | |item # |

|All delegates |Provide written national activity report to CIA secretary |CIA secretary |  | Dec 31, 2013 |11 |

|All delegates |Provide 2013 CIA statistics questionnaire to CIA secretary |CIA secretary |  | Dec 31, 2013 |11 |

|Jury Board |Update Jury Tests |Jury Board Chair | | |12 |

|Officials SC |Update COH with job definitions of the officials in comp with |Officials Chair |Plenary 2012 |Spring 2013 |13 |

|Officials SC |Provide pictures and officials' jobs descriptions to PMR SC |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |13 |

|All delegates |Distribute CIA and PMR information nationally to all concerned people |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|All delegates |Encourage ballooning people nationally to provide PMR SC with timely ballooning information |PMR SC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |14 |

|Competitors SC |Discussion of possible standardization of the Competitors Survey |CSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |18 |

|Competitors SC |Discussion of Proposals to be discussed over the next 12 months. |CSC chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |18 |

| |• Proposal to reconsider and redefine FAI CAT2 events in aerostation | | | | |

| |• Proposal for the introduction of a mandatory CIA RANKING LIST | | | | |

| |• Proposal to make mandatory World-, Continental- and WAG Championship Test Events an integral part | | | | |

| |of the Championship sanction | | | | |

|Competitors SC |Discussion of Team Events |CSC chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |18 |

| |Two styles of team events have been discussed in other committees the CSC supports both these | | | | |

| |concepts. As stated in previous minutes, the CSC fully supports the development of team competition| | | | |

| |which will lead to better communication between competitors, better mentoring of new pilots and | | | | |

| |new/exciting possibilities for competition. | | | | |

|Rules SC |Study Lithuanian proposal for the creation and implementation of "team scoring" possibilities in AX | | | | |

| |events, and make recommendations to the Plenary |RSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|AX WG |Allow the use of turning vents in flight for the purpose of orienting the basket |AX chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |19 |

|AX WG |Rule 8.4.7 will be investigated for situations competitors fly out of the set distance limits and |AX chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |19 |

| |reenter. | | | | |

|BA/BX WG |Prepare a promotion campaign to be addressed to all delegates of in order to stimulate interest in |BX chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |19 |

| |further organisation of international airship events | | | | |

|BA/BX WG |Discussion of airship definitions and classification |RSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|BA/BX WG |Proposal to modify Class B subclasses to be forwarded to the Records SC for cross checking purposes |BA/BX WG chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |


|Scoring WG |Items referred to the WG by other SCs or WGs to be published on the CIA Scoring WG Forum |Scoring WG chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |19 |

|EDS |Proposal to reconsider and redefine FAI CAT2 events in aerostation |EDS chair | Plenary 2013 | Plenary 2014 |15 |

| |• Possibility to transition to a new system of categorization | | | | |

| |• Gold, Silver and Bronze events --- idea is fading | | | | |

| |• Table to 2014 and discuss during next 12 months via EDS forum | | | | |

| |(open to all participants) | | | | |

|EDS |Proposal to make mandatory World-, Continental- and WAG Championship Test Events an integral part of|EDS chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |15 |

| |the Championship sanction | | | | |

| |• Tabled until 2014 – discussion during next 12 months using EDS Forum | | | | |

|EDS |Coordinate with the FAI Com. Manager and CIA secretary the updating of the CIA EDS Webpages |CIA secretary |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |15 |

|EDS |Update all EDS documents |EDS chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |15 |

|Records |Need to update CBFAI compatible with later versions of Windows and other operative systems. |Records Chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |16 |

| |Programming experts will be contacted. | | | | |

|Who |What |Follow-up |Start date |Deadline |CIA 2012 Plenary Minutes |

| | | | | |item # |

|S1 WG |Proposal by Hans Akerstedt to develop a new rule in S1 5.6.6 to change the deadlines for the No-Show|S1 chair |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |19 |

| |declarations in order to allow organisers to invite replacement entrants if the concerned NAC does | | | | |

| |not wish to replace the absent entrant. | | | | |

|NTSC |The initial list of approved loggers is planned to be completed by the plenary 2014. |NTSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2014 |20 |

|NTSC |On a side note we agreed that the document section on the FAI website is a mess. |CIA Secretary |Plenary 2013 |Plenary 2014 |20 |

| |NTSC also recommends to put more prominent links to cia- and on the | | | | |

| |main Ballooning Commission website. | | | | |

|NTSC |Establish list of CIA approved Loggers |NTSC chair |Plenary 2012 |Plenary 2013 |20 |

|Brazil |Keep the CIA and competitors informed about transportation arrangements from Europe to host city in |CIA president |Plenary 2013 |March 21, 2014 |36 |

| |Brazil. | | | | |

FAI Sporting Code, General Section, Latest News, Oct 31. 2013

Article by Hans Akerstedt (SWE)

As you remember, a new version of the General Section was published in February 2013. We found that the methods required for the calculation of distances had been changed and we were no longer conforming to CIA standards. We decided to request CASI to change the rule ( back to the 2012 version.

