Sc 10 ST HYPERLINK "" \o "August 2018" ? Aug 2018September 2018Oct 2018 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSatWelcomeSc 10 ST SyllabusLab RulesLab EquipmentAtoms/Elements Review1 2 3 HOLIDAY4 Day 3Atoms, Dalton & Thomson Models5 Day 4Observations & InferencesLAB6 Day 5QUIZElements & Atomic Models7 Day 6Bunsen Burner & Flame TestLAB8 9 10 Day 1Rutherford Bohr Atomic Models 11 Day 2Elements & Compounds ILAB12 Day 3Elements & Compounds II LAB13 Day 4QUIZClassification14 Day 5Bohr Atomic Model & Simplified Model15 16 17 Day 6Groups & Families Review18 Day 1Group I-IIDEMO LABLewis Notation19 Day 2Lewis Notation & Conservation of Mass 20 Day 3QUIZConservation of Mass & Balancing21 Day 4Conservation of MassLAB22 23 24 Day 5More Balancing Equations25 Day 6Review Changes of Matter26 Day 1Oxidation Combustion Fire Triangle 27 Day 2End of Unit TESTAtoms and Classification28 Day 3Types of ReactionsOxidation Combustion29 30 Notes:Don’t hesitate to come for extra help at lunchtime on D2 or before school on D4.October 2018? Sep 2018October 2018Nov 2018 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 PED2 Day 4Energy3 Day 5Energy Transformation4 Day 6Open House 6-9pmOxidation/CombustionEnergyQUIZ5 Day 1Energy EfficiencyThermal Energy6 7 8 Holiday9 Day 2Heat vs Temperature10 Day 3Energy ReviewEnergy Resources11 Day 4EnergyQUIZ12 Day 5Interim Report CardEnergy Resources Group Work13 14 15 Day 6Heat vs Temperature LAB16 Day 1Energy Resources Group Work17 Day 2Energy Resources Group Presentations18 Day 3Energy ResourcesQUIZIntro to Lithosphere19 Day 4Energy ResourcesPresentations20 21 22 Day 5E. Resources Presentations + Minerals & Mineral Classification23 Day 6MineralsLAB24 Day 1LAB EXAM25 Day 2QUIZLithosphereMinerals26 PED27 28 29 Day 3LAB EXAM 30 Day 4MiningRocks Soil31 Day 5Soil PermafrostNotes:Don’t hesitate to come for extra help at lunchtime on D2 or before school on D4.November 2018? Oct 2018November 2018Dec 2018 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Day 6QUIZLithosphereRocks & Soil2 Day 1End of Term 1End of Unit TESTEnergyLithosphere3 4 5 Day 2Intro to Hydrosphere6 Day 3Water Flow FactorsVideo “Explained”7 Day 4Watershed ACTIVITYLAB 8 Day 5HydroshpereQUIZIntro to Circulation9 PED – Teacher’s Convention10 11 12 Day 6Weather & Water Circulation TankLAB13 Day 1Ocean CirculationCrysophere 14 Day 2Hydrosphere Wrap-Up15 Day 3Hydrosphere CryosphereQUIZIntro to Atmosphere16 Day 4Report Cards on FusionHydrosphere Video?Atmopshere 17 18 19 Day 5Atmospheric Layers20 Day 6Atmoshperic Pressure21 Day 1Atmospheric Circulation + Air Mass DEMOS22 Day 2AtmosphereQUIZVideo “The Day After Tomorrow”23 Day 3Video “The Day After Tomorrow”24 25 26 Day 4Atmospheric CirculationHigh/Low Zones27 Day 5Anticyclones-CyclonesWeather Maps28 Day 6Parent Teacher Interview4-6 pm/7-9pmGreenhouse Effect + Global Warming(Video)29 PEDParent Teacher Interviews 9-12 am30 PEDDecember 2018? Nov 2018December 2018Jan 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 3 Day 1AtmosphereReview4 Day 2Biochemical Cycles5 Day 3Biochemical Cycles: Carbon6 Day 4Atmosphere + CyclesQUIZNitrogen Cycle7 Day 5Biochemical Cycles:NitrogenUnit Review8 9 10 Day 6Technical DrawingReview11 Day 1End of Unit TESTHydrosphere + Atmosphere + Cycles12 Day 2Mechanical EngineeringLinks13 Day 3Technical Drawings + LinksQUIZ14 Day 4Guiding ControlsIntro to Materials15 16 17 Day 5MaterialsConstraintsDeformations18 Day 6Mechanical PropertiesOld ExamsTECH ANALYSIS Samples19 Day 1Properties & Materials LAB20 Day 2Materials QUIZ“Sticky Stuff” Video21 Day 3Fun Day22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 2019? Dec 2018January 2019Feb 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Day 4MaterialsWood8 Day 5CeramicsMetals & Alloys9 Day 6PlasticsComposites10 Day 1Materials QUIZIntro to Lab11 Day 2LABBridge Build #112 13 14 Day 3LABBridge Build #215 Day 4LABBridge Build #316 Day 5LABBridge Build #417 Day 6End of Unit TESTBiogeochemical Cycles + Tech World18 Day 1Midterms Review19 20 21 Day 2MIDTERMS22 Day 3MIDTERMS23 Day 4MIDTERMS24 Day 5MIDTERMS25 Ped Day26 27 28 Day 6Motion Systems 29 Day 1Motion SystemsMaterials Review30 Day 2LAB EXAM31 Day 3Motion SystemsQUIZFebruary 2019? Jan 2019February 2019Mar 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Day 4End of Term“Dominos”LAB2 3 4 Day 5“Dominos”LAB5 Day 6“Dominos”LAB6 Day 1“Underwear” Video“How To Make Stuff Stronger” Video7 Day 2Motion SystemsQUIZBiosphere Intro8Ped Day9 10 11 Day 3Biosphere: EcosystemTrophic Relationships12 Day 4Food Chain Food Web13 Day 5Food Chain GIZMOSMaterial & Energy Flow14 Day 6BiosphereQUIZPrimary Productivity15 Day 1Reports on FusionPlanet Earth VideoOr Frozen Planet16 17 18 Day 2Populations & Communities19 Day 3Pasta Activity:Mark & Recapture20 Day 4Population Density & DistributionEcological Factors21 Day 5PopulationsQUIZ22 Day 6Intro to Electricity: Static Electricity23 24 25 Day 1Electronegativity Series26 Day 2Static Electricity LAB27 Day 3Methods of Charging“John Travoltage” 28 Day 4End of Unit TESTMotion Systems &BiosphereMarch 2019? Feb 2019March 2019Apr 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Day 5Conductors vs InsulatorsIntro to Dynamic Electrcity2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Day 6Dynamic Electricity12 Day 1 Ohm’s Law13 Day 2Ohm’s LawLAB14 Day 3Static ElectricityOhm’s LawQUIZDynamic Electricity15 Day 4AmmeterLAB16 17 18 Day 5Voltmeter LAB19 Day 6Series vs Parallel Circuit Rules20 Day 1Electrcial Power &Energy & Cost21 Day 2Dynamic ElectricityQUIZ22 Day 3Ammeters +Voltmeters LAB practice23 24 25 Day 4Conductance DEMOResistance, Power, Energy Review26 Day 5Electrical Circuits Practice Gizmos/Phet Simulations27 Day 6Electricity LAB EXAM28 Day 1ElectricityQUIZModern Marvel Video29 30 31 April 2019? Mar 2019April 2019May 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Day 2Magnetism2 Day 3More Magnetism3 Day 4MagneticFerromagneticNon-MagneticLAB4 Day 5Electrical Game LidLAB5 Day 6Electrical Game LidLAB6 7 8 Day 1Electrical Game LidLAB9 Day 2Electrical Engineering10 Day 3Magnetic Field LinesLAB11 Day 4MagnetismQUIZJeopardy Questions Prep12 Day 5Electrical EngineeringMagnetic Field Lines & Compasses13 14 15 Day 6Earth as a MagnetPhet DEMO16 Day 1Straight Line Conductors & Right-Hand RuleDEMOS17 Day 2RH Rule Practice18 Day 3ElectromagnetsQUIZMore Electricity Problems19 20 21 2223 24 Day 4Electricity and MagnetismReview Jeopardy25 Day 5End of Unit TESTElectricity & Magnetism26 Day 6Modern MarvelsVideo27 28 29 Day 1Solutions[ ]s, Mass %,ppm30 Day 2More [ ]s, mass %,ppmMay 2019? Apr 2019May 2019Jun 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 Day 3More [ ]s, %,ppm2 Day 4ConcentrationsQUIZ3 4 5 6 7 Day 5Concentrations ApplicationsIntro Electrolytes8 Day 6CuSO4Concentration LAB9 Day 1ConcentrationsQUIZpH Scale10 Day 2Electrolytes: Acids, Bases, Salts11 12 13 Day 3Electrolytic Strength & pH of Household Products LAB14 Day 4Electrolytes & Concentrations Review15 Day 5BioshpereErin Brockovich16 Day 6Electrolytes + pHQUIZBioshpereErin Brockovich17 18 19 20 21 Day 1Solutions LAB EXAM22 Day 2BiosphereErin Brockovich23 Day End of Unit TESTSolutions24 Day 4Tech Review Sample Exam Questions25 26 27 Day 5Tech Review Sample Exam Questions28 Day 6Tech Review Sample Exam Questions29 Day 1Old Exams30 Day 2Old Exams31 Day 3Old ExamsJune 2019 ? May 2019June 2019Jul 2019 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 3 Day 4Old Exams +Prep Jeopardy Questions4 Day 5Old Exams +Prep Jeopardy Questions5 Day 6SolutionsLAB EXAM II6 Day 1End of Year JEOPARDY7 Day 28 9 10 11 12 13 14 ST Science EXAM FINAL – 9am -12pm15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ................

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