The CIA objection to the new rule quickly spread to the FAI Sports Manager and to other Air Sports. CASI decided to appoint a working group to look into the whole GS Chapter 7 and the Glossary. This WG was led by Rich Sheppe (USA, IGC-Gliding), myself representing CIA and ICARE-Astronautics, Jörg Ewald (SUI, Hang gliding and Paragliding) and J. L. Esteban (ESP, Microlight and Paramotor). We thought that we represented a majority of the ”flying” Air Sports.

We first found that the new rule in GS affected almost all Air Sports and made most of our calculating procedures illegal (a sure confirmation of CASI lack of knowledge of the real world). Many other rules were lacking mathematical logic and the Glossary was a total disaster.

After a few months’ work we submitted a proposal for a completely new Chapter 7 and a much changed Glossary. At the CASI meeting in October our proposal was accepted in full. Hurray.

In short:

CIA can continue to use the FAI sphere for all distance calculations for records and long distance flights like Gordon Bennett. We can also use the flat Earth for competitions.

A new rule, 7.3.2, specifies that performances shall be calculated with realistic precision using the accuracy of the instruments used. This will affect AX MER rules 14.1, 14.6.1 and 14.6.2!

More work on FAI Sporting Code, General Section

One other recommendation of the Math WG was to make a major revision of the whole General Section. Rules not applicable to all Air Sports should be removed and instead inserted in the special Sporting Codes. This recommendation was also accepted by CASI and a new CASI WG was established. I am not impressed by its composition. Richard Bennett (CAN, IPC-Parachuting), Antonis Papadoupoulis (GRE-CIAM-Aeromodelling), Bengt Lindgren (SWE, also CIAM) and Gillian Raynor (FRA, IPC). Two parachutists and two aeromodellers and nobody from the “flying sports”. A bad omen.

But the WG has asked the Math WG to take care of the technical parts so there is still hope. Together we represent seven of the 11 Air Sport Commissions.

The work will be a long term effort. Irrelevant rules have to be identified. Many rules will be deleted. Then new rules have to be added to the specialized Sporting Codes and this will take some time. References to the GS in our other rule books have to be changed and so on.

Please start to study the current GS and try to pinpoint rules that need to be modified to better suit our needs. I will try to keep you informed about the progress.


Proposal from the CASI Mathematics Working Group

It is proposed to replace General Section Chapter 7 “Measurement Requirements” with a new Chapter 7 entitled “Measurements, Calculations, and Margins.” It is further proposed to amend the General Section Glossary to support the new Chapter 7.

Reasons to support this proposal are contained in the “Report to CASI on Improvements to the Mathematics of the Sporting Code,” published separately and available from FAI.

From the summary of that Report:

As a result of the 2012 changes to Chapter 7 of the General Section, a mathematical paradox appeared. The conclusion of this study, commissioned by CASI, is that the level of mathematical sophistication of the Chapter is inappropriate for a modern international federation, and that the Chapter should be reorganized to support established practice and to meet the computational needs of all the Air Sports.

Those wishing to see the proposed to chapter 7 and glossary and can contact Hans at: hasse.akerstedt@

Adventure in Kungar, Russia

By Jaroslav Baran, Scorer

I am sitting on the airplane, leaving Vienna and my destination is Kungur, Russia. I don't know anything about this place. When I asked my friend Petr Kubicek, who was there in 2004, he said with smile "you will see". Am I going to the middle of nothing?

After a 4.5 hours flight I am arriving to Yekaterinburg. Ivan is waiting for me at the airport; he is Russian guy with greatest hospitality, so typical for Russians. Roads on our 300km trip from Yekaterinburg to Kungur are bad with just some kilometers renovated. I already cannot wait for the moment to come to Kungur... After getting to the hotel and competition center I in a big shock. OK, I shouldn't have been so pessimistic in advance, but here is almost everything prepared for starting a good ballooning event! And what is not ready, the organisers solve very promptly.

Again shock. Opening ceremony at the Trud stadium, full of people from whole region. Big performance in Russian style. Anthems of the participating countries. Emotions, almost tears in the eyes. After ceremony back to work. I have to prepare eKlips scoring and all possible technical elements for scoring. I don't want be "a second league", cause I already see that Kungur organization team will be first one. General briefing, then competition briefings. Very interesting tasks combination made by Zoltan Palhegyi with very disciplined pilots during the briefings. They know, that for stupid questions they get only one answer from Zoltan: read the rules please... :)

I am lucky, my friend Andrey Chizhov is here and he again invited me to fly with him to see this nice area from the basket. It is really beautiful and green from the sky. Three rivers meet in Kungur. There are many family houses and only very few panel houses.

Task preparation working, eKlips scoring working, pilots enjoying the event... The best combination. Typical Russian sporty spirit, even bad roads in area, nothing stops them. They don't complain about the conditions; they don't talk too much at the briefings. They have come to fly, that's it. We all fly over the Euro-Asia border above Ural mountains, in one moment I am in Europe and pilot is in Asia... :)

Today is the last day of our stay in Kungur. We finished all tasks, scored and published the results, and solved one protest. I am closing my computer and enjoying silence and relaxing after hard work. We already know that Kungur is really great place and we think that nothing can surprise us here. Anyway, one more surprise will come...

The closing ceremony Trud stadium. Again several tens of thousands people. Again great Russian style performance to show how interesting and beautiful this Russian region is. Mayor of the Kungur, Roman Aleksejevich Koksharov convinced me to stay until the end of ceremony. Then at the end, beautiful fireworks!!! All the foreigners from organisation stand with opened mouth and cannot believe what we see. During fireworks very emotional music plays. I have tears in my eyes and Roman Koksharov is turning to me. "Jaroslav, I hope this is not last time, you are in Kungur."

No, Roman, I definitely want to come again. And I want to help to fulfill the dream of Kungur balloonists to have 1st category event in Kungur in future. Because they strive so much. Because they work so hard on that. Because they deserve it. Because it is Kungur.

I love Kungur. Dosvidania until next year!


Skyfair 2013 Kungar, Russia Photo: Zoltan Palhegyi (HUN)


The 2013 list of approved Jurors below is to be used when making nominations for Juries for 2014 Sanctioned Events


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Total Jurors |64 |



18th FAI European Hot Air Balloon Championship, Wloclawek, Poland (6 – 14 September, 2013)




|4 |Dominic BAREFORD (GBR) |9 |Christoffer MUNDT (DEN) |

|5 |Stefan ZEBERLI (SUI) |10 |Ivan MENYAYLO (RUS) |

57th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, Nancy, France (22 - 31 Aug 2013)

|1 |Vincent LEYS, Christophe Houver, (FRA) |6 |Heinz-Otto Lausch, Marion Lausch (GER) |

|2 |Wilhelm EIMERS, Matthias ZENGE (GER) |7 |Nikolay Galkin, Mikhail Bakanov (RUS) |

|3 |Kurt FRIEDEN, Pascal WITPRAECHTIGER (SUI) |8 |Gerald Stürzlinger, Thomas Herndl (AUT) |

|4 |Anulfo González, Angel Aguirre (ESP) |9 |Christopher WOOD, John ROSE (GBR) |

|5 |Benoit Péterlé, Hervé Moine (FRA) |10 |Walter Gschwendtner, Felix Gerber (SUI) |

2013 Tochigi Hot Air Balloon International Championship - Tochigi, Japan (19 - 24 Nov, 2013)

|1 |Takao MIZUKAMI (JPN) |6 |Rhett HEARTSILL (USA) |

|2 |Tetsuhiro SUE (JPN) |7 |Richard PARRY (GBR) |

|3 |Johnny PETREHN (USA) |8 |Joe HEARTSILL (USA) |

|4 |Yudai FUJITA (JPN) |9 |Masafumi SATO (JPN) |

|5 |Matthew SCAIFE (AUS) |10 |David BAREFORD (GBR) |

18th Coupe d’Europe and Ladies World Cup, Mainfonds, France (1 – 4 August 2013

18th Coupe d’Europe

|1 |MERCIER Etienne (FRA) |6 |ODOUARD Jean-Philippe (FRA) |

|2 |MERCERON Thomas (FRA) |7 |AYALA Ivan (ESP) |

|3 |IWANSKI Arkadiusz (POL) |8 |FILUS Tomasz (POL) |

|4 |SCHWARTZ Nicolas (FRA) |9 |De COLIGNY Laure (FRA) |

|5 |BOLZE Stéphane (FRA) |10 |De COCK Philippe (BEL) |

Ladies World Cup

|1 |DE COLIGNY Laure (FRA) |6 |DE COLIGNY Brigitte (FRA) |

|2 |SADE DE TERRIN Capucine (FRA) |7 |BESNAINOU Martine (FRA) |

|3 |OUDIN Marie Dominique (FRA) |8 |DESAULTY Emmanuelle (FRA) |

|4 |VITRY Léonore (FRA) |9 |PAVY Jessy (FRA) |

|5 |CLAUZEL Anne (FRA) |10 |GEST Marie (FRA) |


International Sport Competition of Hot Air Balloons, Kungar, Russia (29 June – 6 July 2013)

|1 |Mamoru Endo (JAP) |6 |Valerij Latypov (RUS) |

|2 |Sergej Latypov (RUS) |7 |Andrei Chizhov (RUS) |

|3 |Numata Minoru (JAP) |8 |Mikhail Naidorf (RUS) |

|4 |Igor Starkov (RUS) |9 |Igor Vertiprakhov (RUS) |

|5 |Aleksandr Dultsev (RUS) |10 |Diana Nasonova (RUS) |

2nd Cup of Malahovo International Hot Air Balloon Competition, Tula, Russia (18 – 24 July 2013)


|2 |GEGEVICIUS, Tadas (LTU) |7 |LATYPOV Sergey (RUS) |


|4 |MENYALO Ivan (RUS) |9 |SOKOLOV Pavel (RUS) |

|5 |JUNEVICIUS Vytaulas (LTU) |10 |DULCEV Alexander (RUS) |

European Hot Air Balloon Cup Feodosia - Air Brotherhood 2013 (Cat 2) - Fedosia, Ukraine (28 Sept – 2 Oct 2013))

|1 |SHCHENIAVSKYI, Valentin (UKR) |6 |NAYMILOV, Igor (RUS) |

|2 |SAVCHUK, Roman (UKR) |7 |STEPANOV, Mykola (UKR) |

|3 |DENISENKO, Artem (RUS) |8 |GALINSKIY, Andrey (RUS) |

|4 |VOLODYN, Denys (UKR) |9 |COSTIUK, Evghenei (MDA) |

|5 |BYELORUSOV, Sergiy (UKR) |10 |BYELORUSOVA, Kseniia (UKR) |


Future Competitions

The CIA Competition calendar has new events which may be attractive to some organizers and NAC’s. Please take a look and see which events could be hosted by experienced organizers in your country. Ask the organizers if they are interested and contact EDS for information and assistance in working with these organizers.

Let’s plan for many events in the future to develop new competitors.

EDS Chairs: Gabriela Slavec and Paolo Oggioni, EDS Chairs

CIA Statistics

Members are reminded of their obligation under Chapter 8 of the CIA Internal Regulations to make an annual return of their national statistics. The CIA has to rely more and more on these statistics to defend its position and interests in FAI, and an accurate return is therefore very important. All Delegates are urged to make a return on the new more detailed form attached to this newsletter, which should be returned to the CIA Secretary by the 31st January 2013

Also, the CIA Plenary decided in 2002 that delegates shall submit to the CIA, with the return of the statistics, the latest available COMPETITORS’ RANKING LIST of their respective countries


2013 Tochigi International Championship, Tochigi, Japan Photo forwarded by Hiromori Soejima

CIA Championships Calendar and Events Open for Proposals

• World and Continental Championships of the same sub-class, age and gender category shall not be held closer to each other than approximately two years.

• Continental Regional Championships in the same sub-class, age and gender category shall not be held more than once a year on the same continent, or in the same year as a World Championship in that sub-class.

| | | | |

|Luxemburg |President |Mr. Jean-Claude WEBER | |

|France |President of Honour |Mr. André de SAINT SAUVEUR |  |

|Germany |President of Honour |Mr. Horst HASSOLD | |

|UK |President of Honour |Mr. Jacques W. SOUKUP | |

|USA |President of Honour |Mr. Karl STEFAN |stefank@ |

|Sweden |1st Vice-President |Mr. Hans ÅKERSTEDT |hasse.akerstedt@ |

|Germany |2nd Vice-President |Mr. Uwe SCHNEIDER | |

|USA |3rd Vice-President |Mr. Mark SULLIVAN |marksullivan@ |

|Canada |Secretary |Mr. Alex NAGORSKI | |

| Country | Title | Name | |

|Albania |Delegate |Mr. Gridi Shima |

|Australia |Delegate |Mr. Steve Ireland |

|Australia |Alternate Delegate |Ms. Ruth E. Wilson |

|Austria |Delegate |Mr. Gerald Stürzlinger |

|Austria |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Daniel Kusternigg |

|Belarus |Delegate |Mr. Konstantin Zarik |

|Belgium |Delegate |Mr. Luc Van Geyte |

|Belgium |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Rudy Paenen |

|Brazil |Delegate |Mr. Leonel do Nascimento Brites |

|Brazil |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Edson Romagnoli |

|Bulgaria |Delegate |Ms. Orlina Asparuhova |

|Canada |Delegate |Mr. Garry Lockyer |

|Canada |Alternate Delegate |Mr. David Gleed |

|China (People's Republic of) |Delegate |Mr. Gongyu Wu |

|China (People's Republic of) |Alternate Delegate |Ms. Tong Li |

|Chinese Taipei |Delegate |Dr. Elsa L.C. Mai |

|Colombia |Delegate |Mr. Carlo Oaswaldo Cortes |

|Croatia |Delegate |Mr. Tom Dragan Miklousic |

|Czech Rep. |Delegate |Mr. Michael Suchý |

|Czech Rep. |Alternate Delegate |Petr Kubicek |

|Denmark |Delegate |Mr. Christoffer Mundt |

|Denmark |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Kim Larsen |

|Egypt |Delegate |Mr. Azab Shawki |

|Estonia |Delegate |Mr. Vahur Vacht |

|Finland |Delegate |Mr. Esa Pakarinen |

|Finland |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Olli Luoma |

|Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia |Delegate |Mr. Boris Sazdov |

|France |Delegate |Ms. Martine Besnainou |

|Germany |Delegate |Mr. Uwe Schneider |

|Germany |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Markus Haggeney |

|Greece |Delegate |Mr. Vasilis Petinis |

|Hong Kong, China |Delegate |Mr. Nigel Black |

|Hong Kong, China |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Andy Chau |

|Hungary |Delegate |Mr. Sándor Hidas |

|Hungary |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Sándor Végh |

|Iceland |Delegate |Mr. Agúst Gudmundsson |

|India |Delegate |Shri Vishwa Bandhu Gupta |

|Ireland |Delegate |Mr. Tom McCormack |

|Ireland |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. Carol O'Neill |

|Italy |Delegate |Mr. Paolo Oggioni |

|Italy |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Giovanni Aimo |

|Japan |Delegate |Mr. Saburo Ichiyoshi |

|Japan |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Hiromori Soejima |

|Korea |Delegate |Mr. Moontae Kim |

|Latvia |Delegate |Mr. Gints Gailis |

|Latvia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Armands Cakss |

|Lithuania |Delegate |Mr. Zydrunas Kazlauskas |

|Lithuania |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Tadas Gegevicius |

|Luxemburg |Delegate |Mr. Claude Weber |

|Luxemburg |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Colin Weber |

|Malaysia |Delegate |Mr. Mohammad Sobri Bin Saad |

|Malaysia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Hardi Razali |

|Mexico |Delegate |Capt. Isaís Silva Solares |

|Mexico |Alternate Delegate |Dr. José Luis Cervantes Aguilar |

|Montenegro |Delegate |Mr. Dejan Ivanovic |

|Montenegro |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Ivan Bukvic |

|Netherlands |Delegate |Mr. Mathijs R. De Bruijn |

|Netherlands |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. Sanne Haarhuis |

|New Zealand |Delegate |Mr. Martyn Stacey |

|New Zealand |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. Pauline Hickey |

|Norway |Delegate |Mr. Mikael Klingberg |

|Philippines |Delegate |Mr. Jose Mari "Joy" Roa |

|Poland |Delegate |Mr. Jerzy Czerniawski |

|Poland |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Witold Filus |

|Portugal |Delegate |Mr. Anibal Soares |

|Portugal |Alternate Delegate |Luis Filipe Correia Goncalves Ferreira |

|Romania |Delegate |Mr. Dan Chiriac |

|Russia |Delegate |Mr. Stanislas Fedorov |

|Russia |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Vitaliy Nenashev |

|Serbia |Delegate |Mr. Srdic Srdjan |

|Slovakia |Delegate |Mr. Juraj Brezan |

|Slovakia |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. Anna Nociarová |

|Slovenia |Delegate |Mrs. Gabriela Slavec |

|South Africa |Delegate |Mr. Hanke Fourie |

|South Africa |Alternate Delegate |Mrs. Felicity Clegg |

|Spain |Delegate |Mr. Ricardo Aracil Romero |

|Spain |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Carles Figueras Leal |

|Sweden |Delegate |Mr. Hans Åkerstedt |

|Sweden |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Bengt Stener |

|Switzerland |Delegate |Mr. Jakob Burkard |

|Switzerland |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Marc Andre |

|Thailand |Delegate |Mr. Yut Wanichanond |

|Thailand |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Rapee Kornkoseeyakaj |

|Turkey |Delegate |Mr. Hakan Zengin |

|Turkey |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Gokhan Ucaroglu |

|Ukraine |Delegate |Mr. Volodymyr Karnaukhov |

|Ukraine |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Oleksandr Nikolaiev |

|United Kingdom |Delegate |Ms. Lindsay Muir |

|United Kingdom |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Donald Cameron |

|USA |Delegate |Mr. Mark Sullivan |

|USA |Alternate Delegate |Mr. David Levin |

|Venezuela |Delegate |Mr. Jorge Andres Delano |

|Venezuela |Alternate Delegate |Mr. Pedro Luis Gonzalez |

Representative to CASI Mr. Jean-Claude Weber (LUX)

Representative to EnvC Mr. Steve IRELAND (AUS)

Representative to CIEA No representative

Representative to CIMP Dr. David BAREFORD (GBR)

Europe Air Sports Bureau will appoint if necessary


18th Coupe d'Europe and Ladies World Cup, Mainfonds, France Photo forwarded by Rose Anne Achard

CIA Donations Scheme


To: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale,

Maison du Sport International

Av. de Rhodanie 54

CH - 1007 Lausanne


Tel: + 41 21 345 1070, Fax +41 21 345 1077

From: (country)

I/we hereby authorise you to debit my/our credit card as follows:

Type of card (Mastercard or Visa):


Expiry date: CVV number: (((

Name on card:

Sum to be debited:

Reason for payment:





|[pic] |


|19th to 22nd March 2014 |

|Maison du Sport and Olympic Museum |

|Lausanne, Switzerland |

| |

| |

|Agenda Items |

|All items for inclusion in the agenda for the 2014 Plenary Meeting must reach the CIA President and the CIA Secretary NOT LATER THAN 15th JANUARY 2014. These will then |

|be included in the agenda, which will be mailed in late January 2014. Agenda items should include any supporting documentation and position papers, all of which will be |

|included with the agenda. |

| |

|Remember that the CIA Plenary Meeting cannot make final decisions on items that do not appear on the agenda. |


|DATES | |

|19 & 20 March SC and WG Meetings | |

|21 & 22 March Plenary Meeting | |

| | |


|Maison du Sport International (MSI) (SC and WG) | |

|Av de Rhodanie 54 | |

|Lausanne, Switzerland | |

| | |

|Olympic Museum (Plenary) | |

|Quai d'Ouchy 1 | |

|Lausanne, Switzerland | |

| | |


|Please register by filling the online form: | |

| | |

| | |


|Hotel Aulac*** | |

|Place de la Navigation 4 | |

|1006 Lausanne, Switzerland | |

|Email: | |

|Web Site : | |

|Rates per room and per night : | |

|Single : 145.00 CHF (breakfast & WiFi incl.) | |

|Twin : 180.00 CHF (breakfast & WiFi incl.) | |

|Note: 70 rooms pre-booked for the CIA | |

| | |

|Hotel du Port | |

|Place du Port 5, 1006 Lausanne | |

|Email: | |

|Web Site: | |

|Rates per room and per night : | |

|Single 145.00 CHF (incl. breakfast & | |

|WIFI) | |

|Double city view 175.00 CHF (incl. breakfast & WIFI) | |

|Double lake view 190.00 CHF (incl. breakfast & WIFI) | |

|Note: 5 rooms pre-booked from 18 - 23 MAR | |

| | |

|Each attendee is responsible for booking their own hotel | |

|rooms. | |

| | |

|Please use the CIA Conference Registration page to download | |

|hotel reservation forms: | |

| | |

| |ROOMS |Room Red |Room Yellow |Room Green & Blue |

| | |Capacity : 8 pers. |Capacity : 14 pers. |Capacity : 40 pers. |

| |Tuesday 18th March 2014 – evening |

| | Bureau meeting in the Goeland meeting room Hotel Aulac |

| | |

| |Wednesday 19th March 2014 – meetings in MSI |

| |08:30-10:30 |Jury Board |BA/BX WG |AX WG |

| |Coffee Break:10:30 – 11:00 |

| |11:00-12:30 |Jury Board |AA/AM WG |AX WG |

| | LUNCH 12.30 – 14.00 |

| |14:00-15:45 |S & SC WG |Event Development |Scoring WG |

| |Coffee Break: 15:45 – 16:15 |

| |16:15-18:00 |S & SC WG |Event Development |Safety & Education |

| | |

| |Thursday 20th March 2014 – meetings in MSI |

| |08:30-10:30 |Records SC |Officials SC |Rules SC |

| |Coffee Break:10:30 – 11:00 |

| |11:00-12:30 |Records SC |P & M Relations |Rules SC |

| | LUNCH 12.30 - 1400 |

| |14:00-15:45 |Hall of Fame |New Technology |Competitors |

| |Coffee Break: 15:45 – 16:15 |

| |16:15-18:00 |Bureau |New Technology |Competitors |

| |18h30 – 19h30 OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION at Hotel Aulac |

| |19h30 – 20h30 Opening-Cocktail Reception at Hotel Aulac |

| |Meeting rooms Cannonière and Hune |

| |Friday 21st March 2014 |

| |ROOM |Olympic Museum Auditorium |

| |09.00-18:00 |PLENARY MEETING |

| |19:30 Evening social event - Hotel Aulac |

| |Sponsored by Saga bid for 2016 World Championship |

| |Saturday 22nd March 2014 |

| |ROOM |Olympic Museum Auditorium |

| |09.00-18:00 |PLENARY MEETING |



21th to 22th March

Lausanne, Switzerland

Dear Delegates and CIA Conference attendees.

It is time to start using more technology to help us during the CIA Conference and Plenary. With the resources available in the FAI and Lausanne, we are going to implement three new procedures. Please see the boxes below.

CIA Secretary

Web Registration for the Conference

Conference registration will be done through the FAI’s online conference registration system at:

Please look at the suggested hotels at the bottom of the registration web page and decide where you will be staying before you complete the registration form.

In order to book their accommodation, attendees must use the booking form which can be downloaded from the registration page. You must send the form directly to your hotel by email or fax.

Electronic Plenary Agendas and Minutes

As most of you are aware we print, copy and hand out a lot paper for the plenary meeting. It is time consuming and takes a few people to get it all done in time for the plenary sessions. Starting at the 2014 Plenary we are going to implement an electronic distribution system.

At the start of the 2014 Plenary meeting the attendees will be given a website address and password to access the final agenda, Subcommittee and Working Group minutes and any other files which can be distributed electronically. Internet access will be available to all Plenary attendees at the Olympic Museum.

Although the Secretary will try to display all of the material on the overhead projector, it is strongly recommended that all plenary attendees bring their own laptop or tablet computers to read the web files.

Electronic Voting during the Conference

In order to improve on the meeting efficiency it has been decided that the voting at the Plenary will be done exclusively by electronic voting. The system is owned by FAI and has been thoroughly tested during the last General Conference and a few ASC meetings. Delegates will be briefed at the start of the Plenary and will receive additional instructions during the proceedings.



| | |

|FAI Member country | |

|Name of National Aero Club (the FAI | |

|Member) | |

|Name of National Balloon Federation | |

|President | |

| |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|Name and address of National Balloon | |

|Federation | |

| |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Address |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|CIA Delegate | |

|(as nominated by your National Balloon | |

|Federation, or in absence by your NAC) |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

|CIA Alternate Delegate | |

|(as nominated by your National Balloon | |

|Federation, or in absence by your NAC) |Name |

| | |

| | |

| |Phone |

| | |

| | |

| |Email |

| | |AA |AM |AX |BA |BX |TOTAL 1 |

|1 |Number of licensed aerostat pilots (P1) | | | | | | |

|16 |Number of| | |

| |CIA | | |

| |sanctione| | |

| |d FAI | | |

| |CAT2 | | |

| |events | | |

|24 |Has your Balloon Federation been delegated the FAI Sporting Powers for ballooning in your country | | | |

|25 |Do you have a National Ranking List in operation in your country | | | |

| | |your | | |

| | |National | | |

| | |Ranking | | |

| | |List | | |

|28 |Does your Balloon Federation accept individual members | | | |

|29 |Does your National Aero Club accept individual members | | | |

|30 |What is the cost (in $US) of the FAI Sporting Licence in your country | |

|31 |How many ballooning “officials” (national and international competition officials and observers, | |

| |jurors, record observers, etc.) do you have in your country | |

|32 |How many ballooning associations (clubs) are there in your country | |

|33 |How many ballooning associations (clubs) are member of your Balloon Federation or National Aero | |

| |Club | |

|34 |How many commercial balloon operators are there in your country | |

| | |competition- and record | |

| | |flying | |

|35 |What are the proportions (in %) in your country of |recreational flying | |

| | |commercial- and passenger | |

| | |flying | |

| | |Government Authority or | |

| | |Administration | |

|36 |Aerostation Pilot Licences are issued in your country by |National Aero Club | |

| | |Balloon Federation | |

| | |Government Authority or | |

| | |Administration | |

|37 |Aerostation Certificates of Airworthiness (CofA) are issued in your |National Aero Club | |

| |country by | | |

| | |Balloon Federation | |

| |AA |AX |BX |

|38 |Please indicate | | | |

| |the place and |Dates: |Dates: |Dates: |

| |dates of your | | | |

| |National | | | |

| |Championships and | | | |

| |give the names of | | | |

| |your National | | | |

| |Champions | | | |

| | |Place: |Place: |Place: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Mr / Mrs |Mr / Mrs |Mr / Mrs |

|39 |Please indicate | | | |

| |this year’s best | | | |

| |performance in | | | |

| |your country | | | |

| |(can be for | | | |

| |distance, altitude| | | |

| |or duration), and | | | |

| |give details re. | | | |

| |pilot, aerostat | | | |

| |and date. | | | |

1 TOTAL may be different than sum of all categories.

2 accident: any occurrence with bodily harm or death

3 incident: any occurrence without bodily harm or death

|Notes: (please add any further relevant information or comment) |

|This is a true and accurate summary of statistics for our country as at (date): |

|Submitted by: (CIA delegate) |

|Please return to: Alex NAGORSKI |

|CIA Secretary |

|5 Highvale Crescent |

|Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 5J6 |

|Canada |

| |

|Phone: |

|Home Phone +1-780-464-5493 |

|Email |

Information Published

The CIA Newsletter is published by the CIA Secretary on behalf of the CIA Bureau. All information is believed to be correct at the time of publication, but no responsibility can be taken for any errors, omissions etc.


2nd Cup of Malahovo. Tula, Russia Photo forwarded by Alexandra Semenishina

Where will our new balloonists come from?[pic]


FAI Address in Lausanne

Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI)

Maison du Sport International

Av. de Rhodanie 54

CH - 1007 Lausanne

Tel: +41 (0)21 345 10 70 | Fax: +41 (0)21 345 10 77

Your donations are very important to the CIA and, in absence of other reliable and consistent revenue schemes, enable it to continue to serve our sport world wide in an efficient and effective way. A few countries have made a donation to the CIA this year, but there are very many more which have not! The CIA Donations Scheme is based on the number of pilots each country declares in its Annual Return, and the minimum rates are as follows:

|Number of pilots declared |0 – 100 |101 – 750 |Over 750 |

|Minimum donation in US $ |$25 |$200 |$350 |

1. All payments under $500, and ALL Donations, can be paid to the FAI/CIA by Credit Card using the approved form below.

2. All payments over $500, including ALL Sanction Fees, should be paid by Bank Wire Transfer. Please use the following bank routing information when you wire funds to FAI for the CIA account:

International Money Transfer order or SWIFT Transfer: Mark: Without charge for the beneficiary and state reason for payment.


Bank: Credit Suisse Private Banking

Rue du Lion d‘Or 5-7

Case postale 2468

CH-1002 Lausanne, Switzerland

Bank A/C Name: Fédération Aéronautique Internationale

A/C Numbers: US$ : 0425-457968-32-1 IBAN : CH04 0483 5045 7968 3200 1

CHF : 0425-457968-31 IBAN : CH65 0483 5045 7968 3100 0

EURO : 0425-457968-32 IBAN : CH31 0483 0545 7968 3200 0


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